Motorola Droid X :: Double Tap / Face Down To Silence?
Oct 20, 2011
I've got a Droid X. After I upgraded to Android 2.3.3 I am no longer able to silence incoming calls by double tapping the screen or turning the phone screen side down?
I'm talking about the mechanical "Droid" sound at bootup. There is no way to disable it, nor is it affected by the volume level. I have EVERY volume turned down and it still sounds. I have even tried the app Silent Boot with no luck.
I am a relatively new Motorola Droid Turbo user. My phone is usually on either silent or really loud. I've found the "Sleep" mode which has been useful and I see that there is a "Meeting" mode which is great. But is there a way that I can set the phone to just vibrate from 8AM to 6PM Monday through Friday?
I having phone go to silence mode by itself lately. I set "call out and ring " in system setting- acceessibility menu. I also set Vibrate and ring in System setting- sound menu. But sometime it Vibrate and Ring got unselected by itself.
You know how pushing the power button silences the ringer when someone calls and you don't even have to pull your phone out. It would be nice if you could do that with the notifications also, like text and email etc. Cause sometimes I can't just get my phone out cause I'm doing something or have my hands full and so on. It should be like that with all of the sound where you can just hit the power button to silence the ringer on everything.
Sometimes I use headphones while in noisy locations in order to hear calls better, but I still have to hold the phone up to talk into it. I noticed that something kept beeping, and figured out that the screen does not blank when against my head as it does without the headphones in place.
Is there a way to change that behavior, or do I just need to retrain myself to hold the phone differently when using headphones?
I've been using the face recognition unlock feature on my table (ASUS Transformer Prime) since it got ICS early this year, and have been pretty happy with it, so I was excited to have the option on the Bionic. I've been disappointed, however, as it doesn't recognize me the majority of the time. I've tried the "improve facial recognition" function, but have difficulty getting it to "lock" on my face
I 've downloaded PurpleVRS to my new Driod Bionic and it worked okay. I've tried to call VP (video phone for the deaf) to my friend. It's worked.Purple VRS is relay service for the deaf.Then next couple days, one of my hearing kids told to downloaded Tango Video app and it worked okay.So I can talk to my hearing kids using the Tango Video. BUT the problem is that I noticed when I tried Purple VRS calls, I can see vrs person but she or he can't see me at all. I noticed that my face camera is not shown on the Droid Bionic.
I've decided to remove the Tango Video app and tried again with PurpleVRS still same problem.Is there an option to tell Droid Bionic to settle the face video camera mode to turn on whenever using the Purple VRS?I've tried with PurpleVRS Support and they forward my problem to Mirial company ( appl software company).He doesn't know how long will they response. That's why I came here to see if you know where the video mode turn on/off.
I am getting double notifications for my text messages on my droid2. I have verified that I have turned off notifications (including default SMS App) on all but SMS Pop. Yet I keep getting 2 notifications 1) is using the message notification I set in SMS Pop and the other is the default notification sound.
How do I locate / kill the app making the default sound!?
Am I the only Droid 2 who is sending double txt messages? And I think it know why its been doing it on the two phones I've used. If you start a message with the touch screen, you get lazy and open the keyboard and finish the message. Close the screen after you click send. 75% of the time you will send a double text message.
Recently got the .602 upgrade and noticed the double tap home launch isn't working, at least on my phone. Is this a new issue, or was it a problem previously? Have tried all the options available, but none seem to work. This feature can be accessed by going to Settings>Applications>Double tap home launch to choose your option.
( player that does not see the SD Card. I'm trying to convice the doubleTwist developers that it's THEIR issue. They have so many users going through hoops to describe their problem and give them details without really fixing the problem. It's been about 7 months since the first issue was reported to them. And of course, most users are jumping ship and requesting refunds.
I have an issue using the "double space to insert period" option on the physical keyboard of my Droid 4, which was recently updated to Ice Cream Sandwich. This is the pegged down description.I want the virtual keyboard default to be Motorola's, not Swype. (Not a Swype fan, evidenced by my desire for a physical keyboard phone to begin with.) I also want the options of auto-correction and auto-capitalization turned off for my physical keyboard.I cleared out the cache/data settings for keyboards several times and tried many combos, and came to the following conclusion: If "Show word correction suggestions" for the Motorola virtual keyboard is on "always show" then I can double-space to insert a period and also have a space between that period and the next word. Everything works fine.
However, any other option besides "always show" means that the double-space/period simply will not work, and I have to put up with the suggestion box always popping up as I type with the physical keyboardFor now, I have to have show word suggestions to be always on as a temporary fix, though I hate it and want it turned off. Hopefully in time I can get the correct fix, which is why I have come here to see if anyone has any suggestions. Even if I've tried a route in the past, I will try it again this time around to doubly-ensure it will/won't fix the issue as we try to come to a proper solution.(P.S. I do not remember trying to use this option on Gingerbread, if it even existed. I just saw it on ICS after upgrading and figured it would be cool to have and ran with it.)
how to trigger a Smart Action using the "double-tap" feature of the Home button? I would like a Smart Action to trigger the Vehicle Mode on my phone. I know that there is a blue tooth trigger to do so, but I do not have any blue tooth devices.
I got my Milestone up on Bell's network and configured it all day. Lot's of notifications of email, SMS etc. Now I want to sleep, but need the phone to still ring and SMS to notify me, as I need those for work. Any way I can selectively mute some notifications and not others depending on what time it is? I couldn't find any apps that did this, but there's quite a few.
I want to stop the phone from making a noise every time I get an email. But I don't want to silence it completely (I still want it to ring when I get a call).
On my previous Triumph, I could silence an incoming notification (phone call/SMS message, etc) whenever I tapped the Power Key (the silver button on the left side of the handset). That doesn't work on the replacement.
My motoactv watch face has developed a dark spot at approximately 11:00 on the face itself. It started out as a long, dark line across the top, and then morphed into a dark spot.
On my old phone the, eternity i could hit the volume rocker on the side when i had a incoming call or text and the ringer would silence... How do i silence the ringer on the Atrix? I tried hitting the volume key and all it does is lower the volume instead of muting it all together...
Since I got the phone the face detection has never worked, I thought this might just be a rpoblem with the software so wasnt really bothered however looking on various fourms I cant see that anyone else has had this problem. however when i try the update software says im as up to date as I can be however im only on version 2.2.2 whereas the update site clrealy says there is 2.4.24 availible.
Seems like the display should turn off when the phone nears my ear, and should turn back on when I bring it back down. Not happening. Other than that, loving it.
When I applied a photo to the contact of both my daughters on my razr I was able to select either the whole photo or just a part of the photo I wanted to use,ie their face. However I am now trying to do the same with a picture of my wife but I cannot get just her face on the contact.
In the Settings, Applications, I noticed the Double Tap Home Launch function. I've tried using it, and it doesn't launch anything. I've tried setting it to camera, messages, and text...but nothing. Should I exchange the phone?
I have had the Milestone 2 for 5 months now. Last week, the keys on the slide-out keyboard started double triggering - not always and not all of them, but it started with the "o" & "p" & seemed to spread. Turning off & removing battery has made no difference. It definitely is not the way I press as I had zero double triggers until this moment. Is there a way to reset the repeat rate?