Motorola Atrix 4G :: News & Weather App Not Working
Jul 23, 2012
I have a shortcut on one of my homescreens to the News & Weather App (version 1.3.04) which was supplied with my ATRIX 4G. When I open the app, it used to come up with the weather for my location (which I have manually set with a zipcode), but lately it just says "Sorry, weather currently unavailable". If I scroll the screen to the left the other "News" tabs do display current content like they always have. Only the "Weather" tab seems not to be working. I've tried messing with the app's weather settings, but it doesn't seem to be able to find a location from a zipcode any longer. Again, this was not an app that I downloaded, so I can't uninstall and reinstall it. Force stopping and clearing data doesn't fix it either.
I've subscript with [URL] RSS feed before. But for some reason, i've removed the news widget, and now, when i create the news widget again, i can't subscipt to the RSS feed. i've tried inputing the website to custom feed, and also from the browser, click on the RSS icon and add to news widget.i just have the loading wheel spinning for a long time. I can tap the back button and it will shows up, but no news feed.And i was trying to add some RSS feed from, and i received an error message. Now i've lost the tip and tricks subscription and digg feed. And i can't add any feed at the moment.
how often or when the out-of-the-box weather widget updates on the Atrix 2? Can't seem to find it anywhere in the settings, or any information on it...
I had to restore my factory settings to change my default google account on my moto xprt, but after that I couldn't get updates from news (rss feed) and social networking, as well as facebook mails (in universal inbox) and fb contacts. no news, no mail, no contacts! I have tried the following:
- Turn device on/off, remove the battery - Erase facebook account and reenter it - Remove motoblur app from my fb account, then reenter the fb account - Turn sync social networking via WiFi only on/off - Leave the phone on battery maximum performance to sync through the night - Clear data from social networking and news app (in app manager) - Restore factory settings again - Tried updating it via gsm data only
Nothing seems to work, but it worked fine before the factory reset. I couldn't find motoblur registration option. is that common for android phones? When I factory reset I don't get that motoblur registration window!
I have an s6 and the factory installed 4x1 clock/weather app no longer works. The clock still keeps time, but the weather icon on the right hand side does not show the current weather, will not update, nor will it allow me to touch the widget and enter into the settings/different cities. It was working fine up until about a week ago. I've tried restarting my phone and removing/re-positioning the widget, but no luck. It can't be uninstalled as it came with OS.
I have a my Defy & XT and as of 9:22 am the weather widget hasn't udated and I've turned the phone off and on etc and then I deleted my location and tried to readd it and it said something like.. location information cannot be found (not sure off hand).. I don't know what to do but it won't let me add any loactions but apps from the market work.
Interested in knowing when an update/upgrade is available for your MOTOROLA XPRT? Subscribe to this thread clicking the icon just to the left of the RSS icon.You'll get an email when new information is posted to this thread. Commenting on this thread is turned off.
how to turn off the CNN "Breaking News" feed? My Xoom chirps at me all day long; not with calendar appointments (which I like) but with stupid newsbites (which I don't). If I can't turn it off, I would at least like to know if I can disable the notification audio for just that program!
Why isn't Phase 3- Testing ever identified. It seems to be either Phase 1,2,4 but never 3. I would like to know what phones are being tested,then at least gives you a better ideal of whats going on and possibly when or if it will be updated.Don't put (Phase3) if your not going to share the info/status!Does "soak testing" equal/ represents "phase 3-testing"?
The weather app on my home screen doesn't always display the weather - it often says there is no data available. However, when I access the app and manually refresh the weather is displayed and remains when I return to the home screen. Is this an issue without Android 2.2 or is the handset at fault? The same app works perfectly on my Hero running on android 2.1
I got the update to Android 2.1, and I am very happy with it . However, ever since I upgraded, my weather widged is not working. As soon as I open it, it opens up but without any data, then an error pops up for a fraction of a second (cant really read it), and then it gets stuck (mostly black). It is not an after market widged, so I guess I can not just uninstall it and then re install it... what would be the way around it?
I'm having trouble using the Weather app on iOS 8.1: The widget is not appearing, even though I've enabled the location services, background app refresh and have the Today widget enabled. Furthermore, when searching for some cities near me, it returns me no results, even when searching the place the app says I'm at. Also, in some places, it doesn't provide any detailed information, see pic: There is no animated backgroud and no further info below the forecast - the scrolling stops there. However, when doing this on an iPhone 4 running iOS 7.1.2, everything works properly.
I have the Atrix HD and the notification light is only working when I reboot the system, then once the system is on, the notification light no longer works. My original Atrix has a settings option to turn the notification light on/off, but the Atrix HD has no such settings option which was in the 'display' settings on my original Atrix. I then tried the 3rd party apps, such as Light flow, and LED tester etc... none work, even though Light flow overrides the phone settings its still not functioning. I even went through and rebooted the phone, and also w/a technician on the phone and the same thing. the notification light will blink green during system reboot, but after that, it ceases to function. This seems trivial but it's a huge help when im working w/all the msgs I get to determine if I get an important msg or not and one of the reasons I stuck with the motorola line. i've checked hundreds of forums, and spoke to various tech supports, and I cant seem to get a answer that works.
I tried unlocking my AT&T Atrix 4g because, I'll be traveling for the next couple of weeks (I know I'm not supposed to do that), but I used the wrong code too many times, and now it's completely locked. For some reason I can't even use my AT&T SIM card in it any more.
I just got the phone. When the phone is straight up the letter g button does not work but when its sideways it works can anyone tell me whats going on.
I have searched everywhere for a solution to this problem and am wondering if anyone else is experiencing the sameproblem. During a call, when asked to enter my phone number, passcode, etc., the keypad disappears every time I try to press a key. When I get a key to press it stays on long and disrupts the call I am on. It makes it difficult to use my phone to call in to call centers as I cannot press the numeric option I need.
I bought a new work computer and tried using USB tethering with my Atrix. It installed the NDIS adapter but I was getting the infamous 169.x.x.x address. I decided to try it later since I was in a hurry.Now, the phone will not start USB tethering at all. I plug it in and the USB Tethering check box has a light green checkbox like it's turning on, but never changes. I have rebooted and pulled the battery. No change. What's strange is that I plug the USB in and when I go to the tethering screen the USB checkbox is already checked automatically. I seem to remember having to enable it manually before all this started.
Internal storage shows mounted but nothing shows up on android? Also when I plug in atrix to a computer the only thing that show up is the external sd card?
My home entertainment or media center is not working. It used to work and now it turns the TV to 720 but thats it, no pop up selection on the phone. Ive tried to force it using media share but that has no effect either.
Ive now tried it on 2x tvs and 2x monitors and Im getting the same problems.
i've just bought my Motorola Atrix from SingTel Singapore yesterday, it doesn't work from my home WiFi hub! But my iPhone has no problem at all. I plan to go back to the Carrier tomorrow to ask for change to another phone, most likely iPhone.
I first discovered that the camera is locked on fixed focus about a week ago when I tried to take a picture of a barcode. The camera takes good pictures as long at the subject is atleast 2' away. This camera actually does not auto focus or focus at all (do some tests yourself). The irony is that there is a "macro" mode under the scenes setting but that does not help either. I called Motorola and they seem to be aware that their phone which is advertised as having auto focus does not actually focus. They have no estimate on a fix for this problem.
I've had my ATRIX 2 about a week now, and the USB Mass Storage option for the USB connection has only actually worked two or three times of all the times I have connected my phone. The Windows Media Sync and Motorola Phone Portal settings usually (but not always) do work. I've tried just about every combination of installing/reinstalling drivers, trying different cables/ports, restarting the computer/phone, etc., but nothing works consistently.I'm running Windows 7 64-bit on my computer, but I'm pretty sure the problem is the phone since no changes on my computer affect the connection.
Totally aside from manually moving files to or from the phone, the Mass Storage option is the only one that works with any of the methods I have to sync my old iPhone playlists to my new phone (Motorola Media Link, Winamp, iTunes agent).Does anyone have any idea why this wouldn't be working consistently for me?
I updated to ICS but Radio FM is not working even I set the region India as I am using Atrix 2 (MB865) in India. I scanned and shows 'No FM station found'.
I am having the same issue as many people with the fingerprint scanner. But I found a new issue over the weekend.My headphone jack doesnt work to listen to music. When I plug it in, I can hear that little click in the headphonebut when I go to play music it just plays it through the phone speaker.
I have a .nomedia file in my downloads directory to keep downloaded media from being added to the libraries. After the update this no longer works. Ant downloaded pics are getting added to the gallery automatically.