IPhone :: Test Messages Going To The Wrong Contact?
Jun 22, 2012
Every now and then, I will send a text message to a friend, and somehow, the message and the following conversation, seems to be copied to my wifes phone. An interesting scenario!! Also makes me wander who else might be aware of my sms conversations!I cant put my finger on when the issue first started, it does seem to have started fairly recenlty though. At first i thought i must have done something wrong...but now i am sure there is some sort of anomaly here. I have done an iphone reset (ie..hold power and home buttons down for 10 seconds). That did not seem to resolve. My friends is using an iphone 3GS (not sure of iOS version) and my wife and i are both on iphone 4 with 5.1.1. My wife's and my phone are managed by the same itunes account / pc (not sure if there is some sort of confusion between phs somehow?)
I transfer my saved messages from onyx to new torch, everything goes well but when i check my saved messages, on the list it say the correct display name ( sender ) but if I open the messages i will display wrong name ( wrong sender name ), anyone have the same problem with this bug (?) I transfer my saved messages from onyx to new torch, everything goes well but when i check my saved messages, on the list it say the correct display name ( sender ) but if I open the messages i will display wrong name ( wrong sender name )
When I choose a contact, often, it comes up with the previously used contact... sometimes a couple of times in a row before it will let me select to right one.
just getting to grips with my new android phone ( dragging myself into the 21st century as my daughter informs me ) so using the functions is still new to me. However one thing I have found is that, unlike my old Samsung Monte, I can't assign individual test alert tones on a contact basis so that all have the same alert. Looking through forums it seems the way to go is to use a separate app that will do that and seems that there are three mainly recommended - chomp sms, handcent sms and Go SMS Pro. So I have two questions, firstly does anyone have recommendations as to which may be the better to go for of the three or have a better sugegstions. Secondly anything I need to do when installing an app on an android phone, probably a dumb quetion to some but I'd like to have use of my phone for more than a week before managing to blow it up
Under my message general options I have set, "Days to keep messages:" to Forever.Does that mean they stay where they are or do they get saved to another location on my device?Also, recently my Curve 8520 went caput so I was given a replacement handset.Not in my BB Desktop Software, I have backups for two handsets.I need to get access to texts and e-mails BEFORE I set the above setting to Forever which may mean thos texts / e-mails are in earlier backups on the old device.Q: Am i able to backup my new/current handset (also a curve 8520) with the very first backup from my previous curve 8520?If not, is there any way I can get into the backup file and interrogate the data within it to get texts from in there?
My droid X is still in version 4.5.605.MB810. When I try to do much of anything with the phone, the notification bar will disappear and the green light at the top starts blinking. After this happens, I cannot receive any test messages or phone calls. the only way that I can get the phone to work correctly again is to cut it off and reboot it. Yesterday it showed the update for the new software but wouldn't download it.
I got an emergency alert message this morning (2:30 AM Pacific time) which totaly sucks.Subject was: Channel: Monthly Test Alert Message From reading other forums , I know this must be a bug with the OS. I have been getting these same test message on and off over the past few weeks.Blackberry needs to issue a fix. I have to keep my phone on because I use my phone as a pager.I know RIMM is almost bankrupt but come on guys, you gotta get this fixed.
I have a Bold 9700 and currently have v5.0.0.423 (Platform software on the phone. I have done one software upgrade since getting the phone in February.
I have an intermittent problem, that when the phone rings, it shows a contacts name, but it isn't that person who is phoning, it does however display the right number which is currently ringing.. So the number isn't the contacts' it shows. This happens with saved contacts as well as none saved one, it shows random contact names.
Then I also can not do a full shutdown. If I choose "Turn power off", it gives me two options: "Turn off" and "Full power off". Whichever one I choose, it just does the quick shutdown and not the long reboot one.
Both these problems started after upgrading my software to v5.0.0.432.
I send a text message to Person A I receive a text message from Person A but its under the convo box of Person B Under 'SMS conversations; the text message will be in the wrong thread but when I go to 'SMS inbox' it tells me who really sent the text message. Thing is, that can get a bit tiring to do every time I get a text message.
I have a Moto Photon and have added a contact and attached a photo image as it's icon. The problem is that when I dial this number the icon shown isn't her picture but the voicemail icon and it says voicemail although it is her number and she does answer
I have the Razr Maxx thru Verizon.I have a husband and wife setup as separate contacts but same last names.If I use voice and say "Linda" it brings up her contact. If I select it so her name shows it the contact field then send a text message, it ends up under her husbands conversation. It appears to have been sent to her husband.But I don't get replies.
My wife has the 8530 with Verizon. Her contact names have the wrong numbers and vice versa. Some of them have duplicate contacts with different numbers. Verizon has no idea what to do....Any suggestions? Why does this happen??
I was trying to link my mom's contact to her facebook profile, and so I added her full name-- Kathy Jones. However, my phone auto synced her to another facebook contact... Katie Jones. On her contact card, I added my mom's cell number and email address, neither of which is the same as Katie's. However, my phone autosynced it with Katie, adding in her phone number and email address to the contact card. AND, because it is a facebook contact, i'm told "facebook contact information is not editable on this device" It's not a dealbreaker, just annoying, as the wrong photo shows up when my mom calls, and I'm afraid that one day i'm going to accidentally select the wrong number/email address.Is there anyway to unlink these? I don't want to disable all facebook syncing, as i like being able to quickly access profiles of my other contacts, and have photos connected to them. I'm just looking for a way to manually tell my phone that these two people, despite having the same last name and similar first names are not, in fact, the same person.
I have been facing this issue after upgrading to 2.1. I open th recent call list and click one of the recent calls but instead of dialing that contact my phone dials a different contact which is different altogather. Initially i thought that I have selected wrong contact but recently I noticed that the contact it actually called was way down in the list that it was not even visible.
I keep getting texts but my bb keeps putting the messages under the wrong name. It seems to be one chat that they are all going under. However it won't let me delete that chat. I tried pulling the battery but no luck. Suggestions?
I sent an text message to someone and it shows up under the wrong person's name. When they respond it is also under the wrong person. Any ideas? I have the newest OS update (leaked verizon update 428).
the date and time are set though my text meassages for the last 5 days all come up under 14 June 2043 which is getting a little frustrating. I have tried deleting all the messages in tht hope that from then on messages recieved would show the right date but no joy.
I received a text from a contact and it was another contact who had sent the text! Now when my wife texts me, it comes through showing its from my son....after viewing message details, the number is my wifes, although if i reply it goes to my son! I'm using chomp and up to now have had very few problems with it. Is it my phone or the app?
I was texting with someone earlier today, I sent a text at 4:31 pm and they immediately responded but their text message was time stamped at 11:32 am.For some reason all of the texts I receive are time stamped as 5 hours earlier.The people I'm texting with are located in my same timezone, and the timezone is correct in the settings of my phone. It's set to automatic but I switched to manual and checked to see that the correct timezone was selected.
My experia x10 has been delivering text messages to the phonebook of my phone - the only way I have know this (I havent even received a notification tone) is if I access the persons details and then click on message within the phonebook section. All other contacts are arriving in the normal way via the inbox, although I did have this blip a few months ago but seems to be happening again.
I have a Lumia 800 and have discovered a bug where the recipient name is wrong if contacts have very similar phone numbers. Example:
I have two contacts with the following phone numbers Contact 1. - 0703 246 802 Contact 2. - 0705 246 802 Note that the only thing differing the contacts is 0703 from 0705.
Regardless of whom of these two I send a text message they always show as being sent to Contact 1. This includes any History as well, they are all grouped into Contact 1 regardless of to which phone number I send the text message to. This is very annoying and it makes it impossible to see who actually had the message sent to when looking back at the history. I have tried moving the numbers around to different contact categories, changing contact name and so on, but it has made no difference to the behavior.
I just got a Motorola Defy (the Scandinavian version, with Android 2.2.2), and I'm very happy with it so far. However, there is a strange little bug in it: Every time I type ":-)" in a text message, it will be replaced with a "sad face" icon (). And every time I type a capital letter "B", it is replaced with a "sunglasses" icon () in the message.
I woke up this morning (24th December), and my phone had set the date and time to the 29th November, and the time is 6 hours behind (its now 3pm and it is apparently 8:43 on my phone.) Moreover, I can't read my text messages, I can't see text messages that I send, and my blackberry services have stopped working (i.e.. I cannot send emails or access BBM.) I have restarted/rebooted the phone almost a million times, but every time it comes back on the time keeps being set back to 7:49 every single time. I have no idea what to do!
Iphone says my SMS texts were sent, but the contact isn't getting them, but I can get theirs. They receive messages with pictures added to them, and the text in them, but not text-only messages. Text-only messages are received by other contacts. They were able to receive my text-only messages just fine earlier today.
Hiya, for as long as I can remember my girlfriends name has not shown up in my messages/recent calls etc - only her number. I've tried deleting the conversation and her contact and re-adding again - didn't work.
Tried disabling iCloud Contacts sync while doing it, no luck. Also tried resetting my network settings and still no luck
On the iphone 4 why do i get blank contact names with no messages in my message app? I didn't try and text them, the name just appears with no message and no typing a message bubble.
When I try to send a picture I have taken on my iphone 4s to anyone who does not have a iphone the picture does not go through but the people I am sending to can receive picture messages. But the ones I send the same picture to that do have an iphone the picture goes through fine, why cant I send pictures to everyone?
I can text people using iMessage, A friend of mine enablelled Imessage too and she can text other people. We both have each other in our contacts' list but we can't text ech other using iMessage..