I'll have the sound turned all the way up and no sound comes out. I tried restarting it a bunch of times but it's still not working. i looked through all the settings and nothing looked wrong.
I have been using nokia e7 for nearly a year now until two days before it suddenly went wrong. There is no sound at all from the speaker no matter I received calls or sms. I found out that when I played songs in the video, there is no sound either. However, I could hear the songs and calling, sms tones ringing when I plugged in my headphone. I have reset it *#7370# but the problem isn't solved. Is the speaker malfunction?
I was wondering if any of you had this issue. I have a LUmia 1520.3 and everything works perfectly, except that if I am listening to music and I get a txt message. If that happens after the message is read and I return to the music the phone starts to play thru the speakers and the headphones.at the same time. There is a significant reduction in the volume thru the headphones but it still plays. I have tried different headphones and the problem persist over the podcast app as well.
Strangeness.I have great sound from iTunes, but no sound from any other app, and no ringer from my phone. I have tried drying out the earphone socket with a hairdryer, and plugging/unplugging while listening to an iTunes song - all to no avail. I have checked al my settings, and all I can find are set to make sounds heard. Now I am flummoxed.
Just wondering if this is a bug or intentional? Whenever I have my headphones plugged in and I get a text notification (or any notification really) the noise plays through my headphones and through my speakers on my N5. Is this intentional and is there any way to stop this? I only want the noise coming through my headphones when they're plugged in.
I was eating dinner tonight and I dropped my iPhone in Alfredo sauce. Everything works except my speakers are muffled and the sound is reduced. What's my next step? I tried cleaning it out with a toothbrush.
My iPhone 4 has not been able to play music or video through my speakers. It thinks it is still connected to my iHome, so it trys to play anything through the charge port which of course no sound comes out. Can anyone help me with this issue? I can still play through my headphones and it will play through my Apple TV if I tell it to, but I just can't get any sound to come through the speakers.
I had my iphone plugged into some speakers and listening to Pandora. Suddenly music quit and now I can't get my speakers to play music (music/apps/radio). However, they will work when I have speaker phone on.
Info: iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1, speakers quit no music
recently i noticed that the sound is not comming from my i phone 4s so i needed to restore it as it was earlier. So i decided to do it by restoring it without itunes. Now it is taking too long to restore it, it is still going on since 3 hours .
I have the iPhone 4s and have been having trouble with the audio. So far I have't had a problem with siri, income calls or my alarm but I am not getting any audio for anything else (ex music, netflix, youtube, etc) I have tried all of the suggestions I could find but so far nothing has worked.Â
I was trying to set some ringtones on my phone at work (!) and thought using my headphones would keep the sound so only I could hear it. Nope. The sound was in the headphones AND through the speakers.
I am trying to play music, but no sound is coming through the iphone or headset. The scroll bar is also not moving to indicate that the music is playing. I can hear other sounds, such as the phone, message, etc., only no music. Even when I use Nike+GPS I can hear the talking but no music.
I don't know what happened but suddenly my sound stopped working, the Alarms still work and so does the Ringer, but everything else stopped. If I plug in a headset it works, but while cooking in my kitchen at wired headset can lead to drops and damage. This issue only started a few days ago.
When my phone is not in the navigation dock, the voice-guided GPS navigation works fine. But when I place the phone in the navigation dock, the voice-guided GPS navigation is suppressed so that there is no sound emitting from the devices speaker.
I switch from GS4 to the N6. One thing that I am missing is the ability to have the alarm clock sound go to the speakers, when the headphones are plugged in.
a week ago i got an mms whith a sound, ever since then whenever i put the phone down after making. receiving a call or miss call this sound that was in the mms plays! i deleted the mms but it still plays. today i noticed when i go into the media files and open / close the video camera or vocie notes recorder then it also plays.
In April 2012, I purchased SONY ERICSSON XPERIA MINI ST15i cellphone. From last week I am facing very weired problem. No sound is coming out by any mean. When I play music once after 50 try sound comes out but only for 1 minute.
I have a HTC brand headphone but when I connect it to my Xperia Z3, No sound coming out from the headphone. But the sound coming out through the phone speaker instead. However, My Xperia Z3 headphone that come with the phone when I buy it works well with no problems.
I have just become the second owner of a Samsung S5, really good condition cosmetically however I there is no sound coming from the speaker. I have reset it twice and still no luck.