Google Nexus 6 :: Force Alarm Sound To Go To Speakers When Headphone Is Plugged
Dec 12, 2014
I switch from GS4 to the N6. One thing that I am missing is the ability to have the alarm clock sound go to the speakers, when the headphones are plugged in.
Just wondering if this is a bug or intentional? Whenever I have my headphones plugged in and I get a text notification (or any notification really) the noise plays through my headphones and through my speakers on my N5. Is this intentional and is there any way to stop this? I only want the noise coming through my headphones when they're plugged in.
What is the best and/or easiest way to have songs be used for alarm sounds? Is there any way to do it without adding apps I.e. staying native or not...?
I just noticed my speakers sound flat and have an echoing sound when listening to music and watching movies. I'm sending it back to Motorola but will end up receiving a like new device as the replacement.
I am hearing impaired and would like to be able to boost the headphone volume of my Nexus 5. I have seen warnings about "blowing out the speakers" but not much about just headphones. Any volume boost for headphones that does not damage the cell phone?
Every so often, my Nexus 5 (stock, unrooted and un-rommed) will freeze (normally when playing either Castle Clash or Asphalt 8) and i'll have to force reboot. This is not a problem. It happens.
My issue is when it powers back on, Wi-Fi will be on, even though it wasnt on before the force reboot. This has only been happening since 4.4.3. While it's not a major issue, it is a minor annoyance. Ive checked my Wi-Fi settings and everything is normal. Is there anything i can do to sort this?
I have several bluetooth speakers. I'll pair a speaker (UE boom in this case), connect the phone to the speaker and start to play some music. The audio comes out of the phone speakers. I had the phone "forget" the bluetooth speaker and then re-paired, no dice, audio still comes through the phone speakers. The same thing happens with my car sometimes. I've tried everything.
So I've disabled hangouts on my Nexus 6 for a very long time now. I also keep on getting the message hangouts has stopped/force closed, then I just click OK. Is there any way to prevent this message from a continuously popping up though?
I just got this yesterday and am very very happy with the phone. However, something has my OCD going and that is a click from the speakers when hitting the power button to lock the phone or to unlock it. It also clicks if there is no lock screen.
Summary: Ever since Google Photos updated, the app force quits whenever attempting to access the Device Folder.
Troubleshooting steps performed:
Force quit Photos Cleared Cache + Data in the Photos app Uninstalled Photos updates (App will not run unless updated) Cleared Google Services Cache (Read about it on the internet) Cleared dalvik-cache (Why not?) Restarted device (like a boss) Booted into Safe Mode (Power>hold Power Off>Press OK) = same results
How to resolve this issue besides a factory reset.
So I think something on my USB port has malfunctioned... it won't show up in the device manager when I plug it in.I have tried the sticky thread on Diagnosing USB Driver and ADB issues in Windows. I have searched the forums and internet and tried lots of driver installs and restart this and that.
Recently this started when I wanted to flash Android 6.0 to my phone. During the install with NRT after each erase and flash it would say Waiting for device, and the only way I would get it to proceed was to plug the USB and plug it back in... Now running Android 6.0 it won`t even recognize my device and won`t pop up the menu to choose your usb connection setting.I have two Nexus 7, one Nexus 7 (2013), and another Nexus 5... and they all work fine and get recognized by the computer.
I've been having a problem these past few days, something strange is happening..
1) When i use google voice to set a reminder, for example "remind me in 2 hours to take out the laundry" it sets an alarm for that reminder instead of a notification
2) If i set the same reminder for a couple of days from now it sets it as an appointment in the calendar (it asks me which calendar app i want to use, which is new) instead of a reminder.
3) When i manually set a reminder it doesn't notify me
4) I cant seem to find where the setting is for the sound played for the reminder notification, which was somewhere in the past.
When I make calls and recieve calls, no sound comes from the earpiece at the top, the volume level is maxed out and nothing. Then when I go and press the speaker it works. The phone is only 1 week old... the only thing installed is battery doctor
My headphone jack registers half the time, and my bottom speaker only works every once in awhile along with text/keyboard sounds. I can't recall any specific moments where my phone has gotten wet but is this some kind of water damage or just a malfunction?
So basically, for no reason (no update, no restart of the device), my Nexus 5 does not show my music in Google Play Music, and my Ringtones/Alarms/Notifications that I customized do not work too (and they do no show in the list when I try to apply parameters).
No file has disappeared: - Music is in Nexus5 > Internatl Storage > Music - The rest of the stuff is still in Nexus 5 > Internal Storage > Ringtones, or Alarms.
Everything is here right at its place. But nothing works as before. I tried to restart the device, but no. I tried to empy cache/clear data/force stop of Google Play Music, but no. I did the same with the Media Storage app, and it did not work too. I got all the files out and back with other names, but no.
Moreover, since I forced stop of Google Music and relaunched it, now my library is polluted my dozens of songs and albums that I suppose are automatically put here as a "try it" thing, but I don't want them appearing at all, even more in my small library (okay, right now, nothing would appear I know).
after Christmas "until next alarm" option disappeared from "Do Not Disturb" menu and then magically reappeared on January 1st. Now again it has disappeared. I'm running the latest stock android MMB29S.
It is a HTC one mini s2 which I got a week ago, whenever I plug headphones in and listened to music and unplug the earphones the internal speakers no longer work for anything, not sure what to do?
My Sony Z5 has a problem where if headphones (or an official headset - I've tried both) are plugged in, the audio plays through the accessory BUT continues to play through the phones speakers AS WELL.Â
When using an app or Voice Recorder the Mic works fine. When I plug a headset in, the Mic cuts out... Do I have to use a headset with built in MIC... I want to use headset to listen and built in MIC in phone to speak.
I have a really bad problem with my Galaxy S5. My S4 was fine until I updated to Lollipop, so I think that's the problem.
I'm playing music with headphones plugged in, Whatsapp notification sound plays through speakers.
That's fine.
BUT suddenly during notification, the music ALSO plays through the speakers for a few seconds! This is really frustrating because I receive messages throughout the day and don't want everyone around me to be disturbed with what I'm listening to (in library, on bus, etc.).
Nothing I try works.
Before Lollipop, Whatsapp notification would play on speakers and audio still through headphones. That was fine.
Strangeness.I have great sound from iTunes, but no sound from any other app, and no ringer from my phone. I have tried drying out the earphone socket with a hairdryer, and plugging/unplugging while listening to an iTunes song - all to no avail. I have checked al my settings, and all I can find are set to make sounds heard. Now I am flummoxed.
Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong here? Sometimes (about 1 day a week), I'll set my alarm, but it will not go off. When I look at the phone, it'll have the pop-up indicator thing saying "DISMISS" or "off" (can't remember exactly what it says), that indicates that the alarm was triggered, but it doesn't actually make the alarm sound.Any ideas why this may be happening? I am 100% sure the alarm is set to the right time, and the AM/PM is correct, and the phone is not on "Silent", but the alarm won't actually ring? It doesn't do it all the time, but maybe only once every 7-10 times I set the alarm, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why.This is a big problem for me because I don't have a regular alarm clock, and I use it to wake me up for work. Twice this month I have been late for work because my alarm didn't go off.Can anyone out there possibly help me diagnose this problem? I think my boss thinks that I'm lying to him when I tell him my alarm doesn't go off, and it's really becoming a problem.
Without a headphone jack inserted, or plugged into a speaker using the port my iPhone 5 16gb will not play any audio or video. It just freezes the phone when you try to play something for about 5-20 seconds and then does nothing.Â
If a pair of headphones are plugged in then everything works perfectly. Same is true through the charging connector. My ringer is also currently not producing any sound.Â
This has been tested on the following apps and is the same on all:Â
- Spotify
- YouTube
- Facebook App
- Twitter
- BBC iPlayer
- Absolute Radio AppÂ
I have tried a a setting reset and a full restore. It does not matter whether I am on 3g, 4g or Wifi. I have had the phone about 5 months. It was a replacement from from my insurance company.Â