Google Nexus 5 :: No Sound From Earpiece - Sound From Speaker
Aug 4, 2014
When I make calls and recieve calls, no sound comes from the earpiece at the top, the volume level is maxed out and nothing. Then when I go and press the speaker it works. The phone is only 1 week old... the only thing installed is battery doctor
My nexus 5 was good with no problem before the update, and even 1 day after.
The problem started on yesterday, when suddenly the speaker didn't work. Tried to switch on and off the volume, and sometimes it does come back! But most of the time it silent.
As of the 5th of May, the sound from the speaker and sound jack has had random crackles in any sound that is played, either from someone ringing me, an alarm or just from the music player
The sound on my phone wont work. My music wont play, you cant hear the keyboard noise or the lock noise, and when someone calls i cant hear what they are saying unless I put them on speaker or put headphones in. When the headphones are plugged into my phone, the sound works fine! i would like to know why the speakers ownt work anymore
I made some editions on my system's sound files (like lock and unlock screen sounds) and made it like the "idroid" in Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes game but these sounds volumes are really low.The problem here is , nexus 5 doesn't have an option to adjust the system sounds volume unlike samsung galaxy phones which had an option to rise or low the system sounds volume.I tried volume boost app but it rise the whole speaker sounds.Is there any way to adjust the system sounds only ?
After I disconnected my Bluetooth headphones, I have no sound coming out of my speakers... Music plays but no sound. I rebooted and still no sound. Works fine with wired & wireless headphones, phone rings fine, no music or media plays... Im Stock/Unrooted.
Have a problem with audio sounds no working? I.e videos, games.... How to fix this. It's happened to me before. I've restarted the phone multiple times, and still not sound.
Got my phone Thursday, setup went fine. Took a phone call on Friday. Sound was fine. Later that night, I used my Aux input in my car to listen to something off my phone. This morning I got a phone call, and couldn't hear anything. Retried the call a few times. Rebooted, same thing. Switch to speaker phone, I can hear a phone call fine. Ideas? Hardware or software?
My LG G3 has been acting up lately. I can't hear a thing through the earpiece when I'm making and receiving calls. Call quality is okay because I can hear clearly if I put it on speakerphone. I don't know if this is a software issue or hardware. I'm afraid that when my phone is heating, the earpiece is getting damaged or something.
I got my N5 since 2 months (and love it), but i got this weird sound coming almost every time i phone... It's hard to describe but, most of the time, it consists of 3 small quick "knocking" sounds... it happens like 1 min after the call begins, and happens mostly one time (one series of 3 knock knock knock)...
The new Facebook Messenger (the UI overaul version), introduced a nice new notification sound for incoming messages. I was interested in extracting the sound from the app but I can't find it anywhere in a File Explorer.
FYI - I'm using Stock 4.4 Nexus 5 out of the box.
I am not talking about the "Facebook-pop.mp4". The newest version of the app introduced a newer sounding noise. It almost sounds like a water droplet.
I'm using an N5 with stock 5.01, rooted with twrp. During the night I used to use a tasker profile for when sleeping that did pretty much what priority Mode does by allowing my started contacts calls and messages to get through and alert me. With priority Mode now available, I use tasker to just trigger that instead.
But I'm having an issue with my messages. I use Handcent as my default messaging app and when I get an sms from a starred contact when in priority Mode it does not sound. I installed google messenger to check and when it's set to default messaging app I get the notification since no issues. Switch back to Handcent and no luck again.
I use Handcent because I like the pop up alert in it, but more so because I can schedule sms messages for a particular time, which is a feature I do use a bit. So if rather not change from it. Why the alert doesn't sound in Handcent during priority Mode.
I'm not sure but i think my nexus kinda has a very low sound output during voice calls.. I can barely hear anything at full volume in a not so loud environment..
Go Pro sms app. I keep on getting sound notifications even when in the specific conversation! Im uses to an iphone and there when you were inside the specific conversation there wasn't any sound, which makes total sense... Is there anyway to change that or at least another sms app that works the way??
I am on Lillipop 5.1. I have chosen a notification sound in Hangouts but no matter which one I change it too, even silent it uses the Europa sound all the time when a message comes in. Is it a bug?
The past week my phone has started not responding and just having a black/blank screen. I can tell it's running, I get notification sounds and stuff, but it just won't respond. I can reset it by holding the power and volume up button, and that seems to fix it for some random amount of time, but eventually the screen will die again.
What is the best and/or easiest way to have songs be used for alarm sounds? Is there any way to do it without adding apps I.e. staying native or not...?
I'm on 5.1. Does everyone's phone have a delay on the ambient display when they get a message or email notification after the sound is played? I have to wait a few seconds for the screen to light up to see what it is.
The new screen lock sound on Android 5 is horrible and annoying. I disabled it but I'd like to change it instead. Is there a way ? I liked the one on kitkat.
My phone has just started giving annoying little clicks when I open the screen up or close it. I can't find anywhere in settings) sounds to turn this off.
Everything was great with my camera but recently I started to experience major issues: When I try to take a picture of close objects or documents, the camera doesn't focus, the camera is trying to focus again and again while making a low "buzzing" sound and gentle vibration.
When I try to take a picture of the room or a view, it usually able to focus. I have tried other camera apps as well, same issue. I don't know if it's hardware related or something else.
Since lollipop my custom ringtone has been replaced by a system sound. I checked settings and my custom ringtone is still selected. But it doesn't work.
I just started noticing that when I hit the power button on my N6 and it shuts off I hear a popping sound. I also hear it not when I swipe up and put in the pattern lock I have, but when the phone unlocks after that when the homescreen comes up. Is this Normal? I swear I didn't hear it before.
I just got a brand new Xperia Neo V phone. As soon as I turned it on and tried making a call, I was shocked to see that there was no sound from earpiece. Soon I discovered that speakerphone/headphones are working fine but the earpiece.
I have no sound when receiving a call through the earpiece. The caller can hear me and the bottom speakers work fine. I can only hear when using headphones or speaker mode. Have tried restarting, tapping the earphone speaker, blowing into it..
I switch from GS4 to the N6. One thing that I am missing is the ability to have the alarm clock sound go to the speakers, when the headphones are plugged in.