anybody ever encounter this annoying issue with ios4 when you keep getting 'call failed' constantly until you either reboot, turn 3g off, turn on and off airplane mode? i am able to receive calls when this happens but its annoying that i have reset everytime when it happens. i notice it happens about the same time after i get off work when i get home. i know i can send and receive text.
it happened to my roommate as well.we are running iphone 3gs under ios4.
I tried updating to IOS4 just now with iphone 3g, however in the middle of installation it comes up with error below:
Please help, iphone is stuck now on connect to itunes, only each time i conect it says iphone is in recovery mode and needs to be restored, so i click restore and it comes up with that error in the picture each time.
so here's the situation, i upgraded to ios4, which worked great. but then i switched providers and the new provider needs a jailbroken phone (telus) so i tried to do that. i hit one step in one of the jailbreaking apps that said to restore, so i tried. then i got the 1015 error, and now iphone just says "itunes" with the USB cable, and when i try and restore, i get the 1015 error.
Just wondering if your bold drops calls as frequently as mine does. it seems that sometimes the phone decides to act up and gives me a 'call failed' message whenever i try to make a phone call. I always check how many bars i have and its usually at 4 or 5. sometimes a battery pull fixes this, but other times, the problem is persistent. my old bold 9000 had the same problem, so i'm not sure if it's at&t or blackberries in general.
I reset my iPhone 5 and the LTE Network showed but when I tried to make a call, it switched to 3G then just to bell and the call will not go thru. Can't receive calls either
I've got a bb9900 and have a plantronics Pro HD device now the headset constantly rings as though an incoming call is coming through. I can still make and receive calls but the ringing continues throughout the call. I've tried using a different headset but in vain.
Are Call Failed and Dropped call same? I just had another "Call Failed" with my iphone 4 (probably the 10 the one since I purchased it about 20 days ago). Does anyone know if it's network/phone or other person when it is call failed?
I am not sure this is the right place to ask on GM iOS4, I would like to upgrade Gold Master iOS4 to mine 3GS right now and when it released the official firmware for public on 21st June, would I have any problem to upgrade from GM version?
Was just wondering what the best way to upgrade from the iOS4 GM to the official iOS4 release. Would I be better off doing a backup of my iOS4, restoring my iPhone to iPhone OS 3 and then going back to the official iOS4 or do you think we will be able to straight from the GM to the official version of iOS 4. Or is the iOS4 GM identical to the official iOS 4 release?
Will iTunes know that the official release is newer than the gold master release? I assume its not out yet as iTunes keeps saying "4.0 is the latest release" So what will happen when its out?
I have recently started experiencing this problem that every time I make or receive a call and the other person hangs up before me I get a call failed message. I am using the latest version of iOS and have already tried restoring my phone but that didn't help.
All of a sudden today I try to make a facetime call with my i4 and call failed right away. I try turning on/off facetime in settings but all I get is "Activation unsuccessful. Turn on facetime to try again." I dont know what the prob is, I didnt install or change anything since a few days ago that facetime calls worked. Im JB on 4.0.1 and also got Facebreak installed. I been fighting with it for 3 hours now. Removed facebreak, reset network settings over 50 times, restarted, toggled airplane mode, facetime on/off and still nothing. Anyone got any suggestions or what is causing this to happen and how to activate facetime without a restore. I already had to do a restore and setup as new 3 times since I got it and its starting to get old.
I sent my Torch 9810 in to Rogers for repair (phone was overheating). Today they sent me a new replacement, because they couldn't fix the old one....but now the new one can't send or receive calls. I keep getting the error message "Call Failed due to Fading". Is this a network or a hardware problem? Rogers said it was the network and tech support said it could be the hardward..
I was recently given a Blackberry Curve by a friend as a gift.It was locked to orange, but I went to a local shop and got it unlocked so that I could use my Vodafone simcard in it.There is full signal bars and GPRS is displayed in the top right corner. Every time I dial out I get the message displayed 'Call Failed', and if someone tries to ring me they are sent straight to voicemail. All the solutions I've tried haven't worked and when I check the 'Mobile Voice' it says 'Not Connected' and 'Unavailable'. There is no red cross in the corner to indicate that it is barred either. I also checked the IMEI number and it is unblocked
I got my 9700 abt 6wks ago, everything was working fine, Then abt 2 weeks ago I started getting "Call Failed" when trying to make calls. Now I get it 90% of the time, and after investigating I can not receive incoming calls either.I have contacted Orange who say it might be a network / location issue, but not sure and have not had any other complaints? However I have not moved and I get this all the time in my house, where as 6weeks ago it was fine. And also when connected in the car driving around in different areas to my home town it still happens.It seems to be a bug on the handset as my signal strength is full 5bars, 3G displayed, etc. Setting under NETWORK MODE - 3G & 2G, if I set this to just 2G then this fixes it!I am running v5.0.0.351 (plat have tried hard resets, wipes etc, and I finally got Orange to sent me a new handset.Still not working! I have also down loaded and installed what I think is the latest firmware update available for the 9700 from Jordan v5.0.0.442., still no fix so reverted back to v5.0.0.351.I think it might be that I have a weak 3G signal where I live, but switching over to UMA and connecting in my house through this still does not fix it? Is there a known bug that the 9700 gets confused/freezes when trying to switch in and out of 3G/2G/UMA coverage? From Googling Call Failed BB 9700 etc it seems that there are a few others out there with the same issue??? Any help how to fix/what firmware works etc It is driving me crazy because I do not recieve calls, sms etc either!
My Blackberry Bold 9900 keeps giving me "call failed" and ''authorization failure" messages when trying to make outgoing calls.Only if I reboot the phone, the call goes through. My network provider already replaced the first bold 9900 with the same problem but now that it is happening to the new phone, I think something else is causing the problem.
i've just got my Blackberry bold 9900, However when trying to transfer a call, and select complete transfer, it says cal transfer failed, I've searched around for help via google but can't seem to find anything.
I have W715 unlocked from Vodafone. Using it in US with AT&T. Trying to use video call function, but keep saying "Video Call Failed".Do I have to change any setting in oder to use video call?
I have my FaceTime set up on both devices, wifi on full bars, but it says FaceTime failed when I call. I also call from both devices at once and it makes no difference. I know the information is correct.
I live in Downtown Los Angeles, so reception isn't a problem. I usually always get full bars. However, when talking on long phone calls 20+ minutes with full bars, my phone will just cut off and say call failed. Then I have no reception, then it just comes back.
Is this a iPhone issue or a ATT issue? I have an odd suspicion it's my phone because it occurs so frequently, but Ive had difficulty asking the apple bar to replace my phone just because of reception issues.
Got a pearl 8100 here. It just stopped making calls. It rarely does, and if it does, it will drop during the call.I loaded the latest OS on it still the same problem. Tried SIM card in another phone in the same spot and it works. The pearl does get full signal and EDGE. Could this be a hardware problem? The antenna, maybe?
I've only had it a couple of weeks and it has now started turning itself off during calls. So far this hasn't happened at any other time, only during calls.
I bought a second hand bb 9700 3 months ago. I had the phone on pre-paid BIS + Airtime so I could have access to the internet, bb messenger, gmail email, and phone-related uses. The phone worked fine with no issues whatsoever. Last week, I tried calling someone and received the message - Call Failed. I thought it was credit so I tried loading airtime on the phone. When I did that I received the following message: Supplementary Service Error: General Error.
It's been 1.5 weeks and still the phone does not work: The phone has perfect coverage indicator. The phone has working BIS, BB messenger and internet. The phone cannot work the telephony part of it - calls (outgoing/incoming, SMS, MMS). I cannot call anyone, cannot check Voicemail, cannot load airtime. I have tried re-sending service books, hard reset pulling the battery out, manually registering with the wireless network.
I have a 9700 with the tmobile network, and sometimes even though i have full 3g coverage my phone, will tell me that my call failed..I will dial a number then experiance a long silence period and then i message will come up on my phone with "call failed". I am running the .442 operating system on my phone. any tricks or tips on how to solve this?
Since a few weeks my iPhone 4 (iOS 5.0.1 and now 5.1) keeps crashing. First it were paniclogs after that memory leaks and now reset counter.What I see is a screen that gets a color (red,blue,...) and reboots.I did a new instal already twice and I deleted all apps I bought after the first crash occurred.