IPhone :: Drop Calls - When Talking On Long Calls 20+ Minutes With Full Bars Phone Will Just Cut Off And Say Call Failed

Feb 10, 2010

I live in Downtown Los Angeles, so reception isn't a problem. I usually always get full bars. However, when talking on long phone calls 20+ minutes with full bars, my phone will just cut off and say call failed. Then I have no reception, then it just comes back.

Is this a iPhone issue or a ATT issue? I have an odd suspicion it's my phone because it occurs so frequently, but Ive had difficulty asking the apple bar to replace my phone just because of reception issues.

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Galaxy S6 :: Calls Going Direct To Voicemail Despite Full Bars

Oct 20, 2015

My wife and I both have the Galaxy S6. Recently, we have been missing many important calls . They seem to go directly to voicemail, despite full bars of reception. The other day I was waiting for an important call from Google Play Support and I had the phone right in front of me and it never rang but I received a voicemail notification.

I have read about some users in Canada having similar problems, but I can't find anything similar for T-Mobile users in the U.S. It seems to have started after the 5.11 update. It also appears to happen more frequently at home, which would suggest that it has to do with being connected to WiFI, since I always have a strong cell signal at home.

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IPhone :: Have FaceTime Setup On Both Devices, Wifi On Full Bars, But It Says FaceTime Failed When Call?

May 5, 2012

I have my FaceTime set up on both devices, wifi on full bars, but it says FaceTime failed when I call. I also call from both devices at once and it makes no difference. I know the information is correct.

iPod touch, iOS 5.1

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LG G3 :: Call Waiting - Can't Switch Calls When Someone Calls During Phone Conversation

Apr 18, 2015

My G3 Lollipop can't switch calls when someone calls me during a phone conversation. Is it something needs changing in settings?

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BB Pearl 8100 :: Call Failed - It Stopped Making Calls?

Jun 17, 2010

Got a pearl 8100 here. It just stopped making calls. It rarely does, and if it does, it will drop during the call.I loaded the latest OS on it still the same problem. Tried SIM card in another phone in the same spot and it works. The pearl does get full signal and EDGE. Could this be a hardware problem? The antenna, maybe?

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BB Bold :: 9790 Randomly Ends Calls ('call Failed')?

Sep 10, 2012

I've only had it a couple of weeks and it has now started turning itself off during calls. So far this hasn't happened at any other time, only during calls.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Failed Calls & Lock Ups - Volume On Calls Is Really Low

Feb 13, 2010

I have been a BB lover for years. My Curve 5320 served me well and I loved it. When the new Bold 9700 was released I was one of the first to get it b/c businesses were offered the opportunity to get it before individuals. I was so excited about 3G, it's sleek look, etc. My excitement has officially crashed and burned. When placing calls it will fail repeatedly before even dialing the number. It will fail during calls up to 5 and 6 times in a few minute period, which is HORRIBLE during business calls. It will lock up when I'm trying to move between apps, it will spontaneously shut itself off. I'm feeling like my BB is possessed. This is my second 9700. The first the E key would stick or repeat 20 times on a text and the calls would fail, so they diligently sent me a new one. Thankfully, I no longer have to edit every text for 100 e's (i'm stopping @ theeeeeee storeeeeeeeeeee is theeeeeeereeeeeee anything you neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed), but the failed calls thing is really pissing me off! Also, the volume on calls is really low in comparison to my Curve. To top it off, the 3G speed seems as slow as, if not slower than my former EDGE. I am hoping and praying that a software upgrade will fix all of these issues, but if it doesn't are there any suggestions as to what i can do? Other than switching to an iPhone? I for one happen to love my Qwerty keyboard and am not exactly fond of the on-screen keyboards.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Phone Calls Disconnect After 30 Minutes?

Nov 8, 2011

I mean its like clockwork, whenever I'm talking to someone at exactly 30 minutes of talking my photon just hangs up. Anyone else have this problem?

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IPhone :: When Make Call Or Receive Calls , Its Not Appear At All In Recents Calls App?

May 27, 2012

its even closed after trying twice to delete the old missed calls !Now when i make call or receive calls , its not appear at all in recents calls app.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: Anyone Drop Calls In UK Or Northern Ireland?

Jul 17, 2010

I live in Northern Ireland and am with O2. I have not been able to drop reception where I live or even drop a call in low reception areas that I would have dropped calls using other phones.Be interested to hear how other UK Networks are with this so called iPhone Antenna Issue?

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IPhone :: My Calls Drop And I Hear Echos

Apr 1, 2012

My 4s phone calls drop and i constantly hear echo in my voice, What can I do?

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IPhone :: Crosstalk / Drop Calls Since Updated 4S To 5.1.1

Jun 10, 2012

Since update to 5.1 I am experiencing every day 2 kind of issues: Crosstalking and Drop calls.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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IPhone :: The Signal Drops 1 - 2 Bars But Not Droping Calls

Jun 30, 2010

I have been pretty happy with my iPhone 4 up until today but I have discovered a bit of a problem.When I touch the bottom left of the phone the signal drops 1 - 2 bars.It has not been dropping calls but I dont think my phone should be doing this. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

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IPhone :: 4s Won't Let Me Send Or Receive Text Or Calls Even If There Are Bars Showing In The Corner

Apr 2, 2012

My phone wont let me send or receive text or calls even if there are bars showing in the corner. It is constantly on no service. i have called my service provider (Vodafone) but they said that there shouldnt be an issue with coverage.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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Nokia :: 5530 - Not Recording Missed Call - Recieved Calls Or Dialed Calls

Mar 19, 2010

The call log in my nokia 5530 is not recording missed calls, recieved calls or dialed calls.

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Xperia Z3 :: Phone Charges Slowly - Screen Takes Long Time To Turn On During Calls

Jul 3, 2010

I recently got my Sony Xperia Z3 two weeks ago and there are several problems that I'm noticing.

1. It charges extremely slow. I have tried different outlets and chargers to see if it can work but it doesn't and it take more than 3 hours to charge to its full capacity. How do I fix this?

2. While the camera is great, the image quality is not the best considering that it has a high mp I would expect more because I have seen images online where the quality is beautiful but when I look at my phone it's not like that.

Furthermore the front cam always has a lot of background noise which makes the images really bad. How do I fix these 2 problems?

3. Whenever I call someone and want to put them on speaker or I want to hangup it takes forever for the screen to light up. I even press the power button to see if it works but it doesn't.

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IPhone :: 3GS Drop Calls And Random / Cannot Connect To Cellular Data Service

Jan 11, 2010

Anyone else have the issues of calls dropping as they are placed and/or "Cannot Connect to the Cellular Data service" when you try open email or Safari?

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IPhone :: Why Does My 3gs Drop Calls In The Middle And Freeze With Just The Apple Logo Showing

Mar 15, 2012

Why does my phone drop calls in the middle and freeze with just the apple logo showing? Eventually it corrects and I have to start the call again after a minute or two. Getting more freqent. Phone bought Nov 2011.


iPhone 3GS

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BB Bold 9000 :: Call Failed - Cant Make Or Receive Ingoing Outgoing Calls - Texts But Internet - Email Still Works Fine

Mar 20, 2010

i just purchased a replacement bb bold 9000 off ebay (it's an unlocked at&t handset that i bought after my bb bold got stolen... total bummer) and it was working fine all week up until last night when it stopped being able to handle incoming and outgoing calls and texts. The internet and email functions still work which is very peculiar. also some further info, when i put my sim card into another handset (in this case a nokia e65) all my normal call functions work and when i put another sim card in the bold the same thing happens (when i try to make a call it instantly pops up with a call failed warning). another thing is the bold shows full service coverage... currently the bold about shows... v4.6.0.304 (Platform im on australia and for some reason i cant update the os to v5

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IPhone :: Signal Bars Drop Even With Case

Jun 30, 2010

I received my iPhone 4 on launch day via a pre-order. I am very grateful to have it and to have received it while others still try to get one. Anyway, onto the issue. I had signal drop issues from the get go, occasionally even a few dropped calls. Per Apple's statement and other blog recommendations I bought a case to alleviate the issue. It's the Griffin Reveal. It is a nice case too. Last night I noticed low signal bars after a dropped call and realized I was holding it over the left corner. I let go and up went the bars.

I called care. They opened a case # and gave me the same as anyone else. I was told that I needed a bumper to fix the issue, that they couldn't guarentee with any third party case it would fix the issue. I responded asking why I should give another $30 to fix an issue they know about. I asked if I would recieve and email or call to follow up and they said they didn't know. I will follow up in 2 days and let you know. Is this a ploy to just get people to spend more money? 1.7 million sold in three days x $30 for a bumper = $51 million more for.

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BB Curve 8900 :: All Calls "Call Failed" Error

May 16, 2010

I have always been able to use my phone with no problem from my home--until a week ago. Since last Saturday, I have been unable to make or receive most phone calls (about 1 in 20 go through). There are absolutely no problems outside of my neighborhood and no reports of service failures in my neighborhood. When people call me, it goes straight to voicemail, and I will randomly (within two hours or so) receive notification of a voicemail.I have already had my SIM card replaced, and today I had my phone replaced, with no solution.

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Nokia :: E75 - Drop Calls On 3G Data Connectivity

Apr 5, 2010

I have been monitoring my E75 for a while now (>2 months), and it seems with the firmware 202.12.01, the ongoing call (conversation) will get drops whenever there is mysterious 3.5G data connectivity in the background. I have checked all the settings available and has set to 'always ask' before connecting to ISP 3/3.5G data connection. I am unable to determine which application is the culprit for the connectivity whenever it occurs. All I can see under connection wizard is that there is 3/3.5G data connection with traffic growing whenever there is a call drop. As there is no newer firmware than 202.12.01, wondering if anyone else is experiencing similar issue.

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Xperia Mini/pro :: It Drop Calls When Using Internet

Jul 23, 2012

I purchased the Mini (ST15i) this January and have since updated it to ICS when it came out for the phone. But there are lots of problems I'm facing with the phone now, Dropped calls. Especially with WiFi and/or data ON. Slow performance, Widgets/Folders on the Home screen take time to load (i can see them loading one by one)Phone app takes around 3 secs to come up!!! All other apps also take longer than before to load.3. The corner widgets randomly reset to default ones - i tried to set them lots of times and everytime they reset (this i believe is a fault with only my device), Contact details (like ringtone) gets reset.

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Nokia :: X6-00 - Stop Recieving And Making Calls - All Calls Get Diverted To Answer Phone

Jul 16, 2010

Never had problems with Nokia in the past, and after happily purchasing a Nokia X6-00 16GB in the month of March of this year, my thoughts on Nokia only reinforced WHY i've always gone with Nokia.

Now, i purchased the phone when i was living in England, i moved back to Cyprus in April shortly after the purchase and got the phone unlocked, put in a Cypriot Sim card with CytaMobile. Everything was just great.

This past month as been slightly less of a joy though, out of no fault of my own, the phone seems to stop recieving and making calls, all calls get diverted to my answer phone, and to solve this problem i have had to turn the phone off, then back on again. Problem solved.

That was until this morning. I can still recieve texts but if someone attempts to call me, they are greeted with a 'beep' and then the phone call ends on their end.

For me i am greeted with deadly silence, then a little notification saying 'No Answer'.

I have restarted the phone;

Restored Factory Settings'

Upgraded to the latest firmware it will let me, being v20;

Still no luck, i am hoping it is not an internal problem with the phone, as in Cyprus as far as 'Offical' nokia care points are non-existant. The SIM card is on a contract, so if my phone had been cut off, so would my messaging and my internet which are all still in-use, and work just fine without problems.

On another note, if you are unable to find a cause for that problem, maybe you can give me a quick reasoning on why the phone shuts itself off when i choose the facebook application on occasions. Again only over the past month has this been happening.

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Motorola Droid X :: Make A Phone Call - Or Someone Calls Me - And Can't Hear Them?

May 19, 2011

OK, this is one of the very few issues I've had, and it is very intermittent. Since September, only has happened like 3-4 times.I make a phone call - or someone calls me - and I can't hear them; nor them me. The green "connection" icon is active in the top bar - as is my DIALER (when I initiate the call - "END CALL" is active). When I call them, I never hear anything - including the normal dial out 'connection/ringing' sounds. They in fact DO get the ringing on their end and answer, but to them it appears as if nobody is on the line.I've tried just a simple AIRPLANE mode toggle, but that doesn't fix it. A Power reset of my phone fixes it every time. Has anyone else experienced this?

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IPhone :: After Update To 5.1 4 Called Failed During Calls

Mar 17, 2012

So, after I updated to ios 5.1 my iPhone 4 has some problems I never kinda seen before. I own it for more than a year . While at home or any other area, good signal,has a bumper, while speaking with friends I get the Called failed problem. Tried reset network settings, even I restored the firmware ... same . Happens a few times a day..

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IPhone :: 4S Not Receiving Texts Or Calls With Full Signals

Jul 1, 2012

My phone can't receive texts or phone calls although it has a full signal! I've tried all the suggestions I can find....restored, reset, sim out, switching off and on, changing carriers then back to Vodafone.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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BB Curve :: How To Track Minutes On Calls Made

Jan 3, 2012

I have a new blackberry that came with my 3 contract here in italy. I am allowed 1 hour per day to make calls....not receive. I want to know how I can track the calls i have made. Where does it show up on my screen to access it. Most phones have a categaor "calling" ....a history. Where do i find this on my blackberry? I am not a tech person so i am having difficulty

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IPhone :: 4 Drops Calls Constantly Despite Full Signal, Then Freezes?

Apr 5, 2012

I'm at the end of my tether! My iPhone4 drops calls for absolutely no reason at all, at least 50% of the time.It doesn't matter how strong my signal is, or whether the call is outgoing or incoming. The person on the other end doesn't sound like they are breaking up either - it just goes suddenly silent.Then, when I press 'end call'the phone freezes on 'call ending' - the only way out of this is then to reboot the phone.I've been back to the Apple Store in Glasgow twice, and to their credit they have replaced my handset twice within the last year;

however despite my THIRD handset doing exactly the same, they have told me that no more replacements will be given.I have tried doing a master reset and setting up again as a new phone to eliminate the possibility that something within my back-up is corrupt, but the end result is the same.I have five different Apple devices at home and am a huge fan, but I'm afraid this is making me envious of my friends who have Android phones (sorry, didn't mean to swear

iPhone 4, iOS 5.1

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IPhone :: Is It Normal For Battery To Drop 1 Percent Every 2 Minutes?

Jun 14, 2012

My iPhone battery looses 1% every 2 minutes so I'm wondering if that's normal? I've only used for 3 hours and 1 min and I'm at 44%. Is this normal? And if not how do I fix it to improve battery life. I only users my phone to txt and go Facebook that's about it.

iPod touch, iOS 5.0.1, ipod touch 4G

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Galaxy S5 :: Why To Have A Long Dial Beep In Calls

Dec 7, 2015

how to stop the awful beep sound during calls for the Galaxy S5? I know there is a thread on this for the Note S4 but the way to turn it off on that device (the enhanced lte trick) is not available/ a feature on the Galaxy S5. The tone is so horrible sounding and hurts my ears.

-Yes have check minute minder- it is off
-The sound occurs on speaker, while using headphones, or just holding the phone to my ear.
-There does not seem to be a pattern for time or frequency of the tone.
-The one thing i have noticed is that it always occurs when I talk to people who have iPhones, but there does not seem to be a consistency with droids.

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