I've got a iPhone 4S factory unlocked. It's only a month old. When I put in my simcard it says either "No Service" or ".... TELIA 3G"
When there is no service I can't do anything but sometimes when I put on the flightmode and switch back I can get my carrier name and 3G, but still no phone service. I can go out on the web so the internet connection works but I cant make any calls and so on.
When I try another carrier in the phone, it works just fine! And there is nothing wrong with my simcard, because the card works in my iPhone 4.
someone please help me I opted in to the blackberry internet service a few days ago and I tried to use blackberry messengger while not connected to wifi and it did not work I then connected to wifi and it worked can someone please help me so I don't have to use wifi.
I have bought an unlocked blackberry 9650 verizon phone from [URL].the problem is i can make calls, receive messages but internet & blackberry services are not working.I am tired of sending registration message from host routing table but no service yet..
I got my torch 9800 on launch day. i loved this device and definately felt like i was upgrading from my old device (iphone 3g). as much as i love the capabilities of the device i have run into a few issues, specifically network issues. it all started on sunday when all of a sudden i lost connection to the blackberry servers(the little logo in the corner was gone..) i went to at&t on monday and they could not figure it out. apparently my service book for the blackberry internet service got deleted(i didnt even know what a servicebook was lol) so i went home later that night and downnloaded the at&t software and reinstalled the os and this worked. then all of a sudden today, my fb was acting up, so i deleted the app. then i lost the connection again... do you guys have any idea what could be causing this? im currently reinstalling the os as i write this.
I had an email from att that my iPhone has been unlocked I need to sync and restore , when I did this under Itunes it said congratulation ur iphone is unlocked but then it had no service in it . Tried to contact att they said we alredy processed unlock from our side its apple to do the next procedure But strange apple (itunes) says congralutation ur unlocked
Yesterday it just started looking for service in good coverage areas, but it works fine on my microcell. Have fully restored multiple times, and setup as new phone and still the same. I'm thinking the microcell is transmitting on a different frequency the the local towers and my radio is broken.
just what the title says. I have an unlocked 3gs that I have been using with Tmobile for some time now and I needed to get att for better coverage at our new house. I activated the sim card with the prepaid phone then popped the sim in the iPhone and now all I get is "No Service." shouldn't this work just fine since my phone is unlocked? what am I doing wrong?
Bold 9900 unlocked (t-mobile) works 3G in Europe without any problem, does 9930 unlocked (verizon) will work?I have this question becuase I have to order one on ebay soon
When I'm opening Service Status from "Options and Status" I see the "Blackberry Internet Service" as "Not Connected" although I've Blackberry service and I'm successfully using IM, synchronize my E-Mails, and Browsing the internet without any WiFi connection.
Recently got my hands on a unlocked 9630 from a Sprint buddy. Everything works browser, txt, MMS, calls, even my weather app. Just every time I try to log into Facebook, it tells me "Could not connect because a data service is not available. Please try again later. If this continues, contact your service provider for support".I came from a Tmo BB Curve so the service was already there. I re-registered on the BB network, resent the service books from the web and from my phone, did hard re-starts, went online to My Tmobile and updated the IMEI. I uninstalled the app from the phone, performed a hard reset, then reinstalled the app from the Blackberry App Store.
I have an iPhone5 (16GB - 5 GB free space available) and iOS 7.1.1. A couple of days back my apps stopped connecting to Internet. Both 3G network and WiFi connections work as google app and chrome browser connect to internet. Everything else doesn't including safari, mail, whatsapp. Notifications for almost every app work.Â
I tried the following:
1. I Restarted almost everything: router, iphone, iphone with both Home and Power switches held together.
2. I tried upgrading to 7.1.2 but I kept getting s/w is unavailable at this time error. I tried removing the downloaded software. Now I get unable to check for update (not connected to internet) error.
3. I connected to PC and upgraded iTunes to latest version, but can't figure out how to make anything, that's not working, work
4. Also, I tried removing apps that I sparingly use.
I picked up a Virgin HTC Legend and had it unlocked through mobileincanada.com.I played around with the network settings and can't get it to pick up a network. I get a message that says "error while searching for networks", and when i click select network automatically it says "your sim card does not allow connections to this network".
after i changed teh carrier provider, my internet emails (yahoo,...etc.) are not accessible & setup email returns the message :internet service account deactivated..Is this something from the service provider or from blackberry; any actions to be done from my side?
I recently unlocked a Rogers Bold 9700 and began using it with my Fido sim card. I added a small data plan to my current services from Fido but I am not receiving any data. I have called Fido 3 times and they can't seem to do anything. They gave me their APN settings and I have input them manually and still no data.
I need cricket service book entries to have my browser and mms working again. i tried the register now thing. If u can email me at boliver1991@yahoo.com. Ive been searching all day for them.
We have an old iPhone 3G that is no longer on a Bell contract. We have installed Apps on the iphone through the computer but I cannot get the the wifi to work on it. Does it need to be under contract with a carrier or have a SIM card in order for wifi to work?
I have some problem with my sony ericsson xperia ray. My internet doesn't work and I don't know why I read everything on this page, but there isn't answere for my questions. Internet work only in wifi places.
If I close my phone account with a particular phone service because I no longer need my personal phone, will my Iphone still work like an ipod in that it can still get to the internet through WiFi? Or general what functions will the piece of equipment still have? For example, will apps still work?
I have researched it everywhere. A lot of people are giving me all different settings and everything to use, I've done rogers, I done everything. I unlocked it from AT&T and I'm now in T-Mobile. The phone works perfectly besaides the fact of the internet. I don't know what to do anymore
I have an unlocked TMobile 8520 phone that im using on at&t. I cannot surf the internet. I changed the APN to at&t settings but still no internet. When i put my sim in an at&t 8310 everything works fine so im assuming its missing some at&t settings for media net. Where do i start?
I have a question about the way the phone uses its internet services. I currently have the original Blackberry Tour 9630 with Verizon, and the browser works off of my signal. So whenever I have a signal, I have internet. Is this new Bold the same way? My sister has it and we were in the car today and it said internet coverage was not found. I was just curious if it was strictly JUST wifi or if it runs off the signal AND wifi. If somebody could help clear it up for me that would be great.
I was recently given an unlocked Blackberry Bold 9000. It is an AT&T phone, but I am using it on the T-Mobile network. For some reason, I am able to connect to WiFi, but when I do I am only able to use the internet. I am not able to use the WiFi to make calls or to send texts. My T-Mobile signal is pretty weak, so it would be nice to use the WiFi to make calls and send texts from home and work.