I have some problem with my sony ericsson xperia ray. My internet doesn't work and I don't know why I read everything on this page, but there isn't answere for my questions. Internet work only in wifi places.
have checked with provider and nothing wrong at their end. up until friday all working fine, no downloads done or anything changed and since saturday unable to make calls or send sms. provider sent me new sim in case it was that but still doesn't work. sim does work (fully) in other mobiles though
I have the problem that the wifi works on my Xperia z2 only very limited. If my smartphone is connected to the wifi, everything is either very fast and good, or it loads only very slowly and almost did not go. It also disturbs other devices (PC, Playstation, etc.), which are then work very slowly. When i turn of my wifi from the smartphone, all other devices functioning again as always, and everything loads very fast again. I have that problem since one week.
I cant use internet via wifi internet at home. I can connect into wifi but can't use internet or browse anything (web, facebook, skype or messanger). On the otherhand if i use edge (Data Traffic Edge) internet then i can use. But i don't want to use Data Edge. Whatever i am using linksys wifi modem (Connectivity secuirty WPA or WPA2). Can you help me how can i slove these problem. Moreover when my mobile andorid version 2.3 it was working. But in adorid version 4.0 not working
Hardware Configuration: Mobile: Sony Ericsson Xperia Neo V OS: Andorid 4.0.4 Modem: Linksys WRT120N-RM 802.11b/g/n Wireless Home Router up to 150Mbps/ 10/100 Mbps
i cannot browse with my x8 by wifi or 3g. i have tried updated my firmware through pc companiion and update service.. im getting reaslly frustrated. I have tried this sim on a samsung fon, and it worked well with no hassle. but with x8 it seem not to work at ol.
I have just bought my Xperia Mini Pro and I have not been able to establish an internet connection through WiFi. It will start and there is a connection, but no data are collected. Internet does not work, or, I must end WiFi, re-open it, then I have internet for maybe 20 seconds, then internet disappears although the WiFi connection exists. I have downloaded WiFi Analyzer and that says I am connected. I have downloaded WiFi Fixer, that ends the WiFi connection and reassociates, then I can connect to the internet for some seconds, and again it is gone. I have read many complaints about the poor WiFi connection these last days, as I am searching the internet to find a solution. Can anyone please help me? Does anyone know how to solve this? I have a HTC Legend that connects just fine with WiFi, no problems at all. If this persists, I have no alternative but to take the phone back.
I have a strange issue with my xperia pro.Since a week back i am not able to access the internet through wifi across all apps except for the Good email application!Xperia pro is not the issues since I am able to access my emails via Good all the time.My router cannot be the issue since on all other devices (ipad, iphine, pc, laptop) i have full connectivity (both Good and all other apps).
Now comes the strangest part:I switched to my neighbors router and lo and behlod everything works on my Xperia pro.I have no clue where to pinpoint the problem.
I've got DLink Wi-Fi router at home. All computers need only the key and connect to the Internet without any problem.But my new xperia mini wan't. It connects to the router, says: "Connected. Signal is very good." But it doesn't go to the Internet, says: "web-page is unavailable".
Whenever I click on the Android Market icon on my phone, the signing in to Gmail account does not go through. Also, I can't browse the Internet when using WiFi.
I have a strange Issue with my phone Xperia X10. When I use the Internet through the Carrier (3G) for several minutes, and the battery is less then (~80%) the phone simply turns off unexpectedly for no reason. If I then try to turn on the phone it will immidiatly shut down again so quickly I dont even have time to unlock it.
I can use the phone fine, Including connecting to the Internet through WIFI, and I will not have the issue. I can also use the 3G Internet fine until I get to about 80% battery, then the phone will turn off. If I disable the Internet connection through the carrier before I get to 80% I can continue using the phone without problems and even browse the Internet through WIFI. If I connect to the 3G Internet with my battery on less the 80% the phone will Immediately shut down.
I tried doing a full reset and reinstall through the SE PC companion, but it didnt help. I also tried installing a custom ROM and chose Wolfs TW Gingerbread but it didnt help and I still have the exact same issue.
I have a Z2 and recently when at home I am unable to get anything on the Internet while I am connected to my router. If I turn wifi off from the quick settings it is fine.
As far as I am aware I haven't changed anything and it used to be fine. It's a phone or a router issue. I think it could be phone cause the PS4, laptop and my partners phone are still fine.
Recently, I updated my xperia Z3 DUAL (D6633) to a 23.4.A.1.232_R4C firmware version. After that, I realized that internet browsing using WIFI connection is slow. Page takes too long to load.
Tried using either Chrome and Firefox. Results are the same. Disabling WIFI and navigating with mobile data (3G/4G) runs fine.
Made factory reset, clear cache and software repair using Phone Companion. Problem remains.
I tried other wifi netwoks. Tried same wifi using other devices. Problem is with Z3.
I'm using my laptop as an internet hotspot using program mHotspot. I'm connecting to this network using another laptop and my Xperia Z2. I was using it for like 2-3 weeks already and everything were working fine but suddenly it stopped working correctly, I mean my phone doesn't have internet anymore. I doubt it'd be a problem with that program because my second laptop has internet access all the time with no problems.
Every time I'm trying to load some site (google, youtube, anything) I'm getting an error: This web page is not available. I can ony Reload or Show details. I click on "Show details" and it says that the server can't be found because the DNS look-up failed. There are some solutions to this problem but none works, I tried them already.
On the bottom of the page it shows Error code: DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG.
Okay I get it, its something with DNS configuration but I can't figure out whats wrong. I tried changing DNS address in wi-fi settings but it didn't work.
Looks like its a problem only with my internet browsers (I tried using both Chrome and Dolphin browser) since other apps which uses internet connections (like Skype, Facebook messenger) works fine (except for that avatars are not loading at all).
Also I'd like to add that I wasn't changing any settings on the phone before the error appeared. I was browsing the internet at the evening and at the morning it wasn't working anymore.
I just bought this phone today and my wi-fi is not turning on to have access to the internet. It's just not turning on anyway. I updated everything and tried settings, but still it won't turn on.
I've got Teracom Wi-Fi router at home. All computers and iphone need only the key and connect to the Internet without any problem.But my new xperia mini wan't. It connects to the router,Says "Obtaining address" then says "unsuccessful" I am keep trying but it says the same issue,My router secured with WPA2 personal
I just bought Neo V 3 days ago. First day I connected it to internet which I use at home via Wifi. There was no any problem, there was internet connection. But 1 day after it's gone. I'm connecting wifi (sees it, enters password and connects) but there is no internet connection. I surfed on internet to detect problem and all i found was 'changing wep to wpa' . (I'm using u.s. robotics 9106 as modem) But it didn't work out too.
I just bought a Mini Pro last week. My only problem is it able to connect to my router without a password but when I use a password it stops working it shows it is connected but no internet.
I am connected to a network , with good signal but i cannot browse websites etc . it says cannot display webpage . when i try to connect to email it says Imap4 server and im supposed to enter something?
Unable to access internet through wifi connection using my xperia x10 with android 2.1. The phone connects to wifi network but unable to browse the internet.
How to use my dell latitude e6410 laptop with windows 7 to turn into wifi hot spot and the access internet using wifi of xperia mini pro.how to view files transferred to phone? when i open the gallery i can't see any folder ? please let me know how to view files on sd card?
I've been trying to tether my Sony Erricson Xperia Neo to a laptop pc. Android OS.I first tried USB tethering but my laptop had no internet access, so I instead tried setting up a portable wifi hotspot to see if that would work. My laptop recognised the network I had created and I joined it succesfully, but I had no internet access. (Note: When I used USB tethering another network was recognised by the laptop)
I checked my phone and the 3g icon which shows that mobile internet is enabled (the two little verticle arrows with 3g above them) were not visible, but when I disabled the wi-fi hotspot, the icon appeared again. I'm not sure whether this is normal but could it be that 3g is being disabled with the activation of hotspotting, or is it just hidden automatically when wi-fi hotspotting is disabled? I find sometimes that the 3g icon disapears for no reason in areas I previously have had good signal, and then when I try and connect it takes a few seconds and then the icon appears again and I can connect.
How can I surf the internet through a wifi network which is proxy enabled. There is an option to enter SSID and password, but the option to provide a proxy IP and port for wi-fi network is not available.
When i turn on Wi-Fi hotspot on xperia play i800 mobile internet has disappear, there is no any icon H or E or 3G, when i turn off wi-fi hotspot i can to use mobile internet, where my mistake or if this is some bug
Have had brand new phone purchased through retail store for 1 week and WIFI tethering does not work. Other devices can connect to the phone but cannot get access to internet. I have the latest updates and no other issues have popped up yet (have not tried usb tethering yet). I am running stock software.