Recently I bought a new playbook and i have been trying to update it through my wifi but evrytime it fails. The playbook finds the update and starts downloading but after a while the download stops and there is a message unable to download software update. I also tried by reseting the router but every attempt has failed.
Somehow I blew it and am down to my last guess at my password to logon. What happens if I use the last attempt and fails. Is there anyway to reset my password before I take my final guess?
Since the GB update I have noticed that apps the do not install to the SD card by default fail the first time when you manually tell it to install the SD card. If you immediately try it again it will move successfully..I have already cleared the cache and factory reset to work around other odd app crash/stability issues but this items seems to persist. I have noticed the issue with/without SD card encryption enabled.
Our company was able to receive the new Bold 9900 but it seems there is an issue with activating wifi on the device. Have tried turning on Wifi, but it attempts scanning for networks then eventually fails and turns wifi off. It doesn't even list any active access points. Doing a battery pull and reset the device to factory defaults does not seem to do the trick. I am thinking it could be a defective device or perhaps a software issue. BB OS: v7.1.0.1091
My friend just bought an iphone 4 and she can not send regular text messages out.. only imessages to people that have iphones. She gets the alert notification saying it failed to send. Also she set up her email like it told her to and now her contact name is her email address. She just wants her name there... What do we do?
Everytime I try to download Apps it goes to the Blackberry Id page - I enter my username and password and I keep getting an error message that states " enter the username associated with this smartphone" I can't get past this point....
I tried to update the phone by connecting it to computer thru PC companion and followed the instructions till the time it asks to disconnect the phone from computer remove battery for 5 secs and turn on again. Now at this step the phone is not turning on and whenever i press the power key, red notification light is blinking 3 times and nothing else is happening.
Just got a new 9300 to upgrade from a Pearl. Started doing an update and it seemed to have finished. When unplugged the phone the screen went dead and have a blinking red light (twice on then pause and repeat)
Have downloaded JL_Cmder as other posts seem to point to this. But unsure how to install stuff after the wipe as the current Destop software does not seem to correspond to the help that is being presented in the forums and on various web sites.
I've just purchased a new SE Xperia pro ( factory unlocked).However, for some reason the supplier has advised against attempting to update the software. I'm not in a hurry to do so, but would like to know why they might have advised that and are there any steps I can take to a) avoid the phone updating itself and b) if I should want to try an update is there a way to downgrade if it doesn't work?I'm in the UK and will be using this phone with T-mobile network.
My telephone is in a too many attempt lock, i did a update service a few time but now i still get the same screen with the log in of my google account.
My Sony x10 mini doesn't turn on after an update attempt?I was trying to update my phone software because he has been really slow and with some errors, so i tried to update but there was an error during the update, they said i should turn off the phone, i did it now it doesnt turn on. When i press the button the green light appears once and the image i get is a phone and a exclamation the phone ruined...?
I tried to update my iPhone software (after successfully backing up to iCloud, and then successfully updating iTunes software) but got a 1604 error message. The phone is stuck in recovery mode, and all attempts to restore the phone have resulted in failure. I keep getting the same error message. Basically, the phone never gets past "preparing to restore." I am linking my iPhone 4 to a PC Windows XP Professional, with up-to-date software. This is the third time I've tried (and failed) to update the iPhone software, though the other two times I was able to restore. This time nothing seems to be working.
I have been trying to install this update for months now and have been getting the same error. It doesn't give me any specific details in regards to the error, it just states that there is an error installing it.
I'm trying to update the IMAP password on a 9700 Bold, a process I've done numerous times in the recent past. However, on this particular device, I cannot even get to the menu for email accounts. Every attempt results in the following ianane OS message; "Your device had a problem connecting to the server." I'm then required to either try again (a never ending loop) or cancel.
I suspect this has something to do with my provider (AT&T) because I had similar symptoms on another device (same model, w/o enterprise security policies). I was able to fix it on the other device by deleting the IMAP Service Books and then doing a hard reset. It doesn't work for the problem BB.
Upgrading iPhone to iOS 5.1.1. Process hangs with progress bar on iPhone (showing Apple logo) about 1/5 of the way complete for over an hour.
After several attempts to restart the process, Force Quit iTunes, restart it, restart iPhone and plug in. This time iTunes says "Restoring software". This appears to work until progress bar on iPhone is about 3/4 full, then it hangs again. (No, it wasn't jailbroken, contained only apps bought from iTunes store, etc.)
There are three other such complaints buried under the unlikely discussion topicHT5278 if the update fails and phone freezes what should I do Is it significant that 5.1.1 is not in the list of operating systems below?
My Iphone 4 in 5.0.1, at Setting In General goto Software Update iOS 5.1.1, after download, prepairing install then popup Software Update fail. I tried many times still the same happen?
I also have that problem what can i do for this. I am using nokia C3-01 touch & typeModerator's Notes: This post was edited. A more appropriate subject was provided as it will be easier to solicit help from other users of the forum.
Model number is H815, purchased and operating in Germany. According to many sources the H815 should have received the Marshmallow update about a month ago. OTA and LG Bridge say my phone is up to date. Multiple users post that they have updated their phones with LG Bridge.. However, the program keeps telling me the phone is up to date.Current Build number is LMY47D, Software version V10e-214-07.
Currently I'm living in the Netherlands and I own a Motorola XPRT that I bought at Sprint in the US.I'm trying to update my phone to 4.1.110.en.US, the firmware does download, asks me to install.I accept offcourse, the phone reboots, tries to flash new firmware, suddently stops and reboots again and after the phone is fully booted there is a message displayed that says that the update has failed.I already did a factory reset and a hard reset.
I have been having problems with my (non-rooted) Sprint Motorola XPRT failing to update. After I download and attempt to install the update, the phone reboots, I get the installation screen, the yellow bar proceeds approximately 20%. Then I get the screen with a triangle/exclaimation symbol, which flashes on the screen for less than one second -- giving me no chance to press "@" to obtain a reason for why it cannot update. The phone then reboots, and gives me a message saying that the update has failed.I have also tried to update my phone after a hard reset two different ways, including (a) via the menu > privacy > etc, and (b) via the 'hold R and M' keys methods. Today I brought my phone in to the Sprint store, and the tech support employee also attempted a "more low level reset" which he called the "##RTN" (or something like), and even after doing this the update still failed.
The Sprint store tech support employee then searched an internal support forum, and he told me that some, but not all, Sprint Motorola XPRT users have been reporting a similar issue with the update. He said "it looks like Motorola is aware of the problem and is working on it". This update was current as of Nov 2. Because this is an issue that Motorola is currently working on, he said he could not swap out my phone (i.e., pay $35 for a replacement) and that I need to wait until the Motorola fix.
When I turn my N86 RM-485 v21.006 on I get a message stating there is an important update,, update now? When I select Yes, I get o the update screen and it shows the Ovi Maps with free navigation update. I select download and then update. It downloads fine, but the install fails. I've turned the phone off several times with no success.
I have a Nokia E71 Condition Handset Just Try to Update software with NOKIA Software Updater Update running with Slow Internet Connectivity Last time of updating Internet is Disconnected and my handset is now Dead When Switch on just Vibrate and a black Screen appear What can I do?
I cannot check for updates of the OS over the air. It always says update failed try updating the software again or contact service provider. Than about a minute later says "no updates available". Has anyone else had the same issue? Is this something RIM is aware of? I'm on .296 and I know .405 is out there for att.I also noticed under certificates, Verisign/RSA Secure Server Root (last one @ bottom) Expired Jan 7 2010 and has a nice red X next to it.. Could some of you check this out on your Berries.
I have tried to update my BB9930 several times using the desktop app, and each time it appears to hang with 24 files left to download. Finally I dug around and discovered the Log Window, so now I see why it's failing to update. It cannot a file that it needs, so it eventually fails (after several silent attempts to download that one file) and unwinds back to where I started.
I have just updated my X10 mini pro to 4.1.B.0.587.Now the phone won't start. When I press the on button the phone vibrates, the LED on the top left flashes faintly green twice, and then nothing.I can connect to PC companion, and it recognises the phone. I have even been able to do an update to the phone via the PC companion.
I have an iPhone from Verizon which will not update to 5.1.1. The software update is listed in Settings > General > Software Update on the phone. When I click "Install Now", I accept the license agreement, the phone 'verifies' the update and then I get a dialog box with "Unable to install Update. An error occurred installing IOS 5.1.1" And that's it - no dice. My phone is *not* jailbroken and my network connection works fine.
I have an Xperia X10 since July on Vodafone UK. It is (was) running the latest SE firmware, but is now 'bricked' - I learned this term while googl-ing for the problem, but all the mentions involve 'debranding' or installation of unofficial (unauthorised) firmware releases - and I haven't done ANY of that.
The story in detail:
1. In recent days I noticed some glitches in the performance of Android Market on the phone: some downloads were reported as 'unsuccessful' and had to be repeated. This happened both with new apps and with updates. On occasions a reboot was necessary for downloads to start happening normaly again.
2. Today (Sat 30-10) this went to extreme: NO download from the Market was possible at all, each time it stalled forever. As explanation, an error message started coming up: "The process has stopped and needs to be force-closed". No rebooting would solve this. I cleaned several caches (after reading various forums about the error)
3. I decided to reinstall the firmware, hoping to fix the Market performance. Backed up all my data and connected to PC Companion. In the first phase it reported that I "already have the latest version", but I wasn't after an update, so I went on to Repair / Reinstall.
4. The download went smoothly and the installation started well, proceeding to near-the-end. THEN, PC Companion reported: "The installation was unsuccessful, try again". I tried - several times, and the result was the same. Decided to return to my existing installation and seek other ways to repair that ',..' process.
5. On attempting to boot, I saw that dreaded YELLOW TRIANGLE with no explanation, and a dead phone not responding to any controls. Had to turn it off by removing thebattery..
6. Several re-installation attempts with both Companion and SEUS also failed, and I am stuck with a useless brick