Xperia :: X10 Failed To Update And Then Fails To Boot
Oct 30, 2010
I have an Xperia X10 since July on Vodafone UK. It is (was) running the latest SE firmware, but is now 'bricked' - I learned this term while googl-ing for the problem, but all the mentions involve 'debranding' or installation of unofficial (unauthorised) firmware releases - and I haven't done ANY of that.
The story in detail:
1. In recent days I noticed some glitches in the performance of Android Market on the phone: some downloads were reported as 'unsuccessful' and had to be repeated. This happened both with new apps and with updates. On occasions a reboot was necessary for downloads to start happening normaly again.
2. Today (Sat 30-10) this went to extreme: NO download from the Market was possible at all, each time it stalled forever. As explanation, an error message started coming up: "The process has stopped and needs to be force-closed". No rebooting would solve this. I cleaned several caches (after reading various forums about the error)
3. I decided to reinstall the firmware, hoping to fix the Market performance. Backed up all my data and connected to PC Companion. In the first phase it reported that I "already have the latest version", but I wasn't after an update, so I went on to Repair / Reinstall.
4. The download went smoothly and the installation started well, proceeding to near-the-end. THEN, PC Companion reported: "The installation was unsuccessful, try again". I tried - several times, and the result was the same. Decided to return to my existing installation and seek other ways to repair that ',..' process.
5. On attempting to boot, I saw that dreaded YELLOW TRIANGLE with no explanation, and a dead phone not responding to any controls. Had to turn it off by removing thebattery..
6. Several re-installation attempts with both Companion and SEUS also failed, and I am stuck with a useless brick
I updated my phone using the PC companion and this crashed half way through. I now have a phone that will turn on but on the loading screen is stuck wiyth a frozen yellow screen at the bottom half of the screen. it states:Repair your phone software You can perform a manual phone update to repair the software even if the phone doesn't start or can't be found by PC Companion.
I'm using a non-rooted device. I pulled the OTA update for gingerbread and it downloaded successfully. When it restarts it loads up to the boot screen and begins installation. It gets about 1/4 of the way before I get an exclamation error and the phone restarts. I've tried it multiple times and even formatted my phone before trying it.
I have just updated my X10 mini pro to 4.1.B.0.587.Now the phone won't start. When I press the on button the phone vibrates, the LED on the top left flashes faintly green twice, and then nothing.I can connect to PC companion, and it recognises the phone. I have even been able to do an update to the phone via the PC companion.
I'm trying to update my xperia x8 to android 2.1 according to instructions from PC Companion. But the update already fails during preparation of pc phase - all I get is an error message that some files oculd not be read and it stops and suggests to try again. But no luck there.
I got ICS update to my Xperia Mini 2days back. I found the USB tethering is not working when i connect it with my laptop. I use my phone to browse internet me to fix it. BTW portable WiFi hotspot is working perfectly.Also there is another small problem, which is when i play a video in gallery, i see gray coloured field under the video, which suppose to be black..I should also say that the video displying quality has been slightly reduced after the update, even the BRAVIA engine is turned on...videos which played in superb quality, now display like low quality videos.
i bought sk17i and got it unlocked to all networks,shortly after i was promted with an update,after compleation it failed to turn on,just a dim green flashing LED and short /long seperate vibrations. i didnt even get a good look at the phone before it died.
Has this happened to anyone else?Yesterday I received a notification about a software update. I was advised to carry out the update via a PC which I did. Followed the instructions to the letter. Installed the Update Service, downloaded the software and the installation began. After several minutes I was told the installation was unsuccessful and now my phone will not turn on. There is no OS so my phone is completely useless.Is there any way to roll back the failed installation to the previous software version?I have only had the phone 3 months
I followed the instructions in PC companion and after the last screen with disconnect the cable and boot up it started ut fine but then nothing happend, this was an hour ago.
my computer always ends up not responding while trying to update the software to ICS. I've tried to update the phone for many times and always ends with my computer become not responding. and i've tried to update with 2 different computers and get the same result.
This morning my phone said it needed to do an update. So I hit update. about a minute later the screen went black and the motorola symbol popped up in the middle...than in the upper left corner it says Failed to boot 2 starting RSD mode......It will not do anything. I have taken the battery out several times but nothing.
I tried to do the update from morphine website and when it supposedly finished it rebooted into a failed to boot screen and then turns off. So what do I do now can I fix it or get a new phone?
After many attempts backing up, I have finally done so......But when PC companion is 'preparing' to doesn't. It says Installation Error...'unable to install or start phone software update componnets'. 'the update of software failed'. I have tried again
I just tried to update my MT15i using SEUS to FW 4.0.2.A.0.42.It failed.1st try:Loaded battery (99%)Switched off phone Took out battery for about 5 minutes and put it back in.Started SEUS, held return button, proceeded as required...Firmware download seemed OK.Actual update failed near the end.Phone does not start up - just displays warning message
2nd try:I'm not sure about the battery: I had the phone plugged in for five hours but as it just looped through the power on sequence and showed me the warning message again and again I really do not know whether there was any power in it.Took out battery for about half an hour.Took out SIM and SD.Put battery back in Uninstalled SEUS Rebooted PC Installed SEUS Rebooted PC Else as above...
Using PC Companion I have progressed to what I can only assume is the end of the preparation phase after 3 hours, the progress bar is complete; and then I get this meaningless message that the update failed.
This is very frustratiing as there is not much clue about what caused the failure. If it is because of a missing component, as pointed out already, why can PC Companion not check at the start of the marathon preparation that everything is in place and we will not waste so much time connected for nothing.
I have tried SUS and that fails because Windows can't find S1Boot with that remarkably phone procedure. I have looked at downloading S1Boot, as suggested, however then there are warnings on Warranty. Does PC Compantion/SUS download not contain S1Boot?
I have a XPERIA X10 mini/pro and I just installed PC Companion on my computer. After the installation the SW indicated that there is an update available. Unfortunately I get a message:"The update failed". The failure occurs at "Prepare" during the "starting update engine" phase.
I got a notification yesterday on my sony Xperia Z3, asking for an update using Sony PC Companion, i did it and then it said that a network problem has occured, and from that point on, when i try to power the phone it says " the software update failed, make sure the phone is connected to the computer and try again "  I tried the "power button + volume up" when charging, the phone started powering on and off all the time and after an hour it got really hot ! I was so scared so I unplugged it.
i have a x10 mini which is an o2 pay as you go purchased in england. i followed the sony erricsson instructions posted on Internet to upgrade my phone. after a fun filled few hours the other evening, and after rebooting the phone for a final time the phone was still at v1.6. the pc companion software downloded and appeared to update the phone correctly. now if i try to repeat the upgrade process the pc companion says that the phone's software is up to date.
My xperia z3 was a little low on battery while attempting an update (said it would only be 9 minutes...) and phone died in the process. Â Now the software update failed message appears and i cannot boot the phone. Â cannot charge sufficiently because this continuous boot process. Â tried the power+volume up to stop booting but that didnt work. Â tried to repair through PC companion. Â Told me there was no update available. Â what do I do now!
I'm completely stock. Never unlocked any bootloaders or flash anything that messed with the system. I used the Motorola Update software to check for new update and install it. After a reboot, my phone displays the following message "Failed to boot 4" and I can't get the phone to get out of it. The only way I can turn the phone off is with a battery pull. I was on a stock 1.8.3 before this mess. What can I do? Is this a bug in the OTA update?
I recently got a Motorola Atrix from a friend who used it for 3 weeks and then upgraded to another phone.
When I got it, after doing a factory reset thing, things were fine. But a few hours later after starting up I started to get this message:
svf:105:1:2 Failed to boot 0x1000 Entering NVFlash Recovery Mode
It appears for 2 seconds and then it's gone. I can't seem to do a hard reset; holding any of the volume buttons with the power button to turn it on just gives me this same message.
First let me say that I have done a search and I have read the threads that are the exact same issue as mine. The difference is that I have no idea what to actually do about my phone. Background - when gingerbread pushed to my phone something went wrong (although it was plugged in at the time) and basically my phone reboot itself in the middle of the install. The phone no longer works. When this happened (a few months ago) I had to have a phone immediately as I was heading out of town for a few days and had to have a phone to be able to get in touch with my pregnant wife if need be.Needless to say this is now my "backup" phone that is 10x better than the current phone I am using and I would really like to get it fixed somehow.
I have tried RSD lite. I have tried the motorola software update program. I have tried using the factory cable that was sent in the box. I cannot get the phone to recognize via usb so I cannot move a software to the micro usb card.I cannot access any of the options for the "no os detected" screen that appears. Most of them say that the battery is too low to flash.
Having installed the update I then went into back up and restore to restore my phone settings but it hasn't worked properly. Only about 20% of my phone book is showing and it says the SIM card is not available, none of my Apps returned and a theme I paid £1.99 for hasn't loaded properly as it's only got the wallpaper and none of the modified icons.My full contact list is still on the SIM card as I checked it in my previous phone that my Dad now has so why isn't it appearing on my phone? It's extremely inconvenient not having access to it as I don't have a back up anywhere else and most of the missing numbers are the ones I use regularly.
I am a new user of the x10 mini pro and would like to update it. I have been following the update instruction from this site, installed companion but during the update the phone switches itself off and the update fails. I have tried one work around involving checking the 'charge battery' but this didn't work and the phone still shuts itself off.
Update available in sony bridge for mac -> update started and while updating if got the notice, that the updated get a failure -> only one option in the menu "end" -> now my pro is out of funktion and there is no way to get it started..
My Sony Xperia Z2 failed a update back in the beginning of may. The problem is, i have no SD-Card or back-up pictures at my computer.Is there anyway, i can save my pictures? I don't say i have to fix it, who can save my pictures for me.
Got a message on my phone to plug it into the Pc for an xperia update.
The update failed and when I got my phone, it was off. tryied to turn it on but it would just vibrate and nothing else. Â Tryied about everything, letting it charge, turn it on with Volume + pressed, nothing works. Â When I put it to charge the led blinks red but it doesn't turn on. The screen is just black, not even the logo pops up