BlackBerry :: Its Correct Password Is Not Accepted
Mar 14, 2012
I'm locked out of my Blackberry again because it appears to be malfunctioning. When I type the password, it shows what I'm typing, instead of masking it with asterisks, and reverts to the alphabet unless I press Alt+ the key. Even when I carefully enter the correct password, it always says it's wrong. I have 2 or 3 tries left. Last time this happened a few months ago, it ended up wiping everything. I would like to avoid losing some valuable audio files that are stored only on the phone.
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Dec 11, 2012
My Blackberry ID is not being accepted on my phone even though I can log in with it online. Have tried using a different email address as well as changing passwords for both addresses. It is recognising it online but not on my phone, so having downloaded the new bbm, I am now completely locked out
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Aug 16, 2010
i've noticed on my VZW 9650 that if the screen is password locked, and I start typing in my password when the screen is black, that I'll get an "Incorrect Password" message -- even though I'm entering the correct password. But, if I turn on the screen first, choose "Unlock" and THEN type my password, it's always accepted. So, this issue only occurs if I start typing the password directly from the black screen.I've found that after a few incorrect passwords, the BlackBerry will start showing you the password you're typing, instead of just bullets. If I get to this point, I can see that the reason the password is being rejected is because capitol letters are being inserted in the middle of the password. For example, if I type "password" it's actually being entered as "pasSword" -- hence the rejection.This is very odd, and I can confirm that this behavior does NOT happen on my 9700 -- it's only on the 9650.Hopefully I explained clearly enough -- has anyone else seen this? Or better yet, SOLVED it? I would really prefer to not have to press the "Unlock" button before entering my password every time.
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Nov 29, 2012
After cleaning my current SIM card and reinstalling my BB did not recognize the current SIM card and requested my Password. Since I did forgot it I did create a new one. After restarting many time my BB device I am now at the 9th attempt and continuously the new password is rejected. For your info the surname and e-mail is 100% correct.
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Mar 25, 2012
I have tried and tried to reset my Apple ID and password and on each web page (under Itunes) it has shown that the information was completely reset and no problems were noticed. When I have put this information into my iphone 4 in order to download my (now 35) updates, the phone says that the password is not correct. I have seriously attempted each step of these two processes at least 20 times but to no avail.
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Jul 31, 2012
my phone is not accepting my password and i am almost on the limit of tries i did disable the password thinking i would not need to sign in every time i put the phone on. when i want to use the phone now it asks for the password but will not accept it when i put it in. by the way it is the curve 8520 does anyone know what i can do to get rid of the password
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Sep 5, 2011
My email provider just switched servers/companies. the new company sent me setup instructions for our pop/imap email. Set up just fine - emails started coming. Given option to change password to something I would remember. Did so. Email works fine on my desktop, but the blackberry 9530 will not accept the new password. can receive nothing. can send email from the blackberry though. Provider is Verizon. Went through 2 levels of support and they can't come up with an answer/solution - only suggestion is to contact blackberry. Have deleted the account on the blackberry and re-created (will only accept 'old' password), have removed battery and tried again. same result.
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Jul 27, 2011
I tried logging into my Moto Blur account it will not accept my password and said call customer Service to retrieve password
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Oct 31, 2015
Been locked out of my galaxy 6 cant use finger print and wont let me use password what can I do how do I reset my phone if I can not open it ????
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Jan 4, 2011
I'm having problem connecting to wifi at home, the phone accepted the wifi password (and remembered), but would not connect. I tried to reboot the phone and my router but still can't connect. However, I can connect to open wifi.
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Jun 6, 2010
Regarding a problem with password on my 9700 Bold:
I have had a four digit Phone Lock on it for months, always the same, was operating the phone the same as usual one night, and the next morning, it wouldn't accept the Lock Code.
Entered the Password 7/8 times, then thought I had no choice but to let it reset itself, entered in the same Code, and it accepted it.
I didn't want to go through that again, so I went to Password Settings to remove the Password requirement, and it started all over again, not accepting the Same Password with which I had just unlocked the phone!
Fortunately, I have Backed up my phone in case it did get Wiped, but I would have lost some info that had been entered in between Backups, so I hoped I could get this resolved With Out the phone needing a Factory Reset.
The 9700 asked me to enter "blackberry", and I noticed that there was a tendency for the letters to jump to Upper Case quicker than I was accustomed to seeing it do.
As I have been writing this, I remembered that I had changed the Cursor Speed to Fast, so now I'm going to type in the password as quickly as I can, so I can be as certain as possible that it goes in as 'lower case' only, which, because of the characters being immediately changed to ****, I could not detect before.
Problem Solved!
I just breathed a Huge sigh of relief.
The phone has now been set back to the Original Cursor Rate, and the Phone Lock has been removed.
Security is important in case the phone is misplaced, so I set the SIM Card Lock instead, and at least if the Password gets messed up again, I can get a PUK Code from at&t, and unlock the phone that way, without the risk of wiping out all my contact information, calendar dates, and other personal settings.
I hope this information might be helpful to someone else, and I'm looking forward to learning more on this site.
Also see at:
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Oct 9, 2012
I have been trying to download apps but that isn't working out because the user-id password is not being accepted. I tried that 5times then changed the password and tried again but it still won't work.
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Jul 3, 2010
My Samsung Tablet won't accept the password from my new Z5 during Wi Fi hotspot configuration process.
Tablet no problem with old phone used as hotspot.
Z5 no problem connecting to home WiFi.
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Aug 2, 2012
I can't unlock my phone and I'm using the correct password. I'm at my final attempt to enter the password or ALL of my personal information will be lost!! I just got off of the phone with customer service and was told basically I'm going to lose all my business contacts & personal notes that I entered this morning during my morning meeting and that it's my fault because I didn't back it up! How the heck can I back up my device while during my company meeting? I'm the owner and I have many notes and etc on my device that I put there this morning! Now I lose money because I can't get my information. I'm so ticked off right now! Customer service wasn't helpful at all...he just blamed me for my problem! Never mind the fact that the darn phone keeps turning itself on and off randomly!
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May 19, 2012
I can't log in to app store with my correct password. It keeps saying that there is an unknown error and it still fails after i retried many times.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Jul 26, 2011
I forgot my BB in my backpocket and sat on it severally and found that the password had been attempted 6 times. It gave the instruction to type in "blackberry" and then the password which I did correctly, this is a password I have used since last month so I know I am not wrong. I have been unsuccessful in unlocking the phone but noticed the 4 digits entered now come up in readable characters on screen and not the usual asterix displayed when passwords/pins are entered.
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Apr 5, 2012
Why is my I'd being rejected when I have entered the correct password? I changed the password and it still rejected as entering an incorrect pwd.
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Jun 17, 2012
I set my password to on as usual and when I went back into to sign in, it's telling me my password is wrong and now my phone is disabled. I can't reach customer care and can't get into my phone.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Jul 3, 2012
My Apps icon on my iPhone 4 currently says I have 37 updates available. I am unable to update them individually OR all at once. After pressing the UPDATE button it asks for my account password like normal. I type it in correctly and it shifts back to the app icons, showing all of the apps with the update progess bar at the bottom of them. Then a popup appears saying: Sign in the the iTunes Store.
If you have an Apple ID sign in with it here, AOL members can sign in using their AOL username and password.
If I cancel nothing happens. If I hit BUY and type in my password again it just gives me the same error popup again.
However, if I try to download a new app from the app store using the same password it lets me. The new app downloads and installs just fine.
What is with this error message and what do I need to do to fix this? FYI I have no AOL account and have never had one in the past.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Jul 6, 2012
My gmail wont connect. The password is correct. It's been happening a lot lately and I can still sign on by using the web.
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Aug 10, 2010
When I click the unlock button at the top, the phone prompts me to input my password. Instead of showing the usual **** when I type in the letters though, it is showing the actual letters or numbers (if I click the Alt button) and says "incorrect password" - aaaargh! I'm now on attemtp 8 of 10 and daren't do any more.I've removed the battery for an hour in the hope of resetting it and unfortunately no change.
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Jul 21, 2010
My mother has a 3GS. She keeps getting a message that says she cannot connect to iTunes. She is putting in the correct PW. She tried calling Apple, but they wanted to charge her for a phone call. She tried emailing them, but the response she got did not help her situation and the rep said it was outside of her area of expertise and that was all the help she gave.
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Jan 26, 2010
my name is Lisa and I have a bold 9000 I was recently trying to sync my phone to my computer by using the desktop manager... It prompted me for the blackberry password on my computer. I entered my CORRECT!!! Password numerous times until it said one last attempt or all memory will be erase.. Being that the CORRECT password was not working I went to the password options on my bold and disabled the password.. As I attempted this a prompt showed up and said type in "blackberry" so I did then it said type in password, I typed in the correct password once again then it started wiping my phone.This is extremely frustrating I have... Well had =[... A lot of stuff on my phone and now it is all gone! And to top it all off it will not start up again, it says "reload software:513"I don't understand why this happened and I found several other people on online forums who have had the same problem with no solution.Please help! Is my phone completely wiped out for good?
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Jun 10, 2012
So I uninstalled Whatsapp because it said the date and time of my blackberry are wrong. Then it said I have to restart my device, which I did. After the restart, I typed my correct password but then the screen is frozen. I restarted my device again, and it was still the same. But when I typed the wrong password, it responded and "wrong password" window appeared.And then, I saw this post and it said that I still can switch application by holding the blackberry button and switch between applications that is running on background. And I still can. But it is so annoying that I can't go to my home screen.
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May 1, 2011
Just got a Curve about 3 hours ago and I can't connect to my home wifi even with the correct password.
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Apr 7, 2010
Any ideas before I do a hard reset?As of last night, my Blackberry isn't fully unlocking after I type my password. I type the correct password and hit enter, the password entry section turns dark (or it will stay on the "Enter Password screen" and appear to freeze). (If I type the wrong password it simply prompts me again, so i know I am typing the correct password). This is after multiple battery pulls.Sometimes after typing the correct password, I can hold down the blackberry button and it will bring up the box that lets me switch to BBM, the browser, the Home Screen, etc and I can "switch" to that program, but there is a sort of frozen shadow of the Enter Password box over what ever app I switch to and I can't use the trackball or keyboard in those apps.This "frozen box' is preventing me from using any application on my BB!I CAN receive calls. Barely. I can only make calls if I pull battery and DON'T unlock the phone and go to the Place Call option.I upgraded to OS 5 over a week ago and things were fine until last night. I can hear my BB when it receives messages (the tones work) or txt etc but can't read anything due to the lock up!The only suspect is Google Talk which I installed two days ago and seemed to be hogging resources and draining the battery, however the phone worked fine for about a day with it on. Perhaps Google Talk is launching at startup and hanging things up? I doubt it but this is full disclosure.I have also, pulled battery and removed the micro-sd card to see if that had any affect -- alas to no avail.One analogy I can think of is it as if the Windows Explorer is hung but everything else is working.
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May 3, 2012
I accidently typed in wrong password for my home network on my new iPhone. Now the network wont let me join. How can I type in correct password so that I can connect to wi-fi?
iPhone 4
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Jun 7, 2012
Why does it keep saying cannot connect to iTunes store after I enter my password? What do I need to do? Need 2 update my apps
iPhone 4, iOS 5.1.1
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Oct 20, 2011
I've typed in the correct username and password but it still says im unable to log in. Now I can't change my email settings and update the apps. Don't know what to do...
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Oct 30, 2011
Actually this is my new torch 9860. I've created new blackberry account for It. After upgrading the new version of application world, I was unable to login to my blackberry Id account with the correct password. Even if you sent new app world upgrading with a bug free version, I still can't upgrade coz its required my blackberry id.
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Oct 22, 2011
I have had my bbry tour for 3 years and never had this problem. I am getting a message that I need to validate my email on my blackberry, but every time I try it says not a valid username password and can't validate. I have my name & password written down so I know they are correct, but the system doesn't recognize it.
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