BB Tour 9630 :: How To Avoid Or Block Unknown Caller?
Apr 15, 2010
After searching forums and finding nothing except how to avoid or block unknown callers, I can't find an answer to my problem. I get calls from unknown callers and need to answer them, but my phone wont let me hear the caller. Help , I called tech service went to the Sprint store and no one can help. Any Ideas? TY(BTW--BB-9630-V5.0.0.484 with platform)
I have a Tour 9630, sw version When the phone rings, it does not display the name of the caller, just their phone number, even if that number is in my address book. Once I answer the call, the name is then displayed.Naturally I'd like to know who the caller is before I answer! I found a couple posts asking a similar question, although for different model phones. Some of them suggest that I must disable content protection... but I can't find this in the options. Even in the User Guide, it contains instructions (go to Options > Security Options > General Settings... but there is no "general settings" on my phone.)
I got phone calls today and every phone call had the contact name "Stephanie -insert her phone #-" the strange part was that it wasn't Stephanie calling, it was one of my other contacts. Every time I got a phone call, it would always say it was Stephanie, but it wasn't. Then, when I'd go into my call logs, it'd show the accurate names of the people who called me.
I have a Unlocked Tour 9630 which I am now using with FIDO . Everything on the phone seems to work EXCEPT . CALLER ID , which is driving me nuts , not knowing whose call I missed.
80% of people calling the phone it will say "UNKNOWN CALLER" . There are only a few of my contacts that their name will appear when calling . The rest of my contacts, although I have their numbers saved in my phone will still appear as "UNKNOWN"
I've done everything from , changing around my Smart Dialing to include my area code and canada as the country code . Encryption is disabled on the phone.
Hope I'm not asking something that's already been answered, but I searched all the forums and couldn't find anything. I was out-of-state recently and found two unknown icons on my phone while I was gone. I thought maybe one of them indicated roaming, but that's just a guess and I don't know what the other is at all. Across the top of the screen, in order, are
a) the usual number of messages beside the envelope, which I recognize;
b) a number 1 beside a white circle that looks as if there's a white arrow penetrating it from the top right with a red something-or-other (can't really tell, it's so small); and
c) another number 1 beside something that looks a little like the video camera icon (circle, line, circle -- connected at the bottom -- o_o sort of). I've no idea what the latter two are, so I don't know how to get rid of them.
As of recently, my tour had turned off one day. The screen said technical support required, bring to your provider, or something to that effect. Anyway, the phone was fixed, everything wiped however. Ever since then, a new strange Grey symbol is at the top of my screen, and I have no idea what is means. It is on my home screen, directly between the time and battery life symbols, so basically it is to the left. It looks like a symbol of a mini blackberry with a tiny little pinkish square sticking out of the side of the left side of the phone symbol.
I have a bb tour and I recently noticed an icon on the top of my home screen and I don't know what it is for. It has the phone like you would see with a missed call but instead of the red x it is either a 4 or an arrow right beside the phone. What does it mean?
I came from an 8830 WE. When I received a phone call on the 8830, if number was in my address book, the screen would show the name of the person, their location (work, home, etc), and the number as I had it formatted in the address book, such as (555) 555-5555.I imported the address book to my Tour, and everything looks exactly the same as far as how the data is formatted in each contact.However, when a person calls, the phone just shows the persons name with an unformatted phone number, such as 5554445565, and does not show where the person is calling from, such as (Home), like the 8830 did.
I have a status indicator on the Home Page of my Tour, but do not know what it is. It looks like a phone with a yellow/orange button on the left of the icon.
I just used my upgrade on the verizon blackberry tour 9630, I'm a big texter and absolutely LOVED my env2! Any helpful hints? Advice to a new user? I actually will not get my phone till next week.
For the last three weeks, someone has been calling me in the middle of the night on Facetime. I have no idea who the caller is and it has become quite annoying to be woken up randomly in the middle of the night by this call. I searched for answers to my questions and I haven't seen anything updated since 2011 -- has Apple come up with anyway to block a specific caller/email address from calling you on FaceTime without having to turn FaceTime off? I know with Skype you can do this and it is very surprising that with Apple you cannot.
My previous Android phones had an option in the call settings. My issue is that I keep receiving calls from Unknown, but there is no phone number so I can't just save it and block it. Previous Android phones had this option built in.
Can you replace a tour trackball with a curve one? I heard somewhere that it was possible. I changed the housing in my Tour to make it white but the trackball doesn't sit right and i have a problem scrolling down. I can't seem to get the trackball to sit properely in this housing its just not centered. If i can put a curve trackball in, which model curve do i use?
I have recently bought a new N8. My previous phone was HTC touch diamond 2. In the HTC, you could block the caller id to people not in the contacts list. For example, only people whose numbers were stored on your phone/sim card could see that you were calling. If you called anyone else, it would come up as 'Caller ID Withheld'. But now in my N8, I only have three options. Show caller id, withhold caller id and 'set by network'
how I can show my caller id to people only on my contacts list?
On my bold 9790 OS 7.1.0 pack 2039, It appears that "unknown caller" are not logged on the regular call history., I find it annoying....This is true for missed and taken calls.
I am using a Bold 9700 on AT&T and when someone calls me with a blocked number, "uknown caller" does not show up on my call log. It wont show that I received that call and won't give me a call history.
My sister has a 4S and only some of the time when she calls people it either says "Unknown" or "No Caller ID". It happens about 50% of the time & she hasn't changed any of the settings. What is going on and how can we fix it?
i have just bought a bb 8520, and i cant find where to block the phone sending my id [telephone number] to who i am calling.i have called my carrier because this is a service that they have to add to the plan, but they told me that the only way is to dial #31# before every phone number thats an option, but unreal, beacuse for the 99% of times you choose the phone number from the contact list [or you should modify every phone to have the #31# before the number]i had a nokia before, and this option is easy configured through the options tab does anybody knows where to configure this option?
So, some French person has been calling me. I just got this number. I have no clue who it is. How can I block his number without asking my provider ? Are there some free apps ?
Just got Lumia 710 2 days ago, and upgraded it in Zune to the latest, and now I notice when I call from iphone 4s, it does not show the caller's number. However if I call from other cell phone or primus voip, it's fine.I have tried to swap the sim cards between Lumia 710 and iphone 4s, I still have the exact the same issue, so I am sure it's something to do with the phone not carrier.
I bought nokia lumia 900. Very nice phone but I have 1 problem every time when someone call me it shows unknown caller but contact is in my phone why that ? I used contact transfer.