BB Torch :: Why Does It Constantly Freeze

Jan 7, 2011

Why does the Torch constantly freeze. I did not have this problem initially, swapped out for a new phone and since it still happens, I realize that this must be an OS issue, yet I have not seen any updates.

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BB Curve :: 9300 - Trackpad Constantly Freeze?

May 15, 2012

I am having major issues with my Blackberry Curve 9300.The trackpad constantly freezes for up to 15 hours at a time. During this time the device is useless. I cannot scroll left to right, but sometimes I can still select by pressing the trackpad. This still make it useless as I cannot scroll to what I want to select.Pulling the battery does not fix this. I have good app memory so that's not the issue.

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BB Curve :: Keys And Screens Constantly Freeze Up?

Aug 19, 2012

The Blackberry 9300 curve is junk. Keys and screens constantly freeze up. If you happen to do a OS update beaware as this makes things worse.

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BB Torch :: Phone App Freeze On New 9850?

Apr 21, 2011

I have had the phone app freeze on incoming calls. This is a rather fundamental problem for a brand new phone. I can't seem to find were to get the message to BB otherwise.

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BB Torch :: Buttons Freeze Up, Only Touchscreen Works?

Sep 6, 2011

The buttons won't work! None of them! Sometimes the one in the middle (navigator one!) that works going from side to side up and down but wont select anything and the rest just don't work!

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BB Torch :: PC Freeze While Updating OS - Loss Contacts?

Sep 14, 2011

Yesterday night, i updated my OS in my Torch 9800, it goes in 4 steps

1* backup
2* download
3* install
4* restore

During 4th step (restore), my PC has frozen, half my data is not restored... i miss more than 200 contacts (and other stuffs).Do you know where the BB Software does the backup and store the backup file ? There should be a way to get the backup files to restore at least my contacts but how ?

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BB Torch :: Constantly Turning Itself Off?

Apr 3, 2012

i had my new torch just over a week ago and recently its started too turn off and freeze, yesterday it froze so i took the battery out and tried resetting it, now it wont turn back on?

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BB Torch :: LED Light Constantly Red?

Oct 14, 2011

So I was on the internet earlier and it said the pages security certificate was out of date but I knew it was a trusted site so I clicked continue and finished using my phone and put it in my back pocket. When I next check my phone the LED light was permanatly stuck on and the battery really quickly drained so I charged it up but it will only charge to 50% and the light is still on, I've pulled out the battery and left it.

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BB Torch :: Turns Off And On Constantly?

Jun 2, 2011

i've had my Blackberry torch for less than 24 hours and i am already having problems. It was working fine until i had synced some music onto it from my pc. When i disconnected it, it flashed red in the LED indicator and turned off then rebooted. Problem is, it will reboot then turn on and verify the security software, it will stay on for about 7 seconds, then the LED flashes again, turns off, reboots and does the whole thing over and over continuously. However, when i connect it to the computer in the few seconds it is actually on, it appears to work fine and I don't have this problem at all. It starts again as soon as i take the USB out though. Oh, and I have done a battery pull & it didn't make a difference & the phone is 100% charged.

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BB Torch :: It Constantly Losing Signal

Jul 5, 2012

my phone is constantly losing signal, it says searching for network.

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BB :: My Torch Constantly Locks Up For About 30-45 Seconds

Sep 19, 2012

My Torch constantly locks up for about 30-45 seconds. Blackberry website it is updated

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BB Torch :: Red Light Constantly Blinking?

Feb 23, 2011

the red flashing light keeps on blinking but i dont have any notifications. it kinda bothers me because this didnt happen before. it started affter i updated my phone.

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BB :: Torch 9810 Constantly Restarting

Oct 20, 2011

I have a Torch 9810 with the OS 7. Outside of the apps that were preinstalled with the phone, the only apps I have added are gmail and yahoo mail. I have 201.9 MB of free space in app storage, 6.2GB free in total media storage, and 3.2 gb free on my media card.

The device restarts on its own. Started off gradually, maybe once a day. And it would do it then, after sitting idle for a while and I pick it up, sliding out the keyboard would trigger a reboot. Then it would do that 2-3 times a day. I was thinking it had a defect in the slide out qwerty. Now it does it more frequently and has started doing it in the middle of calls. It has rebooted 3 times already this morning within an hour. One time without me even touching it, I just happen to see the screen come back on as it was booting up.

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BB Torch :: 9810 Constantly Freezes Up?

Jan 8, 2012

My device constantly freezes up, a timeclock appears on the screen and remains for a few minutes. This happens almost every time I use it.

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BB Torch :: Constantly Freezing And Keeps Locking Itself?

Jan 17, 2012

i did an update and my phone seemed fine but now its constantly freezing and keeps locking itself could the update have anything to do with this the version i have is 7.0.0 bundle 2406

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BB Torch :: Reconnecting To JVM Constantly Fails On 9810

Jul 7, 2010

My BlackBerry Torch 9810 refuses to start-up and while trying to rectify this issue using Desktop Manager, it fails to get passed the "Reconnecting to JVM" phase.

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BB Torch :: 9800 Not Holding Charge And Rebooting Constantly?

Feb 26, 2012

My BB Torch 9800 on my AT&T network is constantly not holding any battery charge, it's constantly dying on me even though I constantly have in plugged into a car charger or a wall charger at all times, it also started to reboot itself and then once its complete it reboots itself again and again and again. I've tried leaving the battery out for 15min and then trying to reboot it again, that does nothing. I've gone into the Options section under Device and disables the Compression, that did nothing, I've check the CPU Usage for the day and the week nothing is really eating the power up. I have also held down the menu button and switched off all my apps in there and still no better.

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BB Torch :: Touchscreen Constantly Puts Calls On Hold?

May 30, 2012

Every single solitary call, sometimes multiple times, my cheek brushes near the screen and I put the caller on hold without realising it. It's enough to make me not want to use the phone for talking it's so constant. Yes I have a screen protector.Surely there is a software update now that freezes the screen?

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BB Torch :: Constantly Getting Message To Format Media Card

Jun 28, 2012

I keep getting a message to format a media card, file G that was installed. I haven't added a media card and when I click to format it comes back unable to format

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BB Torch :: Battery Power Drops Constantly/randomly?

Jul 24, 2012

I have the Blackberry Torch 9800 and for the last while my battery will constantly randomly drop to almost dead. If I remove the battery it usually goes back up and sometimes it's okay for the rest of the day or for a few days, while some days it does it 2-3 times every hour to the point it basically needs to be left plugged in.

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BB Torch 9800 Smartphone :: Handset Constantly Rebooting For No Reason

Aug 22, 2010

Why does this happen?? I have tried taking out the battery etc. and this makes little to no difference. Any ideas?I am also working out how to get my school email on the device, but I believe this is covered elsewhere so I shall follow up there with any problems.

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BB Torch :: Freezes Constantly - Small Black Box With Timer Appearing

Apr 25, 2011

My Torch freezes every time I use it. I end up waiting for it to unfreeze. I get a small black box with a timer and it's been happening more and more. What the reason for this might be?

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BB Torch :: 9810 Screen Constantly Freezes Or Black Square With Dial Appears

Aug 24, 2011

9810 torch the screen constantly freezes or has the little black square with the dial going around like its updating. It's very frustrating that every time I go to do anything on my phone either the screen is frozen or its updating. It wont even let me turn the screen on unless I open the keypad - freezes and updates when trying to hang up a call- takes two minutes to prep phone for every use.

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IPhone :: It Freeze And Will Not Let Me Do Anything

Jun 17, 2012

my iphone is froze and will not let me do anything

iPod touch

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Nokia :: N97 Welcome Screen Freeze 

Mar 26, 2010

i have the n97 cellphone and it suddenly turn it self off and now i cant turn it on it keeps displaying the white background and the nokia letters on blue like the welcome screen but its freeze

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IPhone :: No Service And Then Freeze

Apr 10, 2010

JB 3GS 3.1.2

Yesterday I was loading a video from and all of a sudden I got the "No service" indicator in the top left. I waited a few minutes for it to find some 3G coverage, only to realize my phone was frozen. I restarted the phone using the home/power button method and when it came back, it hung on the Apple logo for a good 30-40 minutes before finally booting up normally. I thought this might have been a fluke, but then last night I booted up (after I accidentally let my phone run down to zero battery) and the same 30-40 minute Apple logo thing happened. This morning I was browsing Safari again and all of a sudden "No service," freeze, restart, Apple logo, 30-40 minutes.

The only thing that I've done recently is install a few updated versions of apps that I already had. Does this problem seem like an app conflict of some sort? If so, should I just go in and uninstall the apps that I just recently installed?

I guess I wouldn't mind re-JBing if I had to, but wouldn't that mean that I would be forced to go to 3.1.3 which has a more limited JB (no tethering - I confess that I haven't read much about 3.1.3 JB because I wasn't planning on doing it for a while)?

EDIT: It seems as though the Apple logo flashes every 10 minutes or so (as if it's being restarted)

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BB Curve :: It Freeze And Reset Itself

Mar 22, 2012

my fone froze and it reset it self and now everytime i type it vibrates. i have been though my setting and still does it, ive been on silnet and switched of vibrate and it still does it.

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BB :: My Curve 9300 Freeze

Mar 2, 2012

I'm having lots of problems with my blackberry, sometime it freeze, giving me a white screen with a clock, and it can last 10 mins, and sometime i must reboot it. it used to be one of the best phone i had, turned into a frustrating device. sometimes i'm writing a text message, and it suddenly stops writing, and freeze. my battery life is a lot shorter too.

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BB :: It Freeze While Deleting Entry

Nov 18, 2011

I have a Blackberry Curve Model 8530 and my carrier is Boost Mobile. This morning I tried to delete an entry in my call history and my phone froze so I took my battery out and put it back in. When it finished loading and my home screen popped up it immediately popped up with "Uncaught Exception Index 3>=3 " then went to a white screen that said App Error 523.I had never downloaded the Desktop Manager so I installed it on my laptop, plugged my phone in and did the application loader trick that everyone talks about and deleted all apps but I'm still having the same issue?

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LG G4 :: Why Does Phone Freeze While Powering On

Nov 8, 2015

My LGG4 froze while I was on a website. I could not turn it off so I removed the battery and replaced it. I powered the phone up and it froze on the Life's Good Powered by android screen. It will not advance past this point.

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HTC One M7 :: Phone Screen Freeze

Jun 14, 2013

Had HTC one for couple months now and quite a few times I can not use the screen it is unresponsive and I have to hit the power button to turn screen off and on and its fine.

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