All of a sudden (just today) my torch started playing a ringtone whenever I get a voicemail message. For whatever reason I cannot turn it off! It even does it in "vibrate" mode. When I go to the options menu I get alert sounds for email, level 1, PIN and text. How do I turn off voice mail notification?
my torch wont alert me when i have a mention on twitter, when i go into sounds in my profile facebook is listed but twitter isnt. how do i make it sound?
Have had the 9650 for a week, so far so good. Does anyone know if there is a way to get an audible alert and a notice to my messages that a voicemail is waiting ? I believe my curve used to do this. Not looking for the app you can buy re: missed calls.....just if there is a voicemail waiting.
I used to get a SMS message everytime I got a voicemail but somehow it got turned off. Now all I get is the little voicemail icon at the top of my screen but no sound or vibration or anything. I've been looking for an answer to my issue on the forums but it seems like I'm the only person that likes the SMS alert, everybody else wants to turn it off.
My husband and I both got the 9700 this past weekend. Mine works great but unfortunately, his voicemail notification does not work. We've tried adding visual voicemail, removing visual voicemail, adding it again, removing it again, resetting to network with Customer Care. My husband doesn't even care about VVM. He just needs regular voicemail notification. And yes, the voicemail works properly and the notification has worked perfectly fine through the years on his 8900, his old 8320, his old Pearl, etc.
Yesterday I called Customer Care and the CSR rep said all we had to do was go to the home screen --> hit menu --> scroll and click on messages --> hit menu --> scroll and click on voicemail setup --> scroll to notifications --> choose ON, then save or done. Sounds simple enough. Unfortunately, when I followed his steps and went to the home screen and hit menu, there is no "messages" in the menu. If I go to the messages icon, I can get to message alerts for all messages but there is no voicemail setup.
My iphone shows that I have a voice mail but when I touch it I cannot access the message. I am fully charged and have full strength. The little triangle will not switch to two lines. It just stays with the little triangle?
Hi, please assist! I had to wipe my Curve 9380 and since then the sound and alerts has gone haywire. When the phone is on Loud, it vibrates, when it is on silent, it goes of loud an so on.
I just upgraded to OS 6.0 today and now whenever I get a notification from Facebook, the sound won't play like it used to. When I have the phone on vibrate, it does not vibrate either. I tried going into each sound profile and I set the alerts for "social feeds" since Facebook isn't listed under there (only Twitter is).
I just got an 8520 that originally came from the UK. I cannot figure out how to change the alert sound for BBM. My daughter has the same phone but the menus are different from mine.
I have just got a nokia 5230 but cannot seem to get the message alert sounds to work. The sound is turned up and the ring tones work fine. does anyone have a solution.
My 5530 is no longer alerting me that i have a message, there is no sound, no pop up message and no symbol at the top of the phone, the only was of knowing i have a message is to go in to the messge menu and look for the start next to the inbox. The rest of the phone is find, alerts me normally when recieving calls.
I have tried restoring to factory setting, hard reset and reinstalling but nothing seams to work.
I have a bold 9900 and for the last few days the alert tones have been sounding randomly for no reason. There are no messages or notifications. This even happens when everything is switched to silent and the phone is turned off. The only time it stops is when I disconnect the battery??
yesterday I changed my ringer settings to silent (in a meeting) - ever since, I can't change them back. The "Sound and Alert Profiles" won't open when I try to select it. The icon on the top left won't open either.Even if I make changes under the Options and save them, they aren't changed.
Any way to enable notification sounds for SMS when the SMS screen is open and phone screen is on ?I get the alert when the SMS screen is closed, or the phone screen is off, but if I am having a conversation with someone via SMS, I obviously have the SMS screen open, and I get no sounds to tell me they have replied, it just updates the conversation on screen...
I am totally new to the world of blackberry! But under the ring tones/alerts section there was an option to have a sound alert for facebook, which I was using. I then noticed a couple of days ago, there was no longer a sound alert when I got a facebook message, and the option to chose one has disappeared from the ring tones/alerts section.
when I receive a text, there is no sound, no vibration and no alert on the main screen. The only way I know I have a text is if I go into my inbox and see the little red or see the flash.Ive read that maybe deleting all my messages would help but I really don't want to lose them all.
As the title says, I am looking for a way to change the text alert (for when someone sends you a page), both volume and actual sound used, using an app or smart actions (in much the same way you can change the ringer using smart actions).Unlike most people I want it to get really loud and anoying at night (when I am likly asleep) so it will wake me up.I am also looking for a way to alarm/chip/alert/notify again if I have unheard messages or unviewed pages. Right now there is this blinking LED on the front. That is nice, but it won't wake me up or let me know if I went to the other room for a sec.
I know we can change the call alert sound. That's easy enough to find. Has anyone found a way to change the chirp itself? I am speaking of the Talk Permit chirp. I figure if the DuraMax and DuraCore can change the sounds, we should be able to. They have like 6 or 7 changeable chirps in the event you don't like a loud beep. I personally would like a subtle tone when I have my ear piece in driving down the road or when I'm at work. An 80dB blast to the eardrum at 4000 Hz kind of stings.