BB Storm 9500 :: 9500 Unable To Send Mms After Upgrading Software To Version 5.0
Apr 17, 2010
I recently updated the software on my Blackberry Storm 9500 to version 5.0 and now i cannot send mms (though I can still receive mms).I have spent over 4 hours on the phone with my carrier (Vodafone) and they have no idea why I can no longer send mms. I tried downgrading the software and found I could send mms again.Is there any way of fixing it so i can have the newest version of software on my Blackberry and still be able to send mms?
I have Storm 9500 and the Desktop manager offered upgrade. The process blocked at "Loading module net_rim_cldc.cod " and now the old OS is deleted but the new one is not yet installed. My phone is unusable. What should i do?
Ever since I upgraded to OS, after a battery pull, it takes forever to do anything. Battery Pull OS Reboots to locked Enter password Get to Home Screen Everything lags for about 4 minutes If I try to do too much I start getting errors in LIB's and have to power cycle again.And it doesn't matter how long I wait to unluck to phone either. If I pull battery out, got o bed, wake up, unlock phone, same problem.
Your carrier: VIP Croatia OS: WinXP SP3 x86 Office 2010 (Outlook 2010) Did a battery pull fix your issue? No (if you think of disable USB power) BT device model/version (you will have to look at the BT device):
Trying to start "Configure settings" and this all the time breaks. Have reinstalled (install on clean PC also) this 6 version. reset intellisync waht I found on this forum.
What to do? How to get basic enterpise option to synchro outlook contact ONLY!!!!!????
Please help this is imposible to be in such a brand with so much problems and no explanation at all.
I can't send text on my storm 9500. I discovered that the service centre is not in the SMS options, I tried severally to impute it but it disappear even after saving it.
I can't seem to send text messages (but i can receive them). I'm told by my carrier that i need to change my service center number (and they provided it). I've been looking all over the phone for this option, and can't seem to find it. I keep seeing posts saying "On your device: Options > SMS > Service Center." but "service center" does not appear when i go to options>SMS text. I see the following; screen options conversation style: show names: message options priority: callback number: disable autotext: so my question is;, where do i find this?
I can no longer send/recieve emails on my blackberry storm, however, i can make phone calls, send texts and talk to contacts on my bbm.I cannot connect to the email settings page and I am registered with the wireless network.Any suggestions would be helpful.
Ever since my phone did a software update I can no longer send video messages unless I send them via bluetooth. The option to send the SMS or MMS was removed. Any ideas on how to reinstate this?...
Device info Your carrier: Verizon Blackberry Storm 9530; v4.7.0.148 (Platform
Apps and free space 31,610,557 Bytes Free No battery pull did not fix.
When writing your question Yesterday added Blackberry Enterprise Server to the phone, which previously had been provisioned by Verizon directly (connected to our exchange server). Email comes in just fine, but if I wish to either reply or forward the message, at the very top of the message, there is a note that states: "Send Using" and next to that is a button that shows "Desktop v" (the v is a down arrow). I am unable to change the Desktop button to my email account.
Saw the following post: and tried changing the default, which it allowed me to do, but to no avail.I am unable to respond to or forward any emails I have received on the hand-held unit.The option to send is available but when I send it comes back with an error message that it is unable to send from desktop.
I am using a Storm1. As you know this weekend BIS did an upgrade. At the same time Verizon dropped Yahoo as their e-mail server.I went into BIS and made the incoming and outgoing changes. It took and I resent a service book.I haven't been able to receive e-mail since. I can send e-mail but not receive.I've done a wipe and everything else I can think of. Any ideas?
I recently upgraded my bb storm to, after doing so i discovered that when composing a new email I could not send it.The send option in the menu is missing and the send button at the top right corner of the screen is unresponsive.
Strangely though the send option is still available when replying to emails,it is only when I compose a new email that it is missing and I can only save it as a draft.I have tried upgrading to and downgrading to, security wiping and clearing the service books and resending them but it still wont let me send an email.And right now I cant even download any other firmware using the desktop manager as it seems to have ground to a halt.
I had the Facebook application installed and I removed it because I found the mobile site easier to use. Since I unistalled the application the default "Send Using" when I make a new appointment is Facebook. I was having to change it to my regular email everytime I created a new appointment. I was able to change my default back to my email but I'm wondering if there is a way to remove Facebook from the options completely. I expected it to go away when I uninstalled the application. Can anyone please assist me?
I bought an unlocked Storm 9550 series last week and it was working fine until yesterday. It will not let me make or receive calls but yet I can still text.When I do try and call it says "congestion".
Bought an unlocked Storm 9530 yesterday and popped in my T-Mobile SIM card. I could text, but not place any calls. When I tried calling, I received a "No circuit/channel available". At the call screen I see a a phone number that isn't mine. After I gave up I turned off the phone for a while and let it charge. Upon booting up I got an error message and my SIM refused to work at all. It says SOS at the top right and even though my mobile network is on, it just doesn't do anything. I have the mode set to GSM/UMTS and 3G/2G. I can't even select a network manually. I get an error that says "Unable to acquire network."
Before updating the Blackberry Storm to Version 5.0 I did a full backup of the device. Since the update I am unable to see any of the contacts in Blackberry Desktop Software on my Mac. I have tried a restore of just the 'Address Book - All' and still I can't see anything even though it states that there are 59 records.
Please tell me I haven't lost them all or whether I am doing something wrong.
I have an issue with my Gmail. I recently updated to I can receive emails just fine. However, I can only send emails to contacts with a saved email address or reply to emails that have come to my inbox. for example, I receive an email from a friend, I can reply just fine. If I type that email in the "To" field, the envelope icon to send the message is grayed out. I resent service books, per another thread, but to no avail.
Beginning yesterday, I suddenly cannot send email through hotmail. I can receive them just fine.I tried a hard reboot, re-registering my email, re-registering on the wireless network, and took the phone to Verizon and even they couldn't figure it out.
when I do hard reset my free memory is 17.5 mb then I use my BB as I normally doI do not install any new app and every day I get less and less free memory quickly it comes to 5.0mb when I get warning that memory is too low and things get slowed down and if I still contine to use BB it comes to 0.0mb then I have to pull the battery out because I can not do anytnihg any more I do this every 3-4 days can someone explain me why is this happening and is this normal
I just recently bought the Blackberry Storm and I am having difficulty getting the MMS messaging to work. The icon is missing and when I try to send a picture or compose that type of message, MMS is not even an option.
OkI have the first version of the storm and there is a delay when the phone is upright then i turn it to the side to reply or send a text sometimes it wont do anything. I heard there is some update to fix this??? how do I go about fixing it?
My Storm is running all of the latest official software and when I connect it to my Windows 7 PC it shows and error for a fraction of a second and reboots. If left connected via USB it continually crashes until disconnected. It previously connected without issue on my current computer. Has anyone had this issue and what fixed it?
As of this morning, my Storm2 has been unable to receive e-mail. I am able to send with no problem. I am running Blackberry Professional Software connected with our exchange server. No other user is having an issue. I have pulled the battery for a reset, but still no luck.
I've had this storm for a while now, since like Jan of last year. Its given me my headaches, and little things with using too much memory with their lol.
But the latest issue is with charging. I noticed sometimes the bolt comes up saying that its getting power, and sometimes it will just staylike that, but will loose power, or if i wiggle it the right way it will stay charging.
If not then sometimes it wont get a charge even though its plugged in! Is it the charger, or the phone port? Becuase I am charging it through my computer, although super slow, it doesnt have the same issues as my wall charger by my bed!
Brand new BB user.I have just received an error while trying to sync my Storm 2 9950 to my Outlook 2007 (Windows Vista).It is stopping while trying to sync the address book.It stops on record 223 of 449.A novice at the phone.
I had a question about the 9500. Im currently using the 9530 from verizon and was thinking about selling it and getting a 9500 cuz i have t-mobile and im tired of the EDGE/edge problem.....I was just curious if any of you happen to know if the 9500 has the EDGE/edge problem that the 9530 has with T-Mobile.
I have blackberry 9530 with OS When I tried to login to yahoo messenger with my yahoo id. it say "Invalid Yahoo! ID or Password" then I try on my computer and I can log in, so there's nothing wrong with my ID and Password. Then I try another Messenger application like Windows Live and Google Talk but they said similar sentences. After all of that I try to add my email at setup/email settings but still I can't add my email too using my blackberry. oh ya! i try to log in with my browser on my blackberry too but I still can't login. Then I ask my friend and try to log in using my friend e-mail, my friend can login without any problem. After that I have initiative to make a new email and I did but when I log in using my blackberry I can't.
mMy blackberry 9500 n it wnt let me click nething. i can scroll, do virtually everything else, but i cant click ne links or nething. i cant navigate off the page i get too because i cnt select nething. ne ideas?
Storm 9550 (2) 5.0 version of OS 14.5gig free on card Unlocked, purchased from NewEgg Formally a Verizon Phone I am stationed in Afghanistan and purchased this unlocked version. I am using a Local carrier (Roshan). Everything works great once I sorted a couple of minor issues except I cannot get the wifi to come up. I can connect to wireless routers and says "connected". But the wifi is still grayed out and I am unable to use it (wifi) for anything or register the phone. I would like to be in a situation where the wifi will work independent of the sim card installed.