I have gone to Options, Owner Information and typed it in.I then pressed the menu button and save.But when I lock my screen (by pressing star) the owner info doesn't show on screen?
I am looking for displaying my owner information on the HTC M9 lock screen. I am running Nova launcher and Lollipop 5.1 on the phone. Lollipop 5.1 does not allow for screen widgets and there is no option in the security settings to display owner information on the lock screen.
A new feature in the Security and Screen Lock settings is the ability to add your Owner Info.(Settings/Security & Screen Lock/Owner Info)The owner info then displays (it scrolls actually) across the top of the lock screen (if you don't use a lock screen, it doesn't display). For my info, I have my name, my google voice number, and an email address.I previously had an app to do this, but with ICS I no longer need it. I mention this feature because of something that happened to me this weekend. I have an Android ICS tablet on which I've also entered the owner info. I left it in a public place this past weekend. Before I had even gotten back to my hotel, I had received emails and phone calls from the person who found the tablet, turned it on, and used the Owner Info to contact me.Saved me at least $300 it would have taken to replace it. Which wasn't the worst thing - I had taken the memory card out of my camera and put it in the tablet. I would have been extremely upset at losing of days worth of very important photos that could have never been replaced.
I miss the owner information on a Storm2 when the device is locked.Having upgraded from a Storm to a Storm2 using the DM Device Switch Wizard, there is no owner information showing.
The owner information and the blue screen shows quickly up when the device is booted but not when it is locked. Does anybody know how to get the owner info back showing up on a locked screen or has an idea for a workaround?
I found a Blackberry Curve 8520. I would like to return it to the owner, but the phone has been deactivated and blocked. Is there any way that I can find out who the owner is?
I recently purchased a previously used BlackBerry Curve 8330. The user who had owned it before me did not clear his information (including the email, Internet, and BBM settings). I do not know how to remove his information so that I can put mine in. I have tried to go to Email Settings and logging in, but it says my login isn't valid, so then I click on Create New and it tells me I cannot create a new account because there is already one on the device.
How do you change the menu options? And by menu, I mean when you use the drop down notification bar and tap the icon in the upper right. On mine, I have "Owner", Brightness, Settings, etc. I'd really like be able to silence my phone from this menu. There are more spaces, so I feel like I should be able to change what's on there. And also, how do I set myself as the owner?
Basically the town where I live (lets call it Town A) is about 20 mins away from the town where I work (Town B). When i'm at work, everything seems to be fine. My phone recognises my correct location & the town name displays correctly on the clock/weather widget on my home screen, Google maps etc.
However, the problems start when I drive home to "Town A" at the end of the day. For some reason when I get home, my phone is still convinced that i'm back near my place of work. The clock/weather widget displays the name of Town B where I work rather than Town A where I live.
When i'm at home & I open Google Maps to see a visual representation of where my phone thinks I am, it shows me near to, but not exactly at, my place of work. If I click the "My Location" icon, it will sometimes update & show my correct position at home. As a result the clock/weather widget then updates to show the correct town name. However, within a few minutes it updates again & reverts back to displaying the town name for where I work.
Interestingly i know that there is a cell phone mast about half a mile away from the location near to my work that Google Maps incorrectly pinpoints me at when at home, so it appears the phone is trying to triangulate my position from phone mast locations? Despite the fact that i have location mode set to high accuracy, so it should be using mast locations, WiFi and GPS to pinpoint my accurate position?
Bizarrely, this is the only time the location functions play up. All other times it seems to work correctly.
I had a Samsung Galaxy s3 and when I paired it with my Honda Pilot, it automatically displayed song title, artist, and such when I listen to Pandora or Spotify via Bluetooth. I just upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy s5 and when I paired it with the Honda Pilot, the music will play but no information is displaying.
recently, whenever I recieve a message, there is no info bar displaying "1 New Message" on the home screen and there is no little envelope in the top right corner... so therefore i keep having to go to my messages and checking my inbox every 5 seconds to see if i have a message...
I'm still getting the little notification light when the phone is locked... but that's it!
I turned on cell info display and the phone showed cell info. But after making a call using my second sim, the cell info disappears. The cell info again appears only after rebooting the phone.
I have noticed at least one person has one of these.I got mine today at Best Buy. I saw the post that says it is compatible with Garmin accessories.I have a Garmin Chest Strap monitor that pairs with the device fine.However when i start a work out it connects and does NOT show any heart rate info.I have verified that the monitor works with Garmin 305 GPS/ Monitor.I tried changing the Batteries.Or do I have a faulty unit? I noticed someone paired a new garmin premium strap.Maybe older monitors don't show data even though they pair up with the MOTOACTV?
Hi, My Blackberry curve is displaying a white screen only, can't see anything to navigate etc... Although if I ring my phone, the light inthe corner flashes but it doesn't actually ring...I can answer my phone & there is a perfect connection..I can also dial a number & call out on it. I can't text or access anything on my at all.
I just installed the latest 5.0 OS, everything runs smooth but I can't see my owner or information in the home screen when I lock the device anymore, is there a way to have this shown all the time? even if I don't lock it? I was thinking about a custom theme or something, I really need that info/owner to be shown in the home screen, locked or unlocked.
my owner information is not displayed on the home screen anymore.I have a replacement BB from this week. anyone know which setting will make it appear?
I am using a Verizon Tour(9630).I updated my device software to v5.0.0.591.Now,when I lock the keyboard, my owner information does not appear on the home screen. With the previous device software, the owner information would appear. Incidentally, the owner information will appear if I lock (with a password) the device; but I typically do not have the need nor wish to go through the bother of using a password.Is this simply a glitch? Is there a workaround? Or, must we wait for Blackberry to update the software or provide a fix/patch?
I have a second hand blackberry curve. The previous owner thought everything had been cleared but I started receiving his emails the other day. I took the phone into a phone shop and they cleared the phone again but I am still receiving his emails. When you go to email setup the only address/account showing is my email, so I can't just disassociate the phone from his account that way.
bought a pre used phone for daughter but previous owner didnt clear blackberry id and we havent a clue how to reset without original password and cannot contact previous owner.
am using 8520 curve and it keeps giving me the msg below, i cant do anything on it,uncaught exception: applicationRegistry.getOrWaitfor (0x7c802477365c3985) owner died Tread [Thread-81899520,5]
ive lost all screen info and now have only a white screen showing. tried to restore settings on BB site but could not remember key to unlock device and cannot find website to create a new one?
I may make a fool of my self (I have the e72 for only one day) but I have a problem with the clock, I the home screen I have the big clock in the upper left corner and a small one down in the right near the camera shortcut, I may activate my self, but know I don't know how to deactivate the little one in the right.
Some time when the phone is long in standby and when I use the phone it can't go to home screen. Then I need to hold down the menu button and select home screen, if I don't do this it wont go to home screen. Please help
i have a blackberry 8220,when i try taking photos the screen keeps on displaying......."could not start the camera.close other applications and try opening the camera again"...
Somedays ago the keyboard on my screen stopped displaying, then one day my phone started deleting data and I had to take the battery out to stop it., and when I put it back again there is no screen display..
I cannot listen to my voicemail from my phone. It shows 0:00 of 0:00. I can see the voicemails on the screen but cannot listen to them from the voicemail screen. I have to call my number to hear them.
I have a LG G3 that I have to use for work. Since I need to fill my contacts with work infos, company names, etc, I would like to have the company name on the screen while receiving a call. By default I see only the full name, so how can I? Do I need an app?