How do you change the menu options? And by menu, I mean when you use the drop down notification bar and tap the icon in the upper right. On mine, I have "Owner", Brightness, Settings, etc. I'd really like be able to silence my phone from this menu. There are more spaces, so I feel like I should be able to change what's on there. And also, how do I set myself as the owner?
A new feature in the Security and Screen Lock settings is the ability to add your Owner Info.(Settings/Security & Screen Lock/Owner Info)The owner info then displays (it scrolls actually) across the top of the lock screen (if you don't use a lock screen, it doesn't display). For my info, I have my name, my google voice number, and an email address.I previously had an app to do this, but with ICS I no longer need it. I mention this feature because of something that happened to me this weekend. I have an Android ICS tablet on which I've also entered the owner info. I left it in a public place this past weekend. Before I had even gotten back to my hotel, I had received emails and phone calls from the person who found the tablet, turned it on, and used the Owner Info to contact me.Saved me at least $300 it would have taken to replace it. Which wasn't the worst thing - I had taken the memory card out of my camera and put it in the tablet. I would have been extremely upset at losing of days worth of very important photos that could have never been replaced.
When you pull down the top screen and hit the setting button you see a list of icons. One of those icons being the owner. How can I update that icon to my information?
Coming from a rooted Droid Razr MAXX using Titanium Backup to backup my apps and their data and settings, I'm feeling lost and extremely exposed with my unprotected Turbo.
I just got my Droid Turbo last night and I love it. Coming from an S3 its amazing! I only have one thing I cannot figure out. How do you add another tile to that drop down menu? I want to add volume control as its the only thing missing that I use all the time. It's driving me nuts because at the moment the only way to silence my phone is to hold down the volume key. I went through all the settings and didnt see the "notification drawer" option anywhere.
I just bought a brand new 9860 Torch today and all of a sudden I cannot open the options menu to change settings. Also I cannot view my network and connections to see whether my data service is turned on. I am currently not receiving data on my device. This is alarming as I spent a small fortune to acquire this device today. Again I discovered to my horror the earpiece jack does not hold in the port of my device and unable to listen to music via handsfree. The options icon on the home screen does not open at all when I touch it.Instead it freezes. Same with the network and connections options under network connections.
Is it possible to change the font on the turbo? I have friends who have Samsung, who are not very tech savvy and have adjusted different fonts, but I dont see an option on this phone.
I bought the Droid Turbo at the end of November. I've used the camera some, but when I opened the photos in Photoshop, they're only 72 dpi and I'd like them to be 200 dpi.
I recently updated my Droid Turbo to Android 5.1. I did a factory reset immediately after the install and set up as a new device. I went to settings to change the launcher from Launcher3 (Turbo's default launcher) to Google. When I went in to the settings screen, the "Home" option was no longer available.
I tried force stopping and clearing memory on Launcher3 as well as Google App, but the Home option still isn't showing up.
Does the Turbo not have the ability to change the Launcher to the standard Google launcher? I miss swiping right to get to my Google Now cards .
I just finished a full wipe and chose to set up everything from scratch and not from Google backup. I know how to set up sounds for within each messaging app. But I can't find where to change it for Gmail app emails.
How do you change the missed call notification? I have a song set for my ringtone and when I miss a call it plays the full song and won't stop. I've had to reboot the phone to make it quit.
I have received a few phone calls within the past couple years where my called ID shows only "716" rather than the full number "716-xxx-xxxx". These calls were from mostly cell phones.
Is there away I can toggle this on... On my phone? Droid Turbo 1.
I don't need it all the time but it would be useful when making working calls when on the road so that they don't have my personal cell # and nobody ever answers " unknown" so *67 isnt the key.
I also am not really interested in spoofing my number with a fake one or creating a Google voice (or similar account) and then having two phone #'s to worry about.
On my droid turbo I have my contact list on the contacts icon on the main screen. In the phone dialer contacts list I have my wife's contact list that comes up. I can't figure out how to change that to my contacts lost.
I just got my Droid Turbo, and while I was setting it up I vaguely remember seeing a settings screen for the command center widget. I didn't really understand yet what the command center was at that time, so I didn't change any of the settings. Now, however, I'm trying to get back to see what setting changes are possible and for the life of me can't figure out how to get to the settings screen.
When I tap on an open area of the command center near the top left (right under where the target GPS icon is displayed), a screen opens up for a VERY BRIEF quarter of a second and the top says "Command Center", as if that is going to open the settings screen. But then it immediately changes to the weather detail screen.
I have gone to Options, Owner Information and typed it in.I then pressed the menu button and save.But when I lock my screen (by pressing star) the owner info doesn't show on screen?
I am looking for displaying my owner information on the HTC M9 lock screen. I am running Nova launcher and Lollipop 5.1 on the phone. Lollipop 5.1 does not allow for screen widgets and there is no option in the security settings to display owner information on the lock screen.
I recently purchased a previously used BlackBerry Curve 8330. The user who had owned it before me did not clear his information (including the email, Internet, and BBM settings). I do not know how to remove his information so that I can put mine in. I have tried to go to Email Settings and logging in, but it says my login isn't valid, so then I click on Create New and it tells me I cannot create a new account because there is already one on the device.
I found a Blackberry Curve 8520. I would like to return it to the owner, but the phone has been deactivated and blocked. Is there any way that I can find out who the owner is?
More recently, my droid turbo has been turning rainbow colors instead of black with the time when it's charging. If I press the lock button myself, the phone will lock and stay black with the time. If I unlock my phone and let it be, it'll turn to the rainbow colors. I have my phone on the turbo charger when this happens!
I miss the owner information on a Storm2 when the device is locked.Having upgraded from a Storm to a Storm2 using the DM Device Switch Wizard, there is no owner information showing.
The owner information and the blue screen shows quickly up when the device is booted but not when it is locked. Does anybody know how to get the owner info back showing up on a locked screen or has an idea for a workaround?
Pulling down the notification bar on the top and hitting the far rightmost icon (users) show me as the owner of the phone.
My problem is that the owner name is my back-up/alternate e-mail. I do have a primary gmail account which I used when I set up the phone. How do I change or edit myself as the owner?
I've tried going into "More Settings" but that's very limited and does not allow me to change owner or change email address or change the name of the owner account.
I received a N97 today(from out my country). I put my sim in, i can recive or make calls, however many of the phones menu options are missing. There is no wifi menu, when i tried to connect via Suite, phone didn't show me suite, in mass storage usb it shows me total memory is less than 1 mega, and when i try to enter other applications like "My Nokia" i get "Not allowed now" message. Is the phone locked or something? Can i fix it or should i take it to a service?
I have not had my blackberry curve very long but I seem to have lost half of my messenger menu options. I can no longer invite people to join and only have the group options available. How to restore my menu?
When I open my browser it keeps freezing, and if I press the Blackberry button to open the menu screen, it won't work. All I can use is the "back" button. I can't close the browser down completely, select, copy, anything at all.
I've tried to access the email options menu in several different ways and can't. It has been missing since I first received the phone some months ago and no one can tell me why. What can I do to remedy this?