If some one sends me an email, and I hit the reply button, I am allowed to type my response but the only choice i have when I want to send, is "Save Draft" or Delete. When I read the FAQ's, it indicated that I must go to the individual name that sent me the email, hit compose and then send. Before I reset and updated my BB software, I could reply no problem. Is there a setting I am missing someplace?
I am having problems with the email on my blackberry - every time I reply to an email, I get sent the original email (which I am replying to) to my phone again. Does anyone know how to stop this?
When I send an email from BB and the person on other side replies the to field shows just my email address instead of name with email address. At first I thought it was because they didn't have me as a contact but that wasn't it.
When I send an email from my yahoo account on my blackberry and the recipient replies their reply bounces back to them, this doesn't happen when I send from my yahoo account via my PC.
I can receive e-mails via Yahoo mail but cannot reply (mails not sent) to sender. I cannot send an email to any email address in my contacts. I now have a google mail account and can send and receive emails via google but do not want to change my email address as I need to continue using my laptop.
Got my 9700 today. Can't work this one out... I am on BIS. When I reply to an email, is there any way of setting so that the icon next to message in the inbox shows that I have replied to a message? i.e. a little arrow to show the message has been replied to. I am finding it difficult to see what I have replied to an what I have not...Also, is there no "sent" box as such?
I retired my Blackberry to get on board the smart phone train and after 2 1/2 weeks with my Atrix 4G I am barely able to use e-mail. I'm not a techie but fairly competent with a post grad education and spent over 2 hours with a true techno geek that could not find a solution that only after spending a couple hours in the local AT&T retail center with their gurus trying to determine if the phone was defective.
After reading dozens of posts on outgoing e-mail problems, there are so many different issues that I cannot believe AT&T can market this phone "for the business man" T can market this phone T can market this phone
I can receive email just fine from my Atrix 4G phone, but I can't reply or send an email. It tries to go, but then I get a message that says it wasn't sent. I have gotten with our IT person, and all the settings seem to be right. Others aren't haveing problems sending from thier phones.
I have a brand new, unlocked Blackberry Bold 9780 (originally a Roger's phone, now using with Fido). I was able to setup my emails to the device and can also receive emails. However, I am unable to open, reply or forward the emails. I can only get rid of the message indicator by marking the email open or deleting the message. I have done numerous hard restarts (i.e. battery pulls) and this does not correct the problem. I am using OS 6.0 Bundle 1879 which I just updated to today using desktop manager. I've scoured the web for answers and can't find one.
When I receive an email, I cannot reply to it. I hit the reply icon, write my response, but then I can't send it. It only allows me to save it to draft.
I have 2 mail accounts on my Torch but for one of them when I reply an email, it does not show off any email account on the drop down list in order to use as outgoing account.
I have three email accounts on my Lumia, email works fine on all three accounts, however say I receive an email on account #1 I can't find a way of replying to that email from account #2 or #3.
I have an S6 on Verizon. I have been using the stock email app for corporate MS Exchange.
I've set up a custom signature in the account settings since I don't like to give Verizon free advertising via the "Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone." However, when I use the quick Reply All in conversation view rather going directly into a message and replying from there, it adds the default Verizon signature.
How can I configure a "reply to" address in iOS8 on my iPhone 6. I have an IEEE.org forwarding to an att.net address (at this time) when I reply from my iPhone I want the "reply to" address the recipient sees and the address used when they hit "reply" to be the IEEE.org address. I could do this in iOS6 and iOS7 but can't find it in iOS8. I am hoping I am just overlooking it...
I have read all I can on this issue and it hasn't helped. I have a strange and dare I say new fault with my 9520. I can't send or forward emails BUT I can reply to an email. I am on BIS with O2UK and when I try and send, the option is just not in the menu and the mail symbol (for send) remains greyed out when I try and send or forward what I compose or receive.
All other data services are working and I have sent service books a hundred times and even tried 3 different OS's after doing security wipe!
For some reason I am unable to reply to emails with one my email accounts. To be more specific I can type in my response but when I hit the menu the send option is gone. The only choices I get are "save as draft" and "full menu".
I used the search but was not able to find a solution.
I am thinking this started to happen when I DL'ed v5.0.0.602. I tried practically everyone option available. I did the following in hopes for a fix:
- battery pull - service books - deleted the email account & re-added
I even did this combo: service books, deleted account, service books, added account & pulled battery.
I have a gmail account that I use on my iPhone, and a work email address with it's own domain. I forward a copy of all work email to my gmail account so I can receive it on my iPhone, but when I reply to work email, the Reply To address is my gmail address. Anyone know how to change this to reflect my work address? (ie: joe@abc.com)
I use the Tour on the Verizon network. This morning I went to start a new email and usually I type the first letter and all contacts starting with a letter J for example will come up - - But nothing comes up! I checked my phonebook and all contacts are in there like normal, but my email won't pick any up. I can type the whole name of a person I want to email and it's not linking it to my contact list/phone book like normal.
My blackberry is setup with microsoft exchange email. All was working well until I upgraded to the Blackberry Tour.
Here is my problem:
Sometimes, but not everytime, when I try to REPLY to an email I receive an error message which says that the email contains an invalid email address. I have scrolled through all the email addresses contained in the reply and can confirm that they are in fact valid email addresses.
Things I have tried: Battery pull Renaming my own contact name Eliminating custom email "aliases"
Im having trouble idk why been sending emails with out a problem did an upgrade to a hybrid but i dont think that is the problem re sent all my service books, but when i go to reply to an email it says i dont have a service book for messaging?
I have run into a massive problem with my BB email.I can compose/send and receive email pushed to my phone but I cannot seem to REPLY to messages by hitting reply. Instead I receive an error saying that I can only compose a draft. Now this only happens when I am replying to an already pushed email. I have already tried resending service books and resending HRT.
I'm on my 2nd Torch - the 1st one had a defect when I tried to use the GPS feature that I subscribe to AT&T. When I did the even exchange, they were not able to transfer my info but luckily I backed up my old phone prior to going in.Now my problem is with my email accounts.No matter what ring tone/notification sound I pick - it doesn't notify me when I receive emails to my yahoo email account or my work email account.I've rebooted, deleted ALL apps...selected different ring tones but nothing.I receive the emails in my message list, but it never notifies me, which means I'll have to continuously check to see if I received work/personal emails throughout the day.And to top it off, I just discovered that I can't reply to my emails ANY emails from either account.I Menu click to 'Reply', but then when I menu click again to send, there is no 'Send' option. Only Save as Draft, etc.
I have noticed that i am unable to send an email to a person if i enter the email in the TO: section of the compose email. If i am replying to an email or clicking on a link like craigslist it works fine. If i am sending the email to a contact with a stored email address it works fine.
But if i just enter the email address for instance JRSpero@gmail.com the little send box in the upper right corner is not bright and is not able to be selected.
I just got my blackberry, and when i recieve a text that was sent to multiple people and i reply, it replies to all. i don't want to reply to all but can't figure out how to turn it off. The guy at the verizon store did't know how either.
I recently had to do a restore to my bb curve..ever since then it wont let me reply to emails. the option doesnt even appear...I am not on a bes server and dont know what to do. This blackberry is my office..its how I function and work every day