Lumia 950 XL :: Change Reply From Address When Replying To Email
Jan 8, 2016
I have three email accounts on my Lumia, email works fine on all three accounts, however say I receive an email on account #1 I can't find a way of replying to that email from account #2 or #3.
I am having problems with the email on my blackberry - every time I reply to an email, I get sent the original email (which I am replying to) to my phone again. Does anyone know how to stop this?
Just found that there is no longer an option to reply using a different email address on the 9700. On the 8900, after you press reply, the top line says "send using" and you can click on that to choose which email to reply it with. Anyone know how to solve this issue?
Had my 1020 for about 15 months and all generally works well. Lately, when in the car and an incoming text comes in, when I say "reply", it hangs up. This has not happened once, but many, many times. No change to the car and it worked pretty well until recently. I wonder if I inadvertently changed a setting to not allow for a voice command reply? I can't seem to find a setting that would affect this. By the way, I do mean replying via voice, not texting with hands while driving.
When I send an email from BB and the person on other side replies the to field shows just my email address instead of name with email address. At first I thought it was because they didn't have me as a contact but that wasn't it.
How can I configure a "reply to" address in iOS8 on my iPhone 6. I have an forwarding to an address (at this time) when I reply from my iPhone I want the "reply to" address the recipient sees and the address used when they hit "reply" to be the address. I could do this in iOS6 and iOS7 but can't find it in iOS8. I am hoping I am just overlooking it...
I have a gmail account that I use on my iPhone, and a work email address with it's own domain. I forward a copy of all work email to my gmail account so I can receive it on my iPhone, but when I reply to work email, the Reply To address is my gmail address. Anyone know how to change this to reflect my work address? (ie:
My blackberry is setup with microsoft exchange email. All was working well until I upgraded to the Blackberry Tour.
Here is my problem:
Sometimes, but not everytime, when I try to REPLY to an email I receive an error message which says that the email contains an invalid email address. I have scrolled through all the email addresses contained in the reply and can confirm that they are in fact valid email addresses.
Things I have tried: Battery pull Renaming my own contact name Eliminating custom email "aliases"
I have a new e mail and can not change it on my Blackberry 9800. When I enter my user name and password I get the same message "Your device encountered a problem with this applications server. Seleck OK and repeat the action to try again." Have been trying this for many weeks now.
I just bought an already used BlackBerry Curve 5530, and the ex-owner already had his email address in it. I'm trying to change it to my email address, but it wont let me. When i go on the Email Setup icon, it tells me :
''Your email account is already activated for enterprise use.''
I got a device update from Verizon that wiped out my email accounts. I couldn't add the blackberry email address associated with my device back to the phone because I don't know the password. I created a new blackberry email address, but when I try to get updated in AppWorld it still wants the password from the old address. When I request a password reset it sends the information to the old email address which I can't access because I don't know the password.
Does anyone know how to change the email address associated with my device OR how to have the password reset info sent to a different email address?
I go into the setup> email account and when I click on it, the message just says "your device had a problem connecting to the server" I have connected to my wifi and also I have got 3G signal
My daughter set up her Blackberry ID with a slight mistake in the email address. This has only just caused a problem as her screen froze so she removed the battery and had to re-input the password and cannot remember it. Of course the password reminders are going to an invalid email.I have set up a correct Blackberry id for her now (on the computer) but cannot change it on her phone as the original password for the incorrect email is required!I've tried to google and I'm sure it's simple but have a distraught daughter who cannot BBM her friends!Is the only solution to wipe it?
I am having problems with my Pearl in accessing the email account. I switch from a Curve to the Pearl and tried using the same email but my provider disconnected the Curve and now I can't change the Curve email on the Pearl with a new one.
I have a work phone and did not enter in my work email address in icloud. I entered an address that does not exist.I absolutely have to change it,how do I do this.
I have the wrong email address in the imessage field and am not sure how to change it. I have logged in with my own Apple id but messaging isn't recognising it.
I`ve reduced my emailaccounts and the one I had on my Iphone as appleid I changed on apples page on the internet to a emailaddress I actually am using.
Now I cant change it on the Iphone! I`ve tried to reenter it on apples page (I hadnt/havent yet deleated it) but its not possible, why? I cant make a copy with my files and music etc because the emailaddress is wrong on the device...:-(
I dont dare to turn the phone off because I might not be able to open it!!! And to erase the account on the phone I suspect all my content will disapear and not be ably to use the iphone anymore!
On my iPhone, under Settings -> Facetime, if I switch this to "on", I am immediately prompted to provide a password assocaited to an old e-mail address. How do I change this e-mail address?
My app store account is correct, and I don't think this old e-mail is lurking anywhere else on my phone.
I have a web-based email address with magma and I want the reply address to display a different email name. How can I do this? The editing options in my email setup don' t allow.