BB Curve 8300 :: SW Update BRICKED In 8310

Feb 4, 2010

I'm new to these forums, and to the BlackBerry, having had my 8310 for only a few months (through my company). My daughter, however, has had her 8310 Curve since last March, and she has had intermittent problems with it. She has had to have it replaced under warranty by AT&T twice. This last time, she discovered that her sounds had ceased her alarm did nothing when it went off. The sounds later returned mysteriously, but she decided that that was the last straw. She wanted to take it back to the AT&T warranty center to get it replaced again, but I suggested she attempt to upgrade her system first. My theory was, since the new software was released, it would make sense to upgrade. My company phone has been upgraded (OTA) with no problems, so I thought (silly me) it would be just as easy to do my daughter's Curve.

The first thing I did was go to her Options/Advanced Options screen to do a wireless upgrade. However, that option was not available on that screen. Odd, I thought her phone and mine are identical, and mine had the wireless upgrade option. So I came to these forums and looked for some assistance, and found the sticky at the top of the forum about the 4.5 software upgrade. I followed the link to the BlackBerry page that contained the download for the AT&T software (making sure I selected the AT&T multilanguage version of I downloaded that version, but decided before launching it to use BlackBerry Desktop Manager instead. It dutifully reported that her Curve needed a software upgrade to, so I decided to attempt the upgrade over the USB connection. When it got to the point where it had backed up her phone and was ready to do the system backup prior to wiping it, the connection broke. Don't know why - I used the BB-supplied USB cable. So, the upgrade didn't happen that way. The next thing I did was launch the AT&T download that I had retrieved from the BB link. It dutifully installed the latest BB Desktop Manager (5.0.1, I think), then when I hooked her Curve up to the computer it once again reported that she needed a software upgrade. I elected to do the upgrade, and it went through the process again, backing up the Curve to my computer and getting ready to wipe. This time, it again broke the connection, but when I chose "Retry" it seemed to proceed as normal, erasing the device in preparation for upgrading. Now the fun begins. When the actual upgrade began, the device broke the connection again. I once again got the dialog box with the "Retry" and "Cancel" boxes, and clicked "Retry." But when I did that, the screen on the Curve went white and revealed an icon which I can only assume means, "No OS installed," along with the small number "507" underneath. The BB Desktop Manager appeared to be attempting to upgrade the software, but after leaving it setting like that all night there was no change in the status. So it is well and truly bricked.

My question now is, what is my recourse? Is there any possible way to recover this device (since the computer does not recognize it through the USB connection)? Do I simply need to take it back to AT&T and have them replace it (again)? And will the backup I did last night be restorable to the new BB (assuming they give her another Curve)? I hope to get some answers fairly quickly, because I'll be able to hear the eruption from here when she discovers her Curve is a paperweight. Thanks in advance for your help, and your availability for BlackBerry users.

SW ver (platform 2.70.106)

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8310 During Update Phone Locked Itself

Feb 23, 2010

I got a BB 8310 from my girlfriend. While tryin to update to simply sync my music to the phone, i decided to update the phone's software which has turned into a disaster! While updating, during the screen where it says "DO NOT UNPLUG", the faulty USB cable came out leaving the phone unfinished. Now all the phone does is blink with a red light. It does NOT come on at all. The screen remains black. When its plugged in to the computer now, it doesn't read its a BlackBerry. It says "USB device not recognized".

Now I know that during the installation the phone's system files where probably deleted. And not replaced. So what now? Is there something I can do to have the phone recognized by my computer? It was backed-up before the new installations took place, but does not help because the computer is not recognizing the phone. HELP PLEASE! I would hate to lose my new BlackBerry before I actually get to enjoy it.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8310 MSN Not Working

May 17, 2010

I've got a BBCurve8310 and use the MSN a lot from it.Since yesterday, i've been missing a lot of messages, i mean, if i send one, people receive, but i don't.Sometimes I receive one or two messages, but the person has sent me more then this.I've already reinstalled the MSN but it still like that.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8310 How To Get Rid Of Firewall / Enterprise

Apr 26, 2010

i have a firewall on my blackberry curve 8310 and i cant get rid of it.i was told that im on a enterprise and have to contact the admin everytime i attempt to use the internet/apps i get a message about IT policy and firewall.i tried disabling the firewall but there is a lock beside it which wont allow me this wasnt my phone, i bought it off of someone and cant get in contact with them how can i remove the IT policy or whatever and get rid of the firewall?

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BB Curve 8300 :: Adding Additional Language Into 8310?

Jan 8, 2010

The problem is my friend has a blackberry 8310 and she did ask me to find how to add additional language into her device. Let me tell you I own 8250 and did manage install additional language into mine, but will it be possible to use the same link and instructions on her device as well as I did use on mine? Or it has to be different just because we do have different series?

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8310 Trouble With Download App World

Aug 23, 2010

when attempting to download blackberry app world from my device i get a message stating "Sorry, your device does not meet the system requirements that are needed to support blackberry app world".i go to "options" then "about" and see "v4.2.2.181".

any ideas on anything i can do to be able to download app world or at least the free apps? (i do not have access to a usb at this time, so any updates would have to be done through the device.)

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8310 Won't Turn On / Red Flashing Lights

Jan 7, 2010

I connected my bb to the desktop manager on my brothers laptop. I then realised it was for his storm. The bb went off and wouldnt come back on. there is a red flashing light that flashes every 2 seconds or so. Just wondering if anyone can help

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8310 Email Folder Not Showing New Mail Alert

Jan 6, 2010

I have several email folders on my blackberry. When I recieve an email it only shows up on the "messages" folder.My previous BB would show the new mail indicator in both "Messages" folder and the specific email folder it belonged in. If I go to the specific folder, the email is inside, it just will not alert me to this folder.Hope this makes sense.Currently I have 4 specific email folders, a text folder, and a messages folder.
How can I fix this? I have an 8310 that was just replaced by another 8310 thru insurance coverage.

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BB Curve 8300 :: 8310 Curve Does Not Connect At All

Jul 12, 2010

After trying 3 days to get my BB 8310 Curve connected to my network provider (I do have a data plan and internet plan) I´m a little bit upset.

The problem: I have all necessary data-plans and also registered my BB on the internet at the Web-Page (BIS?).Ok, my handheld is also recognised and the system doesn´t complain.But: on my handheld I can see only the word "edge" (in small letters - this shows that no data-plan is active as we know, but that´s not true) and not "EDGE" as it should be.An even better suspicicous issue: I called with the hotline from my provider and he also could see within his database that my handheld is registered and all plans were active.

So I tried following:
I inserted my SIM to another BB and it worked! (not so with my BB)
I also inserted another SIM from my colleague (who also uses a BB) and what happened? Nothing - also no connection.

So I assume that there´s somehow a bug in my handheld? Has anybody an idea? I would very appreciate it.

By the way, I have the latest OS:
Package Version:
Consisting of:
* Applications:
* Software Platform:

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BB Curve :: How To Update 8310 Os

Jun 21, 2011

I use blackberry 8310, my usb port is broken. can i update using bluetooth port

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BB Curve :: Update Os Version For 8310 To 4.6 Or Above?

Nov 26, 2010

Can I upgrade and install a newer version than 4.5 on a blackberry 8310 because the latest I get from the site is v4.5.0.306?

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BB Curve :: Desktop Does Not Recognize 8310 After Update To 6.0.1?

Apr 6, 2011

The BlackBerry desktop software does not recognize my 8310 after updating to 6.0.1. I am running Vista 64bit, SP2. When I go into the device manager it shows a yellow triangle and says I need to update my driver. Do I need to go back to an earlier version of desktop?

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BB Curve 8300 :: E-mail Password Update

Jun 16, 2010

I received a message "Action required - update password!" But i did not change my password. Oh well, so I'm trying to follow the directions to update my password from my computer. however, it says on the Blackberry Internet Service home page I need to click "e-mail accounts" and then edit my password. It says that "e-mail accounts" is listed on the left pane. I don't find it anywhere.

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BB Curve 8300 :: Memos Deleted During Update

Apr 17, 2010

Last night I updated from 4.5.0175 to 4.5.0186 and all my memos were deleted. Is there any way to recover them? I am desperate! Also - is there any way to prevent this from happening again?

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BB Curve 8300 :: Curve 8330 V5.0 Can't Update

Jul 12, 2010

I've been trying to update my phone for about 2 hrs now and i can't seem to get it to work. I've updated my desktop to v5.0, but everytime i click the link on the website it tells me i have the current version. i checked under "about" and i have v. HOW DO I GET V5.0? oh and i have verizon if that matters.

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BB Curve 8300 :: OTA Update Rolling Back Java - Turns Off / On?

May 5, 2010

So, I'm pretty sure my phone is fried - thanks to the wireless software update that my phone told me to download yesterday from Blackberry.Little update icon pops up on the screen telling me that there's a software upgrade of high importance so I tell it to download over the air. About half an hour later, my phone starts flashing and comes up with a quick screen that says "rolling back java" with a status bar that stays at 99% and then power cycles and does the same thing. I had to take the battery out - it's power cycling every minute at least. It won't do anything else, and my blackberry desktop software doesn't recognize it. I left the battery out overnight so the power cycling didn't drain the battery and as soon as I put the battery back in, it just goes back to its little java msg and power cycling.Any ideas? I will be taking it in to Telus later today. I'm assuming that it will have to be sent away and re-flashed and I will have lost everything on it.

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IPhone :: 2nd 3g Bricked After 4.02 Update

Aug 19, 2010

after my own iphone 3g was bricked after updating to ios4.02, now my wife's is too. i ended up having to do the update (restore) from another computer. my wife's update has been through her own computer, not any of mine, so no common issues were possible - except that apple has obviously fooked up! this is after a bricked update to 3.2.1 on my ipad which still has Internet issues and wifi intermittent troubles. i'm getting weary with apple.

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IPhone 4s :: Bricked At End Of 7.1.2 Update

Jun 30, 2014

Today i upgraded my iphone 4s to 7.1.2 and it bricked up at the end. This has never happened to me before on any upgrades. Problem is i can not turn off the phone to restore it because the sleep/wake button does not work. I was using the assistive touch method to lock my phone. I tried restoring from backup in itunes but it says can not because it is locked with a passcode...

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IPhone :: New VWallpaper Update Bricked 4

Sep 4, 2010

The update provided new sources and new wallpapers, but when you tried to apply a new wallpaper, it froze for a little bit. When my phone did the respring, the home screen came up, and was froze. I couldn't lock it, or click on any app. Then, the screen went blank.

It literally won't do anything. When I connect it to itunes, my phone will make a sound as if it just plugged in (I have different sounds on my UI). I let it sync, but it still does nothing.Any help here? I'm desperate at this point, and almost hoping that it will let me restore, even if that does make it 4.0.2.

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BB Bold :: 9900 Bricked From Update?

Jun 16, 2010

My device got bricked from updating. Got stuck at "Connecting to boot ROM". Device died, does not respond to anything, device manager says to change settings in computer control panel, followed the steps. Connecting and reconnecting device doesnt do anything, battery pull doesnt do anything, device manager can wake up the phone.

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IPhone :: 3GS Bricked Due To Io5 Update Failure

Apr 4, 2012

I have a iphone 3gs and clicked to upgrade to io5. Went through the wipe the phone process but when it goes to restore an load up the io5 its says error messages at the end. Everytime i connect it goes through the same process.I have disconnected antivirus and firewall ans still error messages. I have even loaded itunes onto a brand new laptop and tried to update and nothing but error messages after it "verifies" install. I am not getting to the stage to restore my phones apps and contacts - its just not loading my phone back to factory setting - i dotn really want the io5 now but want it back to working state!This had been for 3 days now.

iPhone 3GS (8GB), iOS 4.3.2, Updating to io5

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Cseries :: Nokia C5-00 Bricked During Software Update

Nov 25, 2011

I've brought my nokia c5-00 on 20th jan 2011.Today I was updating my phone to it's latest version, but the software update failed in mid showing error "connection lost with the device". And from that point phone dosen't starts. When i press the power button i.e the red button used to cut calls, it only vibrates a bit with no light on screen and switches itself off.I've tried everything to make it work like pressing the call, star and 3 button to hard reset it but it had no effect on it, my phone dosen't even starts for charging.Then after a failed long effort to restore my phone I decided to take it to the nokia care.I showed it to the nokia care representative and after examining the phone by pressing the power button she instantly asked me if it's a failed software update by pc. I said yes it's due to failed software update. Then she forwarded it to the technician to repair the phone.Now comes the shock.....The technician said that the software update is failed due to a [B]bend in PCB plate[/B] and he showed me the PCB. The bend in PCB is something like thisAnd here are the images of my phoneI want to know how can the PCB plate bend like this if there is not even a scratch on the phone. Nokia care technician had denied warranty due to the bend in the plate. Where lies my fault in this?I live in meerut and visited two nokia care centers1- Nokia care, baccha parkRemark- will charge 70% of the original price of the phone and will change the PCB plate.2- Nokia care, abu laneRemark- They said the phone can be fixed or cannot be fixed and will charge Rs 1500.

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IPhone :: Error 1611 Update Bricked?

Apr 16, 2010

I agreed to give my old 1st gen iPhone to a friend of mine (as I've been on a 3G right now). I went and pulled it out of the storage shed, plugged it in, and booted it up. It came up just fine, prompting me to insert a SIM card (I had the phone unlocked).

Before giving it to him, I decided to update to the latest OS (which I had done on my 3G the week prior). So I plug it in to my MacBook, download the latest 3.1.3 update for the original iPhone through iTunes, run it through the latest version of Pwnage to get an ipsw, put the iPhone in restore mode, and update from the .ipsw.

I received an error, and the iPhone seems to have been bricked.Now, when turned on, it goes straight to DFU mode (showing a cable and the iTunes logo).When I try to update, the iPhone reboots at the "preparing iPhone" stage, and then iTunes errors out with:

"The iPhone "iPhone" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1611)."I have tried this from my MacBook, Hackintosh (which errored out with (2006)?), and Windows 7 PC. The first machine I tried it on was the MacBook.

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Eseries / Communicators :: E72 Bricked After Software Update

Aug 22, 2011

Last night I was prompted by Ovi Suite to update the software on my phone and agreed - halfway through, the installation failed and now my E72 won't even power on. Windows 7 makes the 'device connected' sound when I plug it in through USB, but my E72 still refuses to turn on. I've tried connecting it to a computer running Windows XP but still no dice. I've done some reading and found there's a "3 finger deep reset" ('*', '3', and 'green phone' or 'caps lock', 'space', 'backspace' and 'power on') but none of these seem to be working for me.

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BB Storm2 9550/9520 :: Storm 2 Bricked On OS Update 2 (5.0.517)

Mar 18, 2010

While updating to the latest OS for the 9550 my phone just froze up with a code on the screen "Reload Software: 507". It was in the middle of the update when the pop-up on my computer said it could not connect. I hit retry about 5 times. I then did a battery pull but the error came back.

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Xperia Z2 :: PC Companion App Update Failure - Bricked Phone

Apr 8, 2015

So I tried to update my phone to Lollipop via your Companiom app but it failed and now I have bricked phone..I ve tried repair my phone, but it every single time hangs on same spot..

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Eseries / Communicators :: Bricked E71 - Unsuccessful Software Update

Jan 20, 2010

I tried to update nokia e71 phone to firmware 400.21.013 and it was unsuccessful. The phone will not turn on.

Is there any way to fix this by myself using PC + software or do I have to hand it in to Nokia Care?

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IPhone :: Phone Bricked With New Update - Reads Error 1004

Jul 16, 2010

I am on vacation, and for some reason just had to update my iPhone 4 to the new update 4.1. Well guess what, it will not update!!!!

My itunes is the latest one, so I even deleted itunes and re-installed it, restarted my computer and iPhone, then tried to restore it again. No go. At first itunes was giving me a 2002 error, now I believe it's something like 1004 error. What can I do? There is no apple store where I am located.

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Motorola Defy :: Boot Error After Software Update - Bricked?

Jun 21, 2011

I have updated my Defy's software using the official Motorola Software Update software. The update process passed through but at the end the phone not booted.

The error message is the following:




Battery OK

OK to Program

Connect USB

Data Cable

I have even tried to reset with: Vol Down + Power + right down tap. But the small droid doesn't come up. Do I have to bring it to the service? I need my phone every day for work..

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BB Curve 8300 :: How To Update Software - Updater Says Running Latest Software

Apr 9, 2010

According to my status, I'm running version software. I've been on the blackberry website, and apparently version 4.5 is available. Now I tried to update my phone software, and according to the updater my phone is running the latest software. This isn't true though, and I think updating to 4.5 will help remove some of the problems with my Blackberry. How can I update my 8310?

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BB Curve 8350i :: Bricked - Tried Restart - Reload

Sep 6, 2010

I went to update my 8350i and it came up error. I have restarted PC several times. Used different PC to reload. I have even tried wiping it using JL commander on both PCs and use Crackmem and nothing is working for me.....any advice?

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