BB Bold :: Unable To Access Wifi?

Apr 16, 2012

currently im using a BB 9780 Bold without a 3G plan and my wifi access just got screwed up, basically even though the phone itself says im connected to the hotspot/wifi network, i am actually still unable to use the internet services or social networking sites.

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BB Bold 9700 :: Wifi - Unwanted 3G Data / Unable To Access AppWorld

Jan 17, 2010

I bought an unlocked BOLD 9700 QWERTZ keyboard layout, German edition, unlocked, OS 5.0 because I thought that it was a smarter choice than purchasing an iPhone.The following issues occured and I would be very delighted if you could resolve them all:

* WiFi: What settings do I have to change so that my blackberry does transmit all data via WiFi and not GPRS or 3G? I do not have a data plan and don't want one
* eMail: The set-up assistant only allows me to connect to a Blackberry server. I want to connect to my private IMAP server. How can I do that?

* GPS: No app was found on the phone. No Blackberry Maps, nothing. Where can I get the Blackberry Maps?

* AppWorld: I am unable to access the Appworld. When trying to open the page from my Blackberry it says that my device is not supported. How can I access the appworld anyway and download programms for my Blackberry Bold 9700?

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BB Bold 9000 :: Unable To Access Work Email Through Outlook Web Access

Feb 21, 2010

I keep getting an error stating; "Unable to add account. Please check your information and try again."Now, I'm not sure what my Mailbox name is.I was told to log in on my computer's browser to my work email via Outlook Web Access and put the cursor over the inbox to read the name on the bottom of the screen.This is all it reads: "https://webmail.(companyname).com/owa/#. What do I use for the mailbox name?

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BB Curve :: Unable To Access Wifi After GPRS?

Aug 16, 2011

I've bought 8520 and doesn't have a GPRS plan from service provider. Hence used Wifi to access internet and worked awesome. Later i've got a data plan from operator and started using internet disabling Wifi. When i was back to home and started using Wifi disabling the Data Service from service provider, I couldn't access internet through Wifi.

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BB Bold :: Wifi Internet Access - "Unable To Connect To The Internet, Try Again Later"

Dec 6, 2011

I recently deactivated my Blackberry Bold 9000 (v4.6.0.304 operating system) from AT&T since I ported my cell phone number to US Cellular who had better coverage in my region. I'd like to continue using my Blackberry Bold 9000 as a free wi-fi only internet access device and install the Google Voice app so my kids could text message and make phone calls via the Google Voice app and phone's wi-fi connection. While my BB Bold is able to connect to our home wi-fi network like in the past it doesn't successfully connect to the internet and gives me the following message: "Unable to connect to the internet, please try again later."

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IPhone :: Connected To WiFi But Unable To Access Internet?

Apr 21, 2012

my iphone 4 (verizon) is connected to my home wifi but it's not working! when i go on Internet is says that it cannot connect, same with any other app that requires internet. it has the wifi symbol and everything. what's weird is that when i turn off my wifi (then 3g symbol replaces the wifi symbol) i am able to connect perfectly! i've tried all i can think of to fix this. restoring, rebooting, turning off and on again, forgetting my network then connecting to it again but nothing works!

iphone 4, ios 5.1, verizon

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BB Curve :: Unable To Access Internet At WiFi Hot Spots?

Mar 14, 2011

I have scoured the forums here and practically everywhere possible on the net with out any luck at finding an answer for almost a month. I am currently on Prepaid cards through Fido. I bought a BB Curve about a month ago because I was told it had built in WiFi.I have no problems connecting it to my home wireless network. Weather I have it secured or unsecured. I have no problems connecting to any open or secured wireless network. Where I do have a problem is when I go to places like Starbucks where it has a log-in Screen.Then I am unable to connect at all.I scan for networks, it finds the network. I select the network. It then says it's connected. Then I go to try and go onto the internet and it just gives me a blank white screen. As of right now I am finding that my BlackBerry is just a useless paperweight since mainly I got it to use at Starbucks since that is where I am a lot of the time.

I have tried going to and seeing if I could access it that way (as I read somewhere to try this), still no luck. My question is, why would I be told that it has built in wifi if it only works on certain networks? Is it able to be used on networks that have a login screen or is it not able to? And is there something I am doing wrong? It is showing the bell hotspot name when it says connected. And I made sure I have it set as wifi mode. I have had other devices (Palm Pilot) that have had no problems connecting. What is the point of built in wifi if it won't work on ALL wifi networks?Ultimately what I want to know, is how to get my BlackBerry to bring up the login pages of these "hot spots"? Weather at Starbucks, Libraries, other coffee shops etc.?

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Xperia X10 :: Unable To Access Internet Through Wifi Connection?

Dec 3, 2010

Unable to access internet through wifi connection using my xperia x10 with android 2.1. The phone connects to wifi network but unable to browse the internet.

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IPhone 3GS :: IOS 6.1.6 / Unable To Access The Internet While Connected To WiFi

Jun 25, 2014

I own an iPhone 3GS, and have recently upgraded it to iOS 6.1.6. I was able to connect to Wi-Fi using a Netgear Cable Modem with WiFi capability. But the internet service provider upgraded this equipment, replacing it with an ARRIS Touchstone Data Gateway DG1670 cable modem with Wi-Fi capability. Unfortunately, I have discovered that I'm unable to access the Internet while connected to Wi-Fi, while using my iPhone 3GS, running iOS 6.1.6. I am completely able to connect my MacMini, a smart-TV, and an iPhone 5 to this ARRIS device with Wi-Fi. Â

I have contacted my internet service provider and they tell me that the problem is with my iPhone 3GS, not with their equipment. We very meticulously went through all the troubleshooting steps, but to no avail. I have also read all the Apple Knowledge Base articles here about configuring an iPhone 3GS properly, and I have also followed Apple Knowledge Base articles concerning optimal configuration of an internet modem with Wi-Fi capability. Â

I like my iPhone 3GS, it works well, but now I cannot sync it to iCloud, and now I must have Wi-Fi turned off to make it usable. I also understand that iOS 6.1.6 will be the last upgrade for the iPhone 3GS. If this is true, then I'm sadly disappointed with Apple's inability to keep up with technology.

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Nokia Nseries :: It Connect To Wifi But Unable To Access Internet

Feb 9, 2012

I just updated my N8 from symbian anna to belle. Everything went ok. Now I'm trying to connect to my home wifi network which has WEB security. I can connect without a problem. I mean the phone says it's connected to the network. But when I try to access a website there is only the error page. And after a minute or so the wifi connection drops out by itself. I saved the network, and there's no other destination in the settings/destinations menu. the phone is not connecting to it by itself. Is there a way to go back to Anna?

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IPhone :: Unable To Access Yelp Account On 3G Network But On WIFI?

Apr 16, 2012

I can't access my Yelp account on the AT&T 3G network. I can't access it from either the app itself or if I attempt to use the browser. On the browser, I just get the error message that I've entered an invalid email and/or password when I haven't. I can only seem to access my account when I'm on a WIFI network. I've contacted Yelp & of course they'll get back to me within a week.

iPhone 4, Windows XP

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Xperia X10 Mini/pro :: Wifi Connected, Unable To Access Gmail And Other Apps?

Nov 22, 2010

After updating my phone to android 2.1,I'm unable to access my gmail and other apps thru. wifi. I have the wifi symbol at the top which clearly shows that the wifi is connected,but when I try to access gmail,android market and other apps.,it gives me message stating "no network connection".

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BB Bold :: 9700 Can't Access The Wifi

Mar 23, 2012

Bold 9700 -When I try to turn on wi-fi, the check box will appear checked for a few seconds and then just disappear, leaving the wi-fi off. When trying to search for wi-fi network, I get a message asking me to turn on wi-fi to perform scan; I click ok, then after 20 seconds or so, an error message appears stating that wi-fi can"t be turned on.

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BB Bold :: Can't Get Access To Wifi Through My 9900

Feb 22, 2012

It kept saying: the protocol specified isn't supported by the handheld . Please try a different URL. But all I want to do is just get access to WIFI!!! Who can help me with this problem, Usually a page will jump out which allow me to type my ID and password.. but no page jumped out in this 9900. From the home page, what i can see is it has accessed to WIFI, but i cant open any website.

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BB Bold :: Can't Access The Internet Through WiFi

Oct 23, 2011

i have a wifi in my home and the mobie connected with it but i can;t access the internet, when i open the brawsing these message appear unable to connect to the internet please try again later.

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Bold :: Access Internet Using Wifi On My Blackberry 9780?

Oct 18, 2011

Why can't I access internet using wi-fi on my Blackberry Bold 9780

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Internet?

Mar 22, 2012

i bought this phone from America and on sprint network and brought it down to the UK to use, it was unlocked and can work on new sim but cannot connect to internet from the network except through wifi so if i am on the road it can`t connect to internet except if i am within wifi area so what can i do?

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Email

Sep 5, 2012

I have used Blackberry for about 5 years now and upgraged 3-4 times. Each time my Blackberry email has transferred across into the automatice email set up. I upgraded last week again to the new Bold 9900 and this time the email has not come across. It is still there on the blackberry pc page to edit signatures etc., and when I select the option to 'update device' I get the error message 'unable to find device'. I've tried everything, and contacted "Orange" who say they are also unable to access the email as the password is not being recognised?? HELP

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Photos?

May 16, 2012

There are some photos I cannot access from my PC.The Photo's Properties (on the Device) show "Device/ home/ user/ camera/ ....",however, I cannot find any photo at all either on "Blackberry/ camera" or "Blackberry / pictures" folders from my PC.There are over 60 photos I would like to take the copy to my PC.

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BB Bold :: Access Internet Through WiFi Not Mobile Data In 9900?

Jun 7, 2012

I have just bought BlackBerry Bold 9900 and I can not access internet thourgh WiFi while Iam closing Mobile Data option.

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BB Bold :: Stop Email Without Disabling Internet 3G Wifi Access?

Aug 11, 2011

I understand the process to disable data services and therby stop emails. How can I stop email without disabling internet 3G Wifi access? (If at all)It is a work phone so I have no BIS access.

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Pistures And Music

Jul 4, 2012

I cannot access my pictures and Music from the Media folder. I can only see them whem I go to Applications/files/device/user/pictures. How can I change this? I've tried to take battery out, reinstall software.

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Updates Or New Apps?

Dec 30, 2011

ihave not been able to access updates or new apps. message "could not validate id " keeps appearing even after two security wipes, and creating a new id.any assist or advise is needed.

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BB Bold :: 9780 Unable To Access E-mails?

Nov 17, 2011

All was fine with my BB before I switched to an iPhone 2 weeks ago, then back to my same BB Bold 9780 unlocked. All was find before the regretfull move. For some reason now, I cannot access, send, or receive e-mails even though I've added my e-mails on my BB account via contacted my carrrier AT&T for 3 hours on the phone trying to figure out the problem. I registered the device, they send "service books" if that's what they're called, NO SOLUTION.1)Setup2)Email Accounts3)Internet Mail Account (Set up or manage an existing email account, or create a new Blackberry email account)4) "Checking for update...Connecting to email server...Your Blackberry Internet Service account is suspended or deactivated.Contact your wireless carrier" OVER AND OVER no matter who I speak to or what they do. I even wiped the phone.One representative suggested I download service books from a 3rd party or something over the internet

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Email Accounts

Jan 5, 2012

When I go to Setup I am unable to access my email accounts. I had them in and working stellar until I upgraded to 6.0.

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Email Setup?

Jun 12, 2012

I have been having trouble accessing my personal email settings once I log in to Existing Users and enter my user name and password I get a message saying " Blank user name. Type a valid user name"?

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Email On 9790?

May 5, 2012

I have just bought a 9790 and can not set up email. It only asks for enterprise account information but I don't know what that means. On my work blackberry I was able to easily set up both my personal AOL and hotmail accounts but I am not being given the option with my new phone. Can anyone help please, I'm getting very frustrated with not being able to find a blackberry technical support service or helpline!

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BB Bold 9700 :: Unable To Access Home Screen

Jun 1, 2010

I figured this maybe a simple case of reloading the firmware but I wanted to know id nyone else had any insights.

Basically I can't get to the home screen, I have a password on my phone, soon as I try to unlock it the phone locks up.

I've done a battery pull and removing the SD card and the SIM but no joy.

But if I use the phone to make calls its fine.

Its really weird to say the least.

It could be the password causing it, is there anyway for me to disable the password outside of the phone itself? Such as using desktop manager? Or should I just bite the bullet and update the firmware?

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BB Bold :: Contacts List Unable To Access And Edit

May 26, 2012

Been having a major problem not being able to access some contacts on my list and not being able to edit ANY of them..

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access / View Media Contents

Mar 17, 2012

Lately I am unable to access or view any data on my media folders (picutres, music, videos) yet the weird thing is if my device is connected via the BB device Manager App the media details are there.

I've already tried upgrading to a new software for the Bold 9790. Dont know what else to do, is this an issue with the handset itself and needs to be fixed / replaced?

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BB Bold :: Unable To Access Yahoo And Gmail In 9900?

Oct 16, 2011

I have both a Yahoo and Gmail account on my device - BB 9900. Within both of these accounts are sub-folders in the inbox however I cannot access them on my phone as I could when using the iphone?? With my gmail account it does list the subfolders however I am unable to access any old emails saved within the folders. With the yahoo account no subfolders are showing in inbox.

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