BB Bold 9700 :: When Get Call / Lose 3G
Apr 1, 2010So every time I get a call, I lose 3G. When I end the call it says GPRS then picks up EDGE then 3G again. Happened with .545 and now with the new leak that popped a few days ago.
View 14 RepliesSo every time I get a call, I lose 3G. When I end the call it says GPRS then picks up EDGE then 3G again. Happened with .545 and now with the new leak that popped a few days ago.
View 14 RepliesUsing 9700 on Vodafone UK - Software Version has happened a few times now. At first I thought it was just me not reading the screen properly. And it only happens now and again.
What happens is that sometimes when I get a call the screen shows the last callers details as if they were ringing again - but it is someone else.When I hang up the call or if I miss the call - the details then show the correct persons details - weird.
If I pull the battery out it all works fine then for a week or two and then starts happening again. It is not a big deal or anything - just a bit strange.
Still have data when playing music though. Sometimes I need to look something up one Google or whatever when I'm in the middle of a call. I thought I was supposed to be able to multitask?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust wondering if your bold drops calls as frequently as mine does. it seems that sometimes the phone decides to act up and gives me a 'call failed' message whenever i try to make a phone call. I always check how many bars i have and its usually at 4 or 5. sometimes a battery pull fixes this, but other times, the problem is persistent. my old bold 9000 had the same problem, so i'm not sure if it's at&t or blackberries in general.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI cannot make a call on 3g bold I get call failed or congestion I have to take phone off 3g this is my 3rd replacement and i only had the bold like 2months what should i do at this point a friend in trouble
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a friend that just bought this BlackBerry Bold 9700 and the call waiting beep volume is so low he is missing his calls.He called blackberry, his provider and is getting nowhere they keep telling him to return the device for a new one and he did once but of course didn't fix this problem.They came out with a new download that was suppose to fix this problem but guess what it didn't.Blackberry doesn't seem to care about this problem but you bet if it was their buisness calls they was missing they'd fix it faster.Anyone no of any new News on this? July 08, 2010
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an issue with the Bold, when I'm speaking on a phone call the line disconnects while the phone receives e-mail and / or when the 3G/ GPRS switches from one to another.I have no idea on how to fix this issue. I have tried changing the network parameters for it to work on 2G only, 3G only and both but it hasn't fixed the issue.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOn the 9700, when a call is missed, does the led flash?I know of the 3rd party apps and have tried them. I am back to stock and was wondering.I thought it did, but from searching it seems that it doesn't?? Maybe I'm mistaken.It did on my 9000.
View 14 Replies View RelatedDoes the 9700 allow that if you are not on wifi?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAnyone know how to set your phone on vibrate when you get a text while you're talking on the phone?
View 6 Replies View RelatedFor the past week or so, I can not make an outgoing call to save my life. After about 30 tries, my outgoing call would get through. But usually it says "Congestion" and I'm not able to make a call. I did that Alt+L,G,L,G thing to clear the log and that isn't helping. I can do everything else on my phone like text, use the internet, BBM, and I can even receive calls! I just can't call out
View 13 Replies View RelatedThis is my first post and I hate to start with a problem but I'm at my witts end with this one. I've searched but couldnt find a similar post about the Bold 9700. For some reason, it does not show missed calls in the call log. I can only see them if I have a missed call at the time, but once I exit the missed call log, I cannot view it until I have another missed call. I do not want them to appear in the messages folder either and the BB9700 does not have an option to View Recent that the 9000 has in call log view.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a bold 9700 from at&t across the border, when I put the rogers sim card in, everything ok but can't make outgoing call. what should I do, do anyone know?
View 12 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell us how to add a new contact - from a received incoming call? ie if someone calls the phone, how do we then add them as a contact into the Blackberry Bold 9700.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got my 9700 abt 6wks ago, everything was working fine, Then abt 2 weeks ago I started getting "Call Failed" when trying to make calls. Now I get it 90% of the time, and after investigating I can not receive incoming calls either.I have contacted Orange who say it might be a network / location issue, but not sure and have not had any other complaints? However I have not moved and I get this all the time in my house, where as 6weeks ago it was fine. And also when connected in the car driving around in different areas to my home town it still happens.It seems to be a bug on the handset as my signal strength is full 5bars, 3G displayed, etc. Setting under NETWORK MODE - 3G & 2G, if I set this to just 2G then this fixes it!I am running v5.0.0.351 (plat have tried hard resets, wipes etc, and I finally got Orange to sent me a new handset.Still not working! I have also down loaded and installed what I think is the latest firmware update available for the 9700 from Jordan v5.0.0.442., still no fix so reverted back to v5.0.0.351.I think it might be that I have a weak 3G signal where I live, but switching over to UMA and connecting in my house through this still does not fix it? Is there a known bug that the 9700 gets confused/freezes when trying to switch in and out of 3G/2G/UMA coverage? From Googling Call Failed BB 9700 etc it seems that there are a few others out there with the same issue??? Any help how to fix/what firmware works etc It is driving me crazy because I do not recieve calls, sms etc either!
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen i try to make a call or receive a call there is no sound coming from the internal speaker.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I conference call, by dialling other parties, the other parties hear a constant beeping during the call. Is there something I can do to get rid of beeping?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I make a call and I want to turn on speakerphone I just usually press the speaker or "$" button. Now if I do it just gives me the headset icon not the speaker icon. This started to happen when I use my BB as my mp3 player using an ipod earphone.
And sometimes when I make or answer a call, the phone keeps switching from handset to headset icons nonstop! I did a batt pull and it didn't help.
What is the fastest way to reach the missed call log from the main menu, im sure on the 8310 you just pressed green and the missed calls where there. they are not on the 9700 i have.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there an easy way to delete all the calls made from my call log rather than delete them individually?
View 5 Replies View Relatedeverytime i make a call the first time it doesnt ring or anything just started with that yesterday....then i hang up and dial again and it goes thru right away...wats up with that
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how th connect another camera on the front of their blackberry (preferably bold 9700) for pictures or videos? also, any way to use a videochat service on a blackberry via call or even in something like an app for things similar to stickam.
View 6 Replies View Relatedso here's the scenerio, in a public place (school, anywhere, with people), you have your headphone on while listening to music on your bold 9700's music player (loudly, may i add).Receives a phone call, (your phone now has the screen with incoming call showing, you can either answer, or ignore). Obviously not much option here you answer the call, unplugs the headphone, the music player goes on pause(or you can unplug first, the music pause first, then answer), after the conversation, before you have time to plug your headphone back, your music unpauses itself and is playing LOUDLY through the phone speakers, which is kind of embarassing, even for couple seconds.I tested a couple times by calling myself, and i find no options to get around this.anyone else got this prob? does anyone know how to get around this? should I buy a new media player app?
View 14 Replies View RelatedFor some odd reason missed calls are not showing on my call log.And for reference I have done the following:
- Checked and searched forums / the web
- Did a battery pull
- Checked application memory, standing strong at 85 MB
- Memory card has 1.8GB As well
- Cleared browser history and other memory 'stuff' just for the sake of it
The problem is old Missed calls are showing, but the new ones aren't. I haven't got the slightest clue why really, and I'm hoping someone here can help me out.
recently my phone can't hear anything during calls but when i put it on speaker it works fine. i can play music and stuff it's just during calls. is there something that I can do?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have just changed from an 8900 to a 9700 and I am very happy with it!One little thing I can't figure out is that when I am dialing a number it says at the top 'my number:unknown number' How do I change this to display what my number is?
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy blackberry suddenly forbid me to make, receive calls and send, receive sms. I've tried several way to fix this includeing
-batt pull
-batt pull + remove sim card
-update FW .423>.442
-wiped and relode FW (.442)
-resend service book
-re-register host routing table
Then I look at manage connections>Services status and it says, Mobile Voice status: not available connection: not connected. put my sim card into another phone (nokia) it could make, reseive call and sms so it shouldn't be sim card problem. Other services are working fine, BBM, email and facebook.
Can you someone really explain how to take off the "unknown number" when dialling anyone?Its NOT the "show my number" on the calls menu , it appears when you are making a call.Please help.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have another question. How do you block your number when you make a call? I live in Toronto and when I type in *67 before the number it doesn't seem to go through. Is there another way that I don't know of?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've recently got a blackerry bold 9700 and the led doent flash when I get a missed call. It flashes for everything else but missed calls. I've tryed eveything and nothing works.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using a Bold 9700 on AT&T and when someone calls me with a blocked number, "uknown caller" does not show up on my call log. It wont show that I received that call and won't give me a call history. Any help would be appreciated.
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