I have an issue with the Bold, when I'm speaking on a phone call the line disconnects while the phone receives e-mail and / or when the 3G/ GPRS switches from one to another.I have no idea on how to fix this issue. I have tried changing the network parameters for it to work on 2G only, 3G only and both but it hasn't fixed the issue.
I got a Bokia E72 after being fascinated with E71.What shocked me was the big number of disconnections or call drops faced in the middle of calls although the signal is at its best.I am thinking of updating it to the latest firmware hoping that it'd solve the problem.Do you have any further suggestions?
This issue has been happning for a while, but for the last week or so it has been happening more frequently. A phone call arrives and sends the phone into a reset, similar to what QuickPull would do. No open apps, no error message, it just resets.I have searched a bit, but have not found anyone posting a similar issue so far. I run the stock T-Mobile OS, and a few extra RIM and 3rd party apps.
I am a new owner of a Blackberry Bold.When I receive a phone call, the phone only rings once and if I don't answer within 4 or 5 seconds I get a "missed call message". I've explored chanding ring tones accessed from the "Loud" icon without success.How do I get the phone to ring for longer like normal mobiles or landlines?
I just updated to 442 and everything else seems fine except for the fact that when on a call, as soon as the backlight times out, it mutes the mic and the party on the other end cannot hear me. Clicking the trackball "unmutes" the phone until the backlight times out again. This happens whether I'm on speakerphone or not.
I posted this in the actual OS thread as well but figured someone in here may read this and know of a solution.
I've done quite a few battery pulls hoping this would resolve the issue but it hasn't.
The nice thing about upgrading from 296 to this is when you are on a call and the backlight times out, the screen and everything but the 4 buttons on the trackpad row go dim. So if its dark you can still find these 4 buttons rather easily. I just wish I could figure out this mute issue.
Im trying to figure out if i should just return this phone, this is my second bold, "auto focus problem was other problem". I've had this phone for around three months, three or four times it has happened, i will be in the middle of a call and i will hear nothing, i look at the phone and its locked up, then solid red light, then phone reboots. Phone works fine for three or four weeks. i never had this problem with my curve 8320. I think its a app that might be auto updating on its own but wanted to see if anyone else is having same problem.
Is they way that when im in a call that i can press the left phone button to activate or de-activate the speaker phone? As i need a more convinient way of activating and de activating the speaker phone rather than pressing menu then scrolling down to the actiate option.
I am using nokia c6-01 but there is problem that call disconnects again and again. And message displayed is connection error..Sometimes it disconnects with in a min.Or after 2 min or so..Error..will this be some network problem or some device problem or software problem.
Since the last update, my phone disconnects from my car bluetooth after everycall. When i get in the car it connects as it should but after a call is received or made it disconnects? As i mentioned it worked before the last update.
I got a Bokia E72 after being fascinated with E71. What shocked me was the big number of disconnections or call drops faced in the middle of calls although the signal is at its best. I am thinking of updating it to the latest firmware hoping that it'd solve the problem.
Using 9700 on Vodafone UK - Software Version has happened a few times now. At first I thought it was just me not reading the screen properly. And it only happens now and again.
What happens is that sometimes when I get a call the screen shows the last callers details as if they were ringing again - but it is someone else.When I hang up the call or if I miss the call - the details then show the correct persons details - weird.
If I pull the battery out it all works fine then for a week or two and then starts happening again. It is not a big deal or anything - just a bit strange.
Just wondering if your bold drops calls as frequently as mine does. it seems that sometimes the phone decides to act up and gives me a 'call failed' message whenever i try to make a phone call. I always check how many bars i have and its usually at 4 or 5. sometimes a battery pull fixes this, but other times, the problem is persistent. my old bold 9000 had the same problem, so i'm not sure if it's at&t or blackberries in general.
So every time I get a call, I lose 3G. When I end the call it says GPRS then picks up EDGE then 3G again. Happened with .545 and now with the new leak that popped a few days ago.
Every time i connect to a VPN server on my XOOM it automatically disconnects after about 10 minutes for no reason. this interrupts my Android Market downloads. I've tried 4 different VPNs so the VPNs are OK.
So I have owned a Black Bold 9700 for a while now and about 2 months ago I switched to a White 9700. I would always get at least one day out of my battery in my black 9700. And I was with my white 9700 as well until about 2 weeks ago.I rarely talk on my phone but I am a heavy user with BBM, text and email and a bit with Facebook which I know uses a lot of battery... I have about 90 contacts on BBM and use it constantly everyday -- chatting with 4 to 5 ppl at a time constantly. However, I'm lucky if my battery lasts from 11am until 5pm anymore. I have tried about 3 different batteries and they all have the same issue. I just upgraded my software from .743 to .862 last night.
And I switched over to a brand new OEM battery 2 days ago. I charged my phone overnight and powered it on at 11am and now at 2:14pm I'm sitting at 75% battery life.I don't have many apps on my phone besides Facebook and Weather Eye. The only apps I ever have running everyday are the ones that have to be running constantly (BBM, Phone, Browser, Messages). I rarely even browse the internet and I don't have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi enabled. However, I am always running on 3G.
I cannot make a call on 3g bold I get call failed or congestion I have to take phone off 3g this is my 3rd replacement and i only had the bold like 2months what should i do at this point a friend in trouble www.twittter.com/golden1ne
I have a friend that just bought this BlackBerry Bold 9700 and the call waiting beep volume is so low he is missing his calls.He called blackberry, his provider and is getting nowhere they keep telling him to return the device for a new one and he did once but of course didn't fix this problem.They came out with a new download that was suppose to fix this problem but guess what it didn't.Blackberry doesn't seem to care about this problem but you bet if it was their buisness calls they was missing they'd fix it faster.Anyone no of any new News on this? July 08, 2010
On the 9700, when a call is missed, does the led flash?I know of the 3rd party apps and have tried them. I am back to stock and was wondering.I thought it did, but from searching it seems that it doesn't?? Maybe I'm mistaken.It did on my 9000.
For the past week or so, I can not make an outgoing call to save my life. After about 30 tries, my outgoing call would get through. But usually it says "Congestion" and I'm not able to make a call. I did that Alt+L,G,L,G thing to clear the log and that isn't helping. I can do everything else on my phone like text, use the internet, BBM, and I can even receive calls! I just can't call out
This is my first post and I hate to start with a problem but I'm at my witts end with this one. I've searched but couldnt find a similar post about the Bold 9700. For some reason, it does not show missed calls in the call log. I can only see them if I have a missed call at the time, but once I exit the missed call log, I cannot view it until I have another missed call. I do not want them to appear in the messages folder either and the BB9700 does not have an option to View Recent that the 9000 has in call log view.
I have a bold 9700 from at&t across the border, when I put the rogers sim card in, everything ok but can't make outgoing call. what should I do, do anyone know?
Can anyone tell us how to add a new contact - from a received incoming call? ie if someone calls the phone, how do we then add them as a contact into the Blackberry Bold 9700.
I got my 9700 abt 6wks ago, everything was working fine, Then abt 2 weeks ago I started getting "Call Failed" when trying to make calls. Now I get it 90% of the time, and after investigating I can not receive incoming calls either.I have contacted Orange who say it might be a network / location issue, but not sure and have not had any other complaints? However I have not moved and I get this all the time in my house, where as 6weeks ago it was fine. And also when connected in the car driving around in different areas to my home town it still happens.It seems to be a bug on the handset as my signal strength is full 5bars, 3G displayed, etc. Setting under NETWORK MODE - 3G & 2G, if I set this to just 2G then this fixes it!I am running v5.0.0.351 (plat have tried hard resets, wipes etc, and I finally got Orange to sent me a new handset.Still not working! I have also down loaded and installed what I think is the latest firmware update available for the 9700 from Jordan v5.0.0.442., still no fix so reverted back to v5.0.0.351.I think it might be that I have a weak 3G signal where I live, but switching over to UMA and connecting in my house through this still does not fix it? Is there a known bug that the 9700 gets confused/freezes when trying to switch in and out of 3G/2G/UMA coverage? From Googling Call Failed BB 9700 etc it seems that there are a few others out there with the same issue??? Any help how to fix/what firmware works etc It is driving me crazy because I do not recieve calls, sms etc either!
When I conference call, by dialling other parties, the other parties hear a constant beeping during the call. Is there something I can do to get rid of beeping?
When I make a call and I want to turn on speakerphone I just usually press the speaker or "$" button. Now if I do it just gives me the headset icon not the speaker icon. This started to happen when I use my BB as my mp3 player using an ipod earphone.
And sometimes when I make or answer a call, the phone keeps switching from handset to headset icons nonstop! I did a batt pull and it didn't help.
What is the fastest way to reach the missed call log from the main menu, im sure on the 8310 you just pressed green and the missed calls where there. they are not on the 9700 i have.
everytime i make a call the first time it doesnt ring or anything just started with that yesterday....then i hang up and dial again and it goes thru right away...wats up with that