BB Bold 9000 :: Stopped Working / Screen Went Black When Holstered During Chat
Jun 13, 2010
First post ever but I've been following this site for blackberry advice for a while, but this time I can't seem to find an answer to my dilemma, I've seen on most posts regarding the black screen blinking red light issue but the problem stemmed from installing the OS. Thats not the issue I have, while at work I was chatting with my friend on blackberry messenger but a customer came by so I holstered my blackberry, by the time I finished and took out my blackberry the screen was black and won't turn on, I naturally assumed that my phone died although it was awkward for it to die at like 45% battery life so I ignored it until I got home. I placed my blackberry on my cradle to see if it'll charge but the screen remained black and the LED light blinks twice then stops, then blinks twice again and so forth. Should I do what the posters suggested? Run that program and reinstall an OS hoping it will save my blackberry?
When i plug in my BB 9000 without the battery it has a red led, but when i put the battery in to charge the flash on the camera turns on and the red led turns off the screen is always black and off is there a fix for this? i dont mind deleting everything on this phone.
can anyone please help last night i noticed some small black lines appear on screen and now they have got bigger over night. everything was fine up until yesterday and they just suddenly appeared.
My bold stopped working a few weeks ago, At first i thought it was the battery, Bought a new battery nothing happened. Next i thought it was the Charger, Bought a new one still nothing happened . Someone told me that the USB port was probably broken, And i can't get it fixed by tmobile cause the bold is a AT&T Phone . So a friend of mine told me to buy a charger dock on Amazon/Ebay , And the Phone will charge i just won't be able to put stuff on my phone through my Computer . Can anyone clarify that if i buy the dock it will work?, Also if it doesnt work at this point what should i do?
My BOLD 9780 stopped working and has a white screen. I tried he battery thing and also tried reentering the 6.0 opsys with the desktop Software. Phone shuts off ok and side buttons seem o work but no phone answering capabilities. Standard APS and all I use the phone for are phone calls and a few texts.
Yesterday my 9900 just stopped working and the screen came up with JVM error 545.I've tried using the BB desktop to reload following the instructions of BB knowledge base KB10144 and KB 20371.The device fails to connect to the PC and generates the following message: Application loader was unable to connect with your device. Please re-connect your device, enter password, if required, and click retry.The device just won't connect.
So I've had my bold 9700 for around 4 months, and today it randomly stopped working. Every time I take the battery out and put it back in it begins to load up the blackberry screen, but gets maybe a 1/4 of the way before flashing white and going completely blank. Then the light turns solid red for a moment and it begins the process again...
I'm purchasing a used Bold for $10. The owner says she did a master reset by pressing ctrl+alt+del. The phone went black and only the red indicator light comes on. Did the battery pull and charged it for hours but still nothing. Next steps? What may have happened?
Trying to sort out my bosses Blackberry. IT don't know much about them...!
Its a Blackberry Bold 9000 on Vodafone (NZ) OS V4.6.0.247
Right so I know a *bit* about Blackberry's (have a storm...) so I seem to be the go to for a lot of the bosses. As with most work phones, every other application has been deleted off it, eg bluetooth, instant messaging etc. The problem is that the Blackberry Messenger Message button (blue double B) is still appearing on his home screen, even though Instant Chat has been deleted.
I dropped my BlackBerry Bold 9000 on the weekend and damaged the LCD screen. The device still works, but two thirds of the LCD is now white and there's what looks like an inkblot on the left side of the screen. I'd like to try to fix it, but don't really want to shell out a lot of $ to do so --- I'm a month away from upgrading.Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps a dead BlackBerry with a working screen that you're willing to part with? A DIY repair -- this is out of warranty anyway -- looks straightforward, but I'm not sure I want to spend the $100 or so for a new OEM part to replace the LCD screen.
my phone gets the spinning clock all the i am trying to prevent it from as many apps from running at the same apps you just can't stop.....but i noticed that "Documents To Go Files" automatically starts when i reboot my phone....i went to their site...but could not find the answer....anyway to prevent it from starting in the beg, instead of having to turn it off everytime?
So I recently unbricked my AT&T S5 with OC4 Stock Modem and Kernel. Everything was working perfectly fine until I clicked software update. The update downloaded and started to install, but after that it goes into recovery mode and ended up failed to update. The phone then reboots to the at&t logo screen, then to a black screen with error messages such as "Unfortunately, System UI has stopped", "Unfortunately, Media Storage has stopped" and "Unfortunately, setting has stopped".... I pressed the power button to see if I can go to emergency mode, but it will give me another one of those error message "Unfortunately, Emergency recovery manger has stopped" or something like that. What can I do to fix this?
I've recently upgraded to the Bold 9700 with 5.0 software. My issue (albeit rather small) is that my SMSs appear in my BBM chat screen. I followed advice posted previously and removed the contacts link and yes, the SMSs popped back into my SMS inbox. So you would think problem sorted. But here comes the interesting part : my husband has exactly the same bb, exactly the same software, his BBM contacts are linked to contacts, and his SMSs does not go to his BBM but only his SMS inbox. Confusing or what? Has anyone found a way of solving the issue without removing the contacts link in BBM? Alternatively, if this is the only way, how can I put a display picture in for a BBM contact after I removed the link?
I got an iPhone 5s what the screen is totally black, but the touch screen and other functions are still working, has been replaced the LCD but it keep doing the same way.
I Put My Xperia z2 Underwater, With The Camera Open, And I Took Like 3 Pictures And it Took Me Only Like 30 Seconds But After I took It Out Of The Water, The Screen Blacked Out And Doesn't Work, I Tried To Restart It Or Use The Reset Button, And The Phone Is All dry Cuz The flaps Were Closed Tightly But Still No Response, This Happened Now While I'm Posting This From My Friend's Phone, Idk What To Do To Make It Work.
Recently I purchased an E75 off of Ebay. The problem is, whenever I try to utilize the main camera, all I see is blackness. The viewfinder does not seem to work at all. Scrolling through the camera toolbar takes a while and tooltips remain on the screen without fading away as they supposedly should. I have tried taking picture regardless of the issue, but I recieved an error message which says "Unexpected error has occurred. Restart your phone." or something similar. I get the same result in Video Mode.I have done hard resets and firmware updates to the latest firmware possible, but to no avail. What could it be? Would I need to take it to a Nokia Care Center?
I have AT+T HTC One - stock; I was happily using it too much let the power run down till it died and after that cannot restart. I can reach the Hard Reset Loader screen. I have already tried factory reset.
I see a kind of battery picture pop up for a while with two green arrows making a circle and a little down arrow in the middle - in the center of screen.
A while later the screen goes black and nothing happens. The SIM card is still inside. I have tried 2-3 times - battery shows to be >80% as of now.
This is info from the Hard reset (DownVol + Powre) screen: ****Locked**** M7-UL PVT SHIP S-ON R/H HBOOT 1.56.0000 RADIO-4T.24.3218.09 OpenDSP-V32.120.274.0909 OS-4.18.502.7 eMMC-boot 2048mB JAN 28 2014, 09:32:4.1704
I took some photos underwater today with my z3 , I came home and the touch was acting up, it worked for a bit then nothing at all. i can use the camera button and i can use the volume button. The screen is not black its working all that isn't working is the touch,. All the seals were closed and it doesn't seem that any water has gotten into the phone.
After restarting my phone in morning, the screen turned black at the Apple logo and I have the feeling that either something is wrong with software i.e. corrupted or the entire OS crashed. Another important notice: Absolutely nothing works. You cannot even get it into DFU mode. It is not jailbroken.
The screen of my iPhone 4 suddenly went irresponsive and within a few seconds it went completely black. I tried to power it off and also tried the home button but nothing seems to be responding.Â
Incoming calls still ring out but I am not able to answer the calls and cannot see anything on the screen.Â
I connected it to my laptop, the iphone appears on "my computer" and I was able to see pictures and videos that are on the phone, however iTunes cannot detect the devise.Â
My iPhone screen is completely black but the phone works perfectly. I can connect it to the MAC, i can use Reflector to see everything, music, camera.. Everything works, but to see the phone's screen i need a torchlight. The fact is, that when i switch it on, i can see the Apple logo for a second and i can see everything when the phone is switched off (example: when charging i can see perfectly the battery icon, or "Connect to iTunes" ecc...). I tried to restore the phone from backup, to reset it, pressing home and the power button, DFU mode... .Â
my Black berry Bold 9000 is not working with BIS, but i browse with my credit. when i remove the sim and put it inside my friend's phone it works with his phone.
My blackberry buttons are taking the wrong commands. I press the green/ answerr button it gives letter ‘k” I press the hang-up/red button it gives me the letter M, the track ball is not commanding, it rotates fine but once u click on it, it gives me a letter. Anyone have a solution or will i have to bury my Berry?
I have a rather different issue with camera. I have a Curve 8310 (AT&T) and when I go into camera, everything works, but the screen is black. Just the part where the "picture" is supposed to be. I can see the zoom option and I can go to the options and everything. I notice a little symbol thats like an exclamation mark with comma sized lines all the way around it.
I was using my phone in the morning and there was something wrong. The screen did not response at all. So, I tried to turn if off. It does not allow to turn off. What should I do?
My E72 has started playing up recently. First it wouldn't recognize when I remove/insert earphones and would permanently think earphones were in, so couldn't make calls etc because I wouldn't be able to hear anything. Now the screen seems to have stopped working. I get lights on the keypad and can connect it to my pc but can see nothing on the screen, is completely blank. I noticed just before this happened it would seem to struggle to come off screen saver when I unlocked the keypad i.e. would take a long time and the screen would look messed up for a few seconds before coming round. I'm also pretty sure i've noticed a red light flash where the flash is once or twice since its stopped working.
I tried updating firmware to sort the earphone problem and the screen has died since then. Tried hard resetting to to avail. Have only got this phone relatively recently to replace another nokia that failed... really not happy about this...
The screen on my samsung s6 has for no reason just stoped working. Ive tried turning it on and off but nothing happens although the blue light is still flashing constantly.