Xperia Z3 :: How To Access Notes When Display Is Broken
Jul 3, 2010
I broke my Sony Xperia screen , havent backed up anything, however I can still access my data when plugging it in via my laptop. The one thing is: I wanted to find my 'notes' on the note app but I can't find them in the internal storage or the SD card. I really, really need them because they have some important information on them. Where can I access them?
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Sep 6, 2012
I have xperia z2 with broken screen but still and functions well when connected to pc .... I really need a way to get my contacts out of the phone how is it possible?? or in what folder would i find the contacts saved ....
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Oct 26, 2015
So my z3's screen broke (again), and I need to get all my information off there, most importantly contacts and text messages. I plug in a usb cable to my pc. The phone comes up in my computer. I open it. There's nothing there. Just the message "this folder is empty."
I have hidden files set as visible, I've tried 3 different usb cords, and reset both devices several times. WHAT DO I DO?
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Jun 30, 2015
I've had my Xperia Z3 from T-Mobile for the last 8-9 months, no issues till, well, today when I decided to test if the phone was really waterproof (1.5m for 30min as per the specs). Â Verified all slots were tightly closed and used for about 15 minutes taking some pictures and video underwater (approx 50cm deep), no problem at all. Â After those 15 minutes however the screen stopped responding to inputs. Â It was still displaying content though (camera), just not responding to inputs. Â
I was able to reboot the phone by pressing power + volume up for a few seconds. The phone seems to be rebooting fine but the screen is not displaying anything now. Â I can see the screen is backlit, and if I press the volume up or down buttons I hear the usual beeps, but the screen is not displaying anything at all. Â
My biggest issue now, besides what seems to be water damage on my display, is that I need to recover my phone data (images and some docs) as soon as possible. Â I tried connecting it to my PC via USB to access the internal storage and get what I needed, but my phone has a swipe code and since the screen is not displaying anything I can't unlock it for my PC to see it.
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Jun 24, 2014
The port on my iphone 5s recently broke. I haven't backed my phone up in weeks and since I can no longer plug my phone into my laptop, I'm not sure how I can retrieve my photos, notes, etc. that were placed on my phone after the last time it was backed up. I have no clue how to recover my info since my phone no longer works. I know my phone has a sim card but I've never manually saved anything to it so I guess my second question is does my phone automatically save info on the sim card and if so, what type of info does it save on it?
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Aug 19, 2010
I would like the memo's or meetings to be displayed on the phone on the day they occur. I had this on my 6110 and I am used to having it. Is this possible?
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May 7, 2012
I've just broke display of my Nokia 5000d. Can anyone navigate me what keys to press in order to turn on the bluetooth?
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May 25, 2012
next week I get my new (first) iPhone from Vodafone (Germany). An iPhone 4S, and as all know, the display is very critical. My old phone, fell very often down, but it was an HTC desire and so nothing happen. But I think, with a iPhone 4S I have not so much luck. That the reason, why I think about Apple Care. Is there a Coverage for broken displays? Or do I need Apple Care+? If I need Apple Care+, is this available for germany? Because I don't see it at the german page. I think I can buy it, but accept the apple care+ me from germany? And second question. Do I need the Apple Care for the first year of my iPhone? Because it's free for the first year if I understand it right, and then can buy it for the second year? Or do I understand it wrong? If this it right, again: are broken display covered for the first free/included year?
iPhone 4S, Apple Care
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Jun 26, 2014
My iPhone has a broken display screen and I can't connect with my iTunes because it says I have to log into my phone. I can't log into my phone because it is not working. I tried pressing the home button and then acting out the motions of entering my password, but nothing is happening. I have my replacement phone and I'm trying to reset my broken phone, but I can''t do that until I log into iTunes.I am doing this on a PC computer.
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Jun 24, 2012
How I can access "notes" on my Mac or iTunes? My phone is fried.
iPhone 3GS, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 1, 2015
My phone is broken, and there is a diary app that i logged each day of the progress of my son. Its very precious to me and i wont give up on getting to that app. Tge screen is broken, tried 3 replacement screens and it wont turn on. Tried new batteries too. Plugged it into a computer and it wont come up. There is a slight buzz sound when its plugged in, not sure what that means. All i need is the entries on that app.
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Aug 2, 2015
When I accept meeting invitations through my email and it adds it to my google calendar, my phone displays the notes section on a single line. Making it nearly impossible to scroll over and read. I can't modify the calendar event at all, and I have to open up the web browser or original email (by searching through my emails) to view the notes within the original spacing/formatting.
Only calendar events that I make myself will have the proper notes section spaced out. Please see attached photos for my examples:
Here is an event this is nearly a page full of notes, but it only displays on a single line that I have to scroll left to right on.
Here is an event I created and the notes section is as big as my notes:
I'm on T-Mobile 5.1.1
Stock Calendar is &
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May 28, 2012
I can't access my list of notes from an individual note. Sometimes, when I'm on an individual note, there is no bar at the top with the button to the left to take you back to the list of notes. How do I make this bar appear? The only way I have forced the bar to appear is to conduct a search on my iPhone for a particular note; when I do that that then select that particular note, the note appears with the bar at the top. But there must be some way to make the bar to show up when you are in a particular note and the bar isn't there.
iPhone 4S
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Apr 18, 2011
My Storm fell and the screen cracked and now it only displays a black screen. I am able to get it recognized with the Blackberry Destop Software but in order to fully access the device I need to unlock it, which I can't because the screen is broken. What can I do in order to access the documents that are NOTin the media card?
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Mar 12, 2012
So I dropped my iphone 3gs in a lake and it wouldn't turn on for about three months so now that it has turned on I can't remember the passcode on it, I know you can restore it but I don't really want to do that as I have pictures and notes and messages I want to keep, is there anything I can do?? or is there anyway i can access my pictures and my notes and messages?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4
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Aug 8, 2011
I dropped my Nokia X6 and the screen cracked. It still displays everything OK but accepts no input. I don't want to shell out money to have it fixed (+-$100) because I'm almost due for a phone upgrade on my contract.I tried using the data cable but when I connect it to the phone I can't choose data transfer or ovi suite etc. since the screen input is broken.Is there any way to access the (internal) memory of the phone? I basically just need the photos and contacts.
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Dec 1, 2015
I shattered the screen on my Nexus 6 the other day and the screen is totally black, just a few bleeps of light if I connect/disconnect to computer, that's it. The problem is, when I connect to my computer via USB, the Nexus 6 shows up in my drives, but there's no files showing at all so I can't download all the pics/videos off of it, it only charges. I assume this is because it's not in MTP mode? But I can't switch it on since I can't even see the screen. The phone itself works apart from the screen being dead, rings for calls, texts, charges and even bluetooth connects to my car when I start it up. I just can't view the files on my computer to download them .
how to get all these pics/videos off of this thing? I have my daughters last 6 months of her life on this phone, including her recent birthday part etc...etc.. and I really need to get all that downloaded somehow before I even think of sending it in for a replacement. One thing that came to mind is mirroring it to another device which I read online, possibly with Chromecast or via another type of cable but I'm not sure if I could actually operate the phone in order to put it into MTP mode that way though.
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Sep 3, 2010
Weird problem here, my Notes application cannot find the notes I've written, it's like they were auto-deleted. The first time it happened I thought maybe I exited without pressing done, thinking maybe that saves it. But it's happened to me several times. I write a note, press done, exit out of the program. Open up the program and the note is still there, but after a day or 2 it's just completely gone. I'm not even syncing it or anything. This is on a ip4 with 4.02 and no JB.
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Jun 19, 2015
After lollipop update i m experiencing yellowish display on the bottom of d display..
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Feb 7, 2010
Ive had my blackberry for a month now and it seems that my touchpad has broken. It can click but cant move in any direction at all?
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Nov 24, 2015
I've got a problem with my Nexus 6. The entire screen is blacked but I've good a flashing green band on the top of my screen when i try to start it. I can hear the notifications going thru my phone but the screen is blacked out. I've tried several times the Power button + Volume down but I can't even access the reboot display.
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Feb 26, 2015
I wrote notes in Samsung Galaxy s2, I need to transfer all notes to Sony experia Z3.I tried to send notes to my email and open by Z3, but apparent "you don't have program to open this file"
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Dec 27, 2010
I have seen several posts on this issue - I am disappointed tho it seems SE won't fix small bugs like this.Lots of other functionalities not available on my SE X10 mini.So - will there be a solution?How do I contact responsible Is there some kind of feedback-blog/forum for (disappointed) customers?
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Dec 20, 2010
Does anyone have a solution to the problem of notes not sync from the PC to the Phone?There is no option on the phone to do this yet the SONY support site says it is possible.
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Mar 28, 2011
How can i get my outlook (office 2010) notes to my x10 mini? i found out that there is no sync possibility to get the notes on my handy.
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Aug 6, 2012
I just bought Xperia Neo L and could not find notes or to-do-list.
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Sep 15, 2010
I can't find the notes function on my X10 where is it? I have synched from the website but can't find where on my phone to retrieve them or add to them.
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Nov 29, 2010
Though I have another problem - ALL my notes on my phone have disappeared after this update! And I had many....And eager as I was to get the new upgrade, I didn't write down all these notes on a reliable piece of paper with a reliable pen to secure that I wouldn't miss them afterwards IF they were to disappear!I followed all the steps at the sonyericsson webpage, and noticed that it said on the webpage that all things NOT included in the backup, which I was supposed to do before upgrading, would NOT be "disturbed" by the upgrade.. But here I am now, sitting with my phone WITHOUT any of those important notes!
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Mar 10, 2015
I love the Toast notifications on my Icon, which has Windows 8.1 through Verizon. The only problem is that they only display for a few seconds and they usually vanish before I can get to the phone to see what the notification was, and as far as I can tell, there's no way to pull up a list of old notifications. So I'm wondering if there's any way to make these notifications display longer. Right now, they seem to be about five seconds and they're gone. I'd like to extend that to at least ten seconds. And is there any way to pull up a list of old notifications so I can see what I might have missed when I was away from my phone?
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Apr 7, 2011
I recently update my X8 to 2.1-update 1 and have been seeing problems with connecting to wifi. I had no issues before with connecting to a network, but now have been seeing the message : Data Connectivity Proble: The server failed to communicate. Try again later. This happens even though the network is detected to having good signal, but I can't actually use it. I have already tried restoring under the backup and restore function, restoring my system settings, but this does not work. I have also tried to download settings for internet, but this doesn't work either. Or is there a way to restore my old settings so that my wifi will work normally?
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Apr 4, 2015
I have Xperia Z2 phone, with good LCD display, but this display won't show anything and phone works well. So i wan't to update my phone, but it requires that phone will be unlock, then i can update it.
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