I got this phone yesterday, and everything's been working great except for wifi.I have wifi at home, and the phone is able to connect to it (obtain an ip address, show signal strength, etc.), but internet is not available.i cannot browse or use the market application because it's not really connected to the internet.I only have this problem at home, however. Wifi on my x10 works great everywhere else.My brother's phone and both of our laptops are able to access wifi at home, so I'm thinking it's a settings problem on my phone?
Droid Turbo (Android Version 5.1) - WIFI works fine at home and seems to work other places. I have been using it for months at work. Recently I cannot connect. Other people can still connect. I had the connection saved...but even tried deleting it and researching, but it won't locate the server.
my curve 9300 won't connect to my home wifi. I've tried every method possible, to no avail. I went to the telus store to ask about it, and a lady who clearly had no idea what she was talking about told me the curve is "just not powerful or high-end enough". I know someone who has a bold 9700 and it connected without a flaw to my home wifi.
I have Motorola DEXT Motoblur ORANGE and yes it is unlocked...When on home network wifi turns on but no signal. YES i have router ON, also I have tried all over the city to get free wifi or any wifi signal at all and nothing.When on roaming when I travel it works perfect. Signal, multiple networks, internet works great... When I come back to my home network same story again...
I've been using my Wifi connection (from home) lately, I had no troubles what-so-ever. I turned on my 3G network this morning, and again, everything's going perfectly fine with my connection. I came home around half 4 from school and decided to turn on my WiFi connection at home, what I've realized is that whenever I try turning on my WiFi network, the little sign that's usually at the top doesn't appear anymore. I tried resetting the network settings and closing and opening my phone, but.. This didn't really make any difference.I have tried reconnecting to my WiFi but nothing happened, my Bluetooth's never really turned on.
No problems until recently. I've noticed at Home & Work where I spend 90% of my time the WiFi has not connected (and I end up using my Data Plan). So once I notice it I have to connect manually and its fine. Both networks show up in advanced at "known". Is this a "bug" caused by a recent update?
I have a new iPhone 4 and i am having difficulty joining my wifi at home, at work it connects straight away but at home it won't recognize the airport connection and states could not access cellular data network. I have tried all the usual resetting network connections etc?
so last night i restarted my phone . after this the following happened my alarm had no tone selected my "home " key doesnt do anything.I get no notification icons on the top bar ( they are set to on ) my ringtone defaulted to something i hadnt selected when you drag down on the notification atthe top there was a "settings" icon this has now vanished.
I've typed in the correct password for my network, but when I click connect, the wifi status says 'connecting' then 'disconnected'. I have tried using Satic IP and also adding a wifi network, but they don't seem to make a difference!
I have the Xperia Z3, Until recently, my phone was fine. About 3 weeks ago it started disconnecting from my home wifi, this is extremely annoying. It does it when it feels like. Mostly when ive been idle for a bit, but does occur at other times too, in the middle of a written conversation it disconnects.
Things ive tried:
Resetting Router, moving it. Resetting apps on phone to default. Forgetting the Wifi connection and re connecting it.
My new Xperia Neo V is unable to connect to my home adhoc Wifi. In fact, the adhoc network is not even detected on the phone. I've tried reinstalling the phone software but it didn't help. Is there any solution to this issue?
PS: The Android version is 2.3.4 and the build number is 4.0.2.A.0.62
My xperia-play has been updated to Android 2.3.3 by pc companion from 2.3.2, however, the "home screen" is still upright↑ instead of horizontal ↔ if I circumvolve the phone.In Sony Ericsson the new update will give : New themes and Landscape mode for your home screen. I don't get them.
It detects our home network but when you ask the phone to connect it says' connecting... disconnected'.
I've checked the router settings and the network uses all three interfaces - 802.11g/n/b and encryption is by WPA + WPA2 - so I believe that these are the correct settings for this phone.
I got a X Play for christmas but it can't find my home wi-fi. I upgraded it like 30 minutes ago and nothing.The routes is set to 2.4ghz and 802.11b/g/n.
Ever since I connect my gopro to my z3, I don't get auto connect to my house wifi. I will need to disable the mobile data traffic and only then i can connected to my house wifi. Previously, when i reach home my z3 will auto connect to my house wifi without me disabling any mobile data traffic on my settings.
I still have to wait for full-functionality on my X10 when the service provider gets updated to a new contract in a few weeks.However, I cant get it to connect to my home wi-fi network.It recognises the network and remembers it. The Network Key is good. Ive tried both with and without 'data traffic enabled', and of course the phones Wi-Fi is turned on- Ive tried that both through the main screen and through the Wi-Fi Settings screen.I got a shock bill last week because the phone was using dial-up connection instead of Wi-Fi without me realising it!Also, how can I ensure it chooses unsecured or 'FreeZones' when on the move over dial-up? I want to be able to use the Navigation function, but worry about the phone being connected too much, even with the internet bundle I am subscribing to.
I updated my x10 mini pro a few days ago to android 2.1 The problem is that after the update the menu, home and back keys don't work after screen timeout so I have to press the key on the top of the phone to activate the screen and then unlock it.The point is why the hardware keys on the front don't work after screen timeout? Pressing the key on the top and then unlocking the phone can be really annoying...
When I'm trying to connect to my home network with wifi with correct username and passwords. Its showing me connecting and then it is getting disconnected automatically after connected.
I got my x10 mini pro today but cannot get my phone to work with my home network. It's says it's connected but when I try to use the browser, facebook etc., it won't load pages (these are only working through mobile internet).
as soon as I try and connect my new xperia pro to the home wifi network, it seems to be restarting my wifi router thus bringing the whole network down.
First, when I bought my Xperia Play(4 months ago)my home network WiFi worked very well on it but today when I search for wifi network I just can not find it I checked my laptop: the WiFi was working very well and I checked my family phones (Android and Iphone) and also they are connecting and working.i tried to do the next : 1- turn off and on my modem (I think it is called like that, I am not that good in networks) but nothing happened
2-turn off and on wifi on my phone
3-turn off and on my Xperia Play
4-Uninstalled go launcher
last things I have did before this happened :
1- Installed a game from the market that uses WiFi called : The Sims Free Play
2- Installed go launcher and go locker with ICS theme
More information : when I go to my WiFi settings I see that IP address is Unavailable.
I've got data traffic, and Wi-Fi ticked and I can see my network on the Wi-Fi Networks list but when I click on it and enter the password beneath Wi-Fi it says "disconnected".What's even weirder is that I managed to connect the phone to the internet the first time I booted it up for five minutes, but since then I haven't been able to recreate that success . What should I do?
Prior to the gingerbread update I had my personal email adds set up (Tiscali.co.uk) Now after the update it doesn't work. It takes the incoming settings but not the outgoing settings.Also previously I could use my WIFI and now it just has a yellow warning triangle on top of the witrelssssignall saying "Limited Connectivity".
the wi fi doesnt work.i disable stamina mode and turn it off and on several time and make keep wifi on during sleep "always" and still have the problem the wi fi and bluetooth too
4.1.A.0.562. An attempt to pair the phone and PC Companion ends up with message "Your current phone software can not connect to PC Companion using Wi-Fi".IMHO it is time to provide downgrade option in the PC Companion, too many problems with ICS.
Had issues for a couple weeks now and basically now WiFi connection is useless for it. Tried resetting the router, cleaned the sim, checked net speeds, closed apps etc and have a constant problem. One of the reasons I got the Z5 was the remote play for the PS4 and I think I've been able to use it twice. Every other time states connection too low. Can't watch YouTube on it states connection error. Can't even WhatsApp half the time.
The camera doesn't work. I open the camera application with both methods (button on side and icon in apps) but it does the red dot thing in the corner for about 4-6 seconds then disappears and applications tells me the app is running. I try to go to the app but it wont go on it.
Problem 2:
The green key, dialler and contacts icon on the home screen do not work at all. I have no way of opening my dialler as there is no option for it.
I updated my firmware to v40.0.005 last week. Please be aware the problems were both there BEFORE i made the update and are still here after the update.Is there any way of doing this without soft/hard resetting. Also, does soft/hard reset mean you lose the data in an app (eg your high scores in a game like bagatelle)?
Did the update and now my iphone 4s wifi does not connect to my home wifi. It just sits there with the little circle going round and round. My ipad3 updated and works fine...