At first it was restarting 20+ times a day after continuous use, That i could just about deal with as i am due an upgrade after 2yrs. However, one time after i plugged it in to charge it would continuously reboot everytime it got past the startup screen, then it decided to stick on a plain white screen for a few hours. I let it run down on battery to see if this would help but when i went to use it again it started with the usual "Sony Ericsson"screen plus the coloured swishy display but then it just stays on a blank/black screen. It is backlit so it's not turned off. I would normally just let it be and wait for my new phone but it has all my contacts etc stored on the actual phone and not my sim.
My previous sony ericsson phone had a PC companion startup screen which included the option 'Connect to Internet'. This new Xperio neo V, when you start PC companion does not offer this, only Support Zone, Contacts Setup, Media Go, Sync Zone and File Manager. What has happened to the 'Internet Connect' option? This was very useful for connecting a PC to the internet.
Earlier today after I woke up, I was just gonna check something on my phone, when I was met with several errors saying that this and that programmed had stopped working. I chose the option "ok" on all of them because the other option report would not really get me anywhere. The thing was these errors kept coming repeating themselves (same apps getting errors repeatedly).
So after 10 min of just pressing ok on these errors I decided to reboot my phone, but when I came to the startup it stops/freezes on the SONY EXPERIA display. I can't trun it off with the on/off button, so I searched everywhere on the internet about this issue but none of the classic hold volume down + volume up + on/off button to turn it off gets me past the freeze after it goes off.
I have a Z3, recently when I turn the phone on after being turned off the phone displays the home screen for a split second then goes blank with only the back button visible. I can lock the screen and change the volume but nothing else. The phone stays like this for 3-4 hours then returns to normal. I've taken to just not turning it off but this can't be permenant, running out of battery, etc.
Last night it turns completley blank black screen while in the process of updating an app. Have tried to hit the reset button and the volume up and powerbutton trick but it doesnt work.I cant see any logo or splash screen. Now, I'm deciding to visit the store bought it and see what they can do. Can they possibly replace my phone or will just fix the issue?.. I'm afraid my important pictures can't be first android phone from a long time windows phone user
This is to report a repeated problem on my smartphone. I purchased it on 21 Jun 2014. Within 1 year it developed a problem wherein the main camera stopped responding (black screen) along with flashlight remaining continuously on once selected on manually (have to restart the phone for flashlight to go off). This was rectified in month of May 2015.
The same problem repeated itself in the month of July 2015 and phone was again repaired/ rectified. Both times it felt under warranty and there were no charges paid. The only issue was twice the phone got formatted wasting my time and effort in backing up and reinstalling the desired software. Now last since last month the same problem has re-occurred.
I have last night updated my X10i through SE US to Android 2.1. Following from here I cannot get past the boot screen, it switches on, but stays blank and does not do anything else. I have tried to re-install / repair through SE US (PC Companion does not work in this case) to flash it once again, and also that did not help. It keeps telling me that everything is fine, and i should just switch on my mobile phone... upon which nothing seems to be happening.
I have a Sony Xperia X10 mini and it was working fine up until an hour ago. I went to listen to some music and no sound came on, went to see if there was any sound when trying to call anyone and there wasn't. it wouldnt turn off so I removed the sim card and memory card, put them back in and now pretty much all of the screen is black, (the only bit that isn't is the strip at the top where the time is displayed), the phone also now wont do anything, wont turn off wont even lock.I have just downloaded the sony pc companion to try and see if an update would fix it, but it wont connect to the phone. Asks me to tap the "USB connect" but as the phone wont do anything I can't so it won't connect.
I am facing a serious issue with my sony xperia neo v. Seldoms mobile screen does not respond when trying to unlock. The screen soes not change from blank sreen. Please suggest a better resolution for this issue. I face this issue four to five times in a day and it is very frustrating. Does Sony provide a replacement as my mobile is still in warranty period?
One month ago, i use my sony z3 to take an underwater photos. But after a few minutes in water, the screen went blank, and in the camera there are bubbles of water.. So i dried it and let it turn off for about a week. After a week, i turn on my sony and it works fine, the wifi, bluetooth, display, and others there are in the diagnostics test are good but the sim card reader wont read my celular card even though i already put it in.. Why does this happens?
Why the screen goes blank on Z5 Compact AFTER a call has been connected. I'm fed up having to redial over and over. My phone HAS the latest software update.
Ever since I have updated my X10 to 2.1 my screen goes blank after a call.i can speak on the phone but when the call finishes my screen gies blank and i have to take out my battery to turn it of.
when I upgraded my phone to the update 4.0.2.a.0.62, it always shows a blank screen whenever I tried waking it up using the power or the home button, I also tried resetting my phone, but it still shows a blank screen, is there something I have done wrong when I updated?
How can I make my home screen blank, that is, it should only show the wallpaper and no widgets?
Reason being, I found a cool live wallpaper "analogy clock live wallpaper" which serves purpose of a analog clock. And obviously I do not want any widget to cover this LWP.
Whenever i receive a call or make one, the screen goes blank and i can't see the call time, who it is and the screen becomes none responsive and won't light up to let me finish call. Then when other person hangs up, i can't see anything on the screen for a good ten mins. is it settings?
I have a problem where my z3 screen turn black after it show the start logo and can receive calls and answer them but still the screen black all the time. This happen like 30 minutes after i put my phone in water...
my phone was working perfectly fine until i upgraded it to ICS. Now i'm not able to unlock my phone at all at certain times. If i try to unlock i see a blank screen with the backlight on. Unable to access homescreen at all. If i leave the phone for sometime and then if i try unlocking again it works fine. Having this problem with latest version available in my country (4.0.4). I tried reinstalling the firmware using update service still no effect.
I turned off my phone then I put the SIM, after that I turned the phone as usual: Sony Ericsson -> Rogers -> then a blank screen with a white line on the above of the screen...
Since yesterday this phone is showing black screen with passcode dots & message as "Emergency calls only" at the bottom & battery status on top. When I swipe passcode dots screen is only black. When I connect to PC with USB Phone is detected but I cannot access phone or SD Card. PC Companion cannot detect anything.As for incoming Calls people say they get message as mobile switched off.I feel sorry that I did not go thru discussions in this forum before buying this costly mobile.Can I get free replacement or can I have different model in place of this mobile?I am ready to pay the difference of price if it is on higher side.
Issue is that the phone will get in a mode sometimes where it just continues to reboot. It gets to a point that I can use the phone, but within a few minutes, it crashes and boots up again. Usually pulling the battery fixes it, but not always. A similar issue is the screen going blank. Not sure it's crashed or just a video issue, but the only way to get it back on is to pull the batteryAlso, as the unit is stuck at 2.1 for ever, so can not use the memory card to install apps, and can't uninstall the old apps, is there a recommended minimum of available phone memory? That is, for example, always make sure you have at least 35MB. Any more than 50MB won't make a difference to performance or stability
I have sony z3 dual. My screen freezes all the time.what should i do. I applied the last software update today..was so happy that ussd code error got solved. But now this screen error.. So many errors after updates.. When I try to call screen blinks and volume is still very low and..etc ....
last two days i got my new z3 devise my first android handset after update i experiensed two problem first was the blank black screen and the notification and quick setting panel was not sliding properly so i decided to reinstal android using sony pc companion after update i switched my phone itkeep restarting continuously every time start installing progams it show customizing apps and then restart and do the same finally i could fix it when i got my 64gb sd card out of phone and switch it on, it work good with no issues.
I was just checking my emails and the screen suddenly went blank. I removed the battery and then turned the cellphone on again. It could turn on again, but some settings were gone (VPN settings and Mobile Networks). I did the "Settings Reset", but it didn't work, nothing happened.
I can't receive phone calls and or texts, nor can I go online thru my Mini pro. What's wrong with my cellphone?
after updating ICS and I had some problem bout the screen because after 20 seconds idle status then I pressing now the home or power button the screen become blank..efore u enter the lock screen u had to press power button 6 times or more than...I'm so dissappointed cause everytime I had a call I didn't see who are calling I had to press more than six times the power button to show the screen
I was loving the phone tll the screen started to freeze black during call. I tried all the buttons with no joy and the screen remained black after call. I had to remove the battery to reboot, this reset my time and date to 1980!
I've got to try using my phone for work today, old spare being repaired. I can't even hang up a call.
My husbands phone has just stopped working has a blank screen won't turn on or charge etc. Is there a way he can get all his contacts and pics off it. It doesn't have a passcode on it.