Nokia :: After Update To Ver 50 My 5800 Battery Runs Down In 8 Hours Or Less
Jul 24, 2010
After update to ver 50 my 5800 battery runs down in a few hours, even if I make no calls, it also has become very unresponsive, hard to scroll, it was fine until update, I tried my spare new battery and it is exactly the same, no apps are running, wifi is off, and it gets hot occasionaly.
After i Update firmware my batter is lasts around only 3 to 4 hours i seen any applications , therez application called SecureWizardPreInstaller, but its not openeing and its not closing what it is all baout how to solve my problem?? And also my mobile became dead slow.
I have a Nokia N8. As there was Symbian Anna on it, I have optimized my battery consumption. It was running at least 2-3 days. Now after upgrading to Anna it lasts only 8 hours. This is really not much.
What can I do? I have no Apps like Skype or WhatsApp running. Also I disabled all autostart apps with SafeManager.
and cured it? I downloaded the Nokia mail (for S60), set up 2 accounts with no problem and can use the mail with no difficulties. However, every time I start my phone, the question "Allow application to use network to send or receive data?" comes up. If I reply "No" then everything continues as normal. If I say "yes" the email setup wizard starts for setting up a new account. Does anyone know how to stop this startup behaviour?
I have an E52 and I can't turn off the WLAN. I set everything to off but still when turn on my home access point it connects to it almost instantly and the battery runs off easilly. WLAN scan is set to off, show wlan availability is set to never, and when it sees networks around it shows the two parentheses around the antenna in the main screen (( I )), and when it sees my access point it connects.
So had my N900 for a little over a week now and overall I'm pretty impressed. Great phone, but still very much a work in progress. One of the main issues I have at the moment, other than no turn-by-turn navigation (sorry, had to mention it), is the battery life - or lack of!
On an average weekday I use the phone to send a few texts (no more than 10), scan the news sites (no more then 20-30mins total) and catch up on my RSS feeds (again, no more than 20-30 mins total). I'm not using the media player at all and I may make one or two short calls.
Bottom line is that I'm struggling to get more than 6 hours battery life out of it. I know smart phones are thirsty, but I don't even get to listen to music on my way to or from work!Here's what I've already done to reduce battery consumption:
Removed active widgets (such as ForcaWeather) from desktops and replaced with web shortcuts.Reduced screen brightness to 2 barsDisabled GPS & Network positioningDisabled IMDisabled BluetoothI've heard some mention reducing the amount of active desktops, but I think that kinda defeats the object of having a N900. May as well buy a lesser phone if you need to strip out all the functionality to get though the day. I'd be satisfied with 8-10 hours medium use. At the moment I'm getting around 6 hours at light use - got to be something I'm missing.
I bought a new Nokia 5800 express music less than a week ago. Right from day one I got problems like auto reboot and mobile hang often. My phone came with software v I took it to the showroom where I bought this phone and they advised me to update latest software and that will solve the issue. I updated to v 50.0.005. But within another one hour I ended up with same problem. I am seeing pink horizontal lines before reboot. It automatically reboots while messaging and when I try to do something with maps. It hangs often when I see any video file. I took it to nokia care again but they formatted my mobile and installed v 50.0.005 but am having the same problem again. How do I solve this issue.Is there any option to claim for a refund?? Any option to replace handset?? Preferably different model? I find lot of problem in using this phone which is not user friendly.
on my second blackberry bold 9900 it drains the battery in a day or less have changed out the battery once before the battery runs very hot according to the installed software , dont have anything running in the background does anyone have a similar problem? also it wont hold the bluetooth pair with my Kia forte
Since a couple of months I have a Nokia E75.The battery performance was never very good, but the last 2 months it has fallen to less than half a day. I already bought a new battery but that doesn't seems to be the problem.I have Handy Taskman to see which apps are running and I leave only email running with syncing to exchange every hour.Any ideas?
I've been having a problem with my Nokia N8,It gets really really hot, and drains my battery in just over 3 hours, I have tried:soft reset, hard reset, its currently running symbian anna with all updates. I bought a new BL-4D OEM from Amazon, and the problem persist, so I know its not a battery problem.
I'm not sure if this has been posted already (apologies if so in advance), but I'm continually coming across the same issue with the battery. It is as follows:I come home from work in the evening and charge the device. The battery fully charges within a few hours and I go to bed.I get up maybe six or seven hours later and the device is completely dead - the battery is dead!
If that wasn't strange enough, every other morning I wake-up and the device is fully charged (still from the night before)?I have absolutely nothing running; I never use the caleandar and I've been a faithful user of Nokia N - devices for the best part of five years now, so I know to turn off everything in order to save battery charge.
I have a nokia E71 and I am having problems with the battery. in standby with nothing working, not even in the background, it does not last more than 7 hours! I changed battery, updated firmware but nothing..I know all the strategies of going off 3g, lower screen brightness and so on but it does not work, It is not handy to go around with two batteries!
been trying to keep nokia lumia 900 charged up at all times...last night went to bed with little over 50% power in battery and in about 2 hours, battery was totally dead.. I try not to let battery go totally dead before putting on the charger.. what caused the battery to suddenly lose all the power it had in a couple of hours... I can't afford this battery to do this when traveling.. I need the phone.. and where I am .. I have no idea how to get a battery changed in this phone... since I cannot buy a new battery and install myself.. Don't know why Nokia made a phone that the consumer cannot change the battery in it by himself... this is not good... I can't have the battery reaching 50% power and then suddenly have it go dead in short time... I had hard time getting it to respond to the electricity charger this morning when I plugged it in... I need to make sure I have battery life when out of the country and I do the best I can to keep it charged up all the times...
I use BB Torch, have observed with dismay how the phone gets hot & battery runs low in 2-3 hours.This is getting fraustrated & hope some one in house has way out.Could it be my battery?
My E51 is jjust over two years old and will no longer hold a charge beyond about 30 hours
I have: replaced the battery, do not use Bluetooth, do not scan for wireless networks, cleaned the battery poles, removed the memory card on a trial basis, updated the firmware to the latest version. What else can I do besides return it to Nokia?
Our last nokia phones outlasted their shells over 5 years before we decided to replace them. This e51 has been great until now. Considering moving to another manufacturer.
I have just got my Lumia 800 and seems pretty fancy. But still one thing which really bothers me a lot. The battery life! I have update to WP7.5 on day 1. System information as below:
OS version 7.10.8107.79 Firmware version : 1600.2487.8107.12070
The thing is, I unplugged the charger at 9 in the morning and when it came to around 9 in the night. The battery is critical low. I just made few calls, text and no more than 10 mins twitter stuff and the battery is done? My iphone could even stand for 1 day with this usage. I tried everything, reset the fone. But seems not working.
I've had the curve model 8530 for about 14 months. I charge it at night and un plug it and go to work in the morning. It stays charged throughout the day and only would run down - about 30% - 50% if I am talking on the phone while taking the train home (about 40 minutes). Since yesterday, it totally ran all the way down before 2 Pm without any unusual usage - just checking some emails occasionally. It was charged fully this morning and I took the charger to work with me and had to recharge it twice already. How do I find out if the battery is bad?
i find myself having to charge my phone at least once a day, its an xperia ray (st18i) how can i make my battery last longer? i've tried various apps to try and increase my battery life but none have been as effective as id like and i still have to charge frequently.
Yesterday i bought Xperia Z5 dual, i like it, it is a fantastic phone, i liked every thing in it but i have one problem, THE BATTERY. the Battery runs out quickly. when i use snapchat in 5 minutes the battery lose at least 3% also in youtube and games. Wi-FI scaninig, location, NFC, bluetooth are off, the brghtness is under 40%. i don't know why, is it from my phone or is it a mistake from the company.
Just got my new phone, less than a week. Last night I forgot to plug in to charge and the battery died at 2:53 AM... (Still showing on the edge of the screen). Plugged it in for more than 2 hours now it doesn't respond to anything. Hold the power button and so on... Nothing.