Nokia Nseries :: N8 Drains Battery In 3 Hours And Gets Really Hot
Nov 28, 2011
I've been having a problem with my Nokia N8,It gets really really hot, and drains my battery in just over 3 hours, I have tried:soft reset, hard reset, its currently running symbian anna with all updates. I bought a new BL-4D OEM from Amazon, and the problem persist, so I know its not a battery problem.
I have a nokia E71 and I am having problems with the battery. in standby with nothing working, not even in the background, it does not last more than 7 hours! I changed battery, updated firmware but nothing..I know all the strategies of going off 3g, lower screen brightness and so on but it does not work, It is not handy to go around with two batteries!
I've had a BB Curve 9360 (I think!) for just over a year and in the last few months it has started to get really hot and run the battery down really quick. I charge it up over night every night and before lunch time it has drained completely without even using it except to maybe send the odd txt msg or check the time. I have checked that every application is closed down, turned off my WIFI and sometimes even my phone service but it seems to have no effect. It doesn't always do this it used to be once every couple of weeks and now it's more like every other day.
I kept tracking the problem, the problem persists only in the following case, if cellular data is on with no dataplan registered.If dataplan is activated the problem disappears?
i have a blackberry torch 9800 and recently got a swap because my old blackberry torch 9800 broke but now im having a new problem, and this is the battery. The battery drains in roughly four hours? My light is on as dark as it will go and it dims i the shortest of times. Every thing is off but it still manages to drain, i have barely any applications and i have tried four chargers in different plugs. The battery is just draining so quickly is there anyway that i can slow this down?
I'm not sure what to do here. I bought a new battery since the old one was getting old, so I figured that was the reason it was draining over the course of the day (7am - about 10pm) , but it happened again on day 2 after a full charge (uninterrupted for about 8 hours) and it didn't even make it 11 hours.The phone is on all the time. I get updates from Facebook and email. 1-3 calls a day. I mainly text, but not more than about 30/day. I browse for about 30 min a day. I put it on the cradle to recharge overnight.
My phone over heats and drains the battery in less than 3 hours when i'm in a wi-fi hotspot. Even if the wi-fi is turned off. This is also happening even when the phone is turned off - the phone still gets very hot! The battery has to be removed before the phone will cool down.The phone works fine any other time and usually only needs to be charged every few days, but as soon as i'm in a 'hotspot' zone I've had to charge the phone 2 to 3 times a day!
I replaced my battery yesterday for my Curve 9300 (3G) smartphone. I started the day at 100% charge. After 8 hours, the battery is at 40%. My provider says there's no issues; I've not changed my useage habits and have used the phone for less than 1 hour today.
I have a Nokia N8. As there was Symbian Anna on it, I have optimized my battery consumption. It was running at least 2-3 days. Now after upgrading to Anna it lasts only 8 hours. This is really not much.
What can I do? I have no Apps like Skype or WhatsApp running. Also I disabled all autostart apps with SafeManager.
So had my N900 for a little over a week now and overall I'm pretty impressed. Great phone, but still very much a work in progress. One of the main issues I have at the moment, other than no turn-by-turn navigation (sorry, had to mention it), is the battery life - or lack of!
On an average weekday I use the phone to send a few texts (no more than 10), scan the news sites (no more then 20-30mins total) and catch up on my RSS feeds (again, no more than 20-30 mins total). I'm not using the media player at all and I may make one or two short calls.
Bottom line is that I'm struggling to get more than 6 hours battery life out of it. I know smart phones are thirsty, but I don't even get to listen to music on my way to or from work!Here's what I've already done to reduce battery consumption:
Removed active widgets (such as ForcaWeather) from desktops and replaced with web shortcuts.Reduced screen brightness to 2 barsDisabled GPS & Network positioningDisabled IMDisabled BluetoothI've heard some mention reducing the amount of active desktops, but I think that kinda defeats the object of having a N900. May as well buy a lesser phone if you need to strip out all the functionality to get though the day. I'd be satisfied with 8-10 hours medium use. At the moment I'm getting around 6 hours at light use - got to be something I'm missing.
I upgraded my firmware on my 5800 to V50 2 days ago. Everything seemed to work fine.Yesterday I noticed the battery getting very hot for a few hours. I wasn't doing anything particularly intensive - I was surfing with Opera, doing some uploading of pictures to OVI - stuff that I quite often do without any battery problems. Overnight the battery had drained and was empty.I'm sure I did not leave any applications running overnight. The battery was fully charged before I went to bed.It's now charging, and seems to be functioning OK.Of course I don't know for sure that the firmware update is the reason for the rapid draining of the battery, or the earlier overheating. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Everybody is aware about strongest point about Nokia fones. Because of easy usage and battery life. After installing Nokia Belle in my Nokia N8, i feel that my battery drains down very badly. ITS ALREADY BEEN POSTED BY MANY NOKIATES. I need some suggestions to gain battery life. I have followed all the methods to increase my battery life (using only 4 home screens, using battery Monitor to check which applications use more batter life, screensavers => off, digital clock, background black, theme black, Mail widget off, Search widget off) but i seriously dont understand the funda behind 'Battery Monitor' application, my 70% of battery life is taken by 'Background'; Anybody knows what does this background actually means in 'BAttery Monitor' application? I am not sure why my battery is getting empty very soon, it wasnt lik this when i was using Symbian Anna OS.Everyday when i sleep by 11 PM and in morning my mob is switched off ( No problem with my battery since it wasnt like this with Symbian Anna OS). Can somebody explain what are all the background application is running with Belle OS ?
Since a couple of months I have a Nokia E75.The battery performance was never very good, but the last 2 months it has fallen to less than half a day. I already bought a new battery but that doesn't seems to be the problem.I have Handy Taskman to see which apps are running and I leave only email running with syncing to exchange every hour.Any ideas?
I'm not sure if this has been posted already (apologies if so in advance), but I'm continually coming across the same issue with the battery. It is as follows:I come home from work in the evening and charge the device. The battery fully charges within a few hours and I go to bed.I get up maybe six or seven hours later and the device is completely dead - the battery is dead!
If that wasn't strange enough, every other morning I wake-up and the device is fully charged (still from the night before)?I have absolutely nothing running; I never use the caleandar and I've been a faithful user of Nokia N - devices for the best part of five years now, so I know to turn off everything in order to save battery charge.
After update to ver 50 my 5800 battery runs down in a few hours, even if I make no calls, it also has become very unresponsive, hard to scroll, it was fine until update, I tried my spare new battery and it is exactly the same, no apps are running, wifi is off, and it gets hot occasionaly.
been trying to keep nokia lumia 900 charged up at all times...last night went to bed with little over 50% power in battery and in about 2 hours, battery was totally dead.. I try not to let battery go totally dead before putting on the charger.. what caused the battery to suddenly lose all the power it had in a couple of hours... I can't afford this battery to do this when traveling.. I need the phone.. and where I am .. I have no idea how to get a battery changed in this phone... since I cannot buy a new battery and install myself.. Don't know why Nokia made a phone that the consumer cannot change the battery in it by himself... this is not good... I can't have the battery reaching 50% power and then suddenly have it go dead in short time... I had hard time getting it to respond to the electricity charger this morning when I plugged it in... I need to make sure I have battery life when out of the country and I do the best I can to keep it charged up all the times...
My E51 is jjust over two years old and will no longer hold a charge beyond about 30 hours
I have: replaced the battery, do not use Bluetooth, do not scan for wireless networks, cleaned the battery poles, removed the memory card on a trial basis, updated the firmware to the latest version. What else can I do besides return it to Nokia?
Our last nokia phones outlasted their shells over 5 years before we decided to replace them. This e51 has been great until now. Considering moving to another manufacturer.
I have just got my Lumia 800 and seems pretty fancy. But still one thing which really bothers me a lot. The battery life! I have update to WP7.5 on day 1. System information as below:
OS version 7.10.8107.79 Firmware version : 1600.2487.8107.12070
The thing is, I unplugged the charger at 9 in the morning and when it came to around 9 in the night. The battery is critical low. I just made few calls, text and no more than 10 mins twitter stuff and the battery is done? My iphone could even stand for 1 day with this usage. I tried everything, reset the fone. But seems not working.
After i Update firmware my batter is lasts around only 3 to 4 hours i seen any applications , therez application called SecureWizardPreInstaller, but its not openeing and its not closing what it is all baout how to solve my problem?? And also my mobile became dead slow.
I have a belt case (made by Insmat), that work very well with my Nokia 3120 classic and Nokia 1600, but my 3 phone N5230 seem not to like this beltacase because when I put th phone in it it comes very hot and it takes all the power from the battery in only few hours.
The phone goes so hot that it it almost inpossible to keep it on my hands.The belt case has a steel plate and magnetised plate to keep it closed. Those plates are sized about 1" * 2.5"...So maybe the phone cannot reach the net because the antenna is behind those plates?
I use my xperia pro 4 months with good battery performance, after installing several programs to improve de battery consumption, the battery last only 3 hours. I noted that even when de phone is off the battery drains from 100% to 0. I noted that the phone is making some operation because the zone upper the battery is medium warm after several hours y put off. I maked a total reset of the phone to the factory settings. I have taked the battery from the phone several minutes, the sd card and the operator chip, but the problem remain.
i got a iphone 4s with sprint. everything was working just fine and up to now it is still working great however i noticed the phone gets very hot and warm even when not in use .
what can i do to fix this ? should i restore it ? if so do i restore it directly from the iphone "Erase all content and settings"
or do i restore it from itunes? or should i skip the restore and take it to the apple store?
I had my X8 since Feb and got couple apps (stats of, quick settings) that improved its battery life to 3-4 days. However few wks ago after I've done some stadard updates to the alrd existing apps it started draining the battery. From time to time, after full charge, it may last 2 days but generaly 24h is a max My mobile data and wifi are usualy off and I just use it for txt'ing and short calls...Display, screen time out, sound etc are at they lowest... no automatic updates... Don't know what else could cause such a massive change. I've probably used it more for other stuff (browsing, mp3, gaming) before and it still lasted 3 days.
I really want to JB my ip4, but Ive read it drains way more battery. Im just wondering if some of you could let me know how much of a difference if any you have seen on your battery since JB. I really only want to run T-lert, SBS-settings, lock info, activator, & pdanet.
Also back on my 3g i purchased Lock Info, though Im not sure how I can transfer over my puchase to my ip4 without having to pay for it again, I believe i bought it from cyndia, but i really cant remember. I would rather not open ssh, so what should i do?
When I leave it on standby for 8h I notice that it uses 40% of the battery even-though wifi and Bluetooth are off. How come? One time I left for 2-3h. Bluetooth and wifi on and even-though Bluetooth wasn't used (only gets through when a call comes in while I'm driving) and the internet just a little bit it used almost 50% by the time I was back. I'm pretty sure thats not normal.I wonder if the battery doctor app will do any improvement to that.