Nokia :: E51 Battery Discharge - No Longer Hold A Charge Beyond About 30 Hours
Jun 13, 2010
My E51 is jjust over two years old and will no longer hold a charge beyond about 30 hours
I have: replaced the battery, do not use Bluetooth, do not scan for wireless networks, cleaned the battery poles, removed the memory card on a trial basis, updated the firmware to the latest version. What else can I do besides return it to Nokia?
Our last nokia phones outlasted their shells over 5 years before we decided to replace them. This e51 has been great until now. Considering moving to another manufacturer.
My curve soes not stay charged for more than 4 hours. I have deleted almost all apps. It is minimal use at best. I need 2 batteries just to make it through a day I have sent it for servicing what can I do
For the last month (since I bought it) my phone won't hold a charge for longer for 8 hours. This was on 1.26 and 1.57 and now on 1.83
Basiclly I am running corparte sync to Exchange and nothing else right now. I was running a live wallpaper and weather (turned off when battery would die) and same result no matter what I run. Heavy phone use or no phone calls. At my house I have a microcell, but work is low signal. Also Corp HQ where I spend 1 week a month has full H+ connection. All seem to last about 8 hours at all three locations. AT&T gave me a new battery and I have wiped 2 times in the last 2 weeks.
Here is what the battery manager says running after 6 hours.
Now look at the pics, Display seems really high. I am on auto brightness, and have a screen lockout of 2 minutes. This screenshot was from 6 hours of use. No phone calls, vibrate and no signal when picture was taken. Display was used 28 minutes of 6 hours of use.
AT&T just tells me to either wipe device or turn of push on snyc. 8 hours is not right for a new phone with no calls and light use.
I just bought a BB curve 9920 model. I observed that my battery discharges very soon or rather within a day. I dont have any many apps running in back ground what so over.
what to check to verify that battery is fine. Can i claim for a battery replacement as i have a bill with warranty?
I left my iPhone 5s to fully discharge last night. Today I have come to charge it up and it wont boot up past the Apple logo and charge up. It appears to keep throwing itself back to thinking the charger is repeatedly being plugged in. The phone was working perfectly before I went to bed.Â
I use original leads, have cleaned the connection port, tried another lead but no luck. I have held both buttons down etc but nothing will get the phone working and as I cannot get into ISO I can not do a restore.Â
I notice that when I do a full charge from a low battery once it hits 100% if I unplug the charger after i get 1% drain every 10 minutes in standby so I do a cache clean and reboot then it discharges normally after.
When I leave the phone plugged in lets say all night and it trickle charges for a few hours after being at 100% it will only discharge around 1% every hour on standby. Is there anything wrong?
I have just got my Lumia 800 and seems pretty fancy. But still one thing which really bothers me a lot. The battery life! I have update to WP7.5 on day 1. System information as below:
OS version 7.10.8107.79 Firmware version : 1600.2487.8107.12070
The thing is, I unplugged the charger at 9 in the morning and when it came to around 9 in the night. The battery is critical low. I just made few calls, text and no more than 10 mins twitter stuff and the battery is done? My iphone could even stand for 1 day with this usage. I tried everything, reset the fone. But seems not working.
Ever since RIM went down and i have installed OS6, my blackberry curve 9300 isnt not holding charge.The battery indicator will get to about halfway with little help and then the phone blacks out. Its starting to do it more frequently, it even did it when it was on charge
HI my 4 S doesn't take the charge any longer, and sometimes when I turn it off and plug it, it takes a little bit of charge but doesn't hold it long, and the phone get super hot. What should I do to fix that problem, I have donwload all the last version and the phone is only a few months old.
Have had my experia x10 for almost a year now, and battery tended to last for 2 days (using for calls/ texts/ internet) In the last few days though- I have fully charged my phone overnight, not used it at all during the day, and it has a completely dead battery 6 hours later. I've not got any applications running except for Cardio Trainer, but have always had this running.
Since I upgraded to the iOS 5.1 my battery life on the iPhone 4S has been ridiculous. For example, I left my house at 740am with my phone on 100%, I have browsed a little (safari and facebook) for no more than 20-30 mins in total. No apps are not running in the background as I ensure to close apps once i have finished with them. And now at 1400 I am left with 28% battery. i am not due to be at home until 1900.
Have I been unlucky with getting a dodgy iPhone from Orange?? the model is MD242B if that helps. Also, notifications and banners are all turned off except for phone, messages, whatsapp, remainders, calendar. I am careful not to over charge my phone, I do use an app called BatteryDoc to monitor my charging.
I always let my battery go flat before charging to 100% (with no trickle change), i believe this is a normal charge and what BatteryDoc advises i perform a full charge..
I'm an iphone 3G and since it was purchased was no longer holding charge, is fairly new, it was never used properly, since the battery lasts less than 3 hours ..
what is the reason for fast discharge of battery in Lumia 710? I cannot get my mobile battery for more than 5hrs even though i optimized all the settings. I'm a student so i only use my mobile for checking messages and few calls not more than 10-15mins a day. on below average use of mobile i cannot get the battery for not more than 5hrs. my mobile SW is upto date and its version is 1600.3031.8773.12121. And the major problem is i cannot share my files via bluetooth.
I just got a replacement Storm2 and it says that I have to charge the battery for 12 hours before even turning it on? Is this one of those old battery myths or should I actually pay attention to this?
I just got my iphone 6 plus (ios 8.0.2) yesterday and start to charge on 11pm until the next day morning 7am. But i found that the battery was 100% but never go to fully charged. Then i just leave it there for another 2 more hours to charge. But the result remain the same (battery 100% with the little lightning bolt symbol beside it). May i know is it some hardware problem or anything else i need to do to make it 100% fully charged? I've off the wifi as well as the cellular too.Â
I just got my iphone 6 plus (ios 8.0.2) yesterday and start to charge on 11pm until the next day morning 7am. But i found that the battery was 100% but never go to fully charged. Then i just leave it there for another 2 more hours to charge. But the result remain the same (battery 100% with the little lightning bolt symbol beside it). May i know is it some hardware problem or anything else i need to do to make it 100% fully charged?
my iphone 4 has died after running out of battery and now will no longer charge. I have tried different plugs and different cables, held both home and power button, left it in to charge for several hours. Nothing.
When I was charging it previously before it stopped working it kept stopping and recharging again, I could tell this as every few moments it vibrated twice as the phone does when you put it in to charge on silent. I was trying to sleep and I just gave up and stopped it. Since then it's just given up. It's not jailbroken and has suffered no damage and I believe it's on the latest version of iOS.
I have a bug with my Nexus battery that no longer charge, the temperature of the battery is rated for -30 C but it does not recharge, whether in the ROM, the recovery, the bootloader , I ' have already connect - disconnect the battery several times but still nothing , I wonder if the fact that the phone has heated yesterday (CPU at ~ 85 C for 1 H) have damaged the sensor , I would like disabled or ignore it to allow charging of the phone.It happen once already , I just disconnected - reconnected the battery and it was gone, but here it does not work again.
So had my N900 for a little over a week now and overall I'm pretty impressed. Great phone, but still very much a work in progress. One of the main issues I have at the moment, other than no turn-by-turn navigation (sorry, had to mention it), is the battery life - or lack of!
On an average weekday I use the phone to send a few texts (no more than 10), scan the news sites (no more then 20-30mins total) and catch up on my RSS feeds (again, no more than 20-30 mins total). I'm not using the media player at all and I may make one or two short calls.
Bottom line is that I'm struggling to get more than 6 hours battery life out of it. I know smart phones are thirsty, but I don't even get to listen to music on my way to or from work!Here's what I've already done to reduce battery consumption:
Removed active widgets (such as ForcaWeather) from desktops and replaced with web shortcuts.Reduced screen brightness to 2 barsDisabled GPS & Network positioningDisabled IMDisabled BluetoothI've heard some mention reducing the amount of active desktops, but I think that kinda defeats the object of having a N900. May as well buy a lesser phone if you need to strip out all the functionality to get though the day. I'd be satisfied with 8-10 hours medium use. At the moment I'm getting around 6 hours at light use - got to be something I'm missing.
I've had my X6 for a few months now without too many unmanageable issues up to now. However, twice in the last 72 hours the phone has died completely with no warning, and the battery appears to be totally flat. Is this just a case of the battery being naff or a more worrying sign?
It is displayed or a discharge - a red silhouette, or charging for 100 %.All night long costs on recharge after that all the same displays a red silhouette. After a while changes or for 100 %, or BB hangs and displays the picture with a request to "take out-insert" the accumulator. After a certain operating time again a saltus from 100 % for a discharge. In case of resets (alt+shift+del) there is a date and time rollback. Today it was rolled away till November 07, 2012. Manually it is necessary to correct. Occasionally in case of the following restart BB returns to real time.Refirmware on fresher version (569th) tried.
I have the aspen for a week now and i think there must be something wrong with the battery. The battery lasts for 36-48 hours only. I talk about 30 minutes per day and i don't use Internet, blue tooth or anything else, i just talk. Is it normal for the battery to last only 36 hours? I have updated the phone from day 1. Should i ask for a battery replacement? If i buy a new battery how many hours should i charge it the first time? Do i have to let the battery discharge before i charge it for the first time?
So we all know that its a good idea to only recharge you Iphone when the battery level is low right? But say your iphone is at 20% and you want to get it down to say 2% before charging it. Is there an app that will quickly drain the power to prolong battery life?