Nokia :: N900 USB Connection - Modem Not Recognized In Ubuntu Linux
Aug 17, 2010
I bought an N900 from the Nokia shop about 3 months ago. I'll be going away to (very) foreign parts next month, so I'd like to use the N900 as a tethered modem for my netbook. However when I connect the phone to the netbook via the USB cable, and choose the "PC suite" option, the phone is recognised when I use lsusb in a terminal, but the modem *is not*. Is there something in the phone settings I need to tweak, or an extra app I need to install in the phone, or is it a more fundamental flaw? Google searches for "Nokia N900" + modem + linux give pages which suggest that it should "just work", but it doesn't
If all else fails, I may have to fall back to using my previous phone (a Sony Ericsson v630i), which I *have* used successfully as a tethered modem, but I'd prefer to keep using the N900...
N900 is a Linux phone right ? why we still have to stick with a Windows suite then !? Linux boots up on my netbook in 30s where Win7 took 2min. Linux recognizes the phone mass storage and modem out of the box where Win7 need to install drivers,without the modem driver I can't access the internet to ask question about this phone, but the phone does not come with any s/w and driver disc so I must download from internet beforehand, thanks God my netbook has Linux installed so that I can write a note complain about this!This is no Joke Nokia, N900 is the worst supported flagship phone I ever had, please at least give us a working s/w suite with your next new phone!
I read that to properly disconnect the X10 USB connection in Windows, you first need to click the 'safely remove device' menu entry in Windows, and then tap the 'Turn off USB storage' option in the phone. Now I've already done this in Windows 7, but I use Linux Ubuntu 11.04 as my primary OS, and in there as soon as I click the 'safely remove device' option, the phone icon in PC disappears (as it happens when I safely remove other devices), as does the 'Turn off USB storage' option in the phone. Is this also a safe way to disconnect the USB connection for X10, or might I corrupt something in the phone by doing so?
I am having trouble trying to get my N900 to work as a dialup modem via my laptop running XP through USB cable. Drivers are installed and when i query the modem in settings it responds with the following:
ATQ0V1E0 - OK AT+GMM - Nokia N900 AT+FCLASS=? - 0 AT#CLS=? - COMMAND NOT SUPPORTED AT+GCI? - COMMAND NOT SUPPORTED AT+GCI=? - COMMAND NOT SUPPORTED ATI1 - 356938035429415 ATI2 - V ICPR82_10w08 25-02-10 RX-51 (c) Nokia Nokia N900 (RX-51 rev 2204) Maemo 5 (10.2010.19.1) Linux version 2.6.28-omap1 Product 0583566A ATI3 - Nokia N900 ATI4 - ICPR82_10w08 ATI5 - OK ATI6 - OK ATI7 - OK
Not that all that stuff means much to me but I thought it may tell somebody something. Whenever I instigate a connection I get error 777 that the modem is out of order and the phone does nothing. I need to be able to make dialup modem to modem connections via my phone for communicating with machinery using the machinery makers software. I have been able to do this over IR or Bluetooth with all my previous Nokia phones.
After connecting my N900 to PC the phone is not recognized by the PC. I used new micro USB cable bought on Ebay when this problem occured (I doubt it is a coincidence). Before, with original cable, it worked OK, now it's not working at all.
When conecting the phone Windows alerts with: "USB device not Recognized. One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned and windows does not recognize it". The phone detects cable being pluged in and offers if I want mass storage or PC Suite mode, but it doesn't matter which one I choose. It also stopped charging from PC.
I just got my N900 about 2 days back, my sister dropped it and it would not turned on. I flashed it, and now it turns on but it does not recognize my internal memory card. I don't have an external card. I can't use camera, all websites show blank, and I get low error messages on almost everything else due to this.
If I go to settings/memory the the device memory is full and available memory for installable applications is at 80 MB. There is no corrupt memory card message. Also if I go to backup utility I get a "no memory card inserted" message. Any suggestions?
The title pretty much sums up my problem. I used the instructions from here to re-flash my N900.
And now as the N900 starts (takes a really long time) it does not ask for the SIM-card PIN code and as it is started it just shows a SIM-card icon with a red line over it near the battery icon. SIM-card is fine as it works on my N95. Any ideas what's wrong? I also tried another SIM-card. Nothing. And PC-Suite is not recognizing the phone either. I even tried flashing the eMMC but it didn't make any difference. The small lights in the bottom of the screen just blink for about 45 seconds and then after the boot video the phone start as if no SIM-card is there.
I have an e71-3 on the '3' network.I can connect my phone to my laptop and use it as a modem, using the USB cable... but it ALWAYS drops out. It hasn't made it to 1 hour of connection time yet -> and dropped out about 30 times before one hour.Average seems to be at around 25 minutes, but, last night was 47 minutes, and this morning i checked at 15minutes 30secs and it had already dropped out.Is this something that updating firmware can fix? Or am I just left with a stuffed phone that I can't use as a modem? Is it worth trying a different program to connect to the internet? (I doubt it?).
I got my N900 monday together with a new O2 sim card. It worked fine on monday and tuesday, but since yesterday, the connectivity to the O2 network is down. When I start up the phone, it asks for the PIN; so it seems that the sim card is recognized. But it does not connect to the network! The provider name does not appear next to the status bar, and there is no connectivity indicator on the status bar. Offline mode is disabled, of course.
Text messages cannot be send; when I try to call someone, I get an error (translated from german: "network not available" or similar). The strange thing is that sometimes I can reach the network for very short time. I then get missed test messages, but that's it. The connection lasts for not more than 2-3 minutes, I guess. I tried another sim card, and this one did not work, too. The sim card was placed properly into the slot. Is there anything I can do, or may this be a well-known firmware bug?
When I connect my 5230 to my laptop via the usb, the laptop thinks "device not recognized", do I need to change my laptop settings or phone setting ? Try not to blind me with science.
I've had the N900 since Feburary now and it started today.I use to have internet connection on all the time but today, it's not working.I've tried to get a connection but it message says "Internet Connection Failed, Try Again?"When I press Yes, it tries again but get the same message. I've didn't change any connection settings and I'm with T-Mobile if that helps.
i havw really serious problem with my nokia n900 in the past i was able to use the wifi connection but before a few days i've been niticed that i cant conect my n900 via WiFi connection.i tried alot to make it right but what make me crazy that's i see my phone searching wifi connection's but still cant see them.
My N900 will connect to Wifi, but then loses connection within 30sec - 5min. I have a WPA encryption and have no other connectivity issues with any of my other devices. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what the problem could be.
So yesterday all of a suddent after working fine for a month my n900 connects to my wifi connection at home but doesnt open webpages or anything. It connects normally but nothing opens. the vodafone gprs works perfectly.I reflashed phone restored to factory settings formatted. Dont everything so any ideas as to what cuold be wrong?
How can I make wireless connection with D-Link DI-524 my N900. I try to conect with help IP and and but without success. Other my nokia like N97 and N95 8G geting link for network normali with the same router DI-524.
I JUST bought N900 and only problems i got with the Bluetooth ... i cant receive any media file from other devices or my pc laptop . it give FAIL TO CONNECT WITH REMOT DEVICE CAN RECEIVE AND SEND ONLY PICTURES .. NO videos No music files NOTHING ELSE I CAN RECEIVE AND SEND except pictures Please any1 face same problem to leave notice how we solve this ..
i need to start a modem connection via my usbmodem e52. this connection is not for internet but is used only to connect to another modem at 9600 baud and to use as hyperterminal. I have created my connection but unfortunately the phone doesn't start the connection i receive an erro from the pc. How can i do?
When I connect my N8 to my Ubuntu machine, I can transfer the pictures using ShotWell quite easily with USB. However, I would like to transfer my movies also, which the mentioned program doesn't support. The normal videoprograms do not seem to recognize the to proceed?I would prefer to avoid Bluetooth, since the movies are large and a USB-cable is simply more practical for many purposes.
I'm base in Sydney Australia and have just received a msg from Nokia that I can update my firmware for my N900.(firmware version 10.2010.19.)The problem is that I receive a message that I could not update because of: poor-quality ,slow or intermittent internet connection. This could also be because of problems with our servers. Is it that NSU does not support N900 and if so why would Nokia sell a phone and not provide software to update the phone with.
I have downloaded some SIS files and would like to install them on my 5630. How can I do this? Note: I cannot use the PC programs by Nokia, because they are for Windows and my computers have Linux. I tried running the Nokia PC program with "wine", but doesn't work. Can I just copy the SIS files to some place on the phone and install without PC software? I have to copy the files then?
just wanted to report that i was able to browse the filesystem and microSD card in my Telus Motorola V750 with bluetooth using "out of the box" Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx).this is new in Ubuntu 10.04, as i have not been able to do this with previous versions of ubuntu and this phone (my k1m worked ok with Intrepid Ibex). i have not tried bitpim or any of the other available linux phone tools, but i was able browse my music, photos, and videos and copy them over to my computer. i was also able to push an mp3 file over from my computer to the phone where i was able to listen to it.
so just a heads up if you are interested in trying this. I am happy to not have to pop the sd card out to transfer photos anymore.
When I connect other BB, I can see in the DM that there is a 6th icon called IP modem to connect as a wireless internet IP modem, but how come in my 9700 I can't do that?
i realy your help in this one, now i live in Lebanon, and i'm searching for a n900, but the other day my freind told that you can't check for your balance in your phone operartor, is that true, were i live, you need to recharge your phone in before you make phone calls, send messages etc, and to see how much dollars(or what ever its called) you still have in what you have recharged, you need to press *11# and than the green button, and than a message shows up showing you your phone operator balance, is it true that that can't be done on the n900? i like it how i can overclock the n900 from 600 mhz to 1000 mhz in less than 30 sec.
I downloaded the MotoHelper_2.0.49_Driver_5.0.0.exe and installed it on my computer. However when I connect the usb cable to the flipside and the computer, neither the computer or the phone will recognize the connection until I shutdown, power off, then power on the phone. Then I only have a couple of seconds to click on the usb notification on the phone before it disappears.
This all started when I started searching for a solution to the low phone storage warnings I was getting all the time. The battery life also bites.
I am having some very irritating issues with connecting my Blackberry Storm to my HP laptop and custom built PC. Both computers are running Win 7. Both computers have Blackberry Desktop Manager on them. Both computer's USB ports are fully functional, been tested by other devices including my old Blackberry Curve 8330. Mass storage mode is on. Here is what is happening: Nothing. When I plug in the micro USB into the Storm and the USB into the laptop/pc, nothing happens on the computer end. No notification that a USB device has been plugged in, no device connected in BBDM. The Storm, however, goes into charging mode. So the USB port works on the phone, because it charges, but NOTHING happens on the computer, no "ding" sound plays like when other USB devices connect, no window activity, nothing.Here is what I've tried:
A battery pull.Restarting the computers.Putting Mass Storage on Auto-Detect.Using an older verson of DM, then reinstalled the one I got from Verizon Wireless' website. Downloaded drivers for BB Storm (I may not have done this correctly, as I am not sure which ones to download) The USB cable I'm using is a "universal" one, with the cord itself being a mini-usb connector, with a micro-usb adapter, that I just bought from Best Buy today. Like I said before, the phone does go into charge mode when this is connected, so the cord itself should be fine. I'm really baffled on this. I've searched the internet over and over, and found nothing. If anyone has ANY idea on what to do, please let me know. And if no one has any idea, can I be pointed in the right direction on contacting someone that does? I really need to be able to connect my Storm to my laptop for tethering purposes.
When i try to use my N97 as a modem for my laptop i wont connect unless i make a backup first.I doesn't matter what data i do a backup off but i have to do it to make the phone connect to the internet.Wierd but that's the way it is.Any ideas what the problem might be?
I searched the posted messages, but I didn't find the same problem. Iīm using my cellphone (Nokia E63) as a modem for my computer, connected with the Nokia CA-101 cable. The local company offers until 1Mb/sec download speed, but most of the time it comes with only 200b/sec. Sending is with 128Kb/sec, but the max download speed is 52Kb/sec. I think itīs somewhere in the drivers, but unfortunately I donīt know where. I was 3 times with the local phone company, but they cannīt (will not) help me. Anybody knows an answer?