Motorola Xoom :: Receive The Stock Image For Euro 3g?
May 13, 2011when can we expect to receive the stock image for euro 3g xoom?
View 8 Replieswhen can we expect to receive the stock image for euro 3g xoom?
View 8 RepliesI received my shiny new 3G Xoom (MZ601) yesterday and decided to root it. I successfully unlocked the bootloader and then flashed the rootboot.img file. Unfortunately on rebooting it hung at the Motorola logo. I tried a couple of other boot images, such as Tiamat 1.3.1 and ocboot but all with the same result. Obviously something is different about the European 3G Xoom which makes these US boot images fail.
I managed to "sort of" recover using one of the stock US boot images (can't remember which one!) but my Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are no longer working. What I would really like to do is revert to a completely stock MZ601 image. I see that the Verizon stock images are available on motodev but no mention of MZ601.
1 Engineer put the stock image (it should be ready) onto ftp: at most 3 hours1 IT to put it on the motodev file server: at most 1 hours
View 2 Replies View Relatedcan get nice, clean, relockable Canadian MZ604 images released soon as well.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to show two images on the Xoom side by side as a comparison - can't do this using the current image gallery tool (android 3.2.1 - timely updates by the way Moto!).I had the idea for a concept utilising multi-touch - whereby when views images in the grid - if you touch two images at the same time then after a second both images will be held up next to each other.Maybe this line of thinking could be carried to other areas like file management - each touching two file icons allows a file content comparison or whatever. etc.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Wi-Fi Only Xoom (MZ604) and finally received the invitation to update to v3.1 last night. After downloading and proceeding with the update the tablet powered off and restarted. A progress bar for the update was displayed and didn't even get 1/4 through when a Warning Triangle and the Droid Character appeared on screen. After waiting for two hours, this image was still on screen.
I held volume up and the power button and the Xoom rebooted. When it reached the lock screen it would wait a couple seconds and then power off and attempt the upgrade again. The bar graph would update a little and then the Warning Triangle/Droid image appears on screen again. No matter what I could not stop this cycle, let alone power off the unit.
I will admit that I unlocked the Xoom, but I have never attempted to root it. Having said that, I was sure that my upgrade problem was related to unlocking the Xoom and as my laptop with the SDK, ADB and fastboot was at work so I had to wait until this morning to relock.This morning I connected my Xoom and was able to get the NVFlash/RSD/Fastboot menu. I entered Fastboot mode and from my PC issued fastboot oem lock and proceeded to select yes to the warning. The device started the lock process.Here comes my problem: After a couple minutes the device restarted and showed the following error on the logo screen:
Failed image SOS 0x0002
Starting RSD mode 2
I have been fantically looking for a solution to fix this. If I hold down the power and volume up keys the unit will power off briefly but then powers on again (as it did last night) and displays the same SOS error message.If I hold the volume down key (or even the power on and volume down key) when it restarts, I get the following:
Failed image SOS 0x0002 Starting Fastboot protocol support.Which you would think is great, but if I type fastboot devices on my PC, no device is shown and fastboot oem unlock just displays "Waiting for device" on screen without ever communicating with the tablet. I have tried every key combination I could find on the web and have tried rebooting my PC and I cannot get the Xoom to communicate, power off or do anything than display the previously mentioned errors.
Hi, help me to determinate what type of images Xoom i must download to my device? I I asked Motorola support but they do not know. I know tha i have MZ601 device. But what i must use to reflash from this page: [URL]
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have XOOM MZ601 3G(maybe HongKong vversion I bought in Taiwan).Now I need Software Image of XOOM MZ601 3G(H6.1-17_CN-40) but I cannot find.I tried to add some language to XOOM but I mistook, after that my XOOM never boot any more.So I want factory reset following this method [URL] and want to get image files.But I cannot find the same with Software image of my XOOM in this to get Software Image of XOOM MZ601 3G(H6.1-17_CN-40).
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there an Update to the stock keyboard or a setting change so we can hold down the delete key instead of a single press for every letter?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there a setting in the browser that I am missing, or is this a known limitation of the current version of the browser? Is this something that Moto/Google have plans to fix, or is it the website I'm visiting that doesn't yet recognize my device?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've asked the problem to Motorola before, but no valuable answer. Now I am not asking Motorola, but the owners, because who know more about it than owners? That's the sprit of this forum.Look, they just do nothing but giving link to their store product and accessories on top of this page.Now I would like to know if the issue happen on all versions of XOOM, the word 'version' here I meanWifi or 3G3.01, 3.1 or 3.2region of the the devices
View 15 Replies View RelatedI see that on the Android Market that there is an app called SDCardXD for Xoom which allows a US stock Xoom 3.2 to write to the external SD card; [URL] Info on the app states; "SDCardXD is a simple file manager with sole purpose of allowing stock U.S. Xoom owners to write to their external SD Card from their Xoom. NO ROOT is required and works on Xoom tablets running 3.2.x stock operating system. Select a file, select where you want to put it, and paste it there." Not knowing the exact difference between US and UK stock 3.2 do you think this will work on a UK stock 3.2 XOOM?
View 4 Replies View RelatedNo matter if I've just rebooted my xoom or if It's been on for a while, whenever I decide to suft the web using the stock browser I have the ability to for maybe 5-10 minutes and then it will just randomly crash and I have to open it again. I'm not doing anything that could be considered memory or processor intensive.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe stock browser on my 3g MZ601 UK Xoom running honeycomg 3.01 frequently closes suddenly, sometimes woth force close window poping up.The problem persists after hard reset and unticking google option to re-install settings after app is re-installed just in case.
View 3 Replies View Relatedthe stock musIc applIcatIon keeps crashIng
View 3 Replies View RelatedAs the stock wifi image for the US is now available when will the UK version be released please?I understand the us stock could be used to re-lock the UK version but what would be different?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a pdf from a web page link I get a force close in the stock browser.I was able to open pdfs in Dolphin with a plug in but prefer the stock browser.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI couldn't find this discussion anywhere. I went to open an .avi video, checked video player instead of Rockplayer and now I'm stuck with that as default. I can't play videos in Rockplayer now. Does anyone know how to reset the default?
View 3 Replies View RelatedUnable to open any web links from an app or gmail ....started to happen a few minutes ago..these links are embedded in a email or from an app like pulse etc. I have stock broswer and dolphin HD ...and I select which one to displayed when the browser selection pop up window comes up.
Now the selection popup window does not come at all...and the screen goes about 50% dark and when touched anywhere on the screen comes to normal brightness...
The Atrix was my first smartphone and was excited to set up my email account. Was unable to get it to work but successfully set up the K9 app.With the new GB release I thought I would try the stock app again. Now I can send messages but can't receive any with the stock email app. I have my own web domain and pop3 email. Any ideas why this won't work with the stock app although it does work with the K9 app?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi can get into the boot loader. but i want to flash the latest stock image so i can get every thing back to stock. any tools i can use or any videos?
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy Xoom wifi only US will receive officially the JB? If it don't, will u lock his bootloader too just like u did to my photon? coz i'm already done with motorola in cellphones, i wish it wouldn't happen with tablets as well. But honestly motorola seems not to care much about them, only with a new phone every month, and kickng the back of old phone owners. That's why i'm selling my photon and i got me an unlocked bootloader Galaxy Nexus?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDon't think am mad reopening this subject but according to this forum and Motorola website[url]..cannot send/receive SMS and Dan has posted about SyncSMS, but I wanted to post about 3G UK unlocked Xoom can receive SMS, I was a bit hesitant to post about this as I was afaraid Motorola would remove this function but was also happy to take the risk to check whether anyone has noticed the same.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSM-G920.
I tried renegade rom and wanted to go back to stock, but I can't seem to get rid of the boot/splash image it puts when you turn on your phone.
Is there something special I need to do when I flash stock firmware with odin?
Also, as I have sprint, should I be selected RTN for sprint? I had done that, was that bad?
It seems telling twrp to do advanced wipe of system and a bunch of other stuff that apparently is not normally wiped did it.
I had on my nexus 5 custom recovery, custom kernel (franco) and paranoid android rom (rooted). I wanted to get back to stock and flashed factory image lollipop 5.1 doint this
adb devices
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash bootloader <bootloader-filename>.img
fastboot flash radio <radio-fileame>.img
fastboot reboot-bootloader
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash cache cache.img
fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
fastboot reboot
When i rebooted i noticed that everything was fine but i had paranoid android rather than stock rom! What happened?
I see you have updated the locked update topic. Once again I did not receive any email notification.I did verify that the topic is aware that I should be receiving them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow about everyone else. Did you get one yesterday?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI just realized that as of April 19, I have not been able to send anything on my Outlook Exchange email accoutn. It's receiving just fine, but my Outbox is full of unsent mail! I remember a problem we had in the past with not being able to reply to messsages, but these are both replies and new messages. My settings are all exactly the same as my DroidX phone, which sends just fine. I have a command at the top of my Outbox that says "Send All Messages," but it doesn't do anything.I've rebooted a couple of times, with no change.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had to restore my phone to stock last night by manually flashing the 6P image from Google's Nexus page. I noticed that the storage now shows as 32GB instead of 64GB total. How to fix this?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I had music on my xoom but accidently deleted it. I tried going in my computer files to copy and paste songs from my itunes into my folder on xoom called music but says wrong format. I don't know what to do.
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