Motorola Xoom :: Books Turn Their Own Pages?

Apr 23, 2011

I've tried several of the book apps and all of them exhibit one big problem.

They turn the pages by themselves sometimes. Sometimes only a page or two sometimes 30 pages.

I've decided this isn't likely a problem with the book apps but with the Xoom itself more than likely. with books turning pages by themselves?

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Motorola Xoom :: How To Delete Kindle Books

Dec 11, 2011

How do I delete Kindle boks from the Xoom?

I have tried to delete them, but the go to archive...and will not delete. I get a message about not syncing?

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Motorola Xoom :: Storage Place When Kindle Downloads (Books) Listed

Dec 14, 2011

I have downloaded several books from Amazon. They are stored "somewhere" on my zoom. How can I find them? Once I am reading a book that I have downloaded my xoom saves the page where I stopped last but! When I have finished a book and am ready to go to the storage "place" on my xoom where all my Kindle downloads are listed - how do I get there?

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Motorola Xoom :: Books Tab In Android Market Is Causing Force Close?

Oct 27, 2011

every-time I try to access the books tab in Android market it goes into force close.

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IPhone :: Why Does Ibooks Take A Long Time To Load Pages In Books

May 25, 2012

I've recently purchased an iPhone 4s, 16GB model. Someone sent me 150 or so ebooks, all in PDF format, total size is fairly large at 3.7 Gig.

I've copied them across (using iTunes, latest version) and they view OK. However, when turning the page on ANY of the books, there is always a c. 5 second delay before the screen snaps into focus and the text becomes sharp enough to read.

Following the great look and feel I would like to buy an iPad but this is really putting me off. Someone suggested that the size might be too much for the device, so I deleted all but 1 of the pdf files, but it's still doing it.

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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Motorola Xoom :: Debugging Web Pages In Browser

Jul 16, 2011

I'm a web developer wanting to debug web pages inside the Xoom web browser.I have a particular issue in which I have a page with a number of <select> lists, the first two lists allow me to choose values but the remaining lists do not - even though I know the lists contain values. I'm guessing that this could be a WebKit bug but am hoping there are some simple debug tools to assist me, similar to Google Chrome, but I have no idea where to find them. about:debug doesn't help much and view-source: doesn't work.

Have tried using Opera Mobile browser and the lists works without a problem and have tried Firefox but this was too buggy to test. Dolphin seems to exhibit the same issues as the default Xoom browser so I'm gessing it uses the same version of WebKit.Getting this working is a crucial part of my system and I do not want to recommend that the customer use iPads to get the most reliable web functionality. So, are there any debugging tools for web pages available on the Xoom?

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Motorola Xoom :: Connected To Wifi But Will Not Load Web Pages Or Sync?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a problem with my Motorola Xoom. It is connected to the Wifi and the strength is great. Other devices around it are happily browsing the internet. However my Xoom will no longer load web pages or sync my email. This is a new thing. It worked yesterday. I have tried the following:Had it forget the connection and then reconnect to itReboot the xoomping it off, turn it on, etc until I do not know what to do anymore.Are

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Motorola Xoom :: It Won't Turn On

May 25, 2011

Woke up this morning and hit the power button the xoom to wake it up and got nothing, just a black screen. Have tried the power button with volume up several times (and for way longer than 3 seconds) and am still not getting any sign of life.Last night before I put it into standby I was browsing the net over wifi. GPS was also turned on, battery left was good (around 90%) I plugged the charger in this morning thinking maybe battery had gone flat, charge indicator came on white, it is now green but still no sign of life.3g xoom, not rooted, stock firmware.

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Motorola Xoom :: 4g Won't Turn On

May 8, 2012

I powered down this morning (battery was still at about 30%) and plugged in the charger at work. After charging all morning, the indicator light is green. Tried to turn it on and...nothing.

I have tried holding the power button, holding the power button and volumn up at the same time, holding the power button and volumn down at the same time, taking out the sd card and trying all of the above again, and nothing!

It is plugged into the charger, has been all morning, and the indicator light is green. It stays green while I try to turn it on and...nothing.

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Motorola :: Xoom Can't Turn On Backlight

Apr 24, 2011

I can't get my Xoom to turn on the backlight. I can see that everything else works, by using reflective light I can see enough to do some simple actions, like changing brightness settings, and accept the shutdown dialog.I have tried anything that I can think off; turning on and off automatic brightness, cold reset, and shutting down and restart.

There doesn't seem to be a hardware error. I managed to get it to work again for a while yesterday, but I haven't been able to repeat that today.

Does anyone have any idea on how to turn the backlight on?

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Motorola Xoom :: How To Turn On Microphone

Aug 15, 2011

How do I turn on the microphone on my Xoom?

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Motorola Xoom :: How To Turn Off Voice

Jul 5, 2011

tired to hear my xoom telling me what i'm typing to the keyboard or the name of the web page that i there a way to turn off the voice, if not, will it be possible to do it in 3.1 or future 3.2

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Motorola Xoom :: Screen Won't Turn On After Update 4.0.4

Nov 3, 2012

So to make long story short woke up this morning after update yesterday and for my luck i find out that my screen dont turn on. Already called moto and they told me to send it in.

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Motorola Xoom :: Turn Off CNN Breaking News?

Jan 12, 2012

how to turn off the CNN "Breaking News" feed? My Xoom chirps at me all day long; not with calendar appointments (which I like) but with stupid newsbites (which I don't). If I can't turn it off, I would at least like to know if I can disable the notification audio for just that program!

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Motorola Xoom :: How To Turn Off Special Characters On Keyboard

Mar 23, 2012

I've had my xoom for quite some time now and this has bothered me from day one and I can't figure out how to make it stop. On the keyboard, if you hover ever so slightly too long over the "s" or the "e" or any number of letters on the keyboard the xoom changes that to a special character. How do you turn this blasted thing off. I NEVER use those, will NEVER need them and don't want the keyboard to do it.

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Motorola Xoom :: Way To Turn Off Geo Tagging Of Photos And Videos Without Turning Off Gps?

Sep 7, 2011

Is there any way to turn off geo tagging of photos and videos without turning off gps and cell network location services in settings?

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Motorola Xoom :: Turn Orientation Of Screen When HDMI Cable Is Plugged In?

Jan 14, 2012

Is there any way to turn the orientation of the screen when the HDMI cable is plugged in.

Currently when i use the HDMI cable the screen turns such that the cable goes in from the bottom which if the XOOM is on my lap is awkward. It would bebetter if the HDMI port was at the top.

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Nokia Applications :: Adobe Reader Extremely Slow On N8 - Hardly Turn Pages / Zoom

Jul 3, 2012

I can hardly turn pages or zoom. It takes forever to turn a single page too. What is the issue? How do I get rid of it??

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Motorola Droid X :: Mortplayer Put Books In Folder With Period

Jun 18, 2011

I got Mortplayer to play audio books because I could put the books in a folder that starts with a period (.AudioBooks) and Mortplayer would recognize it but the music app would ignore it.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: New Password For Kindle Now Cannot Download Books

Apr 28, 2015

I have a couple phones. Well, quite a few. It started when I could not download books to the Turbo. It just put an exclamation point in the title and says sorry, try again later. I try again later for several days, and nothing changes. On the other hand everything works fine on my other phones, and I can log into Amazon no problem. So I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Kindle.

This is not a complete uninstall of course since Kindle is pre-installed and unless you root, you're stuck with it. But after I uninstalled the updates it still would not work. So I nuked from orbit by wiping the phone and reinstalling Kindle (well, updating the built-in version). Well, THAT changed it. Now it won't take the password. It allows me to CHANGE the password, and I did that. But even after changing it (successfully it said) and verifying that the new PW worked on another phone and on my laptop, it still won't take it. It says that username/password combination does not exist.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Plan For Audible Audio Books Support?

May 6, 2012

I'm sure plenty of runners are like me and love an audiobook while they run. Audible support would make this a lot easier!

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Anyway To Remove Some Of Bloatware Like Kindle Books /ebooks Nfl

Jan 24, 2012

is there anyway to remove some of the bloatware like kindle books,ebooks nfl,and alot of the other stuff i don't use if i could would leave me more room to adds apps. that i can use

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: SMS Multiple Pages In Log

Sep 16, 2011

Under the Tex Messaging List where you see all the contacts you've received messages from I am getting several duplicates, triplicates, etc...

For example, I send a message to my Chief and my message will not appear in the chat log instead it will create a new point in the Text Messaging. Lost?

Home Screen -> Text Messaging -> Contact Chat Log

Now however, if the contact first send me a message then I can append my messages in the Contact Chat Log and they will be syncronous. Otherer wise mine will always end up in another Contact Chat Log under Text Messaging.

I've tried rebooting, cleared my chat logs, and played with a couple of other settings. I even went through the painstaking reset to factory. I will not do that again EVER! We need a way to back up to the computer....

Is this a bug in 4.5.91.MB60.ATT.en.US on 2.3.4 Android? It started with this firmware update and hasn't gone away yet.

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Motorola :: W385 And Java On Pages Plus / Verizon Flash?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a W385 flashed with the verizon flash on pages plus.when it opens, all it does is display the file's info?I don't think Java is installed on this model.I can't seem to find out how to install java using Pplus.At this point I'd be willing to pay someone to help me via skype chat.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Disappearing Apps From Home Pages?

Aug 19, 2011

Plugged my Photon into my PC for the first time today, using the Phone Portal app (stock). As it popped up, it looked like any other Android/smartphone in that I could "see" it as a drive on my PC....look at/add/delete/manage data and folders.No biggie.But....Up pops the Motorola Media Link app for install on the PC (assuming the file to do so was on the phone and did this once it was connected to a computer). OK, so I install it to take a peek. Install was looked for and installed an upate of the Media Link app...and I saw that it was nothing more than a sync conduit for music/photos/etc.

Not wanting to sync anything, I simply "safely removed hardware" on the PC...unplugged and went to lunch. It was then that I noticed a bunch off icons missing from the home screens. My HTC Evo used to do that whenever you'd disconnect, because you'd been using the SD card as a drive. It would then re-initialize the card and poof, your icons would reappear. Not this one! They're gone-ski!They're still in the All Apps view....and certainly still on the phone/card because I can see them in settings>apps. If I look at the SD card view, they're all there.I did some rooting (sorry....snooping) around and found a few threads about this regarding Droid X, but none of the questions had been answeredI called Moto and they don't know what it is; "oh

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Adding More Than 5 Home Pages?

Sep 19, 2011

if there is a way to increase the amount of home pages above the stock 5?

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Motorola Defy :: Homescreen Views - Possible To Add Additional Pages

May 8, 2011

There appear to be three pages either side of the home screen, is it possible to add additional pages if I fill the existing pages with apps and if so how?

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Home Pages Are Blank After Closing An App

Nov 7, 2011

I am running completly stock DX2, 2.3.4 version. regular wallpaper not live, 90mb of free ram when problem is happening,1.6gb free atorage in application storage, 4.06gb internal storage availible , 14.28gb availible on my sd card(16gb), 53 apps installed, version 3.1.5 of the app market.

The problem I started having a few days ago is my dx2 is very slow after using an app for more than 10 min and then backing out or closing the app it shows my home page all blank except for the black square app draw button and the wallpapper. Then in about 4-5 sec the entire home page shows as normal. This has never happened before the last few days. Have had the dx2 for 2 months now.

I have not installed anytihng new the last few days. I use the stock task manager since day one to kill all downloaded apps I dont need running. I was part of the soak test and this is the first real problem I have had. I did not do a factory reset before or after the new gb update. I was thinking of doing one now but it seems to never work no matter what problems I have had in the past with my DX I had previous.

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Motorola Xoom Unlocked :: How To Copy Music On Xoom

Oct 2, 2011

So I had music on my xoom but accidently deleted it. I tried going in my computer files to copy and paste songs from my itunes into my folder on xoom called music but says wrong format. I don't know what to do.

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Motorola Xoom :: Connect Xoom To Laptop Dock?

Apr 18, 2011

How can i connect the Xoom to the laptop dock. its telling me it wont recognize

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Motorola Xoom :: Wifi Very Slow Xoom 3G With Update 3.2?

Jan 12, 2012

I bought the device few days ago and on very same day updated to Android ver. 3.2. I use internet over my home Wifi and have a Netgear - WGR614 router. The browsing speed is very very slow and most sites dont open.The signal strength shown in xoom is - (-105 dBm 3 asu).Is this a issue with Android 3.2 update or my home wifi is weak? Would i be able to reset the tab to the original version?

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