Motorola Atrix 4G :: SMS Multiple Pages In Log

Sep 16, 2011

Under the Tex Messaging List where you see all the contacts you've received messages from I am getting several duplicates, triplicates, etc...

For example, I send a message to my Chief and my message will not appear in the chat log instead it will create a new point in the Text Messaging. Lost?

Home Screen -> Text Messaging -> Contact Chat Log

Now however, if the contact first send me a message then I can append my messages in the Contact Chat Log and they will be syncronous. Otherer wise mine will always end up in another Contact Chat Log under Text Messaging.

I've tried rebooting, cleared my chat logs, and played with a couple of other settings. I even went through the painstaking reset to factory. I will not do that again EVER! We need a way to back up to the computer....

Is this a bug in 4.5.91.MB60.ATT.en.US on 2.3.4 Android? It started with this firmware update and hasn't gone away yet.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Jump Between Multiple Pages/screens/application?

Jul 2, 2011

how to be able to jump between mulitple pages/screens/applications? With my Blackberry, if I was on one page, I could click a button, and it would give me the option to go to the home screen and then anywhere else I wanted to go. Then, go back to the original application, and still be where I left off. I was uploading pics on Facebook, and I tried going back to the gallery page to preview the rest of the pics for possible upload, but when I hit the home icon, then menu, then kept taking me back to the Facebook notification page. I'm sure with the Android system, it is possible to do it (if the Blackberry can), I just can't figure out how.

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Nokia :: N97 Mini Web Browser / Multiple Pages

Apr 12, 2010

I got my N97 mini as a gift a few days ago. I've only ever used Nokia and I absolutely love the phone so far, but I'm having some challenges trying to open multiple web pages at a time. I've only been able to do this once as a result of a pop up window from a previous page. Is there a standard way to do this?

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Multiple Email Deletion?

Dec 24, 2011

New to the smartphone community. User manual is lacking. How do I highlight and/or select multiple email messages for deletion? So far, it looks like a one-at-a-time deal

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: How To Forward Text To Multiple People

Feb 16, 2012

I hope motorola can improve there text message app. if i want to foward message to some people, i have to type every name, and i don't like group messaging.

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IPhone :: When Close Safari, Does It Still Use Data When Multiple Pages Open

Apr 3, 2012

When using safari, I had several pages open. Do all of them use data when I'm using safari or only the one I'm on?

iPhone 4 (8GB), iOS 5.1

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Motorola Atrix :: Changing Multiple Contacts Numbers In One Step?

Oct 6, 2011

Communications Authorities in Egypt changed Mobile networks numbers for all three providers by adding a number to each provider, for instance mine starts with 010 it will be 0100 and so on for other two providers adding 1 and 2.Now I have more than one thousands (1000) contacts in my phone book, how can I add this new digit to multiple contacts instead of editing one by one.

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Email Setup - How To Bundle Multiple Accounts

Oct 19, 2011

Can anyone tell me how to bundle my multiple eamil accounts on my new Atrix 2? Or is it already doing it and I just dont know?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Text Messaging - Sending To Multiple People By Accident?

Jun 27, 2011

I've noticed that some times when I get text messages from certain contacts, the way it shows up on my informs me that it was sent to myself and X amount of people (and I can view those numbers/contacts if I have them). But what's annoying is when I try to reply to "said person" it replies to all contacts that recieve the message. Now if I hold down the message and get options, I can view the details and open the message/delete the message, and I can Reply to All... but it never lets me just reply to that person. There is no option for it. I just reply and they all get it.

Like I stated before, this is not every time I get a mass text message from someone. Some of my friends have iPhone 4s so I tested it last night with a friend sending out a text to two of us and when I received it there was no indication that it had been sent to multiple people. Also have another friend that does this a lot with his Droid 2, no issue with his either. I'm wondering if this is happening because of the way it's being sent to me (and others) but even if I can see who else it was sent to, I'd still like the option to just reply to one person.Any advice on this? I foresee people telling me to get another text messaging app though which makes me think AT&T/Motorola should really add a lot more features to their text messaging app just incase of the people that would like options..

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Motorola Xoom :: Debugging Web Pages In Browser

Jul 16, 2011

I'm a web developer wanting to debug web pages inside the Xoom web browser.I have a particular issue in which I have a page with a number of <select> lists, the first two lists allow me to choose values but the remaining lists do not - even though I know the lists contain values. I'm guessing that this could be a WebKit bug but am hoping there are some simple debug tools to assist me, similar to Google Chrome, but I have no idea where to find them. about:debug doesn't help much and view-source: doesn't work.

Have tried using Opera Mobile browser and the lists works without a problem and have tried Firefox but this was too buggy to test. Dolphin seems to exhibit the same issues as the default Xoom browser so I'm gessing it uses the same version of WebKit.Getting this working is a crucial part of my system and I do not want to recommend that the customer use iPads to get the most reliable web functionality. So, are there any debugging tools for web pages available on the Xoom?

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Motorola Xoom :: Books Turn Their Own Pages?

Apr 23, 2011

I've tried several of the book apps and all of them exhibit one big problem.

They turn the pages by themselves sometimes. Sometimes only a page or two sometimes 30 pages.

I've decided this isn't likely a problem with the book apps but with the Xoom itself more than likely. with books turning pages by themselves?

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Motorola Atrix 2 :: Is Atrix Battery Compatible With Atrix 2

Sep 19, 2012

id like to buy one of those over 3000mah batteries for my atrix 2 , but where i live i can only find this batteries for the atrix 4g and im not sure if it works on the atrix 2.

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Motorola :: W385 And Java On Pages Plus / Verizon Flash?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a W385 flashed with the verizon flash on pages plus.when it opens, all it does is display the file's info?I don't think Java is installed on this model.I can't seem to find out how to install java using Pplus.At this point I'd be willing to pay someone to help me via skype chat.

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Disappearing Apps From Home Pages?

Aug 19, 2011

Plugged my Photon into my PC for the first time today, using the Phone Portal app (stock). As it popped up, it looked like any other Android/smartphone in that I could "see" it as a drive on my PC....look at/add/delete/manage data and folders.No biggie.But....Up pops the Motorola Media Link app for install on the PC (assuming the file to do so was on the phone and did this once it was connected to a computer). OK, so I install it to take a peek. Install was looked for and installed an upate of the Media Link app...and I saw that it was nothing more than a sync conduit for music/photos/etc.

Not wanting to sync anything, I simply "safely removed hardware" on the PC...unplugged and went to lunch. It was then that I noticed a bunch off icons missing from the home screens. My HTC Evo used to do that whenever you'd disconnect, because you'd been using the SD card as a drive. It would then re-initialize the card and poof, your icons would reappear. Not this one! They're gone-ski!They're still in the All Apps view....and certainly still on the phone/card because I can see them in settings>apps. If I look at the SD card view, they're all there.I did some rooting (sorry....snooping) around and found a few threads about this regarding Droid X, but none of the questions had been answeredI called Moto and they don't know what it is; "oh

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Adding More Than 5 Home Pages?

Sep 19, 2011

if there is a way to increase the amount of home pages above the stock 5?

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Motorola Defy :: Homescreen Views - Possible To Add Additional Pages

May 8, 2011

There appear to be three pages either side of the home screen, is it possible to add additional pages if I fill the existing pages with apps and if so how?

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Home Pages Are Blank After Closing An App

Nov 7, 2011

I am running completly stock DX2, 2.3.4 version. regular wallpaper not live, 90mb of free ram when problem is happening,1.6gb free atorage in application storage, 4.06gb internal storage availible , 14.28gb availible on my sd card(16gb), 53 apps installed, version 3.1.5 of the app market.

The problem I started having a few days ago is my dx2 is very slow after using an app for more than 10 min and then backing out or closing the app it shows my home page all blank except for the black square app draw button and the wallpapper. Then in about 4-5 sec the entire home page shows as normal. This has never happened before the last few days. Have had the dx2 for 2 months now.

I have not installed anytihng new the last few days. I use the stock task manager since day one to kill all downloaded apps I dont need running. I was part of the soak test and this is the first real problem I have had. I did not do a factory reset before or after the new gb update. I was thinking of doing one now but it seems to never work no matter what problems I have had in the past with my DX I had previous.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: No Switch To Delete Open Web Pages

Jul 18, 2015

When I hit the two rectangles on the bottom right of the phone I see all the web pages I recently opened. Been told by Motorola customer service that you have to delete one by one.

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Motorola Xoom :: Connected To Wifi But Will Not Load Web Pages Or Sync?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a problem with my Motorola Xoom. It is connected to the Wifi and the strength is great. Other devices around it are happily browsing the internet. However my Xoom will no longer load web pages or sync my email. This is a new thing. It worked yesterday. I have tried the following:Had it forget the connection and then reconnect to itReboot the xoomping it off, turn it on, etc until I do not know what to do anymore.Are

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Workaround For Disappearing Apps From Home Pages?

Aug 26, 2011

I have been having problems with my home icons vanishing when connecting my Photon as a USB drive. I found a workaround that takes care of this problem.

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Motorola Droid XYBOARD 10.1 :: How To Rearrange Bookmarked Pages For Web Browser

Feb 23, 2012

Is there a way to rearrange the bookmarked pages for the web browser on my Xyboard 10.1?

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Motorola Photon 4G :: Settings To View Full Web Pages Not In Mobile Version?

Oct 20, 2011

Some of the pages I visit will show in mobile view even if I go to the page without typing " m. (etc).com". On my Htc Evo there was the option to just view web pages in full in not in mobile. Can the photon be set that way?? If so how can I do it.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Computer Wont Download Moto Atrix Drivers

Apr 25, 2012

My Motorola Atrix or Computer has a Problem install the ADB Interface so there for my phone wont connect to my Computer.I have a windows 7 32-bit operating system.I have tried installing Drivers Manualy, tried using the PDAnet Solution, tried unistalling all USB Ports, tried applications to help.

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Motorola Webtop Docks :: Will Atrix 4G Lap-dock Be Compatible With Atrix 2

Oct 11, 2011

Will the Lapdock (and other accessories for that matter) work for the new Atrix 2 coming? I've only used the Lapdock lightly and it will be a real shame if it and the other accessories I've purchased over the past year won't work with the 2nd gen Atrix.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Synchronise Atrix With Outlook On Laptop

Jun 28, 2011

I want to synchronise my Motorola Atrix directly with Outlook on my laptop.How do I do it? Purchasing some application s/w is OK as long ad it works.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Receiving Updates On Refurbished Atrix

Feb 9, 2012

I recently had to get a replacement Atrix through AT&T after my original one shattered. I had insurance and AT&T provided me a refurbished one through their insurance program. My question is, will I still be able to get all future updates on this phone or is there something I need to do?

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Does Atrix Power The Lapdock

Mar 8, 2012

I was under the impression that once lapdock battery died, that the lapdock would run off the Atrix battery, is this incorrect?

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Motorola Atrix HD :: How To Get Recovery Mode On Atrix HD

Dec 18, 2012

I did the Jelly Bean update on my two month old Atrix HD yesterday. Then my apps started closing on their own and then the homescreen started doing the same thing. Tried to do a FDR and I have the little android guy on my screen now with what looks like a rotating atom in his belly and a blue progress bar below him. Been like this for several hours now and I even tried calling the Motorola people and I'm still where I was. Can anyone offer a solution before I take it back to where I bought it from to see if they will even replace it? I did the holding down the volume buttons simultaneously and then the power button, got the motorola logo and then goes right back to this annoying little android guy with the rotating atom in his belly.

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Motorola Atrix 4G :: Picasa Sync With Atrix?

May 15, 2011

Other android devices have the ability to synch with picassa to view their online albums am I missing something or is this a big whoops not included on Moto's part.

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BB Bold 9650 :: How To Setup Phone To Have Multiple Icons For Multiple Email Accounts?

Jun 4, 2010

I recieved my 9650 this morning.I setup 2 email addresses (that actually were moved from my curve to my bold), and all of my emails are dumping into ONE folder i hate it. I liked on my curve how I had 2 distinct seperate email icons (boxes) that had work and personal.How do I setup my phone to have multiple icons for my multiple email accounts?

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BB Curve 8300 :: Multiple Problems On Multiple New 8330

Jan 19, 2010

In september I bought an 8330 curve. It worked great, and other than a few small things (not comfirming bbm contacts) it worked awesome, solid, never unstable. The screen started to have bubbles on the inside of it, so I took it in on warranty, and was given a new one AFTER I was sent home to make a backup. I get the new phone, came directly home and reloaded the backup. The next day, it started randomly rebooting. Even if it was just sitting there.

Sunday it shut off and when it tried to restart it just went to JVM error 102. If you reset it or did a hard reset it would always go to JVM error 102 when it tried to boot. I was out of town, and use my phone for work, so I was tickled pink, since its supposedly brand new.

Monday night they give me a new one AGAIN because nobody at the store can seem to fix it or figure it out. I go home, reload my data, wich is now a week old, and within a few hours it randomly starts rebooting agian. Then it wouldnt start, just flash the red LED, wich it did regardless of how many times I tried a hard restart. Eventualy this morning after 8 hours of flashing the red LED, I did a hard restart and it work.

I don't download apps. I use the phone, text, email, and I email pictures to my boss. Its the main reason i have a BB, so I dont get killed on MMS message charges, I just have unlimited email and I send the pics on email. The odd time I browse. And I don't do any of the things ppl talk about on crackberry where they are farting around doing things they arent supposed to and thier phone crashes. Any idea why my "new" curves keep doing this? 3rd one in 5 months, and 2 of them in the last week.

Apps? The ones that come on the phone from the factory. I live in terror that any thing else will brick my curve. I even talk nice to it.

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