Motorola Atrix 4G :: Receiving Updates On Refurbished Atrix
Feb 9, 2012
I recently had to get a replacement Atrix through AT&T after my original one shattered. I had insurance and AT&T provided me a refurbished one through their insurance program. My question is, will I still be able to get all future updates on this phone or is there something I need to do?
This occurred after I installed few applications with the version that came with the phone in February. After the upgrade to gingerbread, it worked for a few days then acted up again. After a hard reset to factory, all working and the applications that seem to mess with the updater are weather related; my most suspicion is the Go Weather but cant isolate it for sure!
I have an Atrix running original FW.I also have the lapdock and do like it but REALLY need RDP and VNC clients in order to do my job (linux engineer) better!If any of the updates come out with VNC and/or RDP apps (also ssh CLI would be GREAT!) which I was hoping might be in gingerbread count me in! I use the Atrix and webtop for WORK and right now I just use the lapdock enlarged phone view and run my ssh, vnc, and rdp apps as needed from anywhere I can get a cell or wi-fi signal but the resolution and screen size could be a LOT better.Is there any chance I might see SSH, VNC, and RDP apps added to the webdock any time soon?Is there any plans to add "SPICE" protocol support any time soon for DAAS? url..
Does Motorola have a SDK that I can suggest to developers of the SSH, VNC, and RDP apps I use so they can start developing for the lapdock?Having a full firefox and flash is great (firefox REALLY needs to be updated to v4 with canvas support though!) but just having that and the ICA client I never use is NOT enough!If I could just get AT LEAST a VNC client I could eliminate having to use a laptop completely and just use a VM on my cloud instead!I thought this phone was designed for cloud? It is still missing too many things for me to use it with DAAS (desktop as a service) cloud services!
how often or when the out-of-the-box weather widget updates on the Atrix 2? Can't seem to find it anywhere in the settings, or any information on it...
id like to buy one of those over 3000mah batteries for my atrix 2 , but where i live i can only find this batteries for the atrix 4g and im not sure if it works on the atrix 2.
This appears to be a common problem with no resolution (having just done various Google searches). On 2.3.4 with Orange. Always vibrate ticked with sound off I dont get any vibration for incoming SMS. I've tried various combinations a nd can't seem to resolve it. The vibrate option in messaging is also turned on. I think it used to work but can't be sure.
On several occasions my wife has not received my text messages. (It happens every now and then.) I see the receipt, on my phone, that it was sent to her, but she didn't receive it. Does that mean there is something wrong with my phone or her's. I use Handcent SMS app. and my wife has a Palm Pre Plus phone. Note: This happened a few times with my backflip too.
Had my Atrix 2 for a week and some times when I answer the phone no one is there.They can hear me perfectly well but my phone is dead quiet. Yes I've checked to make sure I haven't accidently hit the mute when answering. There is just no sound coming from the phone. Only a battery pull while powered on will restore the speaker function.Doesn't happen all the time, just enought to be annoying. Had taken back a SGS2 for this phone so I am stuck on this model and frankly I like it way better.AT&T didn't have any answers other than just hard reset it.
When I go to settings- about phone- system updates, the progress wheel just keeps turning forever. I had this problem a while ago and I was told my motoblur account was inactive. I'm assuming this has happened again somehow? How does this keep happening? I don't have any customization or rooting or anything like that. Obviously I don't want to have to perform a factory reset everytime I want to check for an update.
My Motorola Atrix or Computer has a Problem install the ADB Interface so there for my phone wont connect to my Computer.I have a windows 7 32-bit operating system.I have tried installing Drivers Manualy, tried using the PDAnet Solution, tried unistalling all USB Ports, tried applications to help.
Will the Lapdock (and other accessories for that matter) work for the new Atrix 2 coming? I've only used the Lapdock lightly and it will be a real shame if it and the other accessories I've purchased over the past year won't work with the 2nd gen Atrix.
I did the Jelly Bean update on my two month old Atrix HD yesterday. Then my apps started closing on their own and then the homescreen started doing the same thing. Tried to do a FDR and I have the little android guy on my screen now with what looks like a rotating atom in his belly and a blue progress bar below him. Been like this for several hours now and I even tried calling the Motorola people and I'm still where I was. Can anyone offer a solution before I take it back to where I bought it from to see if they will even replace it? I did the holding down the volume buttons simultaneously and then the power button, got the motorola logo and then goes right back to this annoying little android guy with the rotating atom in his belly.
Other android devices have the ability to synch with picassa to view their online albums am I missing something or is this a big whoops not included on Moto's part.
For some strange reason I can't set a PIN on my 4G. It takes the PIN just fine, but when I turn the phone off and back on again, when I slide the little lock icon, the phone does NOT prompt for the PIN!
I noticed that I had not been receiving my yahoo mail lately and went to accounts and it showed under my Motoblur accounts. After not being able to get it to work I deleted the account to try and reinstall it. When I go to Add Account and select the Yahoo Mail icon under Motoblur accts then put in the email address and password I get an error msg "Login to the account failed, please try again." I have checked and rechecked that all of the info is correct and it is.
Just 4-5 days back I bought Motorola Atrix4G from Amazon...But the moment I turn on the my new phone it got switched off within 5 minutes, By power key also I was unable to turn on the phone, after removing the battery it got started, till the time I haven't charged it, so no external USB or Power was attached to phone....once it started I thought I got rid of my problem..... But It's happening Again & Again & Again & Again with this phone, it's getting off & I have to remove the battery to make it on, now I got pissed off ......I loved this phone so much & i want to use this
So yesterday my phone's fingerprint scanner began acting up. It would think I was swiping my finger when, in reality, I wasn't and saying It couldn't identify my finger. After a couple restarts, the fingerprint scanner doesn't work at all.I decided to go the route of a factory reset through the android recovery mode and wiped the data. After this, I select reboot now and all I get is a black screen with the green status LED stuck on.
My Atrix turned off by itself and refused to turn on when I pressed the power button. I know it wasn't a battery issue as I had charged it all day. The only way I could get the phone to turn back on was to remove the battery and then put the battery back in.
I recently purchased an unlocked at&t Atrix, although it came from hong kong and I'm using it in Aus with Telstra sim. I cannot send picture messages (mms), although the internet works no worries, I have tried various APN settings but nothing
When you have a multiple SMS messages list, you reply to one of them, the reply goes to someone else.[URL]So far I have encountered this bug on several occasions on all versions of the official software released so far for the Atrix.The way it seems to be manifesting itself on the Atrix so far is.You have message from sender 1 in your inbox.You receive a message from sender 2. You reply to sender 2.Message actually goes to sender 1 Message details, and message thread on the device show it sent to sender 2?
I just got this phone and I finally figured out how to get all my contacts off of my sim I need to know how to get all my ringtones off of my SD card. I have looked and cannot figure it out. My songs automatically downloaded but none of my ringtones. I am not in the mood to buy ringtones again. The ones I have cost a fortune.
So where do we go to get our $100 rebate to get a new phone? Very disappointed that we waited for months only to have the carpet puilled out from under us!