For 4 night nights now at roughly the same time around 11 pm my mobile network goes out now you guys who own a Photon know that when your network is running and connected your bars and the little 3G icon glow blue when everything is going good,
For some reason at the same time for the past 4 days my bar and my little icon will turn grey showing that i still have connextion but dont have any access, seeing as how this is the high part of my day and I use my phone to tether my pc to the internet you can understand when i say its becoming a serious hendrance.
using Photon 4G with Airtel prepaid sim with system version 45.3.6.MB855.Sprint.en, Whenever I run short codes (USSD codes) like *123# to check my prepaid GSM balance or interact with service provider by *121# it takes long time showing USSD code running.. and after few mins either shows MMI successfully complete or MMI failed but doesnt actually show the text which is shown in my other GSM phones; to query balance or activate some service. Tried forums but no concrete solution.
why the mobile network setting would change on its own. I have specifically changed from "any cdma" to "automatic". I have not determined when the phone switched back to "any cdma". I don't believe I powered the phone down. The only reason I checked was when I noticed the 3G data was running slow. I notice a pretty drastic speed increase when using the automatic setting.Is there something that triggers the phone to revert back to "any cdma"?
I am not sure if any of you are as upset by this as I am, but it does not appear that I will ever be able to use WiMax in my home area (Directly north of Indy). The only possible redeeming possibility is if the Photon can be upgraded to LTE via software fix (similar to the Xoom). I have heard talk from multilple forums that it may be compatible since it has a sim card and that there is LTE in the build.prop file.
I am having problems connecting to my home network. The phones wifi turns on fine, gets an IP address and looks fine. However, the wifi and phone strength meters grey out and there is no connectivity to the internet on the phone. The wifi network is WPA protected.The phone worked fine on a different, unprotected, network I found up the street.I have a cliq that works fine on my network.I have tried powering off and powering off in airplane mode, neither of which make a difference.
I looked around and couldn't find a definitive answer to this question: what's the best Network Mode setting? I've seen some claims that setting to Automatic improves 3G performance (and a short test did seem to confirm that), whereas some people have recommended Any CDMA. I was on Automatic on the way to work today and experienced spotty 3G connectivity--causative or coincidence?
I just received 39 texts that were sent 7-8 hours ago. Plus several people said they called my phone and it went straight to voicemail. It's like the phone fell asleep and wasn't connected to the network for hours until I power cycled the phone. In addition many of the delayed texts came in out of order. This is the second time this has happened and I am beginning to think it's either a Photon bug that pops up occassionally or that my phone might be defective. I don't think it's a network issue as nobody else that I know in this area had this problem with other phones.
What does "enterprise private network" mean? It's an option in the 4G settings (4G Stats). I tried the help center on the phone & searching online and couldn't find an answer.
I used to have the standard set of issues with my Bionic (data drops, restarts, etc.), but thankfully, after receiving a refurbished unit and upgrading to ICS when it was pushed a few months ago, my issues have been resolved.
That is, until a few weeks ago.
Recently, I have experienced music played through the headphone jack cutting out for 2-3 seconds, then playing again (the song continues to play as though nothing is wrong). The issue tends to happen once every 30 minutes or so. I've experienced this issue with Google Music, Amazon MP3, and Pandora, and it also applies to both streamed/cloud music AND music stored locally on the phone. I have already tried cleaning out the headphone jack for debris. Also, I know it isn't an issue with the headphones, as they play audio from my computer without any issue.
Any use the Motorola Date and Time Widget? Mine seems to hang at night (seemingly about 20min after I plug it in for charging) and stays on yesterdays date and time until somehow it corrects itself the next day. There is no way to "activate it" or make it correct itself. All other clocks and calendars are correct.
I have a Sprint Motorola Photon 4G and I am using it in Brazil with a Claro SIM Card. The phone reboots itself sometimes when I try to make or receive a phone call (2 or 3 times a day). I know this is happening to other Photon owners and I already tried the factory reset twice. My build # is 4.5.1A-1_SUN-198_6. Does anyone know a fix for that?
i bought a photon at best buy today, carried it around for a while, installed the netflix app, brought it home, plugged it in, and after i tell it to install the system update, it downloads, i click install, and it shuts down immediately, starts itself back up, and then as soon as everything comes back up, i get a message that says update has failed. this has happened 3 times now, downloaded on wi-fi
That's basically it. I don't want to keep getting e-mail (at my gmail account) that I have no events on a given day. How do I stop the Photon calender app from doing this?
I have a droid turbo. I work in the city so there are cell towers everywhere but my office is in the middle of a building and I have no windows. My calls get dropped or cut in and out unless I turn off the advanced call feature. Other people with different phones have no problems in my office. Can I leave this feature off all the time? The one day I did leave it off and I was not at work and I tried to make a call and got a message saying the call could not connect so I don't know if it will create other problems. I usually have two bars in my office and 4G lte. We have Wi-Fi but are not allowed to use it.
I have attempted to use these horrible headphones wiht multiple different phones now and I still have the same issue If I am walking around the sound constantly cuts out and skips!I can't believe Motorolla would seel such a useless product.I don't know if it has something to do with the buildings in the city or what because if i am in my car or on the subway it doesn't really happen, only when I'm walking around the city.
I have a major issue with my corporate exchange calendar. If I accept an invitation to a meeting, the phone makes me the organizer of the meeting. This syncs back to my corporate calendar. This is obviously completely wrong. If I delete the meeting on my phone, or on my computer, it sends out a message to everyone that was on the meeting saying that it was cancelled. If I need to adjust the meeting only on my calendar, it sends out an update to everyone. It has caused a lot of confusion for me and my work colleagues.
Has anyone seen / experienced this? When I have my photon in the car dock and using the GPS, I am unable to receive incoming calls. My girlfriend has called me for the past three days and she says my phone rings and rings and goes to voicemail. I have Sprint Service. I am not using TeleNav or any other navagation, I am just using the GPS mode and Bluetooth is also running. I dont have any other issues with not receiving incoming calls unless its in the dock.
I noticed that whenever I am making/receiving calls, the screen flashes every few seconds. I wonder why it is doing that. I have never seen this on any other phone before. At first I thought it was related only to the silent call issue that the screen flashes every few seconds but even when I am able to make a regular call it still does this.
I have just moved from a windows phone and got this photon phone. I listen to music from the web, like These stations require a windows media player to work. The windows media player is not on my photon phone or in the android market place.
I just got my Razr Maxx and have a question about the voice to text. When I talk, it cuts off on me after only a short pause. My friend has this phone and it doesn't cut off on her that fast. Is there a way to set the length on how long it stays on before it cuts off?
If I have 5 or more all-day events on one day, the calendar doesn't display the text of the events, which also makes the lines very skinny and difficult to select.
I have a Photon that is at best qurky. I did a full factory reset about a month ago. the last couple of days the phone has been freezing with the alarm. the alarm will go off and I might get one or two snoozes out of it then the display freezes and is unresponsive. O can push the power button to get the power off menu but the screen will not respond to allow a power off, I must remove the battery to reset the phone.and as anyone who has a Photon knows how much fun putting the back on is. Any ideas.again this is a pretty fresh reboot and I do not have near as many apps running as before the reboot
So now I still cannot use MMS or carrier internet and the latest software update will not run, it can be downloaded but after running it 12 times it indicates update was unsuccessful. Is there anyway of reflashing the whole phone to start from scratch.
Anyone used or using Drive First?I installed it, was using it, but just too much for me, I already use a car dock, motospeak and bluetooth.(Yes, trying to be safe).It just does not intrgrate well with Google Voice.Anyway, it seemed to install an app when I signed up for it, the app is called Smart Device Manager.After cancelling Drive First it continues to lock my screen when the car moves.I figured out which app is is, but the only available option is "uninstall updates" and it keeps wanting to re-update the app after I uninstalled updates. I have uninstalled updates and reinstalled a few times, but it seems that app is dug in there, and won't leave.Because Sprint customer service has NO CLUE (after 4 reps) how the app works, or how to get rid of it?
i have only just had a new blackberry replacement phone sent to me and was working fine until it started cutting out when i plugged it in to charge, it would reboot after and carried on. Now it has cut out and will not reboot at all! i cant get it off the rebooting screen and the bar is now loading.
I have the iPhone 4g through Verizon. During phone conversations, the mic will cut out for 30 seconds-2minutes. The caller can hear me, I can't hear the caller. I've tried to restart the phone, update, etc. FWIW I use a network extender because I don't get great service at my home. However, this shouldn't be an issue as my boyfriend gets fine service and the problem happens when I'm not at home as welll.
My other half gets an error on her Razor Maxx phone that says " Network error please check the network" . It comes up just about every time she does anythign with the phone. She called the provider and did troubleshoot it and they say nothing is wrong with the settings and network. Almost say that it isn't happenning. This has become quite annoying and I've seen it myself. I have same phone and no issues with mine at all .. we purchased at same time and did upgrades at same time as well
When I am talking using voice input I keep getting cut off after a few words. I have to keep repeating myself picking up where it cuts out. Not useable like this. It happens no matter which application I am in and no matter which keyboard I have active. This never happens on the Note3.