When I am talking using voice input I keep getting cut off after a few words. I have to keep repeating myself picking up where it cuts out. Not useable like this. It happens no matter which application I am in and no matter which keyboard I have active. This never happens on the Note3.
Whenever I try to use voice input with any application installed, the feature does not work with my phone, I get a box, displaying connection problemak againI have enabled the voice input, in the settings of NeoV. Though I did not see this working.
I just got my Razr Maxx and have a question about the voice to text. When I talk, it cuts off on me after only a short pause. My friend has this phone and it doesn't cut off on her that fast. Is there a way to set the length on how long it stays on before it cuts off?
The voice detection was turned off. I enabled it, said OK Google three times, and it's working. But the search bar on top of every home screen (Nexus 5) no longer has "Say OK Google" in it. I don't mind, but is this an official change?
How to get voice input on the LG G3 keyboard? I have added it in the menu and activated everything but the handwriting pencil appears instead. Even after a long press on the "wheel", no voice key appears...
I'm locked out of my phone. Whenever my phone restarts, it for some reason always changes the default input to Google Voice Input. I just recently changed my security from a Pattern to a Pin. The only problem is now I can't enter my unlock PIN with the google voice keyboard. I said the numbers followed by "enter" and "return" or the numbers by themselves but it didn't work.
The advertising / presentation video for 3.03 shows a dude giving voice commands / direction to his phone, which starts to navigate to the correct address without a finger touched the phone. How will I do this on N97, is it possible?
I've noticed that the voice input feature for text messaging (which I REALLY like!) sometimes appears to disable or something, all on its own, and when you attempt to utilize it again, it won't engage. Is there a toggle switch for this somewhere?
I mean, installing agingerbread keyboard from play store, the voice input icon appears in the keyboard...However, I'd prefer to use the stock one.This is for the xperia active, compilation 4.0.2.A.0.62 (android 2.3.4) and at the moment I don't plan to upgrade to ics.
Without me doing anything, my (new) HTC ONE M9 started requiring me to SPEAK the necessary text (e.g. passwords) instead of presenting the keyboard where one would normally type the text.
Started with VIBER OUT (when I tried to purchase credit) but now it is pervasive - AY text input is expected through voice.
A small window at the bottom of the screen pops-up (with a mic button and the google logo on it) - I can't get rid of it ...
So the "OK Google" voice activation was working from home and Google Now screens this morning when I got the phone. Now the microphone icon changed to this and won't react to my voice input so I have to manually tap the icon to start voice command.
A few things that i discovered and its bad! Comparing to E71, E72 is very bad. By the way, this is the second E72 i am using. I bought one before, same issue, now the secound one, Same ISSUE again!
Here are the problems: I need to type in Chinese (pinyin) but whenever the language is switched to Chinese input, the calculator does not allow me to input decimal (how bad this is!).
Also in Chinese mode, once back to English input, the SPACE bar input is NOT WORKING. The only way is to restart the damm phone.
I just completed a system upgrade on my Mototola Droid Razr. It now vibrates on any text input (Text or internet input). Phone dialer is ok, just all other word input. I have unchecked or checked everything that was normal under the old Android version. Currently using 4.1.2 android version.
i have only just had a new blackberry replacement phone sent to me and was working fine until it started cutting out when i plugged it in to charge, it would reboot after and carried on. Now it has cut out and will not reboot at all! i cant get it off the rebooting screen and the bar is now loading.
I have the iPhone 4g through Verizon. During phone conversations, the mic will cut out for 30 seconds-2minutes. The caller can hear me, I can't hear the caller. I've tried to restart the phone, update, etc. FWIW I use a network extender because I don't get great service at my home. However, this shouldn't be an issue as my boyfriend gets fine service and the problem happens when I'm not at home as welll.
I recently bought an iphone 4s. When I'm talking on it wheather its on internal ear speaker or external speaker or blue tooth I loose the ability to hear what the other party is saying. They can still hear me. Is there something wrong with my phone or is it a bad OS system?
I am close to launching my lovely new phone out the window.... You press call to start a call and it simply beeps and ends the call. when it does this you have no way of making a call how ever many times you try it does the same thing. The person you are trying to call will get a missed call from you as the phone connects for a split second then ends the call.
For 4 night nights now at roughly the same time around 11 pm my mobile network goes out now you guys who own a Photon know that when your network is running and connected your bars and the little 3G icon glow blue when everything is going good,
For some reason at the same time for the past 4 days my bar and my little icon will turn grey showing that i still have connextion but dont have any access, seeing as how this is the high part of my day and I use my phone to tether my pc to the internet you can understand when i say its becoming a serious hendrance.
I have a Mazda 3 2014 with built in Infotainment system, and I can of course place calls from it over bluetooth. My Nexus 5 would dial, and as you expect the car remains connected and the audio and dialling occurs through the car system. With my Nexus 6P, the car talks to my phone, and then immediately cuts off the bluetooth, a bit like a failure to communicate, but the phone will then carry on calling, and only if I try to dial from my car, and if the person has answered does it then lock on and maintain the call via the car system.
Anyone else experiencing this issue. When playing music and ipod player open, when I want to unlock phone and go back to homescreen, the sound briefly cuts out and goes silent for split second.
I can reproduce this everytime. Just wondered whether this is standard on iphone 4/Ios4. This never used to happen on my iphone 3G.
StepsPlay some music using ipod player with ipod player still open, press power botton to lock phone press home button then slide to unlock (sounds briefly cuts out) with ipod player open, press home button (sounds briefly cuts out)
I've recently just had to change handsets to the Curve 8520 model; mine is approximately 1 year old and previously used as a pay as you go phone but my SIM card is on contract.However, whenever I make or receive calls my voice will randomly cut out to the recipient for a few seconds and then return to normal but will reoccur shortly after even though I have full signal.
I have had a Blackberry Storm for about 2 months. I have found that when making a call, the phone regularly cuts out. Has anyone else experienced this?
My Torch 9800 is three months old now and last week, the browser started acting weirdly. In any website I go to, twitter, yahoo home page or tumblr, there would always be white blanks or cuts that prevent me from seeing the whole page. It isn't just one cut, as i scroll down there will be white cuts every now and then. It isn't something related to poor internet connection either, I tried testing it standing beside our wifi internet router with full signal and still the page loads like this.
There isn't a Blackberry service center here in the Philippines and the nearest is either Hong Kong or Singapore. The telecom brand that I got the phone from advised me to try resetting my phone back to factory settings so that maybe this glitch might clear up. I asked them if it was something that could be solved by updating or is a result of accidentally changing some phone options. In the end they told me to back up my phone, bring it to them so they could restore it to factory settings, worse comes to worst that it's still not back to normal, since it's still under warranty, they'll gladly give me a new one.
ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS?? Does it have something to do with updating? lack of memory space? accidentally changing browser options/settings?Here are links of what it looks like. I took the liberty of screen munching it so you guys can understand what im trying to say [URL]..
Whenever I playback videos on my S5, with headphones on, the audio cuts out after a few minutes, but the video continue to play.
Like the volume automatically mutes itself randomly. And I would have to restart whatever media app I'm using and start over from where I left off. This only happens when I use headphones and I have tried several different ones. I usually use the in-ear samsung ones that came with the phone or my sony ones. Both are standard headphones. I don't have any wireless or bluetooth headphones. It never happens on loudspeaker.
It happens with media on my phone, sd card, whether I use WIFI, 4G , 3G or Flight Mode. It also happens when the phone is charging or using the battery.
I have done a soft reset, factory reset, and also removed every 3rd party media player app.
It doesn't happen when I play games or when I listen to music on the Music App.
Phone Model: SM G901F Apps affected: MX Player, VLC Player, Soundcloud, Youtube, Video Player.
This has been annoying me for the past several weeks, I've had a Galaxy Ace, Ace 2 and Mini 2, and never had this problem before. My brother has an S5 Mini, and we have the same 32GB sd model, and he has no problems with his phone. So it's not the memory card. I watch a lot of movies and stream a lot of tv shows, when I'm home and when I commute.
I have an Iphone 5 and almost always when the battery life gets around 20-30% the volume will cut out and stop working. It will still ring for phone calls but, just listening to music or videos it won't work. Sometimes closing apps that are running in the background will temporarily fix it but it cuts out again. This does not happen with headphones in ...
The news reader? I bought it for my 4 when I first got it and promptly forgot about it. It's the small screen, I guess, lately though I've been forcing myself to use it and it almost sings. It just cuts down my time tremendously. Anyone else using it, or something better?