Motorola Droid Razr :: Yahoo Email App - Can't See All Folders

Mar 29, 2012

New to the Maxx and having a problem - I use the default Yahoo Email APP. When I click on FOLDERS, it doesn't show the few additonal Folders that exist in my YAHOO account online. The only ones displayable are: Inbox, Trash, Outbox, and Sent. These appear to be only Folders ON my phone -- not what exists in my online YAHOO account.. On my previous phone, there use to be a way to display those other folders ..

Maybe it's time to look at another email APP ..

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Yahoo Mail Doesn't Show All Of Folders To Move Emails Out Of Inbox

May 4, 2012

Yahoo mail doesn't show all of the folders to move e-mails out of my inbox. It only shows inbox and trash. This wasn't an issue with my X. How can I make them visible?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: New Yahoo Mail App - No Longer Receive Email Notification

Dec 19, 2012

I have recently downloaded the new Yahoo mail app and after doing so I no longer receive a notification that I have received an email. I use light flow and it is set up properly for all other notifications.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Create Folders Within The App Drawer On Stock ICS?

Jul 16, 2012

Is there are way to create folders within the App Drawer on stock ICS?I've noticed you can create groups, but I'd really rather have them in folders within the drawer.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Unable To Connect To Shared Folders?

Nov 3, 2012

I'm trying to connect to my shared folders on a Windows XP machine through the My Files app, but it keeps saying the login is incorrect. The shared folders are the typical XP Shared Documents in My Computer, and I can access them through EStrongs File Explorer easily, and the PC has a username and password so that's not the problem. It doesn't matter what I type in for that anyways.Shouldn't this work out of the box? It seems like I have to jump through some unspecified hoops here, and there's no clue what I'm supposed to do. It looks like a useless feature at this point.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Yahoo Mail In Triplicate?

Jun 12, 2012

I have the droid razr maxx and I used the stock razr account setup to setup my yahoo email. I guess my question would be is there a problem with yahoo servers or is motorola and yahoo just not playing nice? I keep getting emails in triplicate and Im not sure what causes it. Some days it will work just fine and I'll get my email correctly and other times I wake up with like 30 emails but there will be just repeat messages in triplicate.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: HD Lost Sync With Both My Gmail And Yahoo

Dec 21, 2012

My Droid Razr HD lost sync with both my gmail and yahoo email today. It came up as a sync error.I then enter my passwords for both accounts and they then restore only to immediately give me a sync error. Tried deleting the email app cache and data,no avail. Deleted and added the accounts and got the same thing. I then logged into the verizonwireless website and deleted and added them on there. Same issue.An error pops up asking me to select one of the accounts below to re-validate my account.The account name is based on an existing email address which is associated with your verizon account. It also pops up sometimes that username and password are incorrect which they aren't.

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Where Did Email Folders Go

Aug 24, 2012

Before the ICS update (which has been a nightmare - 4 hours with Verizon trying to fix my phone....) hitting "settings" had an option for showing all folders. Now I can only find the inbox - where did "sent" mail and "Trash" go?

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BB Bold :: Email In Sub Folders In Yahoo Are Not Showing On It?

Jul 5, 2012

In Yahoo, I have about 30 subfolders under INBOX, and rules establlished to drive the incoming emails to specific folders. When an email comes in that is routed to a subfolder, Yahoo enboldens the subfolder as expected, howeverr the email does not show on my BB. It is unlikely that I will be opening "folders" on my BB every 30 minutes to check all of the subfolders for new email.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Email Apps That Can Use All Folders?

Mar 15, 2015

I've always used whatever email app was stock on my phones but I've recently been experimenting with other apps. My primary acct. is with Comcast and I have multiple folders set up for organization purposes; receipts, auto, ebay, etc. None of the email apps I've tried recognize any of the folders other than the inbox. Are there any apps out there that support this? Also, every app I've tried seem to only be able access the most recent 45 emails? Why don't they see everything in the inbox?

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IPhone :: App To Make Email Client To SCAN Into Yahoo Folders?

Jun 8, 2012

All this time iPhone was out on the market, i needed a way to make the to scan into my email folders. i have a Yahoo! account set up and it's only for the Inbox. i have filters/rules that redirect emails to certain folders in the yahoo email account, but the iOS doesn't scan in there. is there an alternative? other than entering - step by step - in all the folders?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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Motorola Droid X :: Yahoo Email Is Not Syncing With It?

Jun 14, 2011

I have removed and readded my Yahoo email account. I can send a email from my yahoo account on my phone but I cannot receive emails on my yahoo account. The little icon shows that it is trying to load but it will not do it. I've had this issue since I updated my phone on June 2.

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Motorola Droid X :: Gingerbread Email Still Not Supporting IMAP Folders?

Jun 1, 2011

Has anyone been able to ge the default mail client to use imap server folders? Such as "sent", "drafts", "trash" instead of using the folders located on the phone?

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Motorola Droid :: Delete A Duplicate Folder From The Email Folders?

Jul 19, 2011

How do I delete a duplicate folder from the email folders? (I have a drafts folder and what looks like a draft paper.)

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Motorola Droid X :: Keep Losing Connectivity With Yahoo Email

Sep 14, 2011

One of the big benefits of these phones is the ability to stay on top of email. I have a yahoo account and I have it loaded into my messaging app. Over the year that I've had this phone my yahoo occasionally has become deathly silent. Of coarse the android is not updating or even connecting to my account. This happened on average every couple of months. I've done a few things to try to get it back including deleting and reloading the account, updating the android os, messing with email settings. It usually eventually comes back on its own...within a couple of days. Its now getting to the point where I lose connectivity every week or two and its gone for that much time. This is really annoying and I don't keep on top of my emails nearly as effectively. I need to fix this. I'm not seeing alot of posts with the same issue though.

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Motorola Droid X :: Yahoo Email No Longer Getting Auto Notification

Jun 3, 2011

Since I did the current update I'm no longer getting my Yahoo (which is my primary account) email notifications (I was before the update). If I go in to check email I have messages. My Comcast accounts works fine. Background data is enabled.

Under "email settings" I have "Data Push" selected ( I even tried it with it unselected). I have fetch schedule "every 15 minutes" checked. I did notice that when I go into "Folder Sync" All the folders say "manual". I've also tried several battery pulls. If I go and open the email apps it does download the emails.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Use "Shared Folders" In The File

Jan 17, 2012

I've tried everyitbng...and searched the internet...but can't find any explanation of how "Shared Folders" work in the Droid RAZR. I've tried everyting I can think of to connect, but NO success. What's the secret?

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Is Push For Yahoo Mail Actually Supported Through The Built In Email Client

Jul 14, 2011

Is push for Yahoo Mail actually supported through the built in e-mail client? I have it enabled in the preferences, but it doesn't seem to work. I thought it was working when I first setup the account, but I may have been imagining things. I've gone through the process of deleting the account multiple times and also clearing the mobile settings/permissions in my yahoo account profile.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Email Attachment Missing When Email Is Digitally Signed?

Mar 13, 2012

On my Droid Razr Maxx using Corporate Sync with the built-in email client attached to an Exchange 2010 server, when i receive an email that is digitally signed (but not encrypted) any and all attachments do not come with the email. (no paperclip symbol). I receive all other attachments fine when the email is not digitally signed.Using Verizon Wireless as carrier.if the signed email was sent to my Gmail account all attachments appear as normal.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Set My Email To BCC Myself?

Dec 14, 2012

That way I can have all sent emails on my PC too.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Can't Set Up Corporate Email

Feb 10, 2012

when I got update I had to do hard reset due to phone acting up. Now I can't set up my corporate email. Advises it failed to load. So you have to set it up before update and hope you never have to do a hard reset. Also noticed I have more data drop outs and data is very slow.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Old Email Keeps Downloading?

Jul 22, 2012

ICS downloaded yesterday, since then old deleted email keeps downloading to my phone. I have the email set to save a copy of the email on the server. some reason the phone keeps going back and grabbing email that I've all ready viewed several days ago. I delet it, and next cycle it goes back and pickes up email from an even later date.Never happened until the ice cream update yesterday. how to stop it?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Email Video Clip

Oct 18, 2012

Since ICS, which i just noticed recently, my razr won't let me attach a video file to an email. I realize the file has to be less than 25mb which they have been. The phone keeps saying "file size exceeded" Can someone out there tell me how to get videos attached to an email?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Email Account Is Not Syncing With It?

Nov 24, 2012

Well the last week or so I have noticed that my email account is not syncing with my Razr Maxx HD - It is an outlook account - it also does the same thing with my Yahoo account as well I tried looking in settings for sync frequency but there is not option to set - I know on previouse phones there has been option for it but not this one.. Other than deleting the account and re-doing it or restoring the phone, because those two dont work.

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Corporate Email Not Syncing?

Dec 23, 2012

I have a razr maxx hd and ever since I did the jellybean update, my corporate email will synch correctly for a few hours and then stop synching. This may last for couple of hours or all day. I have deleted the account several times and also have done a FDR

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Cannot Receive Email Attachments

Jul 10, 2012

Got the ICS update the other day, now I cannot receive email attachments.[URL]

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Switch From Email To Gmail App

Dec 2, 2011

I got a RAZR a couple of weeks ago for my wife, and I made a mistake setting it up. I setup the email app instead of the gmail app. Now all the emails are going only to the phone, so unless the laptop is left on all the time (we use google apps sync to outlook), it never gets any emails.

How do I get these emails back to gmail? Can I mass forward these emails back out somehow? I can forward one at a time, and I can save to the sd messaging folder one at a time.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Get 'Invalid Credentials' On Email

Jun 27, 2012

I have 2 Yahoo and 1 Gmail account and I am getting certification errors.I try to re-input my password but get "Invalid Credentials".I try to remove the accounts, but I get "Invalid Credentials" and can't delete the accounts.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: ICS Group Email Not Sending?

Aug 4, 2012

Unfortunately I got the ICS update a couple of weeks ago. I use my Razr Maxx as a business phone and since the update I can no longer email 'groups'. I have deleted the groups and entered them again....I have spent HOURS on the phone with Motorola and Verizon and all they keep doing is guessing at the cause. Motorola actually remotely accessed my phone and tried to figure out why this isn't working now with NO LUCK! I should be able to enter the group name in the To: and the group pull up. But it appears as though someone has FAILED to enable this simple function. Why in GOD's name even have 'groups'. I could do this on my blackberry in 2002. What a failure.

To be clear.This was no issue until the ICS doesn't work on either Gmail or the Corp Exchange acct.This is clearly a failure and will take some type of update to fix.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Turn Off Email Notification?

Apr 29, 2012

Tech at Verizon did not know how to turn off email notification. Would like to do so.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Set Different Notifications For Email/gmail?

Feb 4, 2012

There must be a way to do this.For example, everytime my bluetooth connects, I get a notifications sound, which I don't really need. Plus, it's the same sound for email and text.

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