Motorola Droid Razr :: Contacts Not Synching With Exchange

Aug 29, 2012

My company recently upgraded to Outlook 2010, which apparently automatically saves email address to an address book in Outlook called Suggested Contacts. This group automatically populates with contacts that you communicate or have communicated with, but are not in your contact list. Because the phones are all set up to sync with Exchange, this contact list is automatically synced to the phones by default.

The problem I'm having is, I changed the default so Outlook would no longer automatically populate this and gotten rid of this address book in Outlook, but now I can't get the contacts off the phone. I have tried unchecking the box that says sync contacts, but nothing happens. The contacts remain in the phone. I am posative the contacts are linked to the Exchange account and not to Google or some other account.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Corporate (Exchange) Sync Not Working For Contacts?

Nov 16, 2011

my email and calendar are working fine. My contacts, however, are not sync'ing. I've tried unchecking/rechecking the sync contacts option under accounts and get the same results.

We are using exchange online. I do have over 1000 contacts, could the number of contacts I have be the issue?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Cannot Sync With Exchange Account

Nov 11, 2011

I set up my corporate Exchange account using the Corporate Sync. It works fine when I am on 4G but when I switch to my Netgear 600 router at home I cannot sync with the Exchange account. Everything else works while on Wifi including my Gmail.

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: Exchange Emails Not Displaying

Dec 1, 2012

I have had problems with emails in my Microsoft Exchange account not displaying (completely blank body), not showing correct HTML content, and in some cases not showing the sender address. Now I don't know if it is inappropriate to say so on this forum, but I rooted the phone in order to uninstall the Moto email client, and install the stock ICS email client. Once I did that, none of my emails are blank, most HTML content shows correctly, and other quirky issues seem to have improved. But, the stock email client also does not have a search feature (big problem), you cannot swipe in the message list, and it's application icon does not show a badge for the number of unread emails. So it is a bit of a sacrifice to have to revert to the stock client just to be able to read my email. I have also tried TouchDown email and it displays all the Exchange emails fantastically, but it's look and feel is a bit crummy and it costs $20.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Exchange Active Sync Not Working?

May 24, 2012

Exchange Active Sync is not working for me. It will not sync anything. I can not get or send email.This had worked fine for months. Tried rebooting phone and deleting and adding back account. In the settings did the verify account and it says sucessful. Works for email if I use the "Email Accounts" option and not "Corporate Sync" option but I need my contacts and calander also to work.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Maxx Exchange Tasks Snooze Bug?

Nov 8, 2012

This bug is tied to the use of the Tasks app when syncing tasks with my Corporate Sync account. On the PC side, our company uses Outlook 2007 SP3, and the Exchange server version is 14.1.355.4001.This phone is on System version: 6.16.211.XT912.Verizon.en.US The bug is that the Snoozing of notifications is not being sync'd between the PC and the Maxx.Steps to reproduce, scenario A (Snooze action performed on PC):

1) Create task with a reminder in the future. Example --> Start: 11/8/2012, Due: 11/8/2012, Reminder: 11/8/2012 11:45AM

2) Await Reminder Notification on both the PC and Maxx (ie, ensuring newly generated task has sync'd out successfully)

3) On the PC, snooze the reminder

4) Wait a while, note Snooze is not sync'd to Maxx regardless of wait duration

Steps to reproduce, scenario B (Snooze action performed on Maxx):

1) Create task with a reminder in the future. Example --> Start: 11/8/2012, Due: 11/8/2012, Reminder: 11/8/2012 12:15PM

2) Await Reminder Notification on both the PC and Maxx (ie, ensuring newly generated task has sync'd out successfully)

3) On the Maxx, snooze the reminder

4) Wait a while, note Snooze is not sync'd to the PC regardless of wait duration The tasks app is a good one, hope to help iron out remaining tidbits to make it even better.

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Motorola Droid 3 :: Photos From Exchange Contacts Don't Show In Contacts App

Aug 7, 2011

I assigned pics to a bunch of my contacts and was pleased to see they synced over to my Exchange account. All of my Android phones I've had since then (G1, Droid, G2, Sidekick 4) pulled those pictures down from Exchange once I set up my contact sync and showed them in Contacts, when I'd get an incoming call from that person, in the text messaging app, etc.

But, the Droid3 doesn't. I'm guessing this is because it looks like it uses a custom app for Exchange, but still, I'd like to see it fixed/added. FWIW, contact pics from my Google+ contacts do show up.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: [Unable To Decrypt This Message] Exchange Email?

Nov 9, 2012

A coworker has a DOD encryption device on his computer. Whenever he sends me any email from his computer, I get the feather with the red exclamation point and the message [Unable to decrypt this message]. If I click on the red exclamation point I get the following:Digital signature informationDigital signature error.RROR: Unable to get certificatedata.My previous Droid 1 would display the messages from my coworkers computer without an error. We use a Microsoft Exchange email server. What do I need to do to be able to view emails from this coworker?He forwarded me the same message from his iPhone 3S and I was able to view it. So it has something to do with the encryption. I saw someone had the same problem on the Droid Razr HD / Droid HD MAXX forum.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Maxx Not Sending Exchange Email With Attachments?

Apr 21, 2012

I have a Droid razr maxx and an exchange server with it configured phone However now Im having trouble sending any email with my razr maxx on the exchange account if I try and add any sort of attachment to the email it refuses to send just sits in my outbox?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Exchange Email Signature Creating Hyperlinks?

Jan 18, 2012

I have searched other forums but have not found a fix. While configuring my Exchange signature block on my Razr it all looks great but the recipient sees phone numbers and address as hyperlinks, instead of just email address as a link. The phone and address links obviously go no where once clicked.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Exchange Connectivity Dropping - Not Receiving Email

Dec 3, 2012

On my Razr M, from time to time the phone will stop getting mail. Push is on. Normally works fine, however in the last few days, I'll notice that there is no mail and the last update was hours ago. If I reboot the phone, it all works again. Three different exchange accounts on the phone and the problem happens will all three accounts at the same time. When this does happen, I still have internet connectivity. Wifi or 4g makes no difference.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Multiple ActiveSync Records In Exchange 2010?

Aug 9, 2012

Several Motorola smartphones (mainly Razr's) are creating multiple ActiveSync records in Exchange when users provision a corproate email account on their phone. One record will become blocked or quarantined causing the phone not to receive mail. The user is also emailed a notification which is generating support calls.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: Sync Of Contacts From An Outlook Exchange Server?

May 13, 2011

I have accumulated over 1400 contacts in Outlook over the last 10 years. So, when I purchased my Droid 2 last year, there was no problem importing them into the phone with the exchange server. But, when the number increased above 1500, I noticed that the phone only accommodates 1487. note that I don't import contacts from other sources like Google or a social networking site.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Why Aren't Exchange Contacts Not Syncing Beyond Email

Jul 8, 2015

Since updating to Lollipop. my Exchange contacts are not syncing in my phone's stored contacts or with any apps outside of the stock email app. I have the "Sync contacts" box checked in the email app settings.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Syncing Outlook 2007 Contacts / Calendar Without Exchange?

Sep 11, 2011

Is there an easy way to sync Outlook contacts and calendar without Exchange? This is the only problem I have encountered with my new Bionic. The calendar synced, but I have lost my categories, etc. The contacts synched, but I seem to have three of everything (???). Is there a way to delete all the contacts on the phone and start over? I find it hard to believe someone has not come up with an App to make a direct USB sync with the PC, given the Extensive use of Outlook...

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Fix Favorites In Contacts

Jan 3, 2012

When I set up, or attempt to, the favorites I can't get past 10 contacts in the 20 boxes provided. I press the + sign to add contacts, but when I press additional contacts they get inserted over some of the existing contacts thereby removing the others. When I press "favorites" at the top of the screen all of my choices appear on a list, but they don't all fill the 20 boxes.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Contacts Not Available In Phone App

Jul 22, 2012

When I open my Phone App, I have Favorites, Recent, and Dialpad catagories. What was Motorola doing NOT putting Contacts in the Phone app. I'm really unimpressed by ICS and actually prefer the previous OS.

Bluetooth functionality doesn't work well. There's so much idosyncratic about this OS that I personally do NOT like.

It seems that this release is typical of a manufacturer letting their user base beta test the OS for them.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Transfer Contacts To Car Using It?

Apr 15, 2012

When I start my car the bluetooth finds my phone (Droid RAZR), but does not transfer the contacts, nor the calls received and sent. My older phone was an HTC ERIS and all information was transfered automatically. When making calls from the car, it's inconvenient if I still have handle the phone to find someone.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Delete All Contacts

May 30, 2012

I synced my Gmail with my Droid and ended up with 3000+ contacts.How do I start over and delete all contacts on my Droid Razr?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Get It To Download The Contacts?

May 28, 2012

I have a 2011 Hyundai Sonata with a hands-off system. My Droid Razr will pair with the system and will operate but wii not download the contacts list so that I can use the voice actuated dialing system. How do I get the phone to download the contacts?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Only Display Contacts With Numbers

Jul 5, 2012

I'm probably just blind, but where is the setting (If it's still there) in the contact lists to have it only display contacts with a phone number? Otherwise I end up with every person I email on my exchange account on my contacts list.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Sync Facebook Contacts To It?

Jan 7, 2012

how to sync facebook contacts to the razor?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Cannot Sync Facebook Contacts?

Dec 14, 2011

i cant seem to sync my fb contacts.i entered my fb email/pass into the accounts appit said it was ok, but no contacts show up in my contacts nor do any show up in my gallery app. i tried re-entering the info, removing the acct, adding it again, rebooting my phone etc. now, it looks like there is a tiny bit of progress.. i can see "me" but that's it. in the contacts app, if i only select to display fb contacts, it just shows me and not body else. in the gallery app, if i hit menu and then hit "friends" again, it only shows me. why is this not pulling in any contacts/friends?

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Motorola Droid Razr HD :: No Display Only Contacts With Phone?

Nov 21, 2012

Why isnt there an option to display only contacts with phone? It used to be there in GB. It was there with my razr before the ICS update and then it went away and still not there when I got my razr HD. I liked that reature because I liked to sync all the contacts and then only show just the contacts with phone numbers.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: NAV Can't Find Addresses In Contacts

Jan 6, 2012

I was trying to start the navagation app and select an address from Contacts to get directions. The response was no contacts have an address. The work around is to start up MAPS, find an address and then in the MAP app, select navigation. Is this how it is suppose to work? If not, is there a fix?

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Contacts Disappearing From Favorites?

Dec 14, 2011

Now my contacts saved as my favorites are disappearing?This has happened numerous times. ***, Its like motorola did no testing whatsoever on this phone!

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Bad Search Results For Contacts?

Jul 11, 2012

Using Voice Search on my RAZR MAXX, using it for the automatic commands, I'm getting odd results. Here's a specific example...

speaking ... "Call Mom mobile" - This comes up w/ the display that's about to call a number, but it has the wrong number. The screenshot has the number blocked out and I aded "Wrong Number" on top of it, but so people could see what stage I'm at.This also occurs using the autocomplete when sending a text message. I type in "mom" and the WRONG contact shows up in the drop down below (wrong name, wrong number). *** It is important to note here that the WRONG contact that shows up in this case MATCHES the wrong contact that shows up w/ Voice Search.This used to work just fine, I've used it for months. But it's recently stopped working.

So, using "People" (which is listed as "Contacts" in manage apps?! - so, under Apps, only "People" is listed, no "Contacts" ... under manage apps, no "People" entry is listed, only "Contacts") on my phone - entry for "Mom" is NOT present. But, an entry using her first / last is there. The number is present, the wrong number is not.Getting online to check my contacts directly with google - there IS an entry for "Mom", with the correct number, the wrong number is not there. If I do a search for the wrong number, it takes me to the correct contact (not Mom), if I search for Mom's number, it pulls up the correct contact (Mom).

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Number Of Contacts Is Not Correct?

Nov 24, 2012

I have just done a resync of my contacts from Outlook to Goggle. I have done everything I could to find why the Razr doesn't show (or has combined) some of my contacts. I use Outlook (2003), used gsyncit to get all of my contacts to Goggle (deleted all previous contacts). My Outlook shows 1436 contacts. My Google ( shows 1436. I have a table (Toshiba) and the contacts in it (showing only the google contacts) is also 1,436. BUT, the Razr did show 1434 on the initial sync, now shows 1,433 contacts. Another contact "lost" on the cell phone when the tablet and google on the web all showing the same number as Outlook

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Any Way To Sort Contacts By Business?

Mar 1, 2012

Right now on my Raza Maxx and even the Bionic the only two choices is First or Last name sort. I have a lot of Contact with only a First name sometimes as I use to have them sorted by Business. 90% of my Contacts are separate businesses. As I am a Packaging Service Consultant Service for Food Packaging. So I have the Contact of who I call when I go to the Plants. Is there a App that will sort them by business. I find it hard to believe that a Company the Size of Motorola or Google wouldn't have that choice. I guess the Blackberry in all its dreariness Trumps the Not So Smart Phone. It sometimes hard to remember who John H, Vs John S. when you deal with almost a hundred different Co. With some you don't talk to for a couple months or more.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Get Contacts Into Landscape Mode

Mar 9, 2012

My phone dialer and related apps, including "Contacts" will only display in vertical portrait orientation. Have tried starting in landscape and rotating to landscape and rotating back and forth, but no luck.Also dialer, when it is on a call will only show in portrait mode.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Saving Contacts On Phone Memory?

Nov 27, 2012

how can i save contacts on my phone rather than in a google account. Every time i create a new contact, it comes up at the top as Google Contact and when i create the contact it gets saved to google account.If i delete the google contact, all the contacts gets deleted too. I just want to save my contacts to my phone memory and not on google.

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