Motorola Droid Razr :: How To Get Contacts Into Landscape Mode
Mar 9, 2012
My phone dialer and related apps, including "Contacts" will only display in vertical portrait orientation. Have tried starting in landscape and rotating to landscape and rotating back and forth, but no luck.Also dialer, when it is on a call will only show in portrait mode.
I have noticed with the RAZR that when composing a text in landscape mode you actually have to click "done" and then "send" but not if the phone is positioned normal. Can this be changed? I tend to forget to hit send thinking I did when I select done.
i have noticed that every time i view my email from any account using the stock email app in landscape view i can not scroll the email list smoothly. when i try and scroll it sticks every so often making it difficult to go through my emails in landscape.
i keep my phone in portrait mode but whenever a video plays (except in the Internet app) it switches to landscape and i see no option to use portrait anywhere. how do i get it to just go with whatever orientation i'm in? the iphone does this just fine.
Is there an app or way to have all my Home screens rotate to landscape mode, as well as key apps like the dialer? I use the nav system in the car if calls come in, or if I want to lauch a traffic app, the screens, menus and dialer are all portrait/vertical. I've tried Open Home as a home screen replacement but felt it slowed down my DroidX and I don't really want to have to go through all the shortcut customization again. I tried the Car dock but can't globally add all the apps and some of the alternate car replacement apps seem to require a physical dock, which I don't use, and require adding in the apps I want to use.
I have discovered that all of the pictures that I take in portrait orientation once emailed to someone they are switched to landscape. The pictures can not be rotated back to the proper orientation with out opening Paint program and rotating them manually. I take hundreds and thousands of pics of my life (kids, vacations etc..) and do not want to have to manipulate them later on once moved to my computer. If you lower the picture quality to 6mp it fixes the problem, also if you shoot the pic in HDR mode. I should not have to do this to make it work. Fail.
ok i am bored at work finished my stuff early i must kill 30 minutes. anyways i get on Internet to watch some hdnet fights my phone that im still waiting for its replacement to get here as usual battery down to 40% witih little use. i have to put it to charge im thinking cool the charging hookup is on the left side so i can lay phone on therightet side and watch videos cable pointing up. well it plays full screen upside down why put the usb port on the side and not let video play in full screen landscape mode with usb port facing up. is there a way to fix this because its so lame. i have to hold the phone rather than lat it there because the usb crable is in the way when trying to watch in landscape mode. in top of it my touchscreen is still acting erratic while charging.
When I put the phone in the navigation dock, the phone refuses to display anything in portrait orientation.This seems to be a common issue observed in other forums.IMO, navigation is much better in portrait mode, as it allows you to see farther ahead.Is this behaviour by design?If not, it there a plan to fix it or allow us to change it?
The effect Airplane Mode has on the GPS and mobile network radios. Specifically, is it possible to use only the GPS in Airplane Mode, leaving the other radios off, or must I disable airplane Mode and deny data access (leaving the mobile radios on) in order to use the GPS?
I really hate how I have to choose a set time to have my phone go to sleep. I watch the stock market while I am working at my computer and using my phone and it will automatically go to sleep after a set time that only goes up to 10 minutes with the new ICS 4.0.4. Why can't I deactivate this? This is really annoying.
I bought the HDMI dock (not HD station) and while I'm plugged in with it to my tv my phone keeps freezing. The screen turns black on the tv. I imagine it's because it loses the HDMI signal. I have to do a hard reset. This is not some random thing. It always does it while I'm on the internet. Or the facebook app. I can stream Netflix without a hitch but as soon as I jump on line the phone freezes. Could it be the phone? HDMI dock? Or the radio shack HDMI cable and mini HDMI to regular HDMI converter? Right now I'm connected to the HDMI dock but not on mirror mode. Just using my phone. I wonder if I connect the HDMI cable straight to my phone will the same thing happen? I'll try and report back. I just trued connecting te hdmi cord straight ti te phine and no freezes. Only problem is unlike when im connected to the dock the screen on to the tv is not full size and vĂdeo quality is not good. I used the web top app and it never froze. It only happens in mirror mode.
I bought the new Droid Razr M on09/13/2012. It randomly goes into emergency mode. I contacted Verizon about the issue and they said they will notify Motorola. get the same issue or a different issue?
I dont get when we're told about an upgrade, that you find it acceptable to TAKE AWAY features? i have been choosing Android over Apple for years for things such as USB Mass Storage mode. I know people who plug their phones in USB to their car CD Players and use it as if it were a flash drive. Now those users who may just have purchased a new phone are now screwed. You add features for upgrades not remove them. I am shocked and truthfully appualed to see where this new type of developer planning can lead to. Next were going to get pushed onto the cloud. If I'm going to remain an Android enthusiast and recommend Android to others you will not take away the things that brought me to Android! I could seriously put my Env touch before ever getting the FIRST OG Droid in Mass Storage Mode.This is not being posted to ruffle the feathers of users on this forum. This is intended as a wake up call to the developers to realize it was us phone enthusiasts that started this smart phone revolution anyways. We ousted Blackberry when they started acting like a bunch of tools. Don't do the same.
There is no macro mode listed in the RAZR M's camera settings. Is this because the stock app does not support macro (merely a software thing) or is it a camera hardware feature that is missing on the M camera?
I've been getting Bluetooth input lag when using mirror mode. I have a RII Mini Mouse/Keyboard combo which lags as soon as Mirror Mode is activated. The Mouse/Keyboard works perfectly outside of Mirror Mode. I also tried a logitech mouse (mouse only) and had the same choppy/laggy results. I tried both the RII and Logitech with wifi off, again with 4G off and again with both wifi and 4G off. This did not improve results.
I am using a mini HDMI to standard HDMI cable to connect to my monitor and TV. I get the same results on both screens. I have also tried at different battery levels with the charger connected and disconnected. This happens every time I choose something from "Select Dock Type". If I dismiss that prompt after connecting HDMI i do not have the lag (prompt is dismissed by hitting home or back button when prompted). If I do choose a dock type the lag starts and does not stop until i disconnect HDMI.
steps are listed below for verizon customers only with 4G Devices with " ICS or Jelly Bean "
how to switch from 4G to CDMA mode verizon devices.
For whatever reason, Verizon and Motorola have removed the option under Mobile Network Settings to switch to "CDMA Only" in the Ice Cream Sandwich update that is headed to RAZRs over the next few days. For anyone that doesn't have a RAZR MAXX, this is a problem, as LTE destroys batteries faster than you can charge them. In place of the former "CDMA Only" option is a "Global" feature for those that travel the world. Why they didn't leave the old option and simply add "Global" to the list is a great mystery, but don't worry, we have a way to get you onto 3G and saving batteries in just a few steps.
I wanted to test booting into safe mode so I followed the directions here. I did get the "safe mode" in the lower left hand corner of the screen. But soon after that it restarted by itself and started back up in normal mode. I tried that 3 time and the same thing happened.
I've had ice cream sandwich for about two weeks. Since then I can't stream video when I'm in desktop mode. Android mode is very limited. I called verizon, they called motorola. Motorola said streaming is no longer supported on desktop mode with ICS. The crappy part is she could not report the problem, I was to explain my problem on this forum so the software poeaple could read this. I've got better things to do than registering for a forum so someone might read this and get streaming back. Not a happy camper with ICS.
I've noticed this happen several times before, but if I'm connecting/disconnecting to headphone jack or bluetooth, all media volumes will go silent (resuming a podcast, music, etc), and turning up/down the volume has no affect. The only fix I've found is to pause everything, go to the homescreen, turn the phone volume (which appears automatically) down, then go back into the app and press play. However, sometimes I can't turn the phone volume down on the homescreen because only the media volume appears, even after I close the media apps (even from the recent menu from holding the Home button). Even going into Menu > System Settings > Sound > Volumes and adjusting everything there made no difference. I had to make a phone call, hang up, then go back to the homescreen, turn the phone volume all the way to mute/vibrate, then turn it back up and go back into my media app and the media sound would be restored. It's really frustrating and considering how often I use media apps and how often this happens, I'm considering ditching the Razr Maxx and getting a non-Motorola phone.
Well I just noticed this but at night when I have my phone on the charger it automatically goes into airplane mode without me messing with it. Then in the morning when I wake up its in airplane mode and I don't know why because I never put it in airplane mode at night and I do not have smart actions toggled or anything. Also I noticed when I send a text using the text messaging app,Its like a bug where I write the text and press send but it never shows up that I sent the text it shows nothing but the text the person sent to me.
I know I sound ignorant here, but how do I turn off data saver mode on my RAZR, I have unlimited data and have a large email I need to download. I can't find data manager on settings.
Just traded in my Bionic for a RAZR MAXX HD - I am trying to use HDMI mirror mode with the Motorola Smart Controller (RZ100) and BT keyboard to get me as close to a Lapdock as possible. I am on JB OTA, didn't have ICS to compare this bug to.
2 problems/bugs I have run into:
Playing video's thru any app I've tried (MX Player, Stock player, Netflix etc.) The video plays fine, sound good etc.........if I pause, stop, rewind, fast forward or exit Video app. The phone soft resets 90% of the time? After having the phone connected via HDMI cable, when I unplug the phone. I have no media sound coming from phone speakers until I reboot the phone, sound must still be trying to route thru HDMI port even though cable is not plugged in?
there is no notification that pops up showing it is in running in Mirror Mode. Should there be? Similar to how it works when placed in the car dock?
I'm using a RAZR MAXX HD with the Motorola vehicle dock. I've enabled the Smart Actions for turning on Vehicle Mode when I drop it in the dock, and I like this for the most part. When I get a text message, a popup notifies me that I've received one, and prompts me to "Say listen to hear this message." However, I've only been able to get the damn thing to recognize me saying "listen" once, out of several dozen times this has happened. I don't have an accent (I'm from California) and have a fairly loud voice. Any tricks to getting this to work? I've tried louder, quieter, faster, slower, weird pronunciations, cursing at it... no luck!
I'm pretty certain it's actually picking up me saying "listen" because I see a little popup bubble on the screen saying something like "Waiting for speech" then after I speak it will show "listen listen listen".
For what it's worth, voice input seems to work just fine in any native Google app (search, navigation). It's just the (Moto?) Vehicle Mode ones that hardly ever work.
how to get into recovery mode on the RAZR M with Jelly Bean loaded? I would like to wipe my cache.I am able to power down the phone, hold both volume buttons, power on the phone, and choose "Recovery" from the black & white (bootloader?) menu. The phone proceeds to the screen with the Android character lying on his back with the red triangle showing. However I cannot get any menu options to appear as I could with ICS by holding down both volume buttons.Has anyone been able to get the "cache/date wipe" menu options to appear on the red triangle screen?
Does the RAZR hardware support USB host mode? Will it function under Gingerbread? Will it function under ICS? I know the Galaxy S2 support this. I expect the Galaxy Nexus will. I want the RAZR and I hope it also supports this, at least under ICS.
This is something I've dealt with and have tried to address ever since ICS was released. Each night I set my phone into the standard dock (non-usb one), and the bedside mode comes up as it should and the screen dims after a minute or so as it should. It is usually around 10 to 15 minutes after I dock the phone that the problem occurs. What happens: The bedside alarm app is removed from the screen, revealing the home screen in landscape mode. My screen then times out (shuts off) as it should, because the bedside alarm clock is not the active window. My alarms work fine, but I can't see what time it is when I wake up before my alarm goes off unless I turn the screen on and look at the lock screen. I've tried factory resets, fxz file, removing all apps from recent apps list, resetting the alarm app data, nothing seems to.
I have searched for an answer to this, so if it is out there, I apologize. I have a stock Razr Maxx HD running Jelly Bean.his problem actually started with ICS, and I thought Jelly Bean would fix it, but it hasn't.I have the "flip stand with smart charger" and for a while, desktop mode worked great with it. Then, one day, it doesn't work at all. I had it set to default to "Desk Dock" but now evertime the "smart charger" is plugged in, the screen goes black and says "Unfortunately, Desk Dock has stopped". It will not work.into the Desk Dock app under All Apps in my settings to clear data and that didn't work either
I notice that Circle Battery Widget no longer breaks down what is using the battery. I know the battery portion of "settings" shows you...but I never used the settings part after Circle Battery came on the scene
When I watch a video in Motorola's Video player, it flips to landscape every time; no way to watch in portrait like I can on my old Droid or the iPhone.