Motorola Droid 4 :: Takes Several Minutes To Receive Satellite Signals
Jul 10, 2012
My Droid 4 has suddenly become very unreliable with regards to the GPS. All of a sudden, it takes several minutes (if at all) to receive sat signals, and if it does connect it gives wildly incorrect information. I have not installed any new software and I even tried Safe Mode, no difference.
What should I do if my n97 could not receive satellites signal? When I check satellite status, appear this message: " no satellite data available" My friend is standing right beside me and his Samsung is connecting to the satellites in a few second.
Any thoughts on why I takes my Xoom about 8-10 minutes to bootup? I will admit I have something like 400 apps on it but the main flash still has 20gb free on it. Once booted up it seems to run pretty normally. Is there a way for me to speed the boot process up?
i use the pre-installed route66 to navigate....abd it takes 3 to 5 minutes to lock satelite...also in other applications that GPS is needed , it always takes too long...
Is there any information about haptic feedback (vibration) signals on the Droid 4? I have noticed sometimes after adjusting the volume with the side-mounted rocker buttons that I will sometimes experience a double (short) vibrate or a longer vibrate, but it doesn't seem to happen all the time. I have also experienced these feedback signals at other times, and can't figure out what is triggering them or what they are meant to indicate. They don't seem related to notifications or other obvious indications.
This is happening 2-3 times a day on average where I won't have any data connection at all. Nothing connects data-wise and 3G/1X icon disappears altogether. Never happened before GB update. Simple reboot restores the data connection.
My GPS worked splendidly for about a year with the Droid X. Now it really doesn't work at all. On Google Maps the circle never goes below a kilometer, and even with that it is usually wrong. When I try and use it to Navigate, it never tells me where to turn and I get lost because it isn't getting a signal.
I checked, and all settings were on for GPS. I restarted the phone and pulled the battery. I installed GPS Status and tried to Manage A-GPS state. First I reset, and that didn't work. Then I Downloaded and that didn't work either. The app thinks it is doing something but no satellites show up and the radar even outdoors and even not moving.
I just got my Rar Maxx last night and it was working fine. I would notice however that every couple of minutes the screen would turn on, stay on for a minute, then turn off. It would then repeat the process. So I did a factory reset, same thing happened. I realized it would turn itself on because it would drop the 3G connection totally, then when it connected again the screen turns on. I put the SIM in my Nexus and it's fine. And it doesn't really matter now because the phone won't turn on anymore. I picked it up to check it and nothing happened when I hit the power button. And I can't get it to turn on at all now.
So at first I thought that the Razr had a weak WiFi reception. So I decided to install a WiFi access point in my office, basically on my desk. I connected the Razr to it but yet, it still occasionally shows a low signal or drops the connection completely then reconnects, works for a bit then drops it again. I'm at a point where I had to turn WiFi off on my phone because it was draining my battery so fast from flipping between the Cellular network and WiFi network way to often. I also have a Glaxy Tab 7.0 Plus connected to the same access point and it never drops a connection and it shows 100% strong on the signal.
Seems like the stock camera app takes forever to load and is generally sluggish in performance. I'm assuming this is a software issue, so my question is, is there a better app out there that takes as good or better pictures and is quicker to open and navigate around the various options?
Has anyone else noticed that after installing the update if I power off the Droid X and turn it on again it takes forever to power on. It keeps waiting forever on the boot animation. It didnt take so long before the update.
Does anyone know of a way to put the shortcut that takes you directly to the dialer in the bottom four icons? There is the one shortcut that you can put in the bottom four can take you to the dialer (as long as the dialer was the last thing you used) or to your contacts (if that was the last thing you used). The one I would like to be able to put on the bottom is the dialer shortcut that can take you to the dial pad no matter what. I can put that shortcut anywhere but in the bottom four. Does anyone know of a way to put the shortcut to the direct dialer down on the bottom without having to use something like launcher pro or ADW?
How often the "My Gallery" updates does it? I mean I guess I'm noticing that after friends' have published their photos on facebook its almost taking 2hrs before "My Gallery" shows up. Some of my friends update takes almost half a day to show up and other friends show up pretty very random. And believe me I've reformatted the Cell Phone and removed my Facebook acct and cleared app data/cache and sometimes it works but not all the time.
How can I remove just the "email account on My Gallery". After a reformat occurs you can set up your Facebook Account "Gallery" to syncronize to, of course, your cell phone within My Gallery. You can add/remove Facebook all you want but it seems the "My Gallery" option is greyed out; once you activate it I cannot find a way to dis engage it.
So I have been on Android 5.1 for sometime now with random Reboots here and there every few days but nothing bad.
Today however my phone literally Reboots every few minutes and I can't figure out why. I didn't install or upload any thing over the past few days so its random this is now happening.
I checked if any erroneous apps where running but nothing of significance that would cause this.
Can I view crash reports to see what the issue is? Do I need a new phone?
I got the update on Saturday and it has utterly ruined my phone. Opening an app causes it to crash. It generally freezes every few minutes. Phone calls work so long as the rest of the phone doesn't freeze while they are happening. The battery drains in a few hours while the phone isn't succeeding to do anything. How can I revert to the last version? I cannot afford to have an unoperational phone until the OS gets fixed.
I'm just getting used to my new droid 3, and learning all of the quirks that come with it. In the past, I used my old Droid Eris to listen to Pandora over 3G wireless at work, and never had any issue with Pandora cutting out or stopping even when the phone's display went to sleep. However, on my new Droid 3, it cuts out like clockwork after about 20 minutes, whether or not the display is active or asleep. In order to try to keep this from happening I have changed the Battery mode to performance, turned off data saver (no sense running it streaming music ) and in Pandora turned auto shutoff to Never, and have tried Auto lock both on and off. I am thinking that the built in task manager may be killing it?
Exactly as the heading suggests - I cannot make or receive calls or texts, and it has been like this for over a day now. And yes, I do have signal. Everything else is fine, and it isn't a problem with the service provider.
Since using ICS on my RazrMaxx When checking email it takes forever (ok 4-8 minutes) to connect and check the mail. It is a gmail based email set up under messaging. Battery Life has dropped dramatically. No universal volume controls for messaging and calls (For example if I want to adjust my phone ringtone to be very soft by using the rocker switch on the side it now only controls just the phone ringer. Messaging would still be at the volume you have the settings at. Previously the rocker switch controlled all volume.)
Any app or mod that currently exists which would allow me to shoot video for longer than 30 minutes? I'd like to leave it on a tripod, running, for around 1.5 hours during a sporting event.
I have problem with email on my Motorola Razr. (not gmail, not corporate, just a email)I have setup email account and:-In Data push account is checked.-Sync over Wi-Fi only is unchecked-background data is checked- data Enabled is checked- No data saver checked.I can check my email manually it is work.- If I receive a new email up to 30(not sure) minutes after manually checking the push email is working fine i get it on my phone.- But if I receive a new email more than 30 minutes after manually check the push email does not work. I do no receive any emails until manually checking.Email server works fine I use it on other phone an
The first time it took about 10 mins. 2nd time failed after 30 mins and I had to restart. 3rd time just took 25 mins but completed. What's going on!?!?!
I'm trying to watch movies on Netflix with my Droid Bionic. Every 45 minutes Task Manager interrupts and states that the app has been running for 45 minutes and is consuming battery resources. At this point Task Manager asks me if I want to continue running the app. I can't find any setting to disable this. Netflix is not on the "end" list for Task Manager.
I have only had the phone for maybe a month. Yesterday I put it down on the table after answering a text and a few minutes later when I picked it up it was dead.It's not the battery...I recharged it all last night and it still will not turn on.I will take it back to the store since it is still under warranty. However has anyone experienced this before? And does anyone have a solution? Like maybe throw it against a brick wall?