Motorola Droid X :: Better App Out There That Takes As Good Or Better Pictures
May 24, 2011
Seems like the stock camera app takes forever to load and is generally sluggish in performance. I'm assuming this is a software issue, so my question is, is there a better app out there that takes as good or better pictures and is quicker to open and navigate around the various options?
I have had th xprt only for 7 days so I'm still learning about it. This morning, I took 3 pictures and they all came out black and white! Before today, the phone was taking pictures in color. What happened? The only thing I've done differently was that yesterday, the phone froze for about 2 hours when I clicked on an application. I had to take the battery out to restart the phone. This morning, the phone will only take black and white pictures.
my phone takes very very long time to send pictures on phone via gmail. I have sort of good connection and i tested uploading pics on facebook and picasa with out any problem, but with gmail it just stays at sending and some times it even don't show that status in gmail client. It is so frustrating. I have reset my phone manytimes and I have updated software.
? downloaded Remember the Milk...but that really is not what I need.
I want to be able to voice record or type in notes, to remind myself of things I need to do. Would love if could sync with Google calendar, also an online progam association with the phone app.
Has anyone else noticed that after installing the update if I power off the Droid X and turn it on again it takes forever to power on. It keeps waiting forever on the boot animation. It didnt take so long before the update.
My Droid 4 has suddenly become very unreliable with regards to the GPS. All of a sudden, it takes several minutes (if at all) to receive sat signals, and if it does connect it gives wildly incorrect information. I have not installed any new software and I even tried Safe Mode, no difference.
Has anyone noticed that since the update the facebook for android app doesn't work very good unless on wifi. Even with a strong 4g signial it will just say loading for up to a minute before it completes loading. Before the update the app would always load very fast. I have cleared data on the app and uninstalled and reinstalled and it still does the same thing.
Does anyone know of a way to put the shortcut that takes you directly to the dialer in the bottom four icons? There is the one shortcut that you can put in the bottom four can take you to the dialer (as long as the dialer was the last thing you used) or to your contacts (if that was the last thing you used). The one I would like to be able to put on the bottom is the dialer shortcut that can take you to the dial pad no matter what. I can put that shortcut anywhere but in the bottom four. Does anyone know of a way to put the shortcut to the direct dialer down on the bottom without having to use something like launcher pro or ADW?
How often the "My Gallery" updates does it? I mean I guess I'm noticing that after friends' have published their photos on facebook its almost taking 2hrs before "My Gallery" shows up. Some of my friends update takes almost half a day to show up and other friends show up pretty very random. And believe me I've reformatted the Cell Phone and removed my Facebook acct and cleared app data/cache and sometimes it works but not all the time.
How can I remove just the "email account on My Gallery". After a reformat occurs you can set up your Facebook Account "Gallery" to syncronize to, of course, your cell phone within My Gallery. You can add/remove Facebook all you want but it seems the "My Gallery" option is greyed out; once you activate it I cannot find a way to dis engage it.
Since using ICS on my RazrMaxx When checking email it takes forever (ok 4-8 minutes) to connect and check the mail. It is a gmail based email set up under messaging. Battery Life has dropped dramatically. No universal volume controls for messaging and calls (For example if I want to adjust my phone ringtone to be very soft by using the rocker switch on the side it now only controls just the phone ringer. Messaging would still be at the volume you have the settings at. Previously the rocker switch controlled all volume.)
My iphone woke me up at 3am because i heard the shutter sound and it was illuminated.I checked my pictures and it took a black photo. Anyone have their phone randomly take a photo when not in use?
Most of my camera use is to take a pictures of my kids.The problem is that I don't success to get a good pictures because the kids I always in movement and the Canberra doesn't focus on them well.I tried to set the shutter speed to be faster but the I get a darkness pictures.Why there is no modes like Nature,sport,kids,etc and the camera will set the values automatically due the selection mode? ( I had this feature in my android devices).
My new I phone 6 plus takes poor quality pictures with a glare at nights. There is a forum on this issue online Is Apple planning on correcting it? That was one of the reason I upgraded?
Just got a refurbished D2G, the Nav app takes a long time to long on > 10min sometimes. Anyone else having this issue? Called VZW up they claim that google pushed out an update which breaks Nav. I called BS, then he tried to blame it on the hurricane.I have been through 4 of these phones, all with different annoying problems, Getting tired of it.
I had something happen to my Bold yesterday and last night I noticed that all my pictures in the Media folder were gone and now my camera can take a picture but that is all. I can save or send and it says my SD card is like not there. I can save a picture if someone sends me on in a text message and it asks where i want to save them and it will take me there but I can access them after that unless I save another picture from another person
I had installed the camera beta on my N8 a while ago. I was quite happy with it. Now after the Belle update, I seem to have the old camera back.Can I install the camera beta on Belle?
All of a sudden yesterday my BB Curve, just started to constantly load the camera function and takes photos, causing me to keep the phone off. Is there anything I can do to stop this or is the phone Fuber?
whenever i open the album, it takes a lot of time (approx. 0.45- 1 min) to display all the pictures. I have less than 100 pictures.What could be the reason for this? Also, Is there a way to change the view option for pictures from Thumbnail to List, Icons etc?
My Iphone takes pictures and video but then they do not show up on the camera roll. It says there are no pictures or video. I have tried reset and synching.
The camera on my Iphone 4 has started to take pictures where part of the picture is a big grey rectangle. They look this way both in the iphone photo album and after import to iphoto. When the photo is first taken, the animated shutter opens and first it shows the whole photo for a split second, then it flashes to the grey photo and that photo is animated to the the little thumbnail to the bottom left of the screen. This doesn't happen with every photo, just once in a while and only started happening recently, after an update to iOS 5.1.1.
My Storm 9500 is driving me crazy: Out of the blue (mainly at night) by itself and without touching it, it activates the camera, takes pictures and then dials random people ... On contact had 48 missed calls from my phone at one night. Problem is probably due to the OS, so I updated to Version 5.0; however the problem still exists ...
I had an app on my droid that allowed me to password protect my pictures and also had one that allowed me to assign a folder to them that was not easy to acess. I had to do a reset on my phone and now I can't get to those pictures. They are still on the sd card because I can get to them if i plug into my computer. I have written the developers of the apps but have not gotten any response.