Motorola Droid 3 :: Bluetooth Performance Is Vastly Improved Over The D2 G?

Jul 15, 2011

One of the reasons I wound up returning my D2 G during the trial period was iffy Bluetooth performance. I could not get phone to download the address book to my car's (BMW 328i) on board system, it constantly broke the connect, and generally did not work well. The situation seems to be night and day with the D3. Whatever Motorola has changed, is definitely for the better. It syncs ot my system instantly, offers a strong and crystal clear connection, and has been very stable overall.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: WiFi Signal Has Been Significantly Improved Since Android L

Jul 8, 2015

My WiFi signal has been significantly improved since android L. I used to frequently drop wifi while on my back patio. It hasnt happened once since lollipop.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Battery Life Improved With Smart Actions Disabled

Jan 21, 2013

Getting a battery life increase with the smart actions app completely disabled. Before it was constantly running in the background even with no actions on so yesterday I disabled it completely and saw a very noticeable battery increase.does it really happened due to removal of smart actions app ?

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Motorola Droid 2 :: GSM Performance With GB?

Sep 7, 2011

I was looking for opinions from the GSM users on the latest GB version. Is it better/worse/different than previous versions?

I briefly used the .606 version in the UK last week. My impressions:

1) I got more bars than I saw under Froyo. These were very unreliable under Froyo, it was perfectly possible to make calls with 1 or zero bars, so this might have been fixed.

2) I saw the new data icons, H, 3G, E and G. For my eyes, the new icons with the background were harder to see, I had to look closer to see if that was an H or a G!

3) Battery was used more quickly than under CDMA. I don't think this was GB change as I had seen it before, and I wasn't sure if it really due to the difference in protocol or merely because I am in a strong CDMA area here and a weaker GSM one in the UK.

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Motorola Droid X2 :: 2.3.4 Camera Performance Is Really Slow

Oct 17, 2011

so when the soak of 2.3.4 was out it seemed to me like a mostly 'under the hood' fix, and addressed a few bugs.After having lived with it for a while, some of the shine is wearing off.While they made some progress having the phone be a worthwhile mp3 player, now the camera app has suffered.The camera is really slow.It took me 9 tries this afternoon to get a shot with flash.The camera is so slow that the flash would pop before the shot was taken!

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Performance Has Degraded Suddenly

Jan 29, 2012

My Bionic has been wonderful since I got it in September. Starting (I think) yesterday, it is very slow.As an example, after I enter my 4 digit code, it sits for a second or two before I shows me the home screen.I also noticed that when I come back in, it's always on the main screen. It used to be one the screen that was showing when I turned it off.I was thinking it is probably some app update I got, but the homescreen thing makes me think not.Short of a master reset, does anyone have any ideas as to what might be happening, or how to trace it?

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Battery Performance Gone Down After OTA Update?

Dec 15, 2011

I used to get pretty good life out of my stock bionic battery. I updated the OTA update early today and since then the battery level has been going down at almost 10% every 30 - 40 mins. Following is the list in my battery usage queue. This is after I did a system reset and left my phone without any new apps (except for facebook).

Display 30%
Android System 17%
com.motorola.contacts 12%
Android OS 9%
com.motorola.home 8% ....

I am planning to charge it to 100% and then see how it behaves. Will keep this thread posted with stats from my phone.

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Motorola Droid Turbo :: Cache Wipe And Battery Performance

Jul 14, 2015

So, I had horrible battery performance after the update. I figured I would do a cache wipe. Normally this erased battery history, but not this time. The gap is during the wipe. Notice the average slope before and after

I wish they could push an update that doesn't require this crap, but its never happened.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Maximizing Battery Life And Performance?

Nov 15, 2011

I have heard many conflicting versions of the optimal way to maximize the battery's life. It would be great to get some clarity from the experts.

1. Can you charge the phone at any time or should the battery be drawn all of the way down?

2. Once the battery is fully charged, should it be immediately disconnected from the charger, or is it OK to leave the charger attached?

3. if you are using the device, and it is below full charge, is it OK to have it charging while you are using it?

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Motorola Xoom :: Improved Notifications With 3.2.2?

Oct 15, 2011

I'm noticing (ha) that there is better compatibility with notifications after my LTE upgrade.

Particularly, Sportacular (yahoo sports) now shows the actual score in the alert and the Cardio Trainer status bar alert fully shows the weekly calendar. Since moving to the xoom from a 2.1 android phone, I hadn't seen but blank notifications for these apps...

I'm not sure if this is the benefit of a wipe and reinstall on both the apps and the xoom, or if it's a feature!

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Xperia Z5 :: Phone Poor Performance When Using Bluetooth Headphones

Sep 26, 2013

I use some bluetooth headphones for gym and commuting use and was surpirsed to see a very obviuos decrease in performace of my Z5 when audio was streaming to them.

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Motorola Motoactv :: Determine The Performance Playlist?

Dec 1, 2011

I've probably done 1000 miles of riding with this thing on and it still thinks cowboy junkies would somehow improve my performance . I've never listenned to half the stuff in the playlist and a bunch of it is really slow paced...

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Motorola Xoom :: Battery Performance After 3.1 Update?

Aug 27, 2011

concerning the poor battery performance of the Xoom after the 3.1 update. Unfortunately the search function of this forum is totally rubbish, resetting the capacity readout by deleting some kind of init file...

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Motorola Electrify :: Poor Wifi Performance

Sep 25, 2011

I've had my Electrify for two days now and have noticed less that stellar wifi performance, compared to the 3 other smartphones that I have had previously. I noticed that the Photon has recently (last week) had an update to help wifi performance. When will this update be available for the Electrify?

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Motorola Droid X :: X2 - Car Bluetooth Connectivity?

Feb 17, 2012

I've been able to get my X2 to connect to my 2010 VW via bluetooth to make & receive calls, but it won't connect to play music off the phone via the car speakers. The option is checked (to allow Bluetooth audio) in the car's menu.

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Using A Bluetooth Device?

Feb 24, 2012

I am not a big on using a bluetooth device (dont like things haning off my ear) what is a good bluetooth device to use with the D4, also, is a plug in type worth getting.

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Motorola Droid Razr M :: Can't Use It Over Bluetooth

Jan 20, 2013

Before I had the Vehicle Navigation Dock, when I turned on navigation and the radio was on, the turn by turn voice went through the car radio. If the radio was off, it played through the phone speaker. Now that I have the dock, if Bluetooth is active, the voice doesn't play at all. I have to turn Bluetooth off in the phone to hear the turn by turn. This isn't optimal because then I can't use the phone over bluetooth. Is there a setting to have the voice always go over the phone speaker?

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Motorola Droid X2 :: LG HBS-700 Bluetooth Disconnecting?

Aug 13, 2012

I was recently given a LG HBS-700 Bluetooth headset which I love but I have been having problems a few times a day with it disconnecting while I listen to music. After it disconnects it will be silent then my music will blare out the phone which I hurridly pause/mute so not to disturb my co-workers and get in trouble with my boss. Sometimes it will re-connect on its own or I manually turn off the headset and turn back on and it will be fine. It maybe happens twice a day. It has even happened while on a call before but not alot which I dont talk alot on the phone. I use it pretty much all day while at work. I have asked LG support about it but they have 'no known issues' and suggested I check with Motorola to see if this phone should be compatible with the headset.

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Motorola Droid 4 :: How Do Setup Bluetooth DUN (not PAN)

Mar 18, 2012

I'm paying the tethering fee for my phone and would like to know how to setup Bluetooth tethering using the DUN (Dial-Up Networking) profile. I can tether using the PAN (Personal Area Network) profile but I have some devices that only support the DUN profile (no WiFi either) . Are there any official instructions anywhere?

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Motorola Motoactv :: 'Analyse Performance' Music Tab Not Working?

May 13, 2012

It doens't matter what browser I use but for the last couple of weeks the pie chart of my music does not load on the website and all I get is a blank area on the screen where it should be, as in the screen grab below

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Motorola Xoom :: Poor Battery Performance After 3.1 Update

Aug 27, 2011

im dealing with poor battery performance of the Xoom after the 3.1 update. Unfortunately the search function of this forum is totally rubbish, so i am not able to find the answer where someone explains how to solve this by resetting the capacity readout by deleting some kind of init file.

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Motorola Xoom :: Degrading Performance With Handwriting Applications?

Nov 18, 2011

I can't remember where I saw the comment, but another Xoom user mentioned that his handwriting application(s) seemed to degrade in performance the longer he used them (per reboot, I believe). Until today, I thought I was imagining it, but the same thing seems to be happening to me. I was taking notes with Writepad and about one-half hour into the meeting I experienced significant lag between strokes of the stylus and appearance on the screen, and I needed to revert to the keyboard. It's happened with other handwriting applications as well.

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Motorola :: No Windows 7 Bluetooth Services For Droid X

Jan 6, 2012

I am unable to connect to my droid x using any bluetooth services. I have previously been able to have audio and file transfer services work.

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Motorola Droid Pro :: It Disconnects From Sync And Bluetooth?

May 17, 2011

My Droil Pro last week worked fine with Sync and Blue Tooth. Then it started to disconnect. After connecting to Sync, in a about 15 seconds it will suddenly disconnect from Sync The Blue Tooth is still connected and it will stream music from my phone to Sync with no problems but the phone will not stay connected.

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Motorola Droid Bionic :: Bluetooth Mic Not Working In Car?

Feb 10, 2012

I've had my Bionic for a couple weeks now and love 99% of it. My problem is when I try to use hands free calling with my Clarion CX609 head unit, the microphone does not connect. I hear the call through the speakers as expected but the phone is still using the built in microphone. After the OTA release of 5.9.902 I still don't have connectivity to my external microphone.I had a Blackberry Tour and it connected and worked perfectly fine. I would think my Bionic would work in the same manner only better.

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Motorola Droid X2 :: Restarting During Bluetooth Streaming?

May 28, 2011

I get in my car, where my car stereo has already been paired with my droid X2. The phone and the data both connect most of the time on it's own, sometimes I have to go into teh settings and tell it to connect. The main issue is, I will open an application I use to play audiobooks (Ambling) and start an audio book, which works fine. However, 90% of the time when I turn the screen off the phone will then proceed to restart. It will continue this behaviour until I shut down and power back on the phone, at which point everything works just fine. However as soon as leave my car, go into work or the store or whatever, and come back out to my car the chances are high I'll have to go through it again.

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Motorola Droid X :: Pairing Car Bluetooth With New Gingerbread

Sep 6, 2011

My car's bluetooth (2011 Honda Odyssey) was working perfectly with my Droid X (which had "FroYo" 2.2 software). Due to problems with my phone, Verizon had me update to the newest software (2.3, called "Gingerbread"). I now cannot pair the Droid with the car. I have called Verizon and Motorola both, who both stated that the most likely culprit was the car. Honda states that it is compatible with "Gingerbread" on newer phones, but not certain if it is on the original Droid, and Motorola has not sent a sample for Honda to test for the original Droid. What do I do? Is there a fix available here? Should I ask Verizon or Motorola to put the previous version, 2.2 or "FroYo" back on my phone?

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Motorola Droid :: Bluetooth Dialing On Original V2.2.2?

Apr 19, 2011

Using the Moto H17 headset. When I try to use bt dialing sometimes it understands who I'm trying to dial and sometimes it doesn't. Either way it dials without waiting for confirmation. this has caused many embarrassing moments as I try to explain why I dialed someone I didn't need to call. I hesitate to hang up because I then get a call from the recipient of the errant dialing asking "Did you call me? What did you want?"

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Motorola Droid 4 :: Bluetooth And Phone Lock?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a roadster for my car which I love! My problem I am convinced is the phone. When I hit the button to voice command, on the roadster (call) no problem, works fine. If my phone is idle for awhile, I hit button on roadster....nothing! I have to turn my phone screen on.....put in my unlock code, then voice command from roadster works fine again. Once the phone time locks it stops responding. Having to pick up the phone and unlock with code every time I want to make a call kind of defeats the hands free idea. Incoming calls never a problem. This happens even if phone is streaming music the entire time. If I do not first unlock phone it does not respond

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Motorola Droid :: Bluetooth Will Pair But Not Connect?

Sep 29, 2011

I have both a CommandOne bluetooth, and a Jabra Stone....both of which pair with my Droid X, but don't communicate....they both did at one time (the CommandOne stopped communicating during a conversation)....the Jabra who knows when it quit. Now I have two BT's neither of which I can use. I keep thinking I must be doing something wrong, but damned if I can figure it out. This should be pretty straight forward. I've turned off BT, and the restarted the phone, done multiple Discoveries, multiple retrys at connecting.

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Motorola Droid Razr :: Bluetooth Connection To Car?

Nov 27, 2011

My razr connects to my car but will not download the phone book to the car. I have a original motorola droid and a htc thunderbolt and the worked fine.

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