Motorola Defy :: Not Respond To Touch And Screen Gone Black After Getting Wet?
Jul 29, 2011
Got My Defy 2 days back. Last night it rained heavily and I had to walk from my office to home. It was a 30-35 minute walk. I put my Defy in my pocket and started walking thinking its a water proof phone. When I reached home, first the phone's screen didn't respond to any touch. After a minute it went completely black and I could see heavy moisture under the glass. Only sensors were throwing some colored lights. I tried to call from my friend's phone on my number, and I could listen to the ringtone only. I could not pick up the call since there was nothing at all on screen. Today I put the phone in rice for around 8 hours still the condition is same. Its very unfortunate that I could use and explore my phone properly even for 2-3 days.
when i turn my phone on, the display screen stops working. also the touch feature has stopped working, i can receive calls, but not make any calls as the home screen doesn't respond at all. the model is motorola defy plus.
From the first day I began using my DEFY (about 2 months ago) I have experienced a great deal of unresponsiveness with my touchscreen. Generally, when the phone goes into Locked/ Sleep mode I will attempt to unlock it and the screen will be unresponsive.Sometimes I'll be able to unlock it and then it will be unresponsive to touch.Most of the time, pressing the Sleep button and re-unlocking it will solve the problem, TEMPORARILY.
This is a frequent occurance and has gotten to the point where it significantly impacts my ability to use the phone effectively.Especially when I receive an incoming call that I am unable to answer because the screen does not respond.Motorola experts, would you recommend sending the phone in for warranty service?Are there any firmware upgrades I need to address this?
When I connect with the Standard Dock or Webtop travel Adaptor and sometimes with usb to my computer: The touch screen does not respond. Even stranger, I found out by accident while on a call to Motorola that if I use my finger nail it will work, just not smooth. I did not think a finger nail was supposed to work. Motorola told me to go to the Verizon store and see if any other device had the issue. Verizon said they could not connect to webtop and as expected the usb did not have any issues.Is this my phone only or are there any others with the same issue?I was thinking of getting a replacement, but they said I could only get a referb He told me a finger nail would not work, so I demoed it for him.He told me to wait for the Nov updates, but I don't see anything like this on the list.Is anyone using the Webtop travel adaptor with desktop PC. Mine is Windows 7.
I had over half a charge after sending a text message yesterday around 3pm. I looked at the phone at 4:30 and the screen was black and the device doesn't respond. I removed the battery and put it back to no avail. If I plug it in, the green light comes on - the Motorola splash screen displays - then a battery meter displays.
When I connect my phone to a wall charger (provided my Motorola), the touch screen responds rarely (slowly). As soon you disconnect the charger it works fine. I had talked to Motorola specialist over the phone and she provided me with a new charger. However, the problem still persists.
Yesterday, I used a Blackberry charger (with very close voltage and current output) and the phone worked fine.
I've had my Defy for almost a year and avoid sending text because the screen is not touch sensitive. It is pretty constant. I have to just about bash the screen to get any response when trying to input text. It also happens when trying to answer the phone or select apps.
I ordered a new Razr and noticed black spots and a perfectly straight black line on the screen when the screen is a certain shade of black. I noticed the spots while watching netflix and after taking a picture. I contacted VZW about it and they werent aware of any issues. I was concerned since I paid a lot for the phone I expect it to be better than that. So VZW sent me another new one without a problem. The second one had the same problem but more noticable. Also with both phones the screen would get really hot almost too hot to touch.
i recently purchased a used HTC Touch Pro from ebay. So here the problem when the screen is off it wont respond when i press the front buttons. Only if i press the top button or open the phone will it come on.Is it designed this way or is my unit faulty.
Last couple a days I'm having problems with angry birds on my E6! The touch screen doesn't respond! Has anybody have the same problem!? Have some suggestions what to do?
When I charge my N8, the touch screen function stops working. If I have a video playing, it continues to play, I can change the volume and the home/menu key works, but touching the screen has no effect until I unplug the charging cable.
My iphone is frozen, won't go to black scree and doesn't respond to any button pushing. Attempted to power it off but it doesn't respond to that either.
When i play a game or Just chat, sometimes my screen doesn't respond to my touch. I have no screen protector and my Phone never fell. It's very annoying because very often When I'm done typing, I see that there are like 5 letters missing so i have to chat very carefully. My fingers are always clean and dry and i got the latest update. I tried like 5 virus scanners, but there aren't any virus. I rebooted my Phone many, many times. There are no pixels missing and my screen is very clean.
When the phone is on a table or similar flat surface and the phone screen is not responding when using your fingers?I do have a front and rear glass screen protector and a plastic clip on rear protective cover, so I am guessing, these are to blame, if so, why?
I have had the Nokia XpressMusic for almost a year now. I have been experiencing several problemswith it recently; the first problem shown was that it would call my contactswithout my intention to do so and also without me touching the phone. Often it will send a text half way through me typing it and recentlyit has been switching off by itself.
I have also been experiencing the fuzzy screen due to the coldand this morning the phone's touch screen buttons would not respond however thetoolbar with the music, gallery, connectivity etc... on the right hand side of thescreen would pull down instead. The phone has been dropped a few times, however I do not thinkthis contributes to the faults. Could the phone be repaired as it is still underwarranty or will they not accept it?
My phone has multiple resets ad the direction of Motorola, and has been in for a circuit board replacement.Now the screen still freezes and the reception is hopeless.I am sure this handset is a lemon.It is still under warranty, 11 months old.
I got an iPhone 5s what the screen is totally black, but the touch screen and other functions are still working, has been replaced the LCD but it keep doing the same way.
I took some photos underwater today with my z3 , I came home and the touch was acting up, it worked for a bit then nothing at all. i can use the camera button and i can use the volume button. The screen is not black its working all that isn't working is the touch,. All the seals were closed and it doesn't seem that any water has gotten into the phone.
My defy (Im in Australia) has just suddenly stopped taking photos. It goes through the motions and the flash still works and everything but when you goto the photo in the gallery its just a plain black image, there is no photo!
when making a touch call, screen goes black, although call does go thru, i'm unable to hang up or choose options since my screen is black. but if i make a hands-free call (google voice call), screen stays on, motorola had no solutions with software updates or even after a factory reset.
I dropped my Iphone in the sink for about 2 seconds, then took it out and dried it off. It all worked fine but a few minutes later the screen went black. I put it in rice for about 2 and a half days, and the sound and touch works (I can even unlock it and answer the phone), but I see not a thing on the screen. It's plain black. I still have it in the rice, but is there anything i can do to save it?
my mom's iphone doesnt respond no matter what i do. the screen is blank.tried connecting it to the PC but was of no use. but the orange light on the left side is on.
So recently I dropped my phone, around 3 feet so not much right? Plus I have an Otter box on. So when it fell My home button broke so i had to turn off the phone and turn it on to get to settings and when I turn Accessibility Touch on i tap on it and it turns from Light gray to dark gray but doesnt open the interface or w/e u call it(The options) it just changes color of the button from light gray to dark gray but all other clicking works on my phone. I cant turn it off by clicking the home button and lock button at the same time considering by home button is messed up
phone has been fine while plugged in, until about 2 minutes ago. plugged it in, tried to pull the notification bar down to switch to mass storage mode and the screen would not respond. took a couple swipes, and it eventually worked after a few's also doing it in my car dock now too.has been fine, nothing has changed, just started doing it out of the blue.