Motorola 4G :: Atrix Not Showing 1gb Of Ram
Sep 9, 2011isn't it supposed to have 1 gig of ram? I only ever get 458 mb at the most.
View 3 Repliesisn't it supposed to have 1 gig of ram? I only ever get 458 mb at the most.
View 3 RepliesI'm having trouble with some of my albums artwork not showing up on my Atrix's stock music player. I've put the same music files on several other phones with no issues. The music player is working fine, just not showing the album artwork for SOME of the albums (not all of them, though), I've tried deleting the files & re-syncing; I've tried using Motorala's own file transfer software for my computer with no luck. Anybody else had the same problem? If so, is there anything I can do to fix it, or would it be best to download & use a third party music player, which I have concidered?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEver since the ICS update, my gallery likes to not show the pictures that are on my phone. They were visible pre-ICS, but are now not. If I use a file manager I can see that they are still on my phone and even view them, but they refuse to pop up in my gallery. I have tried the unmounting and mounting of my SD card as I have seen people wiht similar problems do, but have had no success.
Is there a new folder that the pictures need to be moved to to be seen by the gallery app? I'm guessing no because they did occassionally show up after the update, but now won't at all. Still, worth asking.
I've had my Atrix for probably about a month and a half now. When I first got it, Google images showed up just fine. I noticed yesterday though that when doing a search, they show up fine until you click on one to look at bigger, and it's blurry. On top of that, half the time it shows part of the picture to the left or right of it as well.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the Facebook, The status updates come through when using the actualy facebook app, mobile site and regular website. Has Motorola done something to the Motoblur widget that would be preventing these from coming through? Setting the widget to show updates from only that contact/friend doesn't even allow them to come through.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI purchased the Atrix generation 1 the day it came out and haven't had this problem so this is throwing me off.What I need fixed:
1. When my phone is connected to the computer via USB, it charges but the computer doesn't recognize anything is connected (tried all 3 USB ports). If the computer doesn't recognize it or something is wrong with the cable/ports - it shouldn't charge, right?
2. On my phones status bar - the USB connection options wont show up. I've tried the USB debugging on/off method but I get nothing. The only time anything connection related shows up on my status bar is when I'm connected via Motorola Portal via wifi. Can't transfer music etc with portal though.What I have:
1. I use windows 7 on my laptop.
2. I already tried the factory reset.
3. I have the latest updates on my phone.
4. I already sent it to motorola and just got it back as a clean slate.
I removed my Facebook account from my Motoblur account listing and tried to add it under other accounts but it does not show up at all and thus no contacts get sync'd or anything though I can still use the facebook app. Do I have to login to facebook under motoblur accounts in order to get the contact syncing?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to the market (either on pc or directly from my atrix), many apps are being listed as not compatible. For example, the new revision to Facebook, Skype, etc. It's not all apps, but many. I am able to go over to Amazon and install the same apps and versions, but I can't do it from the Market. I get the following message on the left hand side of the window.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Motorola Atrix on AT&T. I've called technical support multiple times but still have the issue. In my apartment, my phone shows full bars but when I dial a call out, the phone will hang up right away. Other times it will hang itself up and error "call failed".
I've been to the corporate store where they have given me a new SIM card, but it still does not fix my issue. I am trying to figure out if this is a hardware or network issue so I can contact the right people to have the issue fixed.
If my phone is showing full bars that means I have network coverage.
I noticed that my music app has two folders titled Unknown albums. In the two folders(one has the artist as dr. mad the other is unknown) there are various system sounds.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded my Atrix to Gingerbread and the contacts images are no longer loading from the linked profiles.I cannot figure out how to enable this again.
View 13 Replies View RelatedMotorola Atrix
svf :105.1:2
Failed to boot 0x1000
After showing this error my phone switch off. Its happened when I try to update my phone to gingerbread.
I have Corporate Sync set up with my company Exchange server for contacts only. Worked fine initially, but has been on and off again last few weeks. It is randomly not showing the Exchange contacts. At times they are all there, other times not. I'm not positive, but I think this issue started after the 1.57 upgrade. Incredibly frustrating when you're out and need to make a call and the contact isn't there.....If I update my credentials for the account, it shows "Updating service" and seems to finish fine - Not getting any password or connection errors.
View 5 Replies View RelatedPersonally I have a "Taboo" Atrix, as I am on CM7, but, this issue is also happening on my wifes completely Stock 4.5.91 Atrix. We are both using Handcent, but I have also heard of the issue happening on GoSMS. But, It seems after searching the web I see that some Palm devices have seen this issue.
Has anyone here received an MMS from "1" and when downloaded it goes under the correct Contact?
id like to buy one of those over 3000mah batteries for my atrix 2 , but where i live i can only find this batteries for the atrix 4g and im not sure if it works on the atrix 2.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy Motorola Atrix or Computer has a Problem install the ADB Interface so there for my phone wont connect to my Computer.I have a windows 7 32-bit operating system.I have tried installing Drivers Manualy, tried using the PDAnet Solution, tried unistalling all USB Ports, tried applications to help.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWill the Lapdock (and other accessories for that matter) work for the new Atrix 2 coming? I've only used the Lapdock lightly and it will be a real shame if it and the other accessories I've purchased over the past year won't work with the 2nd gen Atrix.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to synchronise my Motorola Atrix directly with Outlook on my laptop.How do I do it? Purchasing some application s/w is OK as long ad it works.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI recently had to get a replacement Atrix through AT&T after my original one shattered. I had insurance and AT&T provided me a refurbished one through their insurance program. My question is, will I still be able to get all future updates on this phone or is there something I need to do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was under the impression that once lapdock battery died, that the lapdock would run off the Atrix battery, is this incorrect?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI did the Jelly Bean update on my two month old Atrix HD yesterday. Then my apps started closing on their own and then the homescreen started doing the same thing. Tried to do a FDR and I have the little android guy on my screen now with what looks like a rotating atom in his belly and a blue progress bar below him. Been like this for several hours now and I even tried calling the Motorola people and I'm still where I was. Can anyone offer a solution before I take it back to where I bought it from to see if they will even replace it? I did the holding down the volume buttons simultaneously and then the power button, got the motorola logo and then goes right back to this annoying little android guy with the rotating atom in his belly.
View 6 Replies View RelatedOther android devices have the ability to synch with picassa to view their online albums am I missing something or is this a big whoops not included on Moto's part.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy Atrix has the latest update applied and has started recently showing the following error message:"com.motorola.service.main had stopped unexpectedly" Touching ok returns to the home screen for 1 second and the error reappears. This makes the phone unusable.I have performed a factory reset and the error was away for 24 hrs but now it has reappeared.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSince yesterday all of a sudden my battery started draining like crazy, 100% to 40% in 2 hours. Battery manager shows com.motorola.service.main taking 60% battery.what is this process and why it is taking too much of battery?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to edit contacts I see that motorola services contact has the same contact replicated 10 times or more. How can I solve this if I want to edit the contact information?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIm wondering why MML doesn't have an option to turn it off. I don't use it much and short of installing it I see no option for it not starting up every time I turn on my computer.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor some strange reason I can't set a PIN on my 4G. It takes the PIN just fine, but when I turn the phone off and back on again, when I slide the little lock icon, the phone does NOT prompt for the PIN!
View 1 Replies View Relatedjust to check whether Whatsapp is working for you on Xoom, contacts are not showing and I can't send any msg
View 8 Replies View RelatedI mounted a Micro-SDHC 32gb card to my Xoom. It DOES recognize the card, in the storage section, but I cannot actually get to the card or know where it is located. I have Astro File manager, but there is an SD card directory already in the Xoom.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy running application will only be 1 or 2, is this supposed to happen, some time this becomes too slow.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI synced up my run wirelessly and on the watch it says it successfully completed. I sign on to the website, and I notice the new splash screen (portal update?) and my run is not on it. I can't even view the runs at all. Anytime I click on past runs, it just has those new screens telling me all the cool things portal can do.
Is this because of the updating? I'm on 1.7.3 N8, and new motocast software too.
I like my MOTOACTV, just want some type of clarity on problems. I'd rather see a "site down for a scheduled maintenance" than not being able to do anything on the site.