I just get LG G3 and see 3 places with dead pixels, one is really hard to see but it is here, second is like 2x larger and third is 3x larger (its still really small point on screen). Its almost week over so i can send it back on next week.
I recently bought a 5800 and it has a dead pixel on the screen. I was really looking forward to getting this phone and I am now quite disappointed (and disgusted by the service I was offered here in Malta!). I returned it to the shop where I bought it and was told that I have to have at least 5 dead pixels for me to be able to change it. Is this true?
It is still under guarantee as it hasn't even been a month since the date of purchase. They tried to feed me so much bull (including: the laws do not apply for Malta and that i had to go back within the first seven days EVEN THOUGH it clearly says on the guarantee that I have a 30-day period from the date of purchase to take it back).
I jut got my new 9700 today and am really liking it so far. I just want to check if the screen is ok. When i go to option -> status -> type test and do the screen test, it does not toggle after red. The red screen is the only one I can see. Is there any other dead pixel checker out there.
this is the second iphone 4 iv'e had (last one was defective too)and i see a black pixel near the Internet icon & it's driving me nuts. my facetime keeps failing after 1 minute, this is 4.0.2 that i'm on... suggestions?
I found there is a very little tiny white dot that I doubt might be a dead pixel on my iphone 4s screen. It hard to notice only when the screen turns totally black such as power off and on the iPhone. I've just bought my iPhone 4s January from the Yoobee and I covered the screen with protective film once I had bought the phone. Do I really need to get a replacement?
i bought My Motorola Defy Cell Phone (MB255) on 26 Feb 2011 from Germany(amazon) and i have used it until this week , When i writing a message suddenly my phone screen getting dark for 2 second and after that it was reset it self and i saw middle of the Phone Displays has dead defective line , it all pixels has dead in a line i can use my phone but there is not a line middle of the phone , it is annoying Now i am living in istanbul /Turkey and , i tried the connect authorized service centre in istanbul turkey , ,there is only one service and he says therese not valid warranty in Turkey because of device bought from Germany , after that i call Turkey distributor of motorola to asking internatinal warranty , Thay said to me same thing There is not warranty at Turkey ( what is internationl warranty , Could anybody say to me ?)When i check my devices warranty paper and user Manuel (on the original box) and your website says this device under international warranty but Turkey office says differents?
This is my third atrix phone and I have notice a gray circle in the middle of the screen that is visible on light screens. For example googles front page I have taken it back for the reason.
My brand new Xperia X10 worked for around 15 minutes after I took it out of the box, and then went dead. I charged it for around 10 hours, but it still does not switch on.
Purchased 4 months ago Condition before the incident: perfect.
I always took a full care of my belongings (especially the electronics). This phone was only used by me. I never over charged it and always update it. I also never overloaded it with softwares.Today the phone just refused to turn on (no lights, vibration, nothing at all). Even when I tried charging it, the battery never gave a sign of the charging process.
I have used my phone around 3 AM, at that time I remember the phone having between 25 to 20 % of battery life, and was working fine. I went to bed and woke up around 7:30 AM, that is when I found the phone off. I then tried charging it normally because I never thought that it will never turn back on, I assumed that it ran out of battery and that it needed charging. I tried every method of recharge I was able to perform (of the wall, changed the charger, off a USB cord connected to my laptop, etc).
I luckily had a recent back up, because I updated the software then. Yet, I think its ridiculous because I have paid a lot to get this phone (I actually purchased two of them and now I am nervous that the other one will have the same fate).For now, I am using my an older phone (bold 9780) and contacted T-Mobile USA and see if they can help me, and unfortunately they did not have any clue as they claim, about this dilemma. Meanwhile, I found many people owning bold 9900 and 9930 models complaining from the same problem that I have encountered.
Whenever there is a button that is part of a scrolling list, when i tap the button the list scrolls slightly instead of activating the button. I find that i need to press lots of times to be able to activate the button.
I understand in previous galaxy phones you could adjust screen sensitivity and i did search for "touch", "sensitivity", but I can't find a similar option with the new phone. Is there a way to lower sensitivity that i am not aware of?
I've just had a replacement bold 9780 after my previous one competely went AWOL.But since getting this new phone, literally like a few hours after getting it I got 3 random adds from people I genuinely don't know, and when asking them how they got my pin none of them replied, although one of them said "don't know" which was helpful
2 were some stupud bleach blonde bints from the UK, and some hench guy who when I looked up on facebook we have absolutely 0 mutual friends and I have a profile set to private so there's no way he could ever get any info from me.I don't understand how a brand new phone's pin can already be spread about when at the time of the adds I hadn't even told anybody about it yet
I just got my iPhone 4 on Friday (release day here in Canada! yay!), and I also got an email from Apple saying my newly-ordered iMac has shipped! Best day ever... lol.
Anyways, I was wondering if this is possible: I manually added contacts from my old cell phone as well as my address book (Outlook Express on a 9 year old PC) to my iPhone. When I get my new iMac, will I be able to sync all of those contacts from my iPhone on to the iMac to populate my iMacs Address book app? Forgive my noobiness, but this is my first Mac ever, and my first iPhone (not counting my iPod touch).
So expect a problem you've all probably heard of a thousand and one times!.. But do please help! This thing is very frustrating! I'm hoping there's some professionals on this forum! Here's my problem....As soon as I turn on my BlackBerry, it heats up quicker than a kettle! I bought a brand new battery for it today as well. So it can't be the battery.
Someone suggested holding shift, alt and delete (for a soft reset)...which didn't work/help. They also said it could be the OS.. but it's currently using the latest OS?! Perhaps I need a downgrade?! I'm really not sure.
For some reason in the last hour, my new S6 has started to behave oddly.
It's acting like the 'back button' is randomly being pressed. It makes it impossible to open an app, send a txt or do anything, as it backs out of everything all the time.
The phone has been great for 2 days, and now it won't stop doing this back-thing.
I've done a soft factory reset and just now, a hard factory reset and it's still doing to same thing. I can't even get through initial registration...
Background: bought a new phone and received it Friday, activated it no problem. Tried using the BDM to "switch devices" and it was LOADS of problems installed the newest one. THOUGHT I finally was able to transfer all the info to my new phone, but here's where the real problem starts Okay, when it starts to reboot, that progress bar fills ALLLL the way up, sits there for like 2 minutes, and then restarts AGAIN with the little red light, the progress bar fills ALLLL the way up, sits there for like 2 minutes, and then restarts YET AGAIN and it's been doing this for the last 10 hours! I have removed the battery and media card and EVERYTHING, left it out for like 10 minutes, reinserted the media card and battery and it just keeps doing this. If I try to connect it to the computer, the computer won't recognize it and the BDM says, "Blackberry Desktop Manager cannot communicate with the connected blackberry device. If the device is rebooting or has a dead battery, click Retry to attempt to reconnect once the device reboots. Otherwise you might need to update the blackberrry device software to correct the problem"How in the world am i supposed to update the software on the device if i can't stop it from rebooting?
Symptoms: Phone wont charge. right off the box. Says "Battery cannot be charged, please use a Sony Ericsson Battery". It is a Sony Ericsson battery. It is a Sony Ericsson charger. Everything came out of the box.
I just opened it, and first thing I did was plug it into the wall. Now, I have installed the update service, tells me phone is up to date (downloaded straight from sonyericsson.com). I have installed Phone suite 6.01; tried a repair phone, aborts with an error when it comes to the update service (right after the remove batery, press C while connecting phone part). Also same thing with car charger.
I just purchased a brand new Nokia 5800 from Amazon yesterday. The phone works great, but I'm not so sure about the screen. It looks fine, but when I have a white background such as when using the web browser it looks kind of smudged. It's not an issue of the phone actually being smudged, because I've cleaned it several times. The screen just looks kind of fuzzy and it's just not as clear as I had hoped. Is this just as good as it gets for screen quality on the 5800, or is it my phone?
My phone told me i had to update it to new software.So I connected it to my computer (running win7).I started the nokia phone update software, which correctly identified my phone etc. It told me it was normal it could say the phone got disconnected.After a few minutes, it told me my phone was disconnected and I had to unplug it, unplug battery, put everything back in and press power for 1 second to resume updating. That doesn't workHard resetting with shift + space + backspace also doesn't work. The phone vibrates for a second and does nothing. I do see a little red light inside the navi-pad.
nokia lumia 1020 has just gone dead no response from the phone tried hard and soft reset nothing happens tried plugging in a charger into charger port on the phone and still nothing before it went off the phone had half battery life in it and was expreincing phone freezing up and the phone slowed down and now wont come on at all i have had the battery replaced and still no joy the phone shop tried to flash the software and no connectivity with computer also the phone shop checked my old battery with another lumia 1020 and that worked so the issue wasnt the battery
I washed my iPhone 4s last week.� I just got my replacement phone.� I want to restore from iCloud (for my calendar) and iTunes (for everthing else like contacts, etc.) but when I try to do that it says I have to turn off "find my phone" from my old iPhone.� My old phone's display is dead so I can't do anything on it.� It still rings when I get a call but I can't answer it.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), Trackpad pointer
I have a lot of good photos of my son and family that i have in my phone ... Only thing is right b4 i was going to extract all pics normally through computer. I broke the phone somehow. it doesn't want to turn on. How can i get photos.
Just installed a jb app that mentioned something about "quick unlock". I cannot recall the exact title but anyway it seems to have totally killed my 3GS.
Tried all the tricks I know but nothing works. Only the Apple icon will appear on the screen for about 20 seconds. ITunes does not detect the phone so I can not reset/restore it.If I try to recharge it, no battery icon appears.
My 2 month old phone wont turn on and only a red led light flashes. I tried downloading new software but it wont recognize it. Im abroad now but would like to know where can I take my phone in the states so I can get a replacement.