Cracked my screen on my Nexus 5 today (squeezed it in a door). The touchscreen won't work and you can't see anything except green and red stripes on the screen. Is there any possibility to reach the files from my computer even if i can't unlock the phone with my graphical password? It runs Android 5.1 and I haven't rooted it or anything. Very desperate to reach the data on my phone, have photos, videos and a diary from my year in Australia... Should think about back-up next time!
Like I know if you're in a car say, with a few other people and your powering their devices internet it's cool. But let's say you all get out of the car and leave in different directions let's say at a mall somewhere; How far will your iphone 4 hotspot go on powering your homie's devices? Is there a specific limit like 50 feet, or a 100 feet?
Info: iPhone 4, iOS 5.1, HotSpot Distance for powering other
This has happened once or twice before, now it has happened three times in a week. If I try to make or answer a call the Speaker button illuminates and I can't hear anything nor can anyone on the other end.
I have an Otter Box case with the hard case inside the protective rubber. I took it to Verizon and they cleaned it good a week ago. They also showed me the way to delete the background things that are running.
Today I checked the volume setting to ensure it didn't say Earphones or whatever it says. It just says Ringer. I have to do the bigger reboot (both buttons) to make it work again.
I've been having issues with email in my Hotmail account taking a long time to make it to the mailbox my iPhone and MBP. Sending works fine. But, emails don't appear until much later. It used to be instantaneous.
I have the iPhone 4 and was doing face time and also calling a land line.When using face time or using the speaker phone on land line calls, the person on the other end is not able to hear me.When using the phone in regular mode others have no problem hearing me (non-speaker phone).
Iphone 4 sound issue.On my iphone, after the upgrade to 5.1.1, the sound will only work through the phone speaker when it is ringing. All application sounds and notification sounds will not work through the iphone speaker.When a speaker or headphone is plugged in, all of the sounds will work.
My Normal Microphone is working fine on normal calls but when using speaker phone. Also when using APPS like Fring or Viber. Microphone doesn't work have to use headset.
I just got my iphone 6 plus (ios 8.0.2) yesterday and start to charge on 11pm until the next day morning 7am. But i found that the battery was 100% but never go to fully charged. Then i just leave it there for another 2 more hours to charge. But the result remain the same (battery 100% with the little lightning bolt symbol beside it). May i know is it some hardware problem or anything else i need to do to make it 100% fully charged? I've off the wifi as well as the cellular too.Â
I just got my iphone 6 plus (ios 8.0.2) yesterday and start to charge on 11pm until the next day morning 7am. But i found that the battery was 100% but never go to fully charged. Then i just leave it there for another 2 more hours to charge. But the result remain the same (battery 100% with the little lightning bolt symbol beside it). May i know is it some hardware problem or anything else i need to do to make it 100% fully charged?
I am interested in getting a navigation app, specifically the navigon app but my concern is that i will not be able to hear the voice prompts for the turn by turn if it is just coming out of the iphone speaker. do they have a cradle out for the navigon app? if so does it have built in speaker that would make the voice prompts audible?
Occasionally the person on the other end of the line can't hear me - unless I can turn the speaker phone on in time. I have tried rebooting. My software is up to date. And I have tried with bluetooth off. It still happens sometimes - but not all the time.
I tried to reset setting due to my phone speaker are not functioning except if i plug in earphone.after i key in my phone code,it promp a request for restriction code which i totally cant recall.
My iPhone 6 Plus is less than a 2 weeks old but since day one its speaker sounds distorted.  The ringer or alerts or even the new email alert have a popping or clangy sound to them. Is this a software issue or hardware? My phone is uptodate and Ive tried hard reboots to try to alleviate the problem but it didn't fix the problem. Should I try to restore it?Â
Ok So i'm going to try and explain this and see if you guys can help me. When i'm on a phone call it automatically brings up the dial pad instead of going to the standard options like speaker phone and mute and all that. i often switch to speaker phone when on a phone call and i have to click twice when i could just click speaker phone.its just annoying i was wondering if there is a way to switch it to default to the speaker phone screen?
This afternoon my speaker on my phone stopped working. I can not hear it ringing when someone call, but if I see someone calling and I answer the call they can hear me and I can hear them fine. I also can't not put the caller on speaker at all , I also can't hear my music or gaming apps. When I turn my phone on or off it does not make a sound as well. I have turned the phone off and turned it off by pressing the top button and home button at the same time and that did not work. I checked the volume and the mute button and the volume is up all the way.
It was fine, but the issue suddenly appears yesterday, when I drag the menu screen upward, it can't hit the top but leave a blue bar on top of the screen.
I got a Blackberry Torch 9800 yesterday and I cannot get my personal email set up... It says 'Connection Error'Or facebook... It says 'Cannot reach the facebook server' whenever I try to sign in...I have a signal and UMA and my personal wi-fi is set up for the internet, but it just wont connect to either of these...
I've tried and tried, but I can only scroll down to the 20th or so message in my inbox, then the view automatically goes back to the top (first message). According to the phone, the view is being updated.
So my question is, how can I view the messages at the bottom of my inbox?? I've never used a touch screen before, so I was also wondering whether there is a quick way to get to the bottom of a long list.
I upgraded Facebook on my Tour, and now I can't log in to Facebook on my phone.
After the upgrade, I clicked my Facebook App and enter my email and password, and after clicking "login" I receive the message "We are unable to connect to the Facebook server at this time (0)".
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the App, and taken out an replaced the battery but it still won't work.
I successfully managed to setup my Vista laptop with my BlackBerry device to be able to surf the internet with it. What would I have to do to browse an internal webserver via the MDS connection? I do not mean via the internet because this intranetserver is not reachable from the internet.
I really need my Google Now functions and reminders as they save me a lot of problems in my life. Constantly I have the problem that Device cannot reach Google and reminders cannot be saved! It doesn't matter if I am on Wifi or data.