Ive had my Desire HD for around 5 months now and from day 1 I've noticed that the wifi reception of the handset is terrible, I literally have to be within 5 metres of my router in order to get a signal, if I move to another room the signal drops to 1 bar pretty much straight away and then once I begin browsing drops completely and reverts to 3g. As I say this has been pretty much from day 1 and since then the handset has been treated with great care so are these phones that bad for signal?
My new Iphone 4S has very poor reception. Updated software as per apple's support team suggestion, tried different SIM & service providers but signals are 50% compared to my Nokia / samsung handsets. Apple service centre & support team refuses repair/replacement in India since phone was bought from US. Really shocked by this since APPLE warranty should be worldwide & since it is a manufacturing problem in such a high end phone it should be replaced at the nearest service centre in India.
I just got my unlocked iPhone 4. However, the reception is much worse compared to iPhone 3GS and 3G in the same place with same SIM-cards on two different carriers. iPhone 4 bars are always 3-5 smaller. Also, very often it is impossible to get service.I don't think this has anything to do with this widely known problem of touching iPhone since the problem is there even when I don't touch the iPhone. I have tried to restore the software and reset settings. Is there anything I could still try? Is it time to call Apple?
i was facing some problems with the network Reception of the phone. i tried to contact the nearest BB service centre but they refused to repair it, reason being the phone is from England(UK) and not INDIA instead ( p.s.i got this phone as a gift from a friend of mine who resides in England). Now, i fail to understand, why the service centre people are not taking my phone and if at all somebody has a phone from some other country how is he going to get it repaired.
Upgraded to 5.1 firmware recently on my iphone4 connected to three network. Had message regarding 'upgrade carrier setting'. Since then network reception very poor. 1 or 2 bars at most and other times 'no signal'. Interestingly wife's iPhone4 on same network but firmware 5.0.1 showing 4-5 bars when phones next to each other? firmware 5.1 issue. Anyone else have similar issues? Tried removing sim, reboot but still same problem. Not sure how to get new carrier settings. Reset network on iphone but no luck.
I only live 1 1/2 miles from an AT&T tower and the reception I get with my Iphone is horrible, dropped calls and the signal is 1 to 2 bars. I would like to hear from someone that is using an Atrix HD phone that is at least 1 1/2 miles from a tower and find what kind of reception you are getting before I spend $450.00 to purchase this phone and find that I am know better than with the Iphone.
Over the past two weeks I've tried three different Atrix phones and two different SIM cards, but I still have poor reception, especially indoors. The current signal strength readings are: -113 dB, ecno: -18, rat: 3g. At the AT&T store, which is right next to a cell tower, their demo Atrix has -52 dB signal, while mine varies between -62 dB and -88 dB. They tell me not to worry about the signal strength unless I'm dropping calls, but conversations are often unintelligible even though they're not dropped.
I have a Bionic, stock .905 software. Among other things, I make extensive use of the GPS, which until recently was excellent - even post-905 it was extremely accurate, locked almost instantly, etc.Since approximately the leap second (correlation does not not necessarily imply causation, but it's not a bad first guess), GPS has been problematic - much slower locks, longer to get an accurate fix, and fewer satellites (GPS Status often shows 3 or 4 locked, when before it would show at least 8 or 9 locked)When using navigation, it used to lock within a few seconds. Now I'm often driving a mile or two before I have a lock, but once I have a lock, it's working fine. I've tried clearing the cache, re-seating the SIM, multiple power-off and power-on cycles, and verifying that I have the absolute latest AGPS data. I could try a warranty replacement, but there's no point if this is a known issue, especially given the hit-or-miss nature of Verizon's refurbished phones.
My wife updated from a RAZR at the same time I uptated from a 4-5 year old Moto V70. Two new Droid X2's. When camping where we've always camped without any phone issues, on two seperate occasions, she was unable to complete a call to me. On one, the phone rang, I answered, she could hear me but I couldn't hear her so I hung up.
It has very poor signal reception among all phone I've ever used. I can never get full bar for wcdma, even in gsm only, the signal bar could drop to zero. Do not say it's a simcard or network provider problem because I had try everything like put my sim card in other phone, try another simc ard in my phone. I even make a comparison with xperia play and the xplay does not have this problem. Today I'm updating my phone with the latest update from pc companion, it still did not solve the problem..
I have a desire hd which will tell me 10-15 times a day that I have no reception. To fix this I turn it onto airplane mode then back to normal. When I do this usually 10 out of the 15 times it tells me that I have no sim card installed and then I have to take out the sim and put it back in. This is a big drainer. It also switches itself off sometimes during phone calls or will drop reception in the middle of the call. I have been advised that I might need to reinstall the phone software and am wondering if anyone knows how I can go about doing this. The new update is not yet available for me and I can't use the phone the way that it is.
I owned my Desire S one week when I brought it back for repair with a very annoying problem. I noticed that the bottom of the touch frame is differs from the plane of the metal case. The different is ~1mm. I also noticed that there is a gap on the top of the frame under the frontal camera. When I put my DS on the charger the gap is more visible. I attached an image of this stuff. I'm waiting for your opinions.
I never had the issue with the 2G/3G/3GS, but once I got an iPhone 4 at launch and then the 4S, the issue has always been the same. It doesn't matter which network I connect to. Websites load incredibly slowly, apps download slowly, and it's impossible to stream anything or install an iOS update via wi-fi.
I connect to the same networks on my iPad 2 (as well as multiple laptops, both PCs and Macs) and it's always very, very fast.
The funny part to me is that the router is an AirPort Extreme, though I have the same issues with both Cisco and Netgear routers (haven't had any others to try).
The internet connection on my 1020 is extremely slow when WIFI is connected (every other device I own is fine and can easily clear 30 meg download, 5 meg up.) When I use search, the phone screen times out and shuts off before returning any results (times out after 1 minute). I have reset the phone this morning to start over but the problem remains. The speed is perfect using Data and WIFI off, but once WIFI is enabled, the internet comes to a near halt.
After weeks with the update I've noticed that my wifi reception seems to be pretty spotty. I know it's not my router because all my other devices have maintained the same performance as they always have. Most of the time I get half the signal I used to but sometimes I get no signal at all until I restart.
I recently moved to a basement apartment and have trouble with reception - too much concrete i guess. Anyone know a way of boosting reception on a Blackberry Bold to get better reception quality in such a situation?
Since i got my Z2 phone i've been having troubles with WiFi signal, but it doesn't matter to me... Last week I got a bluetooth gadget for my device and I am having issues with the bluetooth signal too, if something is obstructing between the router or bluetooth gadget and my cell phone, it present a huge loss of signal.I tested with my old phone (Xperia ION) and works great, so there's a trouble with the bluetooth / wifi receptor of my device... ¿How could I fix it? My warranty has expired, maybe an update? I'm running with 5.0.2 android version
I've had my Electrify for two days now and have noticed less that stellar wifi performance, compared to the 3 other smartphones that I have had previously. I noticed that the Photon has recently (last week) had an update to help wifi performance. When will this update be available for the Electrify?
So at first I thought that the Razr had a weak WiFi reception. So I decided to install a WiFi access point in my office, basically on my desk. I connected the Razr to it but yet, it still occasionally shows a low signal or drops the connection completely then reconnects, works for a bit then drops it again. I'm at a point where I had to turn WiFi off on my phone because it was draining my battery so fast from flipping between the Cellular network and WiFi network way to often. I also have a Glaxy Tab 7.0 Plus connected to the same access point and it never drops a connection and it shows 100% strong on the signal.
I bought an Xperia Ray last Saturday because my HTC Salsa was struggling to connect and stay connected to my home wifi and also had internal memory problems (not enough internal memory)..Now I'm having different wifi problems with the Ray.It connects but the connection is very slow although nothing else is accessing the wifi and when my husband connects with his Samsung Galaxy it is fine and very fast. Every time the screen light goes out (set to every 10 mins at the moment) it seems to drop the wifi connection and when I "wake " it again it has just the mobile connection but starts to connect again straight away, unfortunately this is not fast.
Went through the Over Air update process yesterday, now WIFI drops all the time and the battery performance is so poor the phone will not last a day!Can I put back the old SW or get this fixed some how? (edit a config fiel or something.......?)
I know there are multiple threads out there discussing this and I looked at most of them but this is different. My 9700 has gotten great battery life since day one, but this weekend I went out to the desert and didn't use my phone much because I only had EDGE but it was dropping in and out constantly, I had a full charge on Thursday morning and when I got home Saturday afternoon I had 20% which is pretty damn good I'm not complaining about that. When I got home I charged it fully and then on the middle of the day on Sunday my batter was almost dead. Same thing Monday and same thing today. I fully charged it yesterday afternoon and this morning it was at 25% and I hardly used my phone yesterday. SOMETHING has happened to my battery life, I'm running 5.0.0593 which hasn't ever gotten me fantastic battery life but its been okay but now its just shot.
I haven't changed anything on my BB for this to happen so I'm posting here for ideas of what could be causing this, I've looked at programs running closed everything I can and do not have WIFI or bluetooth on and Have constant good 3G reception.
I need help getting cell tower reception on my phone. Using China Unicom as Network Carrier. I am located in Guangzhou China (a major metropolis). The problem is not with the SIM Card itself because it has been tested and placed in other phones & it works well. Reception Bars fluctuate between 0-2 bars at most, both in and outdoors.Have noticed these problems since upgrading the phone to IOS 5.0 & now also on 5.1.1. No problem with Wi-Fi Networks. I have also tried Resetting the Network & taking out the SIM Card and putting it back in, but this has not helped.
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.1.1, Model MC637ZA Serial 83028W5VEDG